Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 433: Lin Desheng

After He Yunlan learned that Lu Yanhe's new movie had found a girl from Jiang Zhi to be the heroine, he was overjoyed. He laughed twice and patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder.

 Liu Yiyi helped He Yunlan say what he wanted to say.

 “We are lucky to have you in Jiangzhi.”

Lu Yanhe quickly waved his hand and said, "Sister-in-law, you are serious about your words. I dare not take them seriously."

For He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi, the development of Jiangzhi in the past two years and the role of Lu Yanhe in it. Others may find reasons to argue that Lu Yanhe is not necessary from various angles and aspects, but the couple clearly understand that Lu Yanhe is not necessary. You know how much Lu Yanhe has done and what the things he makes mean.

This time, Lu Yanhe found a girl from Jiang Zhi to be the heroine. If this girl is lucky and becomes an instant hit, with her being a native of Jiang Zhi, not only will Jiang Zhi be known to more people, but she will also have a native Jiang Zhi spokesperson in all aspects in the future.

Lu Yanhe actually did not choose Zhang Ruozhi for this reason. No matter how much he likes Jiang Zhi and wants to make his own contribution to Jiang Zhi's development, he will not just find a girl in Jiang Zhi to be the heroine.

 But if it can play such a role incidentally, Lu Yanhe would also be happy to see it happen.


 It wasn’t until the contract was signed and no accidents occurred that Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

 Before this, Lu Yanhe had actually been worried about what accident would happen.

In case the mother regrets it again, or something else has happened ... Anyway, no situation may happen before finishing a show.

Lu Yanhe went to meet Zhang Ruozhi again.

"Ruoruo, I will give you the script first. You should familiarize yourself with the script first. I will wait until you finish the exam. It's summer vacation. If you come to Yuming, I will hire an acting teacher for you to teach you how to act." Lu Yanhe said, "In addition, , I also want to tell you seriously, don’t worry that you can’t perform well just because you have never acted or studied acting. There is no need to make some preparations by yourself. Just give your lines to Just memorize it, and leave the rest to the professional teachers. We chose you because you have the most natural thing in you, without any training. "

 Zhang Ruozhi nodded.

Lu Yanhe thought of something again, smiled and said, "If your good friend Liu Lingmeng is also willing to come together, you can also ask her to come with you. I will help you arrange food and accommodation in Yuming, so you don't have to worry about your life. on things.”

Facing Lu Yanhe’s attention, Zhang Ruozhi held his hands in front of him cautiously, nodded silently, and said yes.

 Lu Yanhe turned to look at Chen Siqi.

Chen Siqi nodded, indicating that the rest would be left to her.


After all, there are differences between men and women, and Lu Yanhe is not single. What if he shows too much care and concern for Zhang Ruozhi? He and Chen Siqi are not afraid of their shadows being distorted, but they are also afraid of Zhang Ruozhi thinking too much.

 Chen Siqi and Zhang Ruozhi were walking around in the playground of her school, chatting.

Lu Yanhe wandered around the school alone.

 When he saw this campus, he felt it was very beautiful, a beauty with memories of time. It's an old building, not that modern. Especially when the sun shines down, the large area of ​​green plants on the campus make the campus full of green.

 At noon, there are many students in the school. Lu Yanhe wore sunglasses and a hat and walked among them, which naturally attracted the curious eyes of many people. However, everyone just looked around curiously, but no one took the initiative to come forward.

Even though many people have already recognized him as Lu Yanhe, they are excitedly taking pictures of him with their mobile phones.

The more Lu Yanhe looked at it, the more he felt that "Love Letter" should actually be filmed here.

 The story "Love Letter" must not take place in a city with a very developed economy. In economically developed cities, there is no soil to grow such simple and innocent flowers.

Lu Yanhe took a lot of photos and videos and sent them to Luo Yuzhong and Liu Bige to ask for their opinions.

  Luo Yuzhong said: “This campus is very beautiful.”

Liu Bige said: "This school is beautiful, but I think the windows are very small. You have to think about the issue of lighting. In indoor dramas, light is a big problem."

 Why are many scenes shot in studios? Because this is actually convenient for shooting.

 Light is as important to film and television works as style is to a work.

 The light is good, and the pictures will look good no matter how you take them.

If the light is not good, the picture itself will be a mess no matter how beautiful it is.

 Lu Yanhe asked: “Is there any way to do this?”

 Although in his impression, the movie "Love Letter" itself is very dark.

Liu Bige said: "You can either use artificial light sources outside. Technology can solve it, but if you want to shoot with natural light, your shooting time for many scenes is very limited. If you haven't finished shooting, you have to wait."

Lu Yanhe understood what Liu Bige meant.

This technical problem can definitely be solved. It depends on whether Lu Yanhe is willing to make do with it. If he is not willing to make do with it, then the shooting requirements will be very high. At the end of the day, the suitable time period for shooting may only be two to three hours. As the sun rises and sets, beyond that point, light no longer works.

 Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Why don't you bring your photography team to take a look?"

  Liu Bige: “…Are you serious?”

"Seriously." Lu Yanhe said, "If possible, I would like to shoot "Love Letter" here."

Liu Bige: "Then you have to consider another question. "Love Letter" also has a lot of winter scenes, the ones covered with heavy snow. Are you sure that the southern city of Jiangzhi can have heavy snow in winter?"

 Lu Yanhe: "Oh! I have to ask."

 He has not even considered it.

Liu Bige: "...If you were able to make this movie without me, I think you'd be damned."

Lu Yanhe said: "That's why I said, I must let you help."

 “Haha.” Liu Bige said, “I don’t shoot my own scenes, so I will be your photography director.”

“It’s not just the director of photography.” Lu Yanhe said immediately, “You are also one of the producers, and you have the responsibility to help make this movie a success.”

  "I can go to **** with you. You bought and sold me by force and abducted me into this pirate ship."

“Everyone is here, why don’t you care how you got here?” Lu Yanhe had already developed a thick skin.


On the way Liu Bige and his photography team came to Jiangzhi, Lu Yanhe had to go back to Yuming first.

 He has two days of classes next.

 In the second semester of my junior year, although there are a lot fewer classes than in the previous semester, there are still some. Unlike my senior year, there are almost no classes.

 Luckily, Lu Yanhe had almost completed all the credits for his elective courses last semester, and this semester he only had the pressure of required courses.

Lu Yanhe returned to school, and Miao Yue complained to him: "You took Liu Bige over and fell back on your own."

Lu Yanhe said: "After class, I will take you there and invite you to spend two days in Jiangzhi."

Hearing this, Miao Yue immediately laughed.

 “That’s okay.”

Lu Yanhe asked Miao Yue: "How are you writing the movie for Liu Bige? The script."

Miao Yue said: "It's not because I want you to be the starring role, so I revised several versions. I'm not satisfied myself, let alone show it to him. Alas, I have never written a spy story. Ask me to write this story, although Liu Bige wrote the story himself, but it is still difficult to write it into a script. It is always difficult for me to find an accurate expression. "

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then do you want to cooperate with other screenwriters? If you are not good at this."

Miao Yue said: "Anyway, he will be filming Li Zhibai's movie in the second half of the year. There is no rush. I will torture myself first. If I really can't torture myself, I will find foreign help."

 Lu Yanhe: “You are challenging yourself.”

“Yes, of course I have to challenge myself.” Miao Yue said bluntly, “I am a professional Chinese student, and I do not allow myself to ask for help when I encounter problems.”

 Lu Yanhe gave Miao Yue a thumbs up.

 “Your interests.”

Miao Yue: "That's not as good as you. You wrote this script in a hurry. It's just like a tentacle monster."

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Miao Yue asked curiously: "Yan He, I'm really curious, how can you come up with so many stories in your head? Every time I see you launch a new work, I feel very desperate. In comparison, I feel like I’m just wasting my time.”

“If you say that, many people will probably want to beat you up.” Lu Yanhe said bluntly, “I have written many scripts, but the films I wrote have not won the Grand Jury Prize at international film festivals.”

 With this award in hand, Miao Yue can be said to have achieved a very remarkable achievement as a screenwriter. She herself said that many film companies have approached her and want to hire her as a screenwriter for projects. However, Miao Yue herself is a very slow and meticulous person. Furthermore, she felt that she did not have enough experience in writing scripts, so she did not take the job.

Lu Yanhe said: "Actually, if you can write the script of a spy movie before you graduate from college, your creation speed will not be slow at all, two movies in four years."

Miao Yue: "It depends on who you compare yourself with. Comparing yourself with yourself will make people angry to death."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

Miao Yue said: "My novel will also be serialized on "Jump Up"."

"Well, I saw it." Lu Yanhe said, "I have read the first three chapters. I didn't expect that you would write a story that happened in ancient times."

“Because if I want to write a story that is completely different from what I know, I can only put the time when it happened in ancient times.” Miao Yue said.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

“I will be satisfied if I can write both novels and screenplays this year,” Miao Yue said. “I will graduate next year and then go to graduate school, so I will probably be even busier.”

“Are you staying at our school for graduate school?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Miao Yue said: "I haven't decided yet. I don't know whether to go to Yuming or stay in Zhenhua."

 “Can you get the postgraduate qualification?”

"Yes, my grades rank in the top 10%, no matter what, it will be my turn." Miao Yue said bluntly, "Actually, there is another option, which is to study abroad for graduate school. I am also thinking about whether to go to the UK for graduate school. Because I am also very interested in English literature, I think it would be a very interesting experience if I could live and read in a completely different context.”

Lu Yanhe said: "My roommate is going to the UK for a year as an exchange. Why do you all want to go to the UK so much?"

“You have to go to a country with some cultural and historical heritage, why not go to the United States? I hate that country, it is prosperous and vain.” Miao Yue said.

Lu Yanhe smiled noncommittally.

 Everyone has their own opinion.

  However, Britain is indeed a country that will interest many people who are interested in history and culture.

 “Have you discussed this matter with Liu Bige?”

“We have discussed it, and he is OK wherever I go.”

“If you go to England, you and he will be in a different country. Do you mind?”

“He said that if I go to England to study, he will also come to England after filming the movie.” Miao Yue said, “He is already very familiar with Europe.”

“Same.” Liu Bige himself came back from France.

Liu Bige said that he is also familiar with the British side. Basically, the European film and television circles are quite familiar with each other, and there is a sense of sticking together for warmth.

 Lu Yanhe: “Anyway, you haven’t figured out your future yet and you will definitely become a writer.”

"Yeah." Miao Yue nodded, "Just... I feel that in this era, if you are a writer, it is quite difficult to live a wealthy life, and I don't want to live too poor."

"Poverty? The reprint of your novel "Late Spring" has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and the movie has always paid dividends to you. How can you not be poor?"

"This is only one or two years, what about five years from now, ten years from now?" Miao Yue said, "It's too unstable, and the situation is precarious."

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

Miao Yue's thoughts in this regard are indeed different from those of Lu Yanhe. Of course, it is normal for her to think so.

Miao Yue said: "Let's see, there are still several years left for me to figure out what I want to do."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Miao Yue smiled again: "Also, maybe the novel serialized in "Jump Up" will become a super best-selling novel."

 Lu Yanhe: “I’m looking forward to it.”


 In the two days after returning to school, Lu Yanhe went out to have a meal with his roommates.

 It’s really the second semester of my junior year. Everyone is making decisions about their future. Lu Yanhe did not expect that in the end all his roommates would choose to go to graduate school.

Lu Yanhe also learned at this time that Xiao Jing finally broke up with his girlfriend Han Sha because of the exchange incident in England.

 It’s sad.

Xiao Jing said: "By the time I come back from England, you will all have graduated."

Zhou Mukai: “I’m still in Yuming.”

Mao Jiayang also said: "I am also still in Yuming."

 Lu Yanhe: “Me too.”

 Xiao Jing: “…”

Lu Yanhe smiled and said: "When you come back, we will take care of you." Xiao Jing: "Then it's agreed, don't break your promise."

“Whoever breaks his promise will pay the bill directly by sending red envelopes in the group.”

"No, what if I'm filming." Lu Yanhe suddenly realized a problem.

 “Then you break your promise.”

  …” Lu Yanhe.


Lu Yanhe and everyone finished eating and went back to the dormitory together.

Mao Jiayang hooked Lu Yanhe's neck and said, "Are you going to Jiangzhi again tonight?"

“Yes, I have to scout the location with the photography team tomorrow.”

Mao Jiayang: “I’m busy.”

The four of them walked downstairs to the dormitory. Lu Yanhe did not expect that a person was waiting for him.

 It is Wang Xiao.

 “Senior?” Lu Yanhe looked at him in surprise.

Wang Xiao saw him, smiled and waved his hand.

Mao Jiayang and the others went back first.

Wang Xiao said to Lu Yanhe: "Are you very busy recently? I asked you twice before, but you were not here."

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "I've been staying in Jiangzhi these days, preparing for the movie I want to make."

Wang Xiao asked: "You are the director of this movie yourself. This has not been made public yet, right?"

“Not yet.” Lu Yanhe shook his head, “Senior, why are you waiting for me downstairs?”

Wang Xiao: "I'm not waiting for you specifically. I'm about to graduate and need to change my dormitory. My graduate student's dormitory just happened to be moved to your building, so I came over to take a look and saw you walking over."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised: "What a coincidence."

"Yes." Wang Xiao said, "So I want to ask you if my things can be stored at your place for a while during the summer vacation. I am going away during the summer vacation and will not be in Yuming, but I cannot move my things to the new dormitory in advance. ”

Lu Yanhe immediately nodded and said, "Okay. Do you have many things? I won't be in Yuming during the summer vacation. I will free up my bed for you, and you can put all your things on my bed first."

Wang Xiao nodded and said, "That's enough. The main thing is to find a place to put some things in my dormitory."

 “Where are you going during the summer vacation?” Lu Yanhe asked him.

Wang Xiao said: "I am planning to go to Australia with Miaomiao. We have a student summer camp there and we will go there for about a month."

Lu Yanhe nodded, "That's quite interesting."

Wang Xiao: "It's a pity, we thought you would go."

“Me? I don’t even know what this is, but I couldn’t go. I have to film this summer.”

"You basically spend every winter and summer vacation filming on the crew." Wang Xiao said, "You are a model worker."

 Lu Yanhe: "Don't talk about me either. When on vacation did you really take a rest?"

Wang Xiao’s focus is entirely on the Youth Association.

 Even during the winter and summer vacations, he was not allowed to take a break.

They stood downstairs in the dormitory and chatted for a while.

Wang Xiao suddenly asked: "Yan He, was there a movie for you and Miaomiao to star in? She told me that she almost acted in a movie."

Lu Yanhe said: "Well, we were approached about a scene before, but due to some reasons, it was not filmed."

Wang Xiao: “It turns out it’s true.”

“What’s wrong?” Lu Yanhe asked, “Do you think it’s fake?”

"No, she was just a little surprised, because she said that the director pursued her and begged her to play the leading role, but she was not interested and refused many times." Wang Xiao said, "I read in the news that many actors wanted to play the leading role. The heroine is fighting for her head, so I feel a little weird.”

 Lu Yanhe: "This is true. The director was even treated as a gangster by her."

Wang Xiao laughed in surprise.

Lu Yanhe also laughed.

"That's what this industry is like. If you are spotted by a director, you are the darling of fate. If you don't have that opportunity, you can only fight and wait." Lu Yanhe said, "But if she wants to act, she can The heroine is just a matter of words.”

"Ah?" Wang Xiao looked at Lu Yanhe with some surprise, "Are you saying that if she wants to act, you can help her find a heroine to act at any time?"

"Me? How can I do that?" Lu Yanhe shook his head.

“Then why does she only have one sentence when she wants to act?” Wang Xiao looked confused.

Lu Yanhe said: "Northern Lights Video belongs to her family. Her father is the boss of Northern Lights Video. Don't you know?"

Wang Xiao's eyes widened in disbelief, with a look of disbelief on his face.

So, Lu Yanhe knew, but Wang Xiao really didn't know.


Why didn’t Lin Miaomiao tell Wang Xiao? -

Zheng Huairen accompanied Lin Desheng to attend an industry forum and walked out, with others following behind them.

 Lin Desheng just published on the forum "Under the attack of short videos, how can long-form dramas break the situation?" "The keynote speech resonated with many people at the scene and the effect was very good.

 This manuscript was written by Zheng Huairen personally for Lin Desheng.

Zheng Huairen smiled brightly and said to Lin Desheng: "Mr. Lin, you were so calm and composed on the stage just now. Mr. He from Bingyuan didn't look very good-looking."

Lin Desheng waved his hand and did not answer Zheng Huairen's criticism at all. Instead, he asked: "The 'power accumulation plan' that Chen Siqi and the others prepared to make that you brought over before, how did they do with it?"

“Recruitment orders will be issued soon,” Zheng Huairen said. “We have also told several new directors we have signed to actively participate in this competition and strive to get the top three.”

Lin Desheng said: "If Chen Siqi's idea is done well, and if you find a few good directors later, you have to sign them as soon as possible. If they don't do this themselves, don't let the people from Icefield get there first. , especially don’t focus on praising the directors we signed, and end up driving all the potential people to the ice field.”

"Don't worry, I will follow your instructions and keep an eye on those good seedlings." Zheng Huairen said.

"I haven't had dinner with these two young people for a while. Please make arrangements and make an appointment to sit down and have a good chat." Lin Desheng said, "Even though they are young, every step they take is done very well." He is very accurate and has a good vision. The things he makes are the ones that the market likes best. We have to learn more.”

Zheng Huairen said: "Yes, I think so too. I asked Jiang Zixin to work with them just because I wanted Jiang Zixin to learn more. She is in charge of "Wulin Gaiden" and "Squid Game"."

Lin Desheng snorted.

 He suddenly remembered something and looked back.

His secretary understood immediately and took two quick steps forward to reach Lin Desheng.

Lin Desheng asked: "How is Miaomiao doing at school now?"

The secretary said: "Ms. Miaomiao has classes all day today and has not left school."

Lin Desheng nodded and said, "I'll go to the school to see her later and then go back to the company."

 The secretary nodded and immediately sent a message to the driver to adjust the subsequent itinerary.

Zheng Huairen knew that Lin Desheng doted on his daughter very much.

 This daughter has had a chauffeur and bodyguard since she was a child, growing up in a princess-like environment.

 Zheng Huairen remained silent when it came to family matters.

After Lin Desheng finished explaining to his secretary, he continued: "Mr. Lin, regarding the new movie that Lu Yanhe is preparing, according to the long-term cooperation agreement we signed with him, it is no longer within the scope of our cooperation. Moreover, he is now He also refused investment from other film and television companies, saying that no film and television companies and platforms would be allowed to intervene during the production stage. Should we talk to him in advance after the filming is completed? "

Lin Desheng asked: "What is communication? Distribution? When did Northern Lights start to distribute movies?"

Zheng Huairen was choked.

“It is true that we do not distribute movies, but we can still win the broadcast rights on video platforms in advance.” Zheng Huairen said, “Almost every company in the country is grabbing it.”

Lin Desheng: "You have been dealing with Yan He for so long. Do you think he is the kind of person who deliberately keeps things in his pocket just to let others bid?"

Zheng Huairen snorted, "No."

"Since you know it's not the case, it means that since he has decided not to let other parties intervene until the filming is completed, he has taken it seriously. What's the use of talking to him about this now?" Lin Desheng said, "It's better to wait for them. The movie is about to start, so it would be more useful to give them some fruit, milk tea, and coffee.”

Zheng Huairen: “…”

Lam Desheng: "Compared with his new movies, the three dramas "Rouge", "Wulin Gaiden" and "Squid Game" are the focus you should pay attention to at this stage. If these three dramas are well cooperated, you still have to worry about Lu Yanhe Don’t you want to continue cooperating with us?”

Zheng Huairen: "Mr. Lin has great views."

"You should pay more attention to doing things well. You are like Zhong Benshuo from Maxine. He knows how to build relationships all day long but does not do content well. It is simply putting the cart before the horse." Lin Desheng said, "What does our Northern Lights rely on? Damn it. Do you want to have a relationship?"

Zheng Huairen: “…”

He said: "'Rouge' is going to the Netherlands Film Festival this time. We at Northern Lights are also one of the producers. Director Wang Zhong is also asking, are you free to attend?"

“You can just go.” Lin Desheng said, “Whenever the film we take the lead in producing at Northern Lights is shortlisted for an international film festival, it won’t be too late for you to ask me if I’m free.”

Zheng Huairen thought to himself, what happened to Lin Desheng today?

  Why do you say one thing and say something to him just once?

 Lin Desheng does not usually behave like this.

Zheng Huairen was puzzled.

He put Lin Desheng into the car in confusion. When the car drove away, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief and asked the people around him.

“Lin always took the wrong medicine today?”

The people around him smiled and reminded: "Mr. Lin has been angry recently because of his daughter's love affair."

Zheng Huairen suddenly realized.

I see.


“Miaomiao didn’t tell you, maybe because she was afraid that you would be under pressure?” Lu Yanhe speculated.

It was already finished to go back to each other, because suddenly found that Wang Xiao didn't know Lin Miaomiao's family background, and the two of them began to circulate on the campus again.

Wang Xiao has not come back to his senses yet.

“So, her family background is actually very good?” Wang Xiao looked at Lu Yanhe in surprise, “Then why has she never shown it in front of me?”

Compared with Lin Miaomiao's, Wang Xiao's family background is much more ordinary.

He suddenly realized that his relationship with Lin Miaomiao was that of a poor boy and a rich princess, and his heart felt inexplicably.

Lu Yanhe said: "I am not very familiar with her, but she is not a person who likes to show her superiority. The first time I met her, she never showed any superiority. She is a very proud person. He is a very picky and straightforward person, but he has never used his family background to make a fool of himself.”

Wang Xiao took a deep breath.

 “I’m a little confused right now.”

“Did you shrink back because Lin Miaomiao’s family background is very unusual?” Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Xiao in surprise.

"What are you shrinking from? They are two different things. I am shocked, shocked and shocked now." Wang Xiao smacked his lips, "Suddenly I feel a lot of pressure."

Wang Xiao’s face had the words “a lot of pressure” written sincerely on his face.

Lu Yanhe can understand his mood at this moment very well.

Just when he was about to say something, Lu Yanhe suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of him.

 At this moment, his heart was filled with shock.

How could it be such a coincidence that while he and Wang Xiao were still talking about Lin Miaomiao, Lin Desheng suddenly appeared in front of them?

Lu Yanhe subconsciously turned his head to look at Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao didn’t know why and asked, “What do you think I’m doing?”

“Uh, in front, the man in the dark blue suit in front is Lin Miaomiao’s father.”

Wang Xiao's expression changed instantly. (End of chapter)

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