Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 434: The excitement brought by "Flowers on the Stars"

Before Wang Xiao came back to his senses, Lin Desheng had already noticed them.

“Huh?” Lin Desheng was a little surprised to meet Lu Yanhe here.

Lu Yanhe immediately smiled, waved to Lin Desheng, and then walked forward.

“Uncle Lin, are you here to see Miaomiao?” Lu Yanhe greeted.

Lin Desheng also laughed, nodded and said, "Yes, you are also in school. I thought you were filming."

“Not yet, we have to wait for summer vacation.” Lu Yanhe said, “I still have to go to class now, so it’s not convenient to ask for leave.”

"Well." Lin Desheng's eyes fell on the boy who was standing with Lu Yanhe just now, "Are you chatting with your classmates?"

Lu Yanhe looked back and saw that Wang Xiao was still standing there, pretending to be waiting for him, not recognizing Lin Desheng, and looking indifferent.


Lu Yanhe could see the panic behind Wang Xiao's pretentiousness and his pretentious calmness.

"He is the president of our school's Youth Association, Wang Xiao." Lu Yanhe introduced Wang Xiao's title emphatically, "He is my senior, very powerful. In the past two years, he has led the team to make our school's Youth Association better and better. It’s getting stronger.”

 After Lu Yanhe finished speaking, he found that Lin Desheng had no reaction.

This doesn’t quite fit with Lin Desheng’s character.

He looked at Lin Desheng suspiciously, and saw that the latter's expression suddenly changed without knowing when, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Lu Yanhe really understood in an instant that Lin Desheng must have heard of Wang Xiao.


Originally, I wanted to establish a good image of Wang Xiao as a young man in front of Lin Desheng. But now it seems that he didn't understand the situation clearly and suddenly lit a certain fuse?

Lin Desheng said in a sinister tone: "I said that kid looks a bit familiar."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Lu Yanhe suddenly wanted to run away at this moment.

This kind of Shura field that Wang Xiao has to face, why does he appear here?

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "Uncle Lin, I have classes later, I have to go to class first."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao's voice came from afar.

 “Dad!” She ran over happily wearing a pink jacket and a baseball cap.

Just when she was about to fall into her father's arms, she saw the figure looking up at the sky from the corner of her eye and paused.

 Lu Yanhe's eyes had already handed it over with a very loyal look.

 —Your father has found out.

Lin Miaomiao immediately turned around, and under Wang Xiao's surprised gaze, she took Wang Xiao's arm in a grand manner and pulled him to Lin Desheng. Looking at her appearance, it seemed as if she had already prepared to take someone with her. As if seeing him, she said gracefully: "It just so happens that you are here today. Let me introduce you formally. This is my boyfriend, Wang Xiao."

Wang Xiao’s face was filled with questions.

In the past few years, he has seen a lot of the world in the Youth Association, and has dealt with all kinds of people. He can be regarded as the most calm and calm person among his peers, but at this moment, He had no idea what response he should make. He just felt that the scene he was experiencing now seemed to be in order, but was actually chaotic.

He had to follow Lin Miaomiao's words and say "Hello, Uncle" in a polite manner.

Looking at the look on the man in front of him, he felt that he was not good at all.


Lin Desheng looked at his daughter, was silent for a few seconds, and then let out a roar.

Lin Miaomiao said: "Why did you suddenly come to see me today?"

Lin Desheng said: "Can't I come to see you?"

 “You didn’t even say hello in advance.”

“Let me go first.” Lin Desheng couldn’t stand it any longer and pointed at Lin Miaomiao’s hand holding Wang Xiao’s arm.

Lin Miaomiao hugged her tighter.

"You must not tell me that you are also the kind of feudal father who would try to control your adult daughter who wants to have free love." She said unceremoniously, "Then I will be very disappointed in you. ”

Lin Desheng took a breath of air.

Lu Yanhe was filled with emotions.

Lin Miaomiao has a mouth that will attack people whenever she opens her mouth. No matter who she faces, she is 100% poisonous without any compromise.

Lu Yanhe thought, as Lin Miaomiao's father, Uncle Lin should have recognized what her daughter looks like, right?

 It won’t make you angry, right?

Lu Yanhe looked at Lin Desheng worriedly.


 In the evening, Lu Yanhe went on the night road to Jiangzhi.

On the high-speed train in the past, Lu Yanhe was chatting with Chen Siqi and they talked about the incident during the day.

"I didn't even dare to write like this when writing a script." Lu Yanhe lamented, "But it's a pity that you were not there. That scene was really wonderful, Lin Miaomiao... I feel that if one day a screenwriter writes a character based on her, she will be the best choice." The language ability of indiscriminate attack will definitely become popular. "

Chen Siqi: "Hurry up and tell me, what about the back? What's Mr. Lin's attitude?"

"What kind of attitude could Mr. Lin have? She was his daughter after all. In the end, he angrily gave them both a lesson, told Wang Xiao to behave himself, and asked Lin Miaomiao to go home for more meals, and then left."

Chen Siqi: "I am really surprised by Lin Miaomiao's fighting ability."

Lu Yanhe: "Your fighting ability is not much better."

 Chen Siqi: “What?”

"I mean, your fighting ability against Yu Jiang is also terrifying. You are different from Lin Miaomiao. You only target people you hate, while she attacks indiscriminately." Lu Yanhe immediately corrected him.

 Chen Siqi just snorted. "I haven't told you yet, hasn't Yujiang collaborated with Ruyi Pictures before? Their first film together is out, and they will go to the Los Angeles Film Festival to premiere and sell the film."

 “Are they also shortlisted?”

"You are not shortlisted, but you can still be screened at the film festival. If you sign up, as long as you have a place, the film festival officials will certainly welcome you." Chen Siqi said, "This "Flowers on the Stars" is still very topical. It’s quite high. The hero is looking for Lang Xia, and the heroine is using a newcomer. The trailer was released today, have you seen it?”

 “No, I didn’t pay attention.”

"This original novel was quite popular before, selling hundreds of thousands of copies." Chen Siqi said, "But it is strange that a best-selling novel at that time could sell so many copies, and it can still sell hundreds of thousands of copies now. "

Lu Yanhe said: "It looks like we are going to meet in Jose."

"Based on what I know about this woman, she will definitely not let go of this hype opportunity." Chen Siqi said, "You must be careful, don't let this woman accidentally get involved in making news."

Lu Yanhe said: "I feel like I can't escape it. This time I will announce at the Jose Film Festival that "Love Letter" will be written, directed and starred by me. I will also use a newcomer as the heroine. I guess there must be some good news and the media will also want to stir up trouble. "

 Chen Siqi said: "Being a director yourself will indeed make people question it. After all, you have never been a director before."

 “Yu Jiang must be the one who questioned it.” Lu Yanhe said.

"You're really right. Let me put it here first. If she doesn't plan to be a director for the time being, she will definitely ridicule you for being too greedy, wanting to do everything, not calm enough, and maybe she will mess it up herself. "

Lu Yanhe smiled.

After chatting with Chen Siqi, Lu Yanhe searched the Internet for the movie Yu Jiang.

There are indeed quite a lot of people discussing this movie online. It can be seen that it is a topical work.

 Lang Xia also has many fans. His reputation has slowly grown in the past two years, and under He Yingzi's operation, he has now become a serious and popular niche student. Now that Ichiban is starring in a movie, his fans are so attached to the movie that they are dissatisfied even if the box office does not exceed 100 million.

 Because of the original novel, everyone already knows what the plot of this movie is.

When Lu Yanhe saw it, he immediately understood that two young people were in love, but the male protagonist was suffering from a rare disease and died soon. In this situation, the two people, one wanted to break up, and the other refused to break up, entangled with each other. Sad love story.

This kind of story was very popular as a novel at the time, but now it is not liked by the audience.

 Mainly because I have experienced too many scenarios where the male protagonist is sick and dies soon.

  Everybody is tired of seeing it.

Lu Yanhe clicked on the trailer and looked at it, but he immediately put it away again after feeling a little contemptuous just now.

This film, although it is bloody, is still quite attractive.

Even Lu Yanhe, who doesn’t like watching **** dramas, was affected by the collapse, despair, stubbornness, hope and other emotions shown in the trailer when the young lovers faced the shadow of death.

The two actors performed extremely well in this **** plot, and they had a strong tension that attracted the audience.

 This is something Lu Yanhe never expected at all.

With such a trailer and the current level of discussion on the Internet, it is conceivable that this movie will not be popular.

Lu Yanhe's mood suddenly became serious and tense.

He was thinking that the threshold for watching a film like "Love Letter", which is more literary and artistic, must be higher than "Flowers on the Stars".

 "Flowers on the Stars" should be able to achieve high box office in sinking markets.

 Not necessarily in "Love Letter".

Lu Yanhe originally wanted to let the reputation of "Love Letter" slowly grow. Should he make some adjustments?

  Along the way, Lu Yanhe was thinking about this issue.


After thinking about the answer all the way, when Lu Yanhe left the station, he still felt that these are things for later, let’s make the movie first.

 The movie has been shot and edited, let’s talk about the rest.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath, looked at the night sky above his head, and said to himself, don't be influenced by others, don't have too many distracting thoughts, just do it according to your own ideas. Only by doing it yourself first can you get good results. .

 He took a photo of the starlight and posted it on Weibo: The starlight does not disappoint travelers.

 Fans like and leave comments.

 —Go to bed early.

—Xiao Lu, don’t stay up late. You won’t be handsome if you have dark circles under your eyes.

Who said that even if Mr. Lu has dark circles under his eyes, he is still the most handsome giant panda.

 —If you want to say it’s a loss, it’s still your loss.

  —Why are there so many night owls? Don't you all need to sleep? (I was working the night shift and couldn’t sleep if I wanted to).

—I just finished writing the papers, and now I am squatting in the pit so I can look at my mobile phone. The college entrance examination is about to take place, so I ask for blessings.


Lu Yanhe saw this, stopped, and replied to him: Come on, take the test well, and wait for your good news.

The driver was hired by Wang Biao locally in Jiangzhi and came from Jiangzhi specifically to pick them up.

 Originally, Zou Dong said that he could also drive.

Lu Yanhe was worried that Zou Dong would have to stay with him for a whole day tomorrow, so he asked to find another driver.

He put down the chair and said, "I'll take a nap for a while. Call me when you get there, and you guys can take a nap too."

Wang Biao nodded and said, "Brother Lu, Brother Dong, you guys go to sleep. I slept a little before going out. I'm not sleepy at all. I'll wake you up when we get there."

When Zou Dong saw Lu Yanhe take out the headphones and eye mask from his bag and put them on, he nodded to Wang Biao and told him to call him immediately if there was any situation. He also closed his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and hugged Wang Biao with his hands. Chest, close your eyes and rest your mind.

Wang Biao did come out after a good night's sleep.

 He knew he would have to stay up late tonight. He also knew that Zou Dong would accompany Lu Yanhe for a day of scouting tomorrow. He took the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of not sleeping at night. Anyway, he can sleep in the car tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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