Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 432: Done, go boating on the river

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were amazing in this class.

The two of them pride themselves on being able to talk, but compared to Chen Ziyan, their skills are like children playing house.

Chen Ziyan managed to keep the person here without any effort, chatted with her, and persuaded her to come back.

 Chen Ziyan said to the stunned two people: "You should leave first. I think she may not be able to relax while you are here."

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe asked, “Why can’t she relax while we are here?”

He thought to himself, they are still so young.

 What's wrong with Zhang Mu?

"The situation in Zhang Ruozhi's family is a bit special. She may not dare to let down her guard in front of you. After all, you are celebrities and public figures. Not many ordinary people can relax when meeting public figures. "Chen Ziyan said, "You probably don't know that Zhang Ruozhi's father passed away when she was a child. Zhang Ruozhi was raised by her mother alone. It's very sad for a woman to raise a child independently. You can't. I understand. When you are here, she must be tight and not let her emotions show up."

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi opened their mouths at the same time, but stopped talking.

 This is something they didn’t know before.

 However, they must believe Chen Ziyan’s judgment.

 So, they left.

Chen Ziyan stayed alone in the cafe waiting for Zhang's mother to come back.


Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi left the cafe and walked out. In order to avoid running into Zhang's mother, they walked in the opposite direction.

“I was shocked when Zhang Ruozhi’s mother suddenly appeared just now,” Chen Siqi said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "I was also shocked."

Chen Siqi: "Do you think Sister Ziyan can convince her mother?"

“I don’t know, but if Sister Zi Yan can’t convince me, we’ll definitely be in trouble.” Lu Yanhe sighed.

"You deserve this. Who made you fall in love with a female high school student?"

 “Why does this sound weird?”

"Are you thinking wrong? Where have you been thinking?" Chen Siqi shot over with a knife in the eye.

Lu Yanhe shouted at Qu: "Didn't you say this?"

"I was right, but weren't you the one who thought wrong?" Chen Siqi said confidently.

Lu Yanhe decided to give up arguing with Chen Siqi and honestly admitted his mistake and apologized.

 “I misinterpreted it.”

Chen Siqi snorted softly.

 They didn’t have any destination, so they wandered aimlessly.

Chen Siqi asked: "For the movie "Love Letter", you invited so many friends to help. Didn't you ask them to help in vain?"

"Of course not, we are all paid." Lu Yanhe said, "The contract has been signed and the down payment has been made."

 Although it is a favor, you still have to give what is due to others.

   It’s not like I’m so poor that I can’t afford to pay. Lu Yanhe couldn't do this kind of immoral thing of having someone else's **** for nothing when he could obviously pay for it.

 “How much box office do you expect the movie “Love Letter” will earn?”

"I don't dare to predict." Lu Yanhe said, "Our domestic movie box office has no rules at all. I can only set a guaranteed bottom line for myself. The minimum cannot be lower than a certain amount. Based on this, I can see how much it will cost to make the movie." , You can’t do it at the risk of losing money.”

 “Then what’s the bottom line you set for “Love Letter”?

"My starring role with Sister Bige cannot be less than 50 million, right? That's what I think, and there is no basis for it. It's just a pure feeling." Lu Yanhe said, "So, I gave the film's production funding, The highest psychological expectation cannot exceed 20 million. "

 “How much do you expect to spend now?”

"I myself will star and write the script, and I will get a salary of one million, and the rest will be divided into shares. Sister Bi Ge will get two million, and then share the box office dividends." Lu Yanhe said, "The two of us keep our own salaries down, and the production funds will be It's a little more abundant. Counting the entire production team including Director Luo, Liu Bige, and Sister Zi Xing, the labor cost is almost more than 8 million. Also counting the venue, scenery, transportation, accommodation and other logistical things, there are all kinds of things. Currently, Sister Zi Xing has calculated a figure and said that it would cost at least 15 million to make this movie.”

 “That’s a lot.” Chen Siqi said.

"Well, it's mainly photography, lighting, and service. I don't want to save money on these aspects. I hired a first-class team in the industry through Director Luo and Liu Bige's network resources, which is very expensive." Lu Yanhe sighed. He sighed, "It's really expensive to make a movie."

"But think about it, with your and Chen Bige's status, even if "Love Letter" is not a commercial film and cannot be given your market price, you can still earn at least several million in salary, not just now. It has been saved A lot." Chen Siqi said, "According to this production cost, including the subsequent publicity and distribution expenses, the pressure to return the money of "Love Letter" is not great.

"Well, because the investment in this movie is basically the money taken by myself and a few people around me, I don't want to take risks." Lu Yanhe said, "Including Sister Bi Ge, the salary of two million is not a penny. Once I got it, I gave it all to make this movie.”

"Actually, I think if the movie "Love Letter" can resonate, the box office should not be low."


"Yes." Chen Siqi nodded, "You have to know, especially the female audience, almost every girl must have had or fantasized about such a boy in her youth."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

He is someone who has truly experienced how much resonance the movie "Love Letter" has caused. Twenty or thirty years after its release, it is still a classic in the minds of audiences. One can imagine how much it has as a movie about secret love and regret. Interests.

“I hope so, that’s why we are rushing to start shooting so that we can catch up with the release on Valentine’s Day next year.”

 “Are you going to send this film to film festivals?”

“Send it to the film festival? I don’t know how to send it,” said Lu Yanhe.

 A drawback immediately emerged.

The production team of this film is all Lu Yanhe and the people around him. There is no formal company to do it. How it will be released in theaters and how it will be promoted is still unknown.

Chen Siqi thought for a while, "Since Sister Ziyan is a producer, she must have thought it through long ago."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Chen Siqi said: "Maybe when your film is almost finished, she will start looking for a distributor."

 The production and distribution of movies are often not the same thing. Of course, domestically, this is basically all in one. In fact, many movies are made by small companies. After the filming is completed, big companies will come to see the films. If they like the films, they will buy the distribution rights. Many films compete and exhibit at film festivals, and finding buyers is actually one of the important purposes.

Many times, movies don’t start making money when they are released. Some movies have embedded ads during filming, and advertisers have to pay a sum of money upfront. Some movies are sold halfway through the filming, and the distribution rights are sold. Even if you go there, you can still make a fortune. Some movies even have the stock prices of related companies rise as soon as they are launched. The promising market even allows movie companies to make more money in the stock market than the final profit of the movie. Even more money arrived.

 In addition to these basic and extensive ones, there are more ways to play capital games.

Lu Yanhe's "Love Letter" certainly does not do these things. He just made a movie honestly.

"Actually, I'll tell you the truth." Lu Yanhe suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "Although I told you that the guaranteed box office in my heart is 50 million, the number I really hope it reaches is 200 to 300 million. I also think It has the ability to get this box office.”

You know, he thought of the movie "Love Letter" just to make a movie that would do well at the box office.

A "Love Letter" and a "Girls We Chased Together in Those Years". The quality of the movies is on the one hand, and the box office was also what Lu Yanhe was most concerned about when he chose these two dramas.

Chen Siqi: "Yes, I will also help you design a publicity plan to achieve this goal on the first weekend of release."

 Chen Siqi is really not talking big words.

 But the current film market is really like this.

 A movie that sells well will have a first-weekend box office of one to two hundred million or more.

  The film did not sell well, and it took a month after its release to struggle to exceed 100 million yuan. This also shows that there are people watching the film.

 The market box office is not in the shape of a pyramid at all.

 Either get a very good box office number, or suffer a **** blow.

 There are very few box office movies in the range of 200 million to 400 million.


Chen Siqi said: "We are about to start the short film project you proposed before."

 “Short film plan?”

"It is to hold a competition and invite people who are aspiring to be directors to select stories from our "Jump Up" IP library, shoot a ten-minute clip, and compete. The winners can get the production funds we provide and shoot into a complete feature film," Chen Siqi said.

 Lu Yanhe thought about it.

  Chen Siqi: “We have reached an agreement with Northern Lights Video and Icefield Video to do this competition together.”

Lu Yanhe asked in surprise: "Are they willing to join in?"

“Well, and they will provide sponsorship.” Chen Siqi said, “They believe that this competition and the short videos shot by these contestants can also bring attention and traffic to their platform.”

 “This is definitely true.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Siqi said: "Moreover, the key is that in the end, aren't we going to provide production funds to the top three to help them shoot feature films? The sponsorship funds for Northern Lights Video and Icefield Video are given to these three people, but the condition is that these three directors The film will eventually be released on their two video platforms and will be settled with us and the producer according to the bill-sharing model.”

 Lu Yanhe said: “This is good.”

“Well, it’s pretty good.” Chen Siqi said, “Are you going to sign these directors?”

 “Sign these directors?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Chen Siqi said: "When we were preparing for this, we suddenly realized that if we could discover some very talented directors, it would be a pity if we did not sign them."

“But if you want to sign them, you must have the resources to help them make the films they want to make, right?” Lu Yanhe said, “How can I have such strength now?”

 Chen Siqi said: "It's not like you have to pay for a movie all by yourself. We help them find investors. It's more reliable than finding investors themselves, and we need to have channels."

Lu Yanhe couldn't laugh or cry, as if no matter what the problem was, it could definitely be solved in Chen Siqi's eyes.

"This matter is a bit big, and I really don't have the confidence. I think I have to discuss it with Sister Ziyan." Lu Yanhe said.

"If you don't sign, I will." Chen Siqi said, as if he had made up his mind to do this. "If we have a few directors, we can steadily adapt some of our "Jump Up" novels into movies. If the drama continues to be released, our jump theater can be started directly.”

Lu Yanhe had forgotten that his girlfriend was a person with a stronger career ambition than him.

  Just do it and never be afraid.

Lu Yanhe had no reason to say no.


 At four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Ziyan contacted them and said that they had secured Zhang's mother. Zhang Ruozhi would join the crew during the summer and winter vacations this year to shoot the film.

Lu Yanhe took a long breath and said to Chen Siqi: "Look, if I say this kind of thing, you still have to ask professionals to take action."

 They met at a river fish shop by the river.

Chen Siqi curiously asked Chen Ziyan how she managed to get Zhang’s mother.

Chen Ziyan said: "Just find out why she is unwilling to let Zhang Ruozhi act in the movie, and then solve the matter."

 Sounds very simple.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Chen Ziyan said: "Actually, it's very simple. Zhang Ruozhi's mother wanted her to concentrate on the college entrance examination so that her daughter could have a stable future. She always felt that she had suffered the loss of not studying, and she didn't want her daughter to be like her. Same. I made it clear that I am willing to sign Zhang Ruozhi. Before Zhang Ruozhi takes the college entrance examination, she will only make this movie. If Zhang Ruozhi's grades are not good enough, I will help her refuse anything else. After filming the movie, her grades declined and her performance in the college entrance examination was not satisfactory. We helped Zhang Ruozhi contact Jiang Guang’s high school so that she could repeat her studies there and get better educational resources.”

 “Is that it?” Chen Siqi was a little surprised. Isn’t this too simple and plain?

Chen Ziyan said with a smile: "You don't know what goes into your heart when you become a mother, and you don't even think about an opportunity to act in a movie with Lu Yanhe or to play a heroine, unless you hate the entertainment industry deeply. As a parent, no parent would categorically refuse this opportunity. Especially, Zhang Ruozhi's mother is a mother who really wants her daughter to live well. She is not afraid of her daughter becoming an actress, but she is afraid of it. If I don’t perform well, my career as an actor will be blocked, and I’ll lose the chance to get into a good university.”

Lu Yanhe suddenly understood and nodded.

 Chen Ziyan actually gave Zhang’s mother a guaranteed choice.

If Zhang Ruozhi can both act and get admitted to a good university, Zhang's mother is absolutely willing.

Chen Ziyan is giving Zhang’s mother such a choice.


Chen Ziyan rushed over in a hurry and settled the matter.

She was not in a hurry to leave, but was waiting for her assistant to fly over tomorrow with the contract and finalize the matter in black and white with Zhang Ruozhi and her mother.

So, that night, Chen Ziyan was able to relax rarely and went boating on the Jiangzhi River with Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi.

"This place is so beautiful, but it's just too hard to come here." Chen Ziyan was lying in the canopy of the boat, with only her upper body exposed to the starry sky, and the sound of cool water could be heard in her ears. "You can still feel the motion of the paddle here. Antique boats with boats instead of engines are rare.”

Lu Yanhe said: "If this place was easy to get to, it wouldn't be as beautiful as a paradise."


 Chen Siqi and Lu Yanhe leaned on each other and sat on the bow of the boat.

The bustling streets on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are sometimes far away from each other. They are hidden by trees and are quiet and deep. Sometimes they are bustling with people and confusing light and shadow.

  No matter what the situation was on the shore, they were always cuddling together quietly in the boat.

 Chen Ziyan looked at the scene of the two of them sitting close together, and a gentle light appeared in her eyes, which merged with the crushed moonlight on the water.

 Naturally, in this leisurely night, the water mist covers the face, no one knows, and no one needs to know. (End of chapter)

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