Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 466: new journey

Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou were the only two people who heard Director Fu Kai mumble.

Both of them couldn't help but applaud to cover up their smiles which were not entirely congratulatory.

Fu Kai came on stage, took out a small piece of paper from his pocket, and said with a smile: "Sorry, my English is not very good, so I made some preparations in advance, but I didn't expect it to be used - this sentence was also prepared in advance. ,Hahaha."

The whole audience was amused by this unexpected opening statement.

Fu Kai's acceptance speech had a general meaning that he wrote in advance, and Linyu translated it for him in advance and wrote it on a small piece of paper.

"When I was filming the movie "Path of Glory", I never thought that it would be shortlisted for the Horizon section of the Venice International Film Festival. Thanks to the two actors Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe, without them, I think this movie might not be the same. It won’t be noticed by the film selectors at the Venice International Film Festival. I have been a director for many years and am not a newbie, but this is the first time I have actually received funds to make a film that is not directly aimed at box office. . Thanks to Mr. Ruan Qingping of Mountain Films, because of your support, I was able to make this movie." Fu Kai read his speech according to the script, took a deep breath, and seemed to want to say something more, but he was hesitant to say it. Then, he took the trophy in his hand, weighed it hard in his hand, felt it, said "thank you" in Chinese, and stepped down.

Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou sat in the audience and applauded.

Best Film Award in the Horizon Section of the Venice International Film Festival.

The film starring Lu Yanhe won his second international award.

Even Ning Xiulian turned around and glanced at Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou.

Forget it Shang Yongzhou.

Lu Yanhe's luck in winning awards in recent years has been so good that it's incredible.

The media also released the news immediately.

Although the Horizon section is not as influential as the main competition section, it is an official competition section of a top film festival. Winning such a grand prize can still be recorded as a career masterpiece.

Guan Suchen immediately posted on Weibo: "I have nothing to say. In the field of international awards, Chen Pinhe in the 40s, Shang Yongzhou in the 30s, and Lu Yanhe in the 20s. The three of them are actors. The dominance of these three mountains cannot be shaken."

Guan Suchen tweeted again: "We'll see if "Happy Time" can push Ning Xiulian to the status of a **** in one fell swoop and break the dominance of actresses. However, Ning Xiulian and Chen Bige are similar in age, and they are not like those few The two male actors are the same, but the tracks are completely different. This means that even if Ning Xiulian won the best actress at this Venice International Film Festival, it will still be difficult to shake Chen Bige, who already has two Best Actress trophies at the four major international film festivals. ”

Someone commented on Guan Su Chen’s Weibo: What age are we in, can’t we all go hand in hand? Do you have to make it seem like they are fighting each other to the death?

Guan Suchen replied directly: No matter what era, competition and status will exist. If we work together, then don't bother with nominations and awards. Let everyone give them awards. What do you think?

Guan Suchen also felt speechless.

Going hand in hand?

If most people in the entertainment industry could work together, there wouldn't be so many **** battles.

The top director, the top script, the largest investment... There are only a few such projects every year, and there is more monks than meat.

If you don’t rob, you still ask others not to rob?

Who answers you?

The entertainment industry is a very disorderly place. This is not a derogatory description, but a fact. Some actors auditioned for this movie, and got through the back door for that movie. In some movies, no matter how good your acting skills are, they can't match the "feeling" and "temperament" that the director likes at first glance. You have been working hard to prepare for this movie for half a year, but due to the postponement of the start-up time, it ran into the schedule behind you, so you had to give up regretfully.

This is an environment where no one can make a final decision until the last moment. In such an environment, do you expect each other to go hand in hand?

who do you think You Are?

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang also had a dispute over a variety show like "Supernova Games".


After receiving the award, Fu Kai said regretfully to Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou: "It's a pity that you two didn't win the Best Actor Award in the Horizon Section."

Shang Yongzhou smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's okay."

Lu Yanhe also nodded and said, "I'll take it later."

Lu Yanhe silently accepted his worldliness in his heart - well, if it was the main competition section, then maybe he would really feel sorry for it. The Best Actor in the Horizon section is tasteless and a pity to throw away. It would be a pity to win it. , but deep down I was really depressed why this movie was not shortlisted for the main competition.

He said that of course the horizon section is also very good, why must it be shortlisted for the main competition section - but if it is really shortlisted for the main competition section, no one will want to come to the horizon section.

Lu Yanhe was just trying his best to maintain a sense of dignity.

Chen Ziyan sometimes says that he is not as innocent as before.

Lu Yanhe laughed at that time and said, "It's good that I can still be as open-minded as possible. I'm still simple. If I want to be simple after debuting for so long, that's not naive, it's stupid."

Chen Ziyan rolled her eyes: "You said you were fat and you were out of breath. I said you are not as innocent as before, because your lower limit was low enough before, not that you are smarter and more sophisticated now."

Lu Yanhe gritted his teeth in anger.

Thinking of the past, Lu Yanhe couldn't help but laugh.


The awards process proceeds slowly.

Fortunately, this time, there was no surprise at the Venice International Film Festival. The winner of the Best Actress was Ning Xiulian.

When the name was read out from the person presenting the award, Ning Xiulian cheered in surprise and hugged Yu Qin with a look of disbelief on her face.

Yu Qin responded to her hug with joy on her face. She didn't sit down slowly until Ning Xiulian came on stage.

Lu Yanhe and the others applauded Ning Xiulian sincerely.

As soon as Ning Xiulian came on stage, her eyes turned red, and when she spoke, her tone was choked with sobs.

"It's such a surprise to me. I thought my career was about to end, but it gave me a huge reward at this time!" Ning Xiulian's English is much better than Fu Kai's. She was completely present at the scene. Now said, "When Director Yu Qin took our crew to start filming "Happy Days," none of us expected that we would receive such a warm welcome from you in Venice."

On one hand, Lu Yanhe was touched by Ning Xiulian's true expression, but on the other hand, he was a little curious. What was Yu Qin thinking at this moment?

"This is the first time Ning Xiulian has won an award." Shang Yongzhou said, "She has never won any formal acting awards in China before, which is really a pity. Her acting skills are really great. Style, no matter what role is given to her, she can complete it very well. I worked with her once, but the role that time was not enough for her to show one-tenth of her strength. "

This was the first time Lu Yanhe heard Shang Yongzhou comment on Ning Xiulian.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Based on his understanding of Shang Yongzhou, Shang Yongzhou is actually a person who focuses on himself and rarely comments on others.

Shang Yongzhou said: "If you have a chance, you can try working with her. Although she has a bit of a personality, she is indeed a very good actor."

Lu Yanhe reacted.

Shang Yongzhou probably saw that he had been distant from Yu Qin and Ning Xiulian these days, so he mentioned this at this time.

Lu Yanhe didn't know if he understood it wrong. He felt that Shang Yongzhou seemed to be worried that he would have opinions about Ning Xiulian and would not cooperate with her in the future. This was a pity for her. He admired Ning Xiulian very much and did not want to see Ning Xiulian miss such an opportunity. Lu Yanhe did not dare to confirm such an idea with Shang Yongzhou because he felt that such an idea was too arrogant and narcissistic.

She is already a movie queen at the Venice International Film Festival, her status is completely different from the past, and the market is also different.

Shang Yongzhou: "It's not easy for her to persist until this point."

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Brother, now that she has won the Best Actress Award at the Venice International Film Festival, there will be many people looking for her to film in the future. I want to cooperate with her, and I guess I have to queue up."

Shang Yongzhou smiled and said: "Yan He, you know, no matter how top actors are, they will always be in the position of being selected. There are only a handful of actors like you who have the ability to write and direct. Your future is better than ours." Go far."

Lu Yanhe didn't expect that even Shang Yongzhou would say such things.

He was stunned.

Because I don’t know how to answer this.

"I'm flattered." Lu Yanhe added blankly, "Do you people on the top of the mountain encourage the younger generations like this?"

He made a joke.

Shang Yongzhou smiled and said nothing more.

He was not joking with Lu Yanhe, so he didn't think of a word or two to answer Lu Yanhe's pretentious joke.


This is the end of this Venice International Film Festival.

Both Chinese-language films won awards, which is good luck.

Of course, Yu Qin seemed a little dissatisfied. After all, it was Ning Xiulian who won the award. Ning Xiulian returned to China as a new international movie queen, and she was very proud. At the airport, she was surrounded by a large number of media as soon as she appeared.

She and Yu Qin came back on the same flight.

When Yu Qin saw that she was surrounded by the media, she lowered her head and prepared to leave first.

Ning Xiulian suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back.

Yu Qin looked so surprised that he could clearly see it even with glasses on.

"Don't just pester me and let Director Yu run away accidentally. Director Yu, you can't leave me alone." Ning Xiulian hugged Yu Qin's arm and showed a dependent smile.

Yu Qin: "...Why did I run away?"

In fact, it was a very speechless reaction, but in the eyes of the media, it was like the director's helpless pampering of his heroine.

From a distance, Lu Yanhe, who was returning from the same flight, saw them surrounded by media reporters. He quickly hid behind Zou Dong, Wang Biao and Chen Ziyan, avoiding their sight, and left in a hurry.

When she got on the car without being discovered or disturbed, Chen Ziyan said: "Lu Yanhe, you have really turned into a thief. You asked Ning Xiulian and Yu Qin to go out first, and waited for a long time. Just leave, I said you are not such a lazy person."

Lu Yanhe: "...Sister Ziyan, see through but don't tell."

Chen Ziyan: "If "Path of Glory" wins the award, there will definitely be a seminar later. Take the time these days to think about what you want to say at the seminar. This kind of seminar will have higher standards, and some people have real power. Officials who also want to do practical things for the film industry will also participate. What you say at the seminar may be more effective than what you usually say in front of the media. I actually listen to your suggestions for the release of "Path of Glory". I think it's pretty good. Someone has actually proposed such an idea before, but their power is very weak, and not many people take it seriously. It's you who said that Fu Kai and Shandi Pictures would seriously study the feasibility. "

Lu Yanhe was reminded by Chen Ziyan and nodded.

Chen Ziyan knows that Lu Yanhe's opinions are increasingly valued in the industry because he has achieved so many notable achievements in the past. Before his myth failed, every word he said would be regarded as a treasure and a law.

Chen Ziyan was actually worried about this in the past, fearing that Lu Yanhe would be praised too highly.

Now Chen Ziyan feels that instead of worrying, it is better to make good use of this environment to obtain greater benefits for Lu Yanhe.

No matter how much she worried, the myth would either continue, or it would fail for the first time and the myth would be shattered.

This is not something she can change by worrying or not worrying.


Lu Yanhe was sitting in the car, scrolling through Weibo, and suddenly clicked his tongue.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ziyan asked.

"That film directed by Yu Qin, do you know what Teacher Ning Xiulian said to reporters at the airport just now?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Ziyan shook her head.

After a long flight, Chen Ziyan no longer bothered to read news online.

"What did she say?"

Lu Yanhe directly disconnected the mobile phone from the Bluetooth headset, raised the volume, and played the sound of the video.

"We have finished filming that film, but... Director Yu, are we going to have to reshoot it?" Ning Xiulian asked Yu Qin in full view of everyone.

Yu Qin said "Huh?" with a confused look on her face.

Ning Xiulian said: "It's nothing else. Zi Liang may have a background as a singer, so he is still a little immature in acting. This film was shot very temporarily and he didn't have time to prepare at all. We are really concerned about the quality of the filming." Everyone is a little dissatisfied, including Ziliang himself. "

Yu Qin looked at Ning Xiulian in astonishment and didn't answer for a long time.

Ning Xiulian seemed not to notice Yu Qin's strangeness and shook her head with a smile.

"But these all have to be decided by the director. I am just an actor. I listen to the director." Ning Xiulian said, "Filming "Happy Time" with the director was one of my most enjoyable filming experiences. If it weren't for Yu Without the guidance of my director, I definitely wouldn’t have won this award.”

Chen Ziyan took a deep breath in surprise and sighed: "Ning Xiulian, is she pulling out a tooth from a tiger's mouth?"

Lu Yanhe said: "I used to hear about many such things in the entertainment industry, but I rarely witnessed it with my own eyes. This time I watched it from beginning to end. I felt like my three views were shattered."

Chen Ziyan: "But Ning Xiulian is also sure that Yu Qin will not fall out with her at this time. "Happy Days" won accolades and she just won the Best Actress Award. Most of the results after "Happy Days" will depend on it. Ning Xiulian, a new movie queen, cannot expose the fact that their relationship is bad in front of the public. "

Lu Yanhe: "Isn't Ning Xiulian not worried at all that Yu Qin and her will completely break up in private and never interact with her again?"

"What does she have to worry about now? She has the winner of the Venice International Film Festival, who can protect her until she retires." Chen Ziyan said, "And, to be honest, in our domestic film and television environment, actors who really have acting skills , They may not be very popular, but they will definitely be able to make a living. What are they afraid of offending Yu Qin? Even if they offend a real industry boss like Luo Yuzhong, it is impossible to completely ban them. "

Lu Yanhe was amazed.

No wonder, it turns out that this is the reason why people are so confident.

Chen Ziyan said: "In addition to breaking the law and discipline, you can directly use physical means to find this person. Otherwise, no one in this world can completely make you have no way out, and you have to suffer!"

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded.


"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I didn't tell you." Chen Ziyan said, "The filming time for the movie "Fire" has been set. Filming will start in April next year. Your filming time will be about ninety days."

Lu Yanhe asked in surprise: "So long?"

"Yes." Chen Ziyan nodded, "This movie has many big scenes, and you are one of the protagonists. You need to appear in many scenes. In addition, this movie has many action parts, so shooting is much more difficult than ordinary movies."

Lu Yanhe has done action scenes.

In "Phoenix Terrace" directed by Chen Lingling, his action scenes were indeed difficult to film.

An action scene is just one scene. If it is important in the plot, even if the final clip is only ten minutes, it may take two days to shoot.

Technical difficulty is not of the same order of magnitude.

Lu Yanhe nodded in understanding.

Chen Ziyan said: "Your first commercial blockbuster is finally coming."

She was looking forward to it and excited.

Lu Yanhe also hummed.

He also looks forward to it.

People who like artistic films and film festivals look down on commercial films, thinking they are too low-level and simple. People who like commercial films and big spectacles look down on artistic films and film festivals, thinking that they are just a small group of people amusing themselves. They even feel that the domestic film industry has long since stopped seeing them, and their aura is no longer there.

But people who are really in the film industry know very well that the current film world is composed of various small worlds, which is why it is still one of the most influential art carriers in the world.

In an era where video platforms continue to capture traffic, the artistic status and high-end sense of movies still rely on those awards to support its aura of art and honor.

In an era when the influence and dissemination of awards are declining, the occasional masterpiece with a global box office exceeding one billion or even two billion US dollars can still attract global attention with its huge box office figures and colorful star halo.

This is the film industry now.

Lu Yanhe is looking forward to his first commercial film as much as he looks forward to film festivals and awards. (End of chapter)

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