Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 427: It must be calculated clearly (second update!)

 The audition for "Burning Fire" was in full swing, and many people came to inquire about Lu Yanhe.

  After all, Lu Yanhe is currently the only actor confirmed to star in this movie. In everyone's eyes, Lu Yanhe should know some news.

 But Lu Yanhe really didn’t know any news. In this drama, he is only an actor, not a screenwriter, and has not been invited to participate in more productions, so he is not well informed.

As for how Longyan Pictures selects people, I don’t know.

The only thing Lu Yanhe knows right now is that "Burning" is going to be directed by director Wan Hai.

He is a top commercial blockbuster director in China. In his career, he has never directed a low-budget film. They are all commercial blockbusters, from gun battles to police and gangsters, from martial arts to action, from fantasy to war. He has rich experience and has filmed ten movies. Multiple movies.

Wan Hai started working with Longyan Pictures about eight years ago. At that time, he helped Longyan Pictures make a costume fantasy film "Falling the Demons", which grossed 1.2 billion at the box office. Although the reputation was a bit polarizing, the picture was unanimously praised. After that, he filmed "Falling the Demons" again. The second part still earned nearly 1.1 billion at the box office. After that, Wan Hai's third film with Longyan Pictures was an action war film called "Crossing the Valley of the Fallen Eagle", making it the first time for a domestic action-themed film with a war background to earn more than 2 billion. ’s box office, raking in 2.2 billion in box office, becoming the third highest-grossing movie of the year.

It can be said that the name of director Wan Hai, if nothing else, at least guarantees the box office.

His relationship with Longyan Pictures has also been maintained very well. It is not surprising that he will direct "Fire" this time.

 After all, the investment in "Fire" is so huge, and it was originally intended to be a series, so it must be reliable to find a director who can handle it.

  What’s a pity is that Lu Yanhe has never met director Wan Hai. Wan Hai is not the kind of director who would appear at award ceremonies, and his films have never been selected for mainstream domestic awards. As for other activities, Lu Yanhe attended less.

 After learning that the director was Wan Hai, Lu Yanhe specially found the movies he had made before and watched them one by one. For a film director, any evaluation from outsiders is indirect. Only by seeing his works with your own eyes can you personally feel his charm as a director.

 After watching seven or eight of Wan Hai's films, Lu Yanhe discovered that the director's style was very similar to that of a director named Wu Ershan whom he knew before time travel. They both had a very grand and strong visual style. No matter what the subject matter is, his movie vision actually has a comic-like rendering.

His narrative rhythm is indeed not humanistic, introverted, very commercial, fast, progressive, interlocking, and very story-telling. Combined with his strong visual effects, people can't take their eyes off it.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but get excited. Although it is a commercial movie, it is not cliche or popcorn at all. It has a very strong personal style and cannot be replaced.

 After reading it, he immediately called Shang Yongzhou.

 “Senior brother.”

 “Huh?” Shang Yongzhou was quite surprised when he received his call and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Yanhe asked: "Brother, have you decided whether to act in "Burning"?"

 “I…I’m still thinking.” Shang Yongzhou said.

“Senior brother, have you seen “Subduing the Demons” directed by Wan Hai?

  ""Demons"? I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it."

“Go and watch it. If you still can’t decide on your idea after watching this movie, then it’s hard to find anything else that can help you decide on your idea of ​​starring in “Fire”,” said Lu Yanhe.

Shang Yongzhou was confused. He obviously didn't understand why Lu Yanhe suddenly called and said such things.

However, Shang Yongzhou still listened to Lu Yanhe and went to find and watch both movies in the "Demons" series.

 That evening, Shang Yongzhou sat in the video room of his home. After watching the two movies in the "Demons" series, he pondered for half an hour and watched them again from beginning to end.


On March 21, "Burning" announced that Shang Yongzhou has joined the cast to star in "Burning".

This news made the movie "Fire" a hot search along with Shang Yongzhou.

 Some media reported that after cooperating on "Road to Glory", Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe worked together again on "Burning Fire".

This news made the audition, which was already tense and intense, draw even more attention.

 The results of the first round of auditions have come out, and many people have received notices of the second round of auditions.

 Including Huaiqian.

In fact, Huaiqian has basically been locked by Longyan Pictures to play one of the roles. However, in order to further confirm his suitability, Longyan Pictures notified him and asked him to participate in the second round of auditions.

  In the second round of auditions, I went directly to the makeup test.

Both Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe received invitations from Longyan Pictures to watch this round of auditions, especially for a character with a heavy role and a lot of opposite roles with them. Mrs. Huang and the others also wanted to hear what Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe had to say. Opinion.

 Not only the two of them, Liu Bige was also invited by Mrs. Huang and the others.

 Many people came to watch this second round of auditions and watch the movie.

Lu Yanhe only brought Zou Dong and Wang Biao over.

As a result, there were several actors who came to audition. Their teams were seven or eight people, occupying a place in the waiting room. They even brought makeup artists to touch up their makeup at any time.

Lu Yanhe came to the audition room and said hello to Mrs. Huang and others.

As soon as Huang Tai saw Lu Yanhe, he greeted him warmly and said, "Yanhe, the film critics forum your girlfriend created is great. When can we invite all of them to China to open an offline forum?" , let us also communicate with them on the spot?”

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "Okay, I'll go back and ask Siqi to see if we can invite them over? In fact, we should indeed hold and organize more exchange activities like this, so that they can have an impact in the critical circles. We want more people to see our Chinese movies and understand our Chinese movies.”

"Yes, they didn't pay attention to our movies at all in the past. I didn't expect that your "Jump Up" could establish such a familiar relationship with them." Mrs. Huang said, "These film critics are usually very arrogant. We want to invite They put in a few nice words for our movie and no one paid any attention to you.”

Lu Yanhe was speechless for a moment, thought for a while, and said: "They all have their own evaluation standards, and they will definitely not give up their own standards and praise our movies just because of favors. Their European and American film circles don't play like that. We Nowadays, at the premiere, all the people present are relatives and friends, and they all talk about worldly things and praises, but their film critics are not like us in China. "

Mrs. Huang immediately said: "Everything at home and abroad is the same. It used to be said that things are made in Japan, with craftsmanship and high quality standards. Now, aren't they cutting corners?"

Lu Yanhe felt like he was talking a little bit like a chicken.

It felt like Mrs. Huang didn’t understand what he was talking about at all.

 Or, she is simply not willing to accept this.

"Mrs. Huang, it's true. You're right. I can't guarantee that all film critics are like them, but at least the few film critics we invited are the reason why they are so successful in the criticism circle. Their reputation and current status show that their previous film reviews and words can still be recognized and respected. "

 Lu Yanhe does not want to have a dispute with Mrs. Huang about film critics here.

If it weren’t for the fact that there were so many people in the audition room here and Mrs. Huang brought up this topic so blatantly, Lu Yanhe wouldn’t even deny her words face to face.

Lu Yanhe just didn’t want to leave any trouble for himself.

Therefore, after saying this, Lu Yanhe immediately changed the subject and smiled at Mrs. Huang and said, "Mrs. Huang must be very busy recently, right? I heard that most of the actors in the entertainment industry came to audition for the movie "Fire". "

  When this topic was brought up, Mrs. Huang’s face burst into a bright smile again.

"That's true." Huang Tai nodded, "The movie "Fire" has received huge attention, and everyone can see what achievements this project will achieve in the future."

Lu Yanhe smiled slightly, and the topic was successfully changed, so he said no more. He saw Shang Yongzhou sitting alone in the corner, so he smiled and said hello to the others, walked over and sat down next to Shang Yongzhou.

 “Senior brother.” Lu Yanhe called him.

Shang Yongzhou nodded to him and asked, "Yongshan Hesan hasn't said anything to bother you recently, has he?"

“Not yet, but I don’t know if he will continue to go crazy in the future.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile.

 Shang Yongzhou nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Have you finished filming the two movies "Rouge Button" and "People on the Road"?"

 “Yes, we’ve finished filming.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

"When is it going to be released? If there is a premiere then, remember to send me an invitation." He said, "I'd love to see what the script you wrote looks like when it's filmed."

"Okay." Shang Yongzhou took the initiative to come to support him, and Lu Yanhe was certainly happy.

 Shang Yongzhou added: "However, it is a pity that these two films cannot make it to this year's Hollywood Film Festival."

 “Hmm? Why?”

 Shang Yongzhou said: “This year’s Netherlands Film Festival invited me to be the image ambassador.”

 Many film festivals will invite a filmmaker who has status and influence in the film festival and can represent the standards of the film festival as an image ambassador in each session.

 Shang Yongzhou was able to receive such an invitation when he was in his early thirties, which is enough to illustrate his achievements in films over the past few years.

It is true that Shang Yongzhou is the most representative Chinese actor of his age and one of the most well-known Chinese actors in the world.

Lu Yanhe's eyes widened in surprise.

“Oh—” Lu Yanhe lowered his voice and exclaimed, “This news hasn’t been announced yet, right?”

“Well, not yet, it will be announced soon.” Shang Yongzhou said, “The annual Jose Film Festival is held in May.”

As the most popular among the four major international film festivals, it is also the only film festival that selects awards through 100 film critics and 200 audience votes every year. Although its artistry has always been known as one of the four major film festivals, The weakest one in the section usually has the greatest influence and spread.

Shang Yongzhou said: "If these two films can be exhibited at the Jose Film Festival, this will be a good, arguably the most top-notch promotional window."

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said to Shang Yongzhou: "It's not necessarily impossible to catch up. It depends on the editing situation of the movie. If it really can't catch up, it can't be released there. It's okay to go there to promote it. You can go there to sell the film."

 Shang Yongzhou smiled and nodded, "Yes."

The two of them were chatting, and after a while, the second round of auditions began.


 The story "Burning" actually feels a bit like the Revenge of the Prince version of Harry Potter to Lu Yanhe.

 A man with a blood feud came to a magic academy and became a tutor at the academy. His enemy is the dean of this college, and Li Wushang, played by Lu Yanhe, is the adopted son of this dean. Li Wushang was also a student at the Academy of Arts. He accidentally discovered that the new instructor Wei Yang was secretly investigating his father, so he also launched an investigation into Wei Yang.

 A standard story mode of confrontation first and cooperation later.

 Because it is a series of movies, the world view of the entire movie has actually been established. And why should every role be chosen so carefully? It is very possible that a character with only two lines in the first film will become a crucial role later on.

Of course, at this time, no one knows what will happen next. All I can say is that you must be cautious and prudent.

 Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou do not serve as interviewers. They just sit back and watch. However, Lu Yanhe did not expect that he would meet so many acquaintances for the audition.

 Among the actresses, even Meng Li and Xiao Yun came to audition.

The more Lu Yanhe looked at it, the bigger his head felt. Because it’s really hard to choose, there are so many excellent actors with good acting skills, it’s like a fight between gods.

It can be said that this is the highest quality audition Lu Yanhe has ever seen.

Only a blockbuster of the level of "Fire" can summon so many already famous actors for live auditions.    Including Li Yuefeng.

During the break, Lu Yanhe whispered to Shang Yongzhou: "I originally thought it would be difficult for already-famous actors to audition in our country."

Shang Yongzhou said: ""Fire" is still different. For a blockbuster with a box office target of more than one billion, the added value it brings to the actors is so great that no one will be tempted."

Lu Yanhe doesn't know whether "Burn Fire" can be made into a classic fantasy blockbuster, but he has experienced "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings", "Twilight", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and the Marvel Universe. The time traveler who has been baptized by a series of blockbusters knows very well the meaning of a successful movie series to an actor.

Just like "Mission: Impossible" is to Tom Cruise, it can be said that the height of his career is completely bound to this movie series.

Lu Yanhe doesn’t know what kind of blessing “Burning Fire” will bring to him, including Shang Yongzhou. They want fame and money, but they are still different. The difference is, as an actor, do you have a role that almost everyone has seen, knows, and is deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone?

In short, as an actor, is there a role that enters the common memory of all mankind? This statement is a bit exaggerated and a bit big, but it actually means this. This means that if there is such a character, it actually unifies the whole world's memory of you, and the collection of this memory has a much greater influence than the collection of characters in fifty or sixty film and television dramas combined.

 This is why Chen Ziyan must let Lu Yanhe star in a blockbuster movie as soon as possible.


 The movie "Fire" has more than a hundred named characters.

 And "Burn Fire" has a very new gameplay.

 After the second round of auditions, they announced a list of actors:

We welcome five actors including Bao Zhenzhen, Huaiqian, Xiao Yun, Lang Xia and Li Yuefeng to join the film series "Burning"!

 It is not announced all at once, but in rounds.

  The announcement of this round of cast lists has aroused heated discussions.

 There have been many actors who have been photographed entering and exiting the audition set of "Fire" before.

 At this time, because they did not appear on this list, many people began to ask:

—Did the XXX audition get canceled?

— Yin Xincheng, who starred in two seasons of "Six People" and became a celebrity, was dismissed?


These actors who are suspected of being eliminated have also become a hot topic.

 The buzz generated by "Fire" is almost the highest ever generated by a movie in the past five years. At this time, it hasn't even started filming yet and is still in the preparation stage.

Lu Yanhe has finally seen how much attention a real blockbuster has.

 No wonder so many actors are eager to play the role.

 In terms of selecting actors, Mrs. Huang did listen to the opinions of Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe.

 Almost every actor she casts will ask them what they think of their play.

 Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe did not regard themselves as evil people. They basically said that they were very good and quite suitable.

 Including Lang Xia, Lu Yanhe did not deny him. The main reason is that even if he denies it, Mrs. Huang may not listen to him.

After several contacts with Mrs. Huang, Lu Yanhe has a vague feeling that he and Mrs. Huang are not the same people. In the future, it is better to have less contact and just maintain a working relationship.

Just like Zhong Benshuo with Maxine, if there is no possibility of personal friendship in the future, it is enough to maintain a good working relationship.


At the beginning of April, "Fire" announced the third batch of cast members. Among this list, there was one person who did not appear on the audition set, Huang Kairen.

When Huang Kairen's name appeared, everyone had only one feeling. Is Longyan Pictures planning to put all the most popular actors in the country into this movie?

Lu Yanhe was also surprised.

 Because before this list came out, he had no idea that Huang Kairen would also join.

 He immediately called Huang Kairen.

 As a result, I made two calls and both showed that I was on a call.

 It is estimated that many people are calling him at this time.

About ten minutes later, Huang Kairen called him back.

  "Do you also want to ask me about the movie "Fire"?"

"That's right." Lu Yanhe said, "I just saw the list they released and said you would also join. Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Because the matter itself was only finalized this morning, they have a role for me to guest star in, just two scenes." Huang Kairen said, "I didn't expect that they would put me on the franchise list with such great efforts. "

Lu Yanhe: "Hahaha, that's it. Of course, as long as you are willing to join, any movie will make great efforts to spread the news about your joining."

Huang Kairen: "However, since this movie has attracted so much attention, I can make a cameo and show my face. Maybe my character will play an important role in the sequel."

"Huh? What role are you playing?" Lu Yanhe asked.

"There were only two scenes. In the first scene, I questioned the new college rules proposed by the dean. In the second scene, I was expelled from the college by the dean." Huang Kairen said, "It was Mrs. Huang who told me, My role may have a big role later on, but it hasn’t been completely determined yet. The dean is a big villain, right?”

"Well, it's like this in the script I got." Lu Yanhe said, "Looking at the setting of your character, I feel that you will continue to appear in the future. Otherwise, what will these two scenes be used to express? Do you have the setting of this big villain?”

Huang Kairen hummed, "Maybe it's the function. Anyway, according to my feelings after reading the script, the last two scenes where I appeared in the movie, the total scenes of my appearance were only thirty or forty seconds. That’s all.”

Lu Yanhe said: "Brother Huang, even if you only have thirty or forty seconds of screen time, I believe you will make these thirty or forty seconds of footage riveting to the audience."

Huang Kairen laughed.

“Of course, it’s just a few shots. If you don’t think about it carefully and make it more impressive, it won’t be in vain.”

 Lu Yanhe asked: "Brother Huang, what are you doing now? Are you in the group?"

"How could you be in the group? I just finished filming "Rouge Button" and people haven't come back to their senses yet. They are resting." Huang Kairen said, "I will record an issue of "China in Culture" later. ”

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was stunned, "What does this program have to do with you? What are you recording?"

Isn’t this program just inviting scholars to give lectures?

Huang Kairen said: "Zixing added a new format to this program. In each episode, she found a short story from the content of the episode and arranged it into a stage performance. For about ten minutes, the actors are invited to perform as a way of interpretation, and it is placed at the end of the program. After the lecturer finishes speaking, he will sit in the audience with all the audience and watch such a stage performance. . Then I can’t help it. If she calls me, I’ll be asked to go in the first issue.”

Huang Kairen’s words shocked Lu Yanhe.

This kind of shock is something that others simply cannot understand.

 Because such a format is actually very similar to a program, "China in Classics". Originally, Lu Yanhe planned to wait for "China in Culture" to be produced before coming up with such an idea to create a new program. Unexpectedly, Xin Zixing had already thought of it on his own.

Sure enough, these are just two different worlds, but even if they are different worlds, coming from the same culture and historical heritage, as long as they have a little introduction, capable people can come up with a lot of things without having to carry them by hand. .

It can be said that from the time Xin Zixing proposed the program format of "China in Culture" to the proposal to add the actors' stage performances to this program, it was all her own thoughts and creativity. Lu Yanhe never exchanged his thoughts on this with her.

Lu Yanhe felt really incredible.

 He should not have the arrogance of a time traveler.

This world will not wait for you to take things out of the treasure house bit by bit.

While you are still hiding something as a treasure, someone in this world has already created similar treasures.

 But, on the other hand, Lu Yanhe was sincerely happy that Xin Zixing could think of this.

“Sister Zi Xing is really amazing.” Lu Yanhe said, “This show will definitely become popular.”

Huang Kairen said: "She has been busy day and night for this program during this period. I was finally able to take a rest, but she became busy again, alas."

 “Then what should you do? Brother Huang?”

"What else can I do? I'll be her assistant." Huang Kairen was helpless. "Now everyone knows that the two of us are together, and she doesn't have to hide it. I am a free labor force, so of course she is If you don’t use it, it won’t work.”

Lu Yanhe laughed even louder.

 Huang Kairen complained: "You don't need to laugh so loudly."

 Lu Yanhe: "Isn't this great? I'm not laughing at you, absolutely not."

Huang Kairen gritted his teeth: "Okay, just wait, I will never laugh at you in the future, absolutely not!"

Lu Yanhe hung up the phone, the smile on his face not disappearing for a long time.


“Dear, Yan He really can’t be paid such a high salary.”

Mrs. Huang looked at Chen Ziyan helplessly and said: "You have also seen that our movie uses an all-star cast and the cost is too high. But we only have a budget of 500 million. If we need to give Lu Yanhe such a high salary , our production budget will be reduced in other aspects.”

Chen Ziyan said: "Mrs. Huang, I believe you must know that the conditions I proposed are not excessive compared to the current market situation of Yanhe."

Mrs. Huang: "Of course, of course, but, Ziyan, you and I are old acquaintances, and you also know who I am. If it weren't for the fact that the situation really doesn't allow it, how could I care so much about such a small thing? "

 Chen Ziyan said: "A top commercial blockbuster can only give Yan He a salary of 8 million in the end. To be honest, if such a number is signed and spread, we Yan He will become a joke in the entire entertainment industry."

Mrs. Huang said: "Yan He took the initiative to lower his salary in order to support a sincere film. How can it be a joke? This is a good reputation."

"Then all the actors should be demoted together. This is the reputation." Chen Ziyan looked at Huang Tai unmoved, "Shang Yongzhou can get 20 million yuan in salary plus 5% of the box office revenue share, but Yan He can only Taking a salary of 8 million plus 20% of the role-derived income share, I think this is a condition that no agent will sign for Lu Yanhe. "

When Chen Ziyan said these numbers, Mrs. Huang's expression that she had always been sure of winning finally changed.

"After all, Yan He has never starred in a commercial film. His ability to carry the box office of commercial films has never been verified. We also need to explain to shareholders." Huang Tai said in a different way, "Moreover, this number is for the first time starring in a commercial film. For him, it’s not a number that makes people laugh when he says it, right?”

"Not to mention the drama series, although Yan He was a guest star in "Three Mountains", the early publicity of the movie and the most popular topics during the release were all borne by Yan He. In the end, the cost of more than 10 million was spent on two releases. The total box office is over 100 million. As you know better, "Late Spring" is a literary film used by Longyan Pictures for director Liu Bige to practice. From the director to the actors to other creative staff, the only star is Yan He, and the only publicity point is Yan He. River, the cost is about 10 million, and the total box office is more than 600 million. "

Chen Ziyan explained each number clearly word for word.

“It is true that Yan He has never acted in a commercial blockbuster, but if we say that he does not have the ability to handle the box office and has not been verified by the market, I think, Mrs. Huang, if we say this, other film companies will probably laugh at us.”

Chen Ziyan smiled slightly, "A salary of eight million? Now with a salary of less than ten million, Yan He is looking for films. Apart from literary films, there are very few. Even if it is a comedy that Yan He has never acted in, he can be generous. Maybe it's because the current cast of "Fire" is luxurious enough, and there is no need for Yan He to play the second male lead. Anyway, we only signed a contract of intention. If Mrs. Huang has a change of heart. , we can exit.”

Mrs. Huang was silent for a few seconds and then smiled.

"Zi Yan, from the situation in the industry, everyone can see that "Fire" will be a highly anticipated blockbuster. How much additional additional income can such a movie bring to Yan He? Endorsements, business, popularity, Popularity, explicit and implicit, he can completely make up for this loss in salary through other aspects, why should we worry about this number here? "

"If Yan He wanted to make money, with his influence and popularity, why would he come to play the second male lead in "Burning Fire"?" Chen Ziyan smiled softly, "Mrs. Huang, it's not about how much or how little the salary is, really. I don’t care about the absolute number. As I said, there are too many film companies throwing money at Yan He, not to mention the nearly 30 endorsement invitations we turned down this year. From now on, we can earn from endorsement fees. 100 million.”

 Mrs. Huang’s expression finally became unbearable and turned ugly.

 Chen Ziyan was unmoved.

"This is Yan He as an actor. He should get his own number. When talking about numbers, don't mix in other factors and count everything." Chen Ziyan said, "When we first acted in "Late Spring", we Have we talked about the remuneration? I agreed without any hesitation. Why do we have to argue about the remuneration of "Fire"? This is not something we should be careful about. "


A total of nearly 16,000 words have been updated today. Is it worthy of your monthly vote and encouragement? (End of chapter)

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