Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 428: The movement is a bit big (12,000 words updated!)

Lu Yanhe's remuneration negotiations started earliest, but after many people's remunerations had been negotiated, his part was still not negotiated.

 Chen Ziyan is not in a hurry. Since she dared to offer such a price, of course it was because Lu Yanhe was worth it.

If Mrs. Huang pretends to be stupid and insists on refusing to give, then even if Lu Yanhe withdraws from the movie "Fire", it will not have much impact on Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe just needs a commercial blockbuster, which does not necessarily mean he needs "Burning".

 Negotiations have reached an impasse.

Chen Ziyan told Lu Yanhe the relevant situation. After hearing this, Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Okay, Sister Ziyan, just do what you said. I don't know if I'm being narrow-minded, but in my opinion, they don't Just because everyone in the industry responded more enthusiastically to the movie "Fire" than expected, do you want to lower our price? You think they are a good movie, so the initiative is in their hands. I definitely want to act in this movie, and I will definitely compromise and give in."

 Chen Ziyan nodded and said, "I have the same idea as you."

Lu Yanhe: "In the end, if it really doesn't work out, we won't be performing anymore and we can just quit. We didn't even sign a formal contract."

“Well, but they have already sent out the news that we are going to star in this movie. When the time comes to withdraw, there will probably be some controversy.”

"It's okay." Lu Yanhe said, "Controversy is just controversy. Anyway, the controversy in me has never stopped."

Chen Ziyan smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said: "You can't say that. Of course, there can be fewer disputes. If you have more debts, you don't have to worry. In the end, you are still deceiving yourself. You are not a scoundrel. Otherwise, you still need a little bit." Solve and face it?”

Lu Yanhe also laughed.


Mrs. Huang originally thought that as long as she didn't relent and had a firm attitude, Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan would definitely give in.

In fact, Lu Yanhe has only acted in two movies so far, and he has only starred in one. In this case, they can give him a direct salary of 8 million, which is not low. He is not the leading actor, and he also has additional The derived revenue from the role is divided into 10%.

Who would have known that Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan were sitting on their laurels without any intention of commemorating the movie "Fire" and never communicated with each other again.

This made Mrs. Huang feel a little guilty.

Is this movie so unattractive to Lu Yanhe?

Several actors came to the film, including some popular first-line actors, who took the initiative to express their willingness to reduce their salary to play a good role in it. For example, Huang Kairen came to guest star in two scenes and only received 200,000 yuan. Why can everyone else reduce their pay, but Lu Yanhe can't?

 Mrs. Huang thought about it over and over again, and she came to the conclusion that it was because Shang Yongzhou received a salary of 20 million yuan that made Chen Ziyan unhappy. But why should Lu Yanhe compare with Shang Yongzhou? What is Shang Yongzhou's status and where is he? Moreover, Shang Yongzhou plays the core protagonist and main perspective of this movie. Isn't it reasonable for him to get such a salary?

If Lu Yanhe plays such an important role, then it doesn’t matter if his salary is higher. But Lu Yanhe plays the second male lead.

Mrs. Huang thought about it for several days. In the final analysis, she was still unwilling to let Lu Yanhe go.

Of course she also knows that today, no one is more suitable than Lu Yanhe for the role she is talking about.

 From the perspective of image, acting skills, popularity and popularity, and the achievements of past works, Lu Yanhe is the most suitable.

At this time, the Jose Film Festival announced the new list of selected films.

Rouge Button, written by Lu Yanhe, entered the main competition.

"On the Road to Misfortune", written by Lu Yanhe, entered the screening section.

 One person and two films were shortlisted for the Jose Film Festival.


“Was the film finished so quickly? Why was it sent to the Jose Film Festival?”

"It's not finished." Wang Zhong sighed, "But after our own internal evaluation, the most suitable international film festival for "Rouge Button" is José. Apart from here, I don't like the judging styles of other film festivals. If a film like "Rouge" with a relatively low threshold for viewing and a strong sense of story does not catch up with this year, we will either have to give up participating in the film festival, or we will have to wait until this time next year. So, let's go ahead. I cut a first cut and sent it over, and for more than a month, I had to continue editing with my team.”

 Lu Yanhe understood.

 Ask Teacher Jia Long again, the situation is the same in "People on the Road".

“I just completed a preliminary version, and I’m very satisfied to be shortlisted for screening.” Jia Long said with a smile, “I hope I can make a satisfactory version in time for the premiere at the Jose Film Festival.”

When Lu Yanhe heard the two of them say this, he realized, okay, these two movies have not been edited at all.


At the press conference of the Jose Film Festival, when the list was announced, the media reporters at the scene enthusiastically raised their hands and asked questions.

 Among them are Japanese media reporters.

In addition to asking about the shortlisted films from their own country, the one they were most concerned about was naturally Lu Yanhe, who had had several rounds of trouble with Yong Shanhe San some time ago.

 When everyone at the scene confirmed that this Lu Yanhe was indeed the actor they knew, Lu Yanhe, everyone had expressions of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

 Lu Yanhe’s work as a screenwriter was only widely spread in China before. For the overseas public, Lu Yanhe's impression in their minds is mainly that of an actor. Those who know a little more about it know that Lu Yanhe is the screenwriter of "Six People". But as a screenwriter who writes a script, can the adapted movie be shortlisted for the Jose Film Festival? This really surprised many people.

When answering questions from the media, Wu Yang, the artistic director of the Jose Film Festival, explained: "We have officially confirmed with the film crew that it is indeed Lu Yanhe. The actor we know, Lu Yanhe, wrote about why he suddenly became a film screenwriter. Two movie scripts have been released, so I thought it would be better to wait until he arrives at the Jose Film Festival before everyone can ask him in person.”

 As a Singaporean Chinese, Wu Yang has only been the artistic director of the Jose Film Festival for five years. Compared with Wintour Robey at the Siltu Film Festival and Pica Rocchi at the Venice International Film Festival, his qualifications are too junior.

Wu Yang is also the first Asian artistic director since the inception of the Jose Film Festival.

Someone immediately raised their hands and asked: "We saw that this time there were two Chinese films shortlisted in the main competition section of the Hollywood Film Festival. Does this have anything to do with the fact that you, the director, are from China?"

Wu Yang immediately smiled and spread his hands and said: "First of all, I am a Singaporean Chinese. Although I maintain a very good relationship with Chinese film parties, I am not the only one who can be shortlisted for the main competition unit. We have a very large but professional film selection team. Secondly, the two Chinese films shortlisted for the main competition this time were unanimously recognized by our team. Do you think any of them is not worthy of inclusion? ?”

 Wang Zhong’s "Rouge Button", the director just won the Best Director Award at the West Turf Film Festival.

 Fu Zhu's "South of the Yangtze River" was directed by a great director who became famous internationally earlier than Wang Zhong.

 Judging from these two film directors, it really cannot be said that Wu Yang is seeking selfishness and deliberately opening a back door for Chinese-language films.


“Now that’s great, within two years, your works have been to all four major international film festivals.”

Chen Ziyan said to Lu Yanhe, “There is no other person in the country with such achievements as you.”

No matter how outstanding a director, actor or screenwriter is, there is no one like Lu Yanhe who has visited all four major film festivals within a year or two and had his works shortlisted.

 Lu Yanhe said: “Mainly because I take a lot of photos.”

"It's true that you film a lot. There are few people with a higher output than you." Chen Ziyan said, "However, that won't necessarily be the case in the future. You have started a trend in the industry of filming short dramas. Moreover, you may not have According to statistics, due to your success in "Three Mountains" and "Late Spring", there have been more art films approved this year, because many first-line stars are willing to star in art films with low investment. "

 Lu Yanhe was surprised.


Chen Ziyan: "When you succeed, others will want to copy your path to success. This is normal. Look at "The Gold Rush" that Yan Liang is filming, and "Moonlight Symphony" that Li Zhibai is filming, both of which only have a dozen or so episodes. There have never been so many short plays before. In the eyes of film and television companies and platforms, these short plays are not profitable. "

 “Are you making money now?”

"Of course you can make money, it's just that you don't make as much money from one drama as before, but for everyone, this is actually a good thing. A drama with 40, 50, or even 70 or 80 episodes can easily cost hundreds of millions. Go in, now they are all short plays, and the cost is only tens of millions, and the more high-quality ones are hundreds of millions, the risk is much smaller than before, and the cost of trial and error has also increased. "

 This is true.

"The first part of "Sixteenth Floor" was successful, so we will shoot the second one. "Seventeen Floors" was successful, and we will shoot the second one. It doesn't mean that we can't make it longer. In this way, everyone's risks will be reduced. Actors We can increase the salary as the second and third seasons are filmed, and the production pressure on the producers and the platform will be reduced a lot," Chen Ziyan said, "Everyone knew this before, but before there were successful cases, this was not possible. There is no way to change the trend. Ninety percent of people are operating according to the conventions of an environment. Only when people break this convention will new conventions emerge. "

Lu Yanhe nodded. He benefited from what Chen Ziyan said to him every time.

"I heard that Jiang Yuqian was involved in a literary film." Chen Ziyan told Lu Yanhe, "She is currently filming "Squid Game". I originally thought that she would take on another drama with a larger audience. , Unexpectedly, she started to toss again. "

 Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Sister Yuqian still wants to transform."

Chen Ziyan said: "Transformation is of course necessary, but one's fundamentals must still be stable. If one's fundamentals cannot be stabilized and one blindly pursues transformation, it is very likely that one will be ruined."

She laughed, "If I were Jiang Yuqian's agent, I would tell her clearly that her problem is not that she wants to transform, but that in order to transform, her production has been greatly reduced, and she has lost exposure and popularity. It's all thanks to her. Past works and support from fans are the problem. Look at how many dramas she has filmed and how many variety shows she has appeared in in the past two years. If she does not maintain exposure, she will not be popular. Is it going downhill?”

 Chen Ziyan’s words pointed out the problem of Jiang Yuqian’s current career development.

After hearing this, Lu Yanhe suddenly became enlightened and felt that this was indeed the case. Regarding the long-term development of an actor, Chen Ziyan always sees it accurately and has an overall view. This time, the incident of "Fire" actually reflects the correctness of Chen Ziyan's request for Lu Yanhe to star in a commercial blockbuster as soon as possible.

 In the eyes of others, Lu Yanhe is already the top and most representative actor of his generation. He has everything he wants and has no shortcomings.

However, Mrs. Huang was able to offer Shang Yongzhou a salary of 20 million plus theater box office revenue without any discount, but she was only willing to give Lu Yanhe a salary of 8 million, which shows that in the eyes of such a top film company, Lu Yanhe's The shortcoming is actually huge - he has no experience in handling the box office of commercial movies. His past box office success was more a matter of chance than business rules and is difficult to copy.

Lu Yanhe needs to make up for these key shortcomings if he wants to take more initiative in his career as an actor.

"This time, "Journey" and "Rouge" are both shortlisted for the Spanish Film Festival, which is definitely a good thing for you. In fact, your basic base in film lies mainly in these international film festivals. Currently, there are no film festivals in China. An actor has gained more recognition at international film festivals than you," Chen Ziyan said, "However, the only movie you are starring in now is "Path of Glory", and there are no other movies. We should choose carefully in the future. I have several movie scripts. I want to ask you, do you plan to write the script yourself and do it yourself, or do you want to receive scripts from outside? "

"I don't particularly like the scripts from outside. If it doesn't work, I will write it myself." Lu Yanhe said, "But if I act it myself, do we have to find someone to film it ourselves? It feels quite troublesome."

“You write the script, you star in it, and some film companies are willing to take it over.” Chen Ziyan said, “The key is, do you have an idea now?”

“Well, I have indeed prepared several ideas. However, Sister Ziyan, you said that I want to act in a blockbuster. The scripts I am writing now are not that kind of blockbuster scripts.”

Chen Ziyan said: "As long as it is not a literary and artistic film, it will be fine. There are too many literary and artistic films on hand. As for whether it must be a blockbuster with action and visuals, this is not something we can write a script now and wait for one or two years." It can be put into production, but this kind of movie often takes a long time to prepare.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

“Then I’ll go back and think about what kind of movie script I can write for myself to act in.”

"Okay, if you can think about it during this period, we can announce it at the Jose Film Festival and make the film debut."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.


 What kind of script should Lu Yanhe prepare for himself?

He thought about it for a long time, looking at the script library he had made before, looking over and over, but he couldn't make up his mind for a long time.

Mainly because at his age, he can't act in many movies.

 Many good movies he has seen, such as "Ocean's Twelve" and other genre films, such as "The Invisible Guest" and "Perfect Strangers", are not movies he can star in at his age.

In the film industry, those starring men in their early twenties and achieving outstanding box office results are basically blockbusters, such as "Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "Twilight" and " "Spider-Man"... They basically attract fans not by the charm of actors, but by the charm of the movie's worldview and characters.

The only ones that are suitable for his age, can be made now, and have high box office in my mind, are basically youth movies or romance movies.

Lu Yanhe thought for a long time about what kind of movie he should look for to act in. First of all, the shooting must be promoted as soon as possible, so that there will not be a lot of things to prepare in advance. Like "Fire", it basically took more than two years to prepare in the early stage, create a world view, make various settings, find collaborators, and negotiate a director. And now we haven't started filming yet, we are still building the scenery.

Thinking about it, making a movie about youth and pure love is the fastest way to get started.

 In fact, when filming "Late Spring" before, Lu Yanhe thought about "Sunny Days", but this movie is still an art film.

  Need a popular film. Lu Yanhe took a deep breath.


 Chen Siqi took a shower, returned to the computer, and saw the email sent to her by Lu Yanhe.


 "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years".

 "A Little Thing About First Love".

 "Love Letter".

 "The Notebook".

 Four names, below are their story introductions.

After Chen Siqi briefly read it, he called Lu Yanhe.

“Hello?” Chen Siqi asked, “What does the email you sent me mean?”

 Lu Yanhe said: "I am going to write a script for myself. These are the four stories I have prepared. Which story do you think is the best?"

Chen Siqi: "They are all youth love movies, why do you suddenly want to make this one?"

Lu Yanhe’s previous films basically have nothing to do with these.

 Including "Late Spring", the theme is not love.

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Zi Yan said that I have too few movies in the future and I have to make movies. Those that can be started as soon as possible are this type of subjects, which are easier to shoot."

 Chen Siqi suddenly realized.

“I see, I think I like all four of them, but the perspective in “Love Letter” is from a girl’s perspective. If you acted it, you would be at a disadvantage, right?” Chen Siqi said, “The same goes for “A Little Thing About First Love.”

These two movies are indeed youth love movies from a girl’s perspective. However, Lu Yanhe knows very well how many fans these two movies have attracted to the two male protagonists. It can be said that these two movies have become the life movies of the two male protagonists.

"If you ask me to choose, I think among these four movies, the one with the best characters is "Those Years"." Chen Siqi said, ""The Notebook" is too pure love. I feel that now people don't like pure love so much. The film, and its regret is a Romeo and Juliet style. In our current era, if we really fall in love, who really doesn’t stay together because of their parents’ opposition.”

 Lu Yanhe received enlightenment.


"But aside from these, my favorite story is "Love Letter". It is very beautiful. Although it tells the story of secret love, it actually tells the memory and reminiscence of youth." Chen Siqi said , "It talks about the kind of miss between two people, alas."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

 He had an idea in his mind.

 “Then both movies will be made.”

 “Huh?” Chen Siqi was stunned.

  "Both "Those Years" and "Love Letter" were shot." Lu Yanhe said, "The investment in these two movies does not need to be large, and I can afford both."

 Chen Siqi: “Do you have so much time?”

“I don’t have any shooting plans this year.” Lu Yanhe was also helpless, “I was so busy last year that I had almost no time to breathe when I was in and out of the group.”

 “Aren’t you going to film “Fire”?”

"There are some changes now, and it may not be possible to shoot, but even if it is to be shot, it will not be in the near future. They are still building the scenery. When the actors' schedules are coordinated and the shooting officially starts, it will probably be at the end of the year or next year."

"No wonder you started writing your own scripts." Chen Siqi said, "I have never seen you act in a youth romance movie. Play it well and try to make me feel excited again."

 Lu Yanhe: "What? Are you no longer interested in me?"

 Chen Siqi: “I’m referring to that heart-pounding moment.”

"It's the same thing." Lu Yanhe clicked his tongue twice, "As expected, I just said that I love you more."

 Chen Siqi: "You'd better be."

 The two people quarreled for a while.

Chen Siqi said: "Will you go to this year's Hollywood Film Festival?"


 Chen Siqi: "Okay."

"are you going?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but Linyu and Li Bi will definitely go there." Chen Siqi said, "This time two Chinese-language films have been shortlisted for the Spanish Film Festival, and the major media will definitely pay attention. Our "Jump Up" also It will definitely pass. The response to the online forum for film critics we created was pretty good, and there were many reports from other overseas media.”

 Lu Yanhe: “The last event was indeed unexpected. You guys are also amazing. You did what you said you would do.”

"I have to thank Lin Yu. She has a good relationship with overseas film critics, and she invited them all." Chen Siqi said, "It is a real treasure to ask her to be in charge of our film and television section. Many media have heard about her, and she also Someone is offering a high price to poach her."

 “So awesome.”

"After all, the influence of that online forum is quite large." Chen Siqi said, "Basically all domestic film-related media have paid attention to that forum. The news column of our movie channel also reported on the activities of the online forum. ”

Lu Yanhe said: "Linyu is only a junior now. Has she already signed an employment contract with us?"

"How could she sign an employment contract with us if she hasn't graduated?" Chen Siqi said. "What she signed is a cooperation agreement. However, Linyu is still very affectionate for "Jump Up" and she will not suffer from us. She and I "I told you not to worry, she won't leave."

 Lu Yanhe: "Well, that's good. Now it seems that our "Jump Up" plays an increasingly important role in the film and television industry, and we need her very much."

Lu Yanhe believed that Linyu would not leave easily. Not to mention their relationship as classmates, just being the founder of "Jump Up" is enough to become Lin Yu's bond. Lu Yanhe didn't want the treatment they gave Lin Yu to be lower than the conditions offered to her outside.

Chen Siqi: "No matter how high the price offered by outsiders, it will definitely not be as big as Linyu's space here. She has the final say in all film and television-related sectors here, and she is already building her own team." ”

At present, the physical product of "Jump Up" is only a magazine published every month. However, there are many online media brands. There are four or five media accounts for film and television reviews and interviews with people, including Li Bi’s video account.

 At present, Linyu is responsible for all these related contents, and her authority and space are quite large. Not to mention the corresponding conditions and benefits.


 Lu Yanhe began to immerse himself in writing scripts.

 A "Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" and a "Love Letter".

 At that time, I watched it with my classmates.

While he was immersed in writing scripts in school, a movie came out, which shocked the off-season market in March. It was released for three weeks and grossed 700 million in box office, shocking the industry.

 This movie is called "The Home I Haven't Returned to for a Long Time". It is a movie with a bit of suspense and thriller.

That day, at six o'clock in the evening, Lu Yanhe came out from the library after writing the script and was about to go to the cafeteria for food. He happened to meet Miao Yue and Liu Bige on the road.

The night had fallen, and the two were walking side by side. Liu Bige was still wearing a white shirt and black trousers, which was no different from his usual appearance, while Miao Yue was wearing a light green waist skirt, fresh and beautiful, like a picture. Very beautiful scenery.

Lu Yanhe saw it at a glance and didn’t miss it.

“Are you two walking in school?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Liu Bige explained: "We are going to have dinner together and then go see the movie that has been a hit at the box office recently, "The Home I Haven't Returned to for a Long Time." Have you seen it?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "I haven't read it yet."

“Would you like to join us?” Liu Bige said, “It is very popular and has already made 700 million in box office.”

“If you two go on a date, I won’t be a light bulb. You can go on your own.”

 “It’s not a date, it’s not that serious.” Liu Bige said.

Miao Yue also smiled and said: "You have been staying in the library recently. Someone posted on the school forum saying that you are almost treating the library as a dormitory, so go out and hang out."

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe joined them. “How are you preparing for your new movie?” Lu Yanhe asked Liu Bige during dinner.

Liu Bige said: "Are you talking about the one starring Li Zhibai? The preparations are almost complete, the scenery has been selected, the people have been selected, and we are just waiting to start shooting."

Lu Yanhe: "No wonder you can go out to watch a movie with Miao Yue so leisurely now."

“Since I am a director, of course I have to know what the highest-grossing movies in the cinema are about.”

“My senior brother Shang Yongzhou rarely watches so many movies.” Lu Yanhe said, “He usually only watches the subjects he wants to watch.”

Liu Bige said: "He is an actor, he does not need to pull the film, I am the director, this is different."

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said: "Actually, actors still have to watch movies to see how others act and what kind of movies the audience likes to watch now."

Liu Bige said: "It depends on how the actor thinks about it. Everyone's situation is different. There are actors who have done a lot of films and still performed poorly. There are also actors who never do films and have very few films but perform well. There are also many actors, but among directors, I have never heard of a director who has few film credits.”

 Lu Yanhe thought about it seriously and found that this was a conclusive fact, and it was really true.

Miao Yue asked Lu Yanhe: "Do you usually go to the restaurant specifically?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

"Very few. Usually when I want to act in a play of a certain type and subject, I will look for the director's previous plays and take a look at them, and then look for plays of similar types and themes to see how others have acted. "

 Miao Yue: "I thought you would often go to the cinema."

“I will go there too, but I won’t go to the cinema regularly just to watch movies.” Lu Yanhe said, “I usually go there about twice a month.”

 Miao Yue: "You go even less than me."

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "This is because I have been relatively free recently. I am not on the set, and I go to the set less often."

 Compared with people around him in this industry, Lu Yanhe has indeed watched relatively few movies.

 After dinner, they went to the cinema together.

It has been three weeks since the release of "The Home I Haven't Returned to for a Long Time". In the evening screening, a hall that can accommodate about a hundred people was still nearly half full. From this, we can see how popular this movie is now. .

This movie is directed by Shen Mofan and stars Xu Yiren. It tells the story of a girl who returns to her hometown where no one has lived for many years. As a result, she receives a phone call in the middle of the night. The person on the phone tells her to leave the house quickly. Otherwise something bad will happen.

Then, the girl experienced a series of terrible things. When she realized whether she had encountered an evil spirit or encountered a ghost, she accidentally discovered that all this was planned by someone behind the scenes, with the purpose of driving her out of the house. . She discovered that there was someone hiding in the basement of her home, and he was a wanted murderer two years ago.

After the murderer was wanted, he hid in the basement of this old house that had not been occupied for a long time. Unexpectedly, the owner suddenly returned. In order to prevent himself from being discovered, he created a series of haunted events in an attempt to scare the girl away. Unexpectedly, he was eventually discovered, so he prepared to kill and silence her.

The girl struggled to escape the murderer in the house, fought wits and courage, and finally locked the murderer in the basement through her own design, and got the opportunity to call the police and escape.

 The atmosphere of the entire film is biased towards suspense, tension and a sense of ubiquitous crisis.

 The first half is almost a one-man show by Xu Yiren. This actress, who does not have a very good reputation in the industry, is still very capable and has superb acting skills. She perfectly portrays the fear and uneasiness of a woman encountering various strange events.

In the second half, the actor who played the murderer appeared, and Lu Yanhe discovered that it was Chen Jiping.

 These two are both popular actors who have won awards in the past two years.

After watching the movie, I saw the heroine played by Xu Yiren escaping and sitting on the roadside in embarrassment, waiting for the police car to drive over. As the police car appeared, Xu Yiren finally had a look of relief on his face. The movie ends here.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

 The box office is high, and there is indeed a reason for the high box office. The tone of the entire movie is always accurate, and there is a main line from beginning to end, with almost no idle touches. For a thriller and suspense movie, this is actually very important.

 “It looks good.” Lu Yanhe said.

 Liu Bige nodded and said, "It's very rare that it can be completed in one go and there is no lag at the end."

The clever thing about this movie is that there is no suspense left until the end. The murderer appears halfway through the movie. The second half is almost just Xu Yiren and Chen Jiping in this house. The chase and struggle scenes in the film have become a competition between two people, and the focus of the film has become to see how Xu Yiren responds to Chen Jiping's pursuit and finds a way out for himself in a dangerous and tense environment.

After watching this movie, Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered a Korean movie called "Telephone" that he had watched a long time ago. It was actually different from this movie, but it had a similar beginning. The heroine returned home alone. Then, I received a strange phone call. Of course, this movie involves elements of time and space. Two people from different time and space were connected through this phone call.

Lu Yanhe quickly entered the name of the movie on his mobile phone—before watching the movie, Lu Yanhe had completely forgotten that he had seen the movie.

“Chen Jiping’s performance as a murderer is so wonderful that he should be a strong contender for Best Supporting Actor.” Liu Bige said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Yes, I was horrified by his performance. There are only two actors in this movie, and they are the only ones who can support this movie. It's really amazing. Moreover, Chen Jiping played a murderer, and he was so scary." , initially called Xu Yiren to remind her that the house was haunted and asked her to leave quickly. Later, when Xu Yiren found out, he said that he was a neighbor who lived nearby and saw her living alone and came here with good intentions. Remind her. When he found out that Xu Yiren had found the wanted notice issued by the police, and his photo was on it, the change in his expression and eyes made my hair stand up when I think about it now. "

"It's so scary. I feel like I will have nightmares when I go back." Miao Yuedu said.

 Liu Bige hugged Miao Yue, hugged her with a smile, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

 Lu Yanhe looked to the other side silently.

 At this time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.


When Chen Ziyan saw the three script outlines that Lu Yanhe took out, even though she had seen Lu Yanhe's output, she was still confused.

  “These...are all things you wrote recently?”

 “Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan took a deep breath and told herself in her heart that there was nothing to be surprised about. Lu Yanhe’s creative speed was just so fast, and this was not the first time he had seen it, so there was no need to be so surprised.

She carefully read the three script outlines and was a little surprised. She said, "Are you writing the first two scripts for yourself? Are they all movies about youth love?"

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “Yes.”

Chen Ziyan said: "If you just look at the outline, it feels... relatively ordinary."

Chen Ziyan also told the truth directly.

“I don’t really see what’s better about these two stories.”

“Yeah, but if it’s made into a movie, it will look great and a lot of people will like it.” Lu Yanhe said directly.

 “Huh?” Chen Ziyan asked, “Why?”

"Because everyone has had such a story in their youth, or hopes to have such a story." Lu Yanhe said, "These two stories are about regrets. One is about fighting and working hard but not succeeding in being together in the end. The other is the pure regret of missing out.”

 Chen Ziyan: “Yes, I think it’s all a tragedy.”

"It can't be said to be a tragedy. I have always felt that the reason why adolescence is so precious is because it has a lot of regrets." Lu Yanhe said, "At that time, liking someone was pure love, and the regret of missing someone was also Pure regret, nothing else."

Chen Ziyan said: "Do you think these two movies can prove your ability to handle the box office?"

“The box office performance of these two movies will definitely not be bad.” Lu Yanhe is very confident.

Needless to say, "Those Years" is a phenomenal movie. If the male protagonist hadn't committed suicide, the subsequent development would have been really bright. At that time, he was the most sought-after leading actor of his age, bar none. All movie resources suitable for him would basically be given priority to him.

"Love Letter", in the hearts of literary and artistic young people, is a bible about youthful secret love. It was re-released in mainland China in 2021 and received a box office of 65 million.

Since Lu Yanhe wants to choose movies that prove his ability to handle the box office, of course he must have excellent box office results.

 Chen Ziyan was noncommittal.

 The box office performance of youth romance movies is still a mystery, and no company can predict their box office results. Some movies can miraculously earn 800 million or 900 million, while others, even if there are front-line actors as the male and female protagonists, will only earn 100 or 200 million in the end. Even though the reputation is about the same, the box office figures vary greatly.

 She looked towards the third movie.

“Telephone?” Chen Ziyan was surprised, “This movie is a movie with two female protagonists, right? You...”

"Well, I suddenly remembered, didn't you tell me before that Sister Yuqian was working on a literary film? She needed a commercial film, so I wrote this." Lu Yanhe said, "Sister Ziyan, can you help me I’ll give it to Sister Yuqian’s agent. Needless to say, I wrote it to see if Sister Yuqian is interested in the script. If she is, I will write the script.”

Chen Ziyan looked at him in astonishment, "Are you tailoring the script for her?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Sister Yuqian is very different to me. I don't want her career to go downhill."

Chen Ziyan: "Then why don't you just give it to her yourself?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Because if I gave this to her directly, she would definitely take it without even looking at it, but I don't know if she likes this story."

"Are you crazy? How could she not like the script you wrote now?" Chen Ziyan shook her head and sighed, "Okay, I will communicate with her agent. If she is willing to act, then this movie Which company are you going to find?"

“When the time comes, let’s get in touch and see which one has the best conditions and cooperate with it.” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Ziyan: "Yan He, sometimes I think you are more willful than I thought, but I can't blame you for your willfulness, because you have the capital and strength to be willful."

 Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he could be more willful in the scripts he came up with because he knew they had a high probability of success.

 So, in these projects, he often subconsciously shows a strong and unquestionable attitude.

Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "Sister Ziyan, if one day I really become very willful, you must stop me."

“For example, do you directly tailor scripts for other actors like you?”

 “Well, will this hurt my career?”

 “No, but it’s very random.” Chen Ziyan said directly.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "Then if one day my willfulness will cause harm and impact on my career, you must stop me. As for misbehaving, just allow me to misbehave occasionally."

Chen Ziyan shook her head with emotion.

"You have done this for Jiang Yuqian, but I don't know if she can accept your kindness." Chen Ziyan said, "If you don't tell her that you wrote this script, she may not be willing to accept it based on her current standards for accepting roles. People have always been thinking about transforming into a genre film like this.”

Lu Yanhe said: "If she doesn't want to accept it, let's talk about it later."

Chen Ziyan: "If she is unwilling to act in this play, will you still write this script completely?"

  “I will write when I have time.”

 Chen Ziyan nodded.


  In April, the temperature finally began to climb back up, and spring finally began to slowly show what it was supposed to be like.

 The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the campus is bright and beautiful.

Many girls have put on long skirts and are walking in school. The skirts are swaying and look very beautiful.

Lu Yanhe was halfway through writing the script, but couldn't catch his thoughts, so he simply put them aside and turned to look out the window.

 The study room of the library is on the eighth floor.

 Sitting by the window here, you can overlook the campus.

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized that someone was secretly filming him.

Lu Yanhe glanced over there.

The person who took the secret photo immediately put down his phone.

Lu Yanhe retracted his eyes and continued to look out the window.

 He was thinking about how to write the movie "Love Letter".

The male protagonist of this movie really has a lot less screen time.

Those few shots in the original film, handsome, quiet, and a bit mischievous as a boy, are all fragmentary shots. The reason why he became popular in Asia is entirely due to the face of Takashi Kashiwahara and the theme of the movie "Love Letter". The resonance caused by secret love and regret.

 Lu Yanhe is thinking about whether he should follow the original work and recreate such a quiet and clean image of a young man, or add a few scenes to make his character more three-dimensional and full, not just a cartoon-like surface.

 The breeze blew in through the window that was slightly open.

The pages on the table were turned by the wind, and they came in droves.

Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered an evening a few years ago.

He walked out of the school gate and saw Chen Siqi sitting on the steps next to the school gate under the orange-red sunset. She fell down and had a cut on her calf. She also bled a little and couldn't walk.

  Before that, the image of Chen Siqi in his mind was that of a somewhat domineering girl. That was the first time that she had a fragile side in front of him.

When Lu Yanhe thought about it, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

 The thoughts are brought back.

 Lu Yanhe began to think, why is "Love Letter" so popular, and the male protagonist with only a few scenes is even more popular than the heroine who is the main perspective?

 Just because it’s simple.

He seems to be a person without a story or background. He only appears in the heroine's memory, and there are only a few fragments, all of which are the fragments that have the deepest impression on the heroine. Therefore, every time he appears, he appears along the heroine's memories.

 The audience, who has assumed the perspective of the heroine, seems to see the person they had a crush on in their youth in the first person.

 Precisely because he does not have any biographical background, there are enough blanks for the audience to fill in their own memories.

 Lu Yanhe suddenly understood and understood the core significance of this character in "Love Letter": he didn't even need to speak, he only needed to appear when the heroine's heart wavered like cicada wings every time.

Lu Yanhe gave up his entanglement and decided to write the script according to the original work.


 At the stage when the script was about to come to an end, Lu Yanhe returned to Ziyuan Bridge again.

 He often has no thoughts until late at night, his fingers typing on the keyboard like flying patterns.

 If you are in the dormitory, it is too easy to disturb your roommates.

Lu Yanhe took the lead in writing the script "Love Letter".

 It was two o'clock in the morning when he typed out the last word of the script.

He is the only one living in Ziyuanqiao.

He walked out of the room, poured himself a glass of wine, and stood by the window, drinking and looking at the starry sky outside.

 It is a starry night.

Only at this time, when many neon lights in the city are turned off, will the starry sky take off its veil and appear twinklingly in front of people.

 The half glass of wine was drunk quickly.

Lu Yanhe is already a little smokey at this level of alcohol.

 Suddenly feeling a little emotional.

Lu Yanhe took a photo of the starry sky and posted it on Weibo.

He said:

I was typing the last word of the new script on the computer. At this late night moment, I didn't have any sleepiness. I suddenly wanted to call her, but she must have fallen asleep, so I could only call her in her dream.


Lu Yanhe had no idea how much heat his Weibo post would cause the next day.

 He didn't go to bed until four in the morning.

 The next morning, Lu Yanhe’s rare and sincere confessional Weibo content quickly became a hot search topic.

Lu Yanhe’s female fans couldn’t hide their excitement, as if this Weibo was written for them.

Marketing accounts are frantically editing various topics and content, speculating on the relationship status between Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi, and even asking whether they are getting married.

Of course, this kind of unfounded speculation can only attract some people who have been deceived.

In addition to the excitement in the public sphere about the late-night confession of a popular A-list actor, film and television companies and others in the industry also immediately heard about it and called Lu Yanhe, Chen Ziyan, Chen Siqi and everyone they could contact.

Lu Yanhe’s cell phone was on mute. Calls could not come in and no one answered, but this caused a lot of trouble for Chen Ziyan and Chen Siqi.

“New script? I don’t know what the new script is.”

“He didn’t tell me whether he was writing a TV series script or a movie script. He was still sleeping. He didn’t answer my call. He must have been muted.”

“Mr. Chen, I really didn’t lie to you. How could I fool you? Don’t worry, I will convey your intention to cooperate with him to Yan He.”


In the end, Chen Siqi couldn’t help but set the do not disturb mode on her phone.

She really wanted to rush to Lu Yanhe, lift him up from the bed, and ask him loudly why he suddenly went crazy in the middle of the night and made such a confession. Now everyone has an ambiguous smile on her face when they see her!

Chen Siqi is really annoyed. But when she opened Weibo for the nth time and read this Weibo written by Lu Yanhe, a sweetness that could not be denied even if she wanted to deny it would suppress her overwhelming mood.


 Lu Yanhe didn’t wake up until noon.

I woke up with a sleepy look on my face, my eyes were bleary, and I was confused when I looked at the dozens of missed calls and hundreds of unread messages on my phone. I had just woken up and couldn’t think straight, and now I was even more at a loss.

 Why... caused such a big commotion? (End of chapter)

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