Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 467: Three art films released

 After returning to China, Lu Yanhe went back to school first.

I checked in with counselor Chen Shiqiu, and had dinner with my roommates and classmates.

Roommate Xiao Jing has gone to England.

Both Mao Jiayang and Zhou Mukai successfully obtained the postgraduate qualifications. They do not have to face the pressure of the future for the time being, which is the most relaxing time.

"I don't know how Xiao Jing is doing in the UK. It must be great." Mao Jiayang clicked his tongue twice, "I don't know if I will have the opportunity to stay abroad for a while in the future."

"Do you want to immigrate?" Zhou Mukai asked Mao Jiayang in surprise.

He was surprised because he usually didn't think that Mao Jiayang had the ideological tendency of "foreign countries are better".

"Forget about immigrating, I'm still used to our Chinese food." Mao Jiayang smiled, "But I really want to go to different places to experience life."

Lu Yanhe said: "I had this idea before."


"Yes." Lu Yanhe said, "When I first had the opportunity to go abroad, I was quite excited. No matter where I went, I would find a way to squeeze in some time to visit the local area. But later I went to more places. After that, I gradually lost this sense of excitement. I also think that I am still a Chinese person and am only used to eating Chinese food. It’s okay to go to other places for two or three days to experience different customs, history and culture. After staying for a long time, I can’t get used to it. This time in Venice, I really miss the food of our country, so I will make an appointment with you for dinner as soon as I come back.”

Zhou Mukai: "I really want to go to Japan."

"I've been to Japan, and the food there is better than Korea." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "Korea is really not delicious at all."

Zhou Mukai: "I'm not interested in food. I really want to see the scenes in the animations I watched when I was a child."

"There is really nothing to say about Japanese animation." Mao Jiayang also said, "I don't know why. The animations I watched when I was a child were basically Japanese and American, but there are not many domestic animation works of our own."

Lu Yanhe: "Well, the main reason is that there are not many good ones, they are all cartoons for young children."

"I have made some now." Zhou Mukai said immediately, "I have seen a lot in the past few years, and the more I do, the better."

"Really?" Lu Yanhe was surprised. Because he doesn't watch animation much anymore, he feels strange when he occasionally sees an animated movie like "The Angry Crow".

Zhou Mukai: “There are many animation works adapted from online novels.”

Mao Jiayang suddenly remembered something, nodded and said, "Yes, I also watched a movie some time ago called "Dragon Master". I didn't even know it was adapted from an online novel. After watching the twelve episodes of the first season, I just knew it. It was so well shot, I didn’t even think we could make such animations in our country.”

"Obviously our domestic animation started quite early, but I don't know why it suddenly went dormant for a long time."

"Those people from the School of Science and Engineering often say that liberal arts are useless. Every time I hear such words, I am speechless." Zhou Mukai complained.

Mao Jiayang, who studied computer science, immediately raised his hand: "Zhou Mukai, don't beat me to death with a stick. I don't think so. I quite envy you who study literature. Alas, to be honest, because the knowledge in science and engineering is all explicit, It is objective and can be seen, but the knowledge of liberal arts is implicit, subjective, and has different effects on different people, so there is this argument that liberal arts are useless.”

"If liberal arts are really useless, the history of human civilization is useless. No one with any brains would say that. Just like if you want to travel to Japan, it's because you were influenced by their animation works."

"I have always felt that Yan He is doing a great thing, because he is creating our own culture. A momentary hit or box office are all temporary things. The work remains, maybe ten years later, the second Ten years later, "Six People" has become a window for others to understand the young people of our era. Movies like "Three Mountains" and "Late Spring" will attract some foreigners to China just like Japanese animation."

"Look at the opening ceremony of any Olympic Games. The host country is not showing its own country's history, culture and development process. Which opening ceremony is not using literature and art, which represent the achievements of spiritual civilization, as a display to the world? window?"

Mao Jiayang looked at Lu Yanhe, his face really filled with envy. He said, "I also hope that one day I can make something valuable that can be written into the history of our country and the history of human civilization."

Lu Yanhe and Zhou Mukai looked at Mao Jiayang in surprise. After a long time, he sighed: "Mao Jiayang, your ideals are so grand."

Mao Jiayang looked a little embarrassed on his face.

"It's a bit exaggerated. I'm inexplicably ashamed now."

"What a shame, it's good." Zhou Mukai changed his previous expression and said to him, "Honestly, thanks to being roommates with you and Xiao Jing for the past four years, I have a little change in my view of science students. When I was in high school, almost everyone from teachers to classmates firmly believed that only people who were not good at science should study liberal arts. I really hated them."

Mao Jiayang laughed.

"It's okay. Look how good you are now. Most of the people around you won't think so anymore." Lu Yanhe said, "There are biased people everywhere, but as long as you get better and better, you can leave." Those who are prejudiced are getting further and further away.”

"Speaking from the bottom of my heart." Mao Jiayang laughed, "Look at what Lu Yanhe said against Yongshan Hesan at the media conference in Venice. Even Lu Yanhe is like this, and there are idiots like Yongshan Hesan who are fooling around."

Zhou Mukai complained: "That's a fool."

Lu Yanhe looked at them in surprise.

"You all know Yongshan Hesan?"

"People scold him on our school forum every day," Mao Jiayang said. "You don't know how many people in our school are helping you to criticize him, right? Many classmates even go abroad to criticize him over the wall."

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

"No way? Everyone... there is no need to do this."

"There is no way. You may not play much in school forums, and there are really not many forums that are active now. But in Zhenhua, our school forums still have a lot of active users every day. Many of them have graduated ten or twenty years ago. The seniors and seniors are still used to talking about you, and everyone likes to chat in the forum. You are the most famous person in Zhenhua now. It is inevitable that everyone will talk about you more. You have been bullied. Everyone. Why do you sit back and do nothing?" Mao Jiayang said, "The alumni of our school are still very united."

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

"Besides, it's just a matter of criticizing Yong Shanhe San. Everyone also wants to have some entertainment projects." Mao Jiayang said, "Sometimes when I get tired of writing code, I will go over the wall and scold him. Anyway, scolding him has no effect. Psychological stress.”

Lu Yanhe clasped his hands and said, "Respect!"


Lu Yanhe actually admires these roommates around him.

In a university like Zhenhua where outstanding students gather, basically everyone was a proud student in their respective high schools before coming here.

After coming to Zhenhua, almost everyone needs a process of adjusting their inner mentality.

How to go from being “far ahead” to adapting to an environment that is “always lagging behind”.

And Lu Yanhe also knew that for a celebrity artist like him, no matter how much he tried to minimize his influence, it would inevitably affect his roommates to some extent.

Not only did his roommates never complain, they were never affected.

Whether it is academics or other aspects outside of academics, each of them has always been serious and hardworking.

Lu Yanhe's state is not that of an ordinary school student. And if there is such a person around you, it will actually greatly affect your state. But they not only maintain their excellent academic performance every year, but also work hard to expand and improve themselves in other aspects.

Just like Zhou Mukai, he is usually a college bully and spends time in the library almost every day. Later, he took the initiative to ask Lu Yanhe if he had the opportunity to work as a part-time editor for "Jump Up" magazine. Now he has become the mainstay of "Jump Up" magazine.

Compared with himself, Lu Yanhe has always felt that they are representative examples of relying on personal efforts and struggle.

Actors and the entertainment industry are not universally representative fields.

Lu Yanhe did not dare to think arrogantly that he could earn tens of millions per year at a young age and become a nationally famous person, which he could achieve entirely through his own efforts and so-called talent.

He knows how much of the industry and era's dividends he has accounted for.


At the "Path of Glory" film seminar, Lu Yanhe also mentioned this again.

In the eyes of the outside world, activities such as film seminars are mostly just formalized standard actions.

But Chen Ziyan made a special statement to Lu Yanhe.

"This time you can talk more about your understanding of movies and this industry." Chen Ziyan said, "Since you are no longer just an actor, it's time to let them hear more of your thoughts."

Therefore, when it was Lu Yanhe's turn to speak, he said right away: "Actually, I am a very lucky young actor, because I have cooperated with many very reliable and talented producers, directors, editors and crews. Each film has gained a lot of fame. In fact, this is the aura given to me by the achievements of film and television dramas.”

This is what Lu Yanhe said from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as he spoke like this, many seniors present looked at him with much gentler eyes.

What old man doesn’t like a more humble junior?

Especially a junior who is so famous that they feel they have no control over it.

Lu Yanhe took a stance first and then continued.

"Our domestic film and television drama market is one of the best in the world. This allows our film and television dramas to have a very solid industrial foundation to further promote the development of our film and television production. In the past two years, we have also seen that There are more and more Chinese-language films at international film festivals. While commercial films are booming, art films are also taking on new life. This is a particularly lucky time for me as an actor, no matter what kind of film I want to act in. can find the right project.”

On such an occasion, Lu Yanhe said such words in front of the film department leaders and other influential personnel, which undoubtedly made them feel comfortable.

Lu Yanhe had no interest in being a cannon and firing at them.

He himself is a beneficiary of this industry, so he can shoot whatever he wants.

"This time "Path of Glory" was able to win the Best Film Horizon Award at the Venice International Film Festival. It was quite a surprise. This also shows that only films that reflect the dark and ugly side of our country can win international awards. Prize, right?”

Lu Yanhe smiled.

There are now many arguments in China that only films that reflect the ugly and dark side of the country can win awards internationally.

Lu Yanhe dare not say that there is no such thing at all, but judging from the many films he has seen, especially the award-winning films at film festivals, basically the award-winning films, no matter which country they are from, all have satirical and critical themes as their themes.

Satire and criticism are themselves one of the most important themes in artistic creation.

Of course, Lu Yanhe did not dare to say more on such an occasion. He only mentioned it briefly, and then came to what he really wanted to talk about.

"Two days ago, I had dinner with my classmates. My classmate said that he really wanted to go to Japan. We asked why he wanted to go to Japan. He said that he wanted to go to Japan because he saw a lot of animations in Japan when he was a child. Take a look. I was thinking, in fact, it is the same with movies and TV shows. Although we now strongly encourage foreign friends to come to China to see it, we also know that foreign friends who can really come to China and set foot on our land personally. It’s very rare. Film and television dramas have almost become an important window for other people around the world to understand our country, and it can even be said to be the most three-dimensional window.”

"Why do you say that? Because each of us will actually have some attitudes and opinions about different countries due to the influence of historical, political, cultural and other factors. This will also lead to our opinions on everything related to this country. Generate some derived ideas. But film and television dramas are characters, stories, and emotions. Those of us who cannot go to that country to experience the customs and customs often experience it through film and television dramas and other literary and artistic works.”

"Other people in the world actually think the same way about China." Lu Yanhe said, "How can we eliminate the prejudice against China and the Chinese people, so that they can see the development of the times and the country, and see the development of China?" People's bravery, hard work, justice and enthusiasm? These beautiful things cannot be forced into everyone's mind."

"Movies and TV dramas are a business card that has been verified around the world and can introduce one's own country's image and culture to people in other countries."

"Good works, no matter what the subject matter, are all trying to create a positive image of the country. Whether it is a commercial film, a literary film, or a genre film, it does not mean that only main theme movies can do it. I filmed "Six People" "Late Spring", "Three Mountains" and this time "Road to Glory" do not have a main theme work. However, they are all loved by many people abroad. There are also many foreign friends who have a deep appreciation for our China and China because of these works. Culture generates a lot of interest.”

When Lu Yanhe said these words here today, he actually wanted to express one meaning.

In the past, when the domestic film market was not big enough, there was a strong tendency in the entire film and television industry to look for recognition and presence outside. Even at that time, I was actually not confident, so I thought what was outside was good and good, but In any case, it has inspired many creators to work hard to make Chinese voices heard internationally.

But now, I am too confident, which has led to the other extreme. I feel that I don’t need other people’s approval. The domestic market is big enough. Even if Chinese movies and TV series have little influence around the world, it will not affect their own money. It has become another degree of "working behind closed doors", and behind this phenomenon is another kind of "arrogance", and those who try to continue to "go out" are given the label of "advocating foreigners and favoring foreigners".

Twenty years ago, Chinese-language films frequently appeared on the international film scene, and they have never disappeared.

Ten years ago, Chinese-language films suddenly began to appear slowly and less and less. It was not until the past two or three years that one or two works slowly appeared and returned to the international film scene.

"I think it is still necessary to encourage Chinese-language films to participate in more international film festivals. This does not mean that they have to win awards, or that only international awards are higher than domestic awards." Lu Yanhe smiled and said in the best way The student said in a non-aggressive tone, "It's a domestic award. No matter what, someone will win it every year. But as for foreign awards, if we don't actively participate in the competition, we won't encourage everyone to make films suitable for participating in film festivals." If the film is released, we may disappear from the international film scene for another seven or eight years.”

"These are just my feelings. There must be many things that are wrong because of my young age and lack of careful consideration. Teachers can criticize and correct me."


Encourage Chinese-language films to participate in more film festivals.

It’s not for the sake of gold plating, nor is it because external awards are superior and superior to domestic awards.

Simply because, international film festivals still hold the artistic say of film, a globally popular art form.

Only when the day comes when China has its own Hollywood and Oscars and starts a new one without having to rely on other people's communication channels, can you just like Hollywood movies, wait for others to take the initiative to invite you to participate.

Now that the Chinese market is so big, he, a fledgling young man, comes from the Chinese film market, so once he is shortlisted, he will be warmly received by the officials of major film festivals - are they all targeting him?

Lu Yanhe is not that shameless.


Lu Yanhe's words did not cause much discussion at the scene. However, after the event, someone came over and said that his speech was very good. They also asked him to continue to work hard as a Chinese filmmaker and bring Chinese films. Continue to showcase the artistic charm of Chinese-language films internationally.

"That's enough." Chen Ziyan nodded and said to Lu Yanhe, "With these words, you are the one who has Shang Fang's sword."

Lu Yanhe was still at a loss, vaguely aware of something, but not fully thinking about it.

It wasn't until he heard that a comedy blockbuster "Left Foot" released by Chenguang Film Company wanted to be released in the Mid-Autumn Festival and released together with "Rouge" to compete for the box office, but was blocked and withdrawn from the Mid-Autumn Festival, did Lu Yanhe know about Chen Ziyan What does this mean?

Chen Ziyan said: "To protect art films, the government has many means of protection. It is one thing to set up a fund to support creation, and it is also another thing to release a few small time slots for the screening of art films. The reason why a film like "Left Foot" is Now I suddenly want to schedule it for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I found that there are no other blockbusters during the three-day holiday, so I think I can pick it up, so of course I can't let it go. "

Scheduling is a science, not to mention its impact on movies.

The movie "Unfortunately", which was released in the summer, was not released during the Spring Festival, and the industry estimated that it lost at least 300 million.

Lu Yanhe was still a little embarrassed and asked: "Then...isn't this unfair to "Left Foot Immortal"?"

"Fair?" Chen Ziyan rolled her eyes, "Lu Yanhe, can you please don't have a heart attack at this time? Movies can be art, but movies are competing products. Do you believe in movies like "Left Foot"? Can we just eat at least 5% of the films that originally belonged to "Rouge Button"? "

Lu Yanhe: "Well, I will put away my Holy Mother's heart and stop the attack."

Chen Ziyan said: "It will prove what a movie like "Rouge" can bring to Chinese movies, and let the industry see what good movies can bring to the world in addition to box office."

Lu Yanhe hissed, "Sister Ziyan, you suddenly put more pressure on me."

Shortly after "Path of Glory" announced that it would start small-scale screenings on September 10, "Happy Days" also announced that it would be scheduled for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

For a time, the Mid-Autumn Festival was occupied by three films that won awards at international film festivals: "Rouge", "Happy Days" and "Path of Glory".

The media were stunned for a moment when they saw this film list.

Why, the Mid-Autumn Festival suddenly turned into a period for art films?

What about those commercial films?

Don't you want to come to this schedule? Don’t like this small stall, do you want to rush to the National Day stall?

Lu Yanhe still vaguely felt that this was wrong. Of course there is competition between films released in the same schedule, but should they compete in this way?

As he thought about it, he warned himself not to have a virgin heart.

He felt that he really had this problem.

I didn't think so before, but now it is true.

But he also felt, is this called the Virgin's Heart?

He just wants to compete openly and honestly.

But no matter what Lu Yanhe thought, this was not a situation he could change.

"Left-footed Immortal" has withdrawn from the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it must have been withdrawn after reaching an agreement with others.

In the end, Lu Yanhe didn't allow himself to think any more, and only told himself that he had never asked for "protected schedules for literary and artistic films". He only called for more support and encouragement for artistic films. No matter what he does, that's beyond his control.


After attending the "Road to Glory" seminar, Lu Yanhe went to Jiangzhi to see the crew of "Wulin Gaiden" being filmed, and then went to Jiangguang to meet Chen Siqi and follow Jiang Guang's "Jump Up" The team members had a meal together.

While he was busy with his own affairs, the domestic film and television industry was also uneasy.

The TV series "Deviation" starring Zeng Qiao was stopped halfway through the show because one of the actors in the show was caught soliciting prostitution.

Zeng Qiao sent a message to Lu Yanhe, cursing him for his bad luck.

Lu Yanhe also felt depressed for Zeng Qiao and the crew of "Deviation" - it would be frustrating for anyone else if everyone's efforts were suddenly in vain because of a piece of mouse droppings.

Two days later, Zeng Qiao came to ask him again: Yan He, do you know anyone from HP and Maxine? Can you help us get in touch to see if they are interested in "Deviation"?

It would be a huge loss if a show disappeared like this.

Zeng Qiao actually starred in "River of Silence" invested and produced by Maxine, but he had not had much dealings with Zhong Benshuo.

He felt that if he contacted Lu Yanhe, people might take him a little more seriously.

Lu Yanhe didn't push back, so he helped make contact.

Both Zhong Benshuo and Tom White said they would seriously evaluate it.

Lu Yanhe can only help so far.

It is impossible for him to say that with just one phone call, he can make people willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to purchase the broadcast rights of a Chinese drama.

Not realistic.


"Path of Glory" will begin small-scale screenings on September 10th.

For example, in Yuming, there are only three theaters showing one movie a day.

As a result, as soon as the pre-sale opened, the tickets for these three shows were sold out within ten minutes, and even the corner seats were taken away.

Some people even complained on the Internet: It's amazing, it's the first time I bought a movie ticket and I bought it like a concert ticket.

On the first day of small-scale movies, the national movie box office was 23,000, and the attendance rate was 83%. On the box office statistics platform, this number was once considered to be a system failure. Then, everyone took a second look and found that there were only 10 screenings nationwide on this day. field.


This is a "small-scale screening" that has never been done by any domestic film studio.

Such a small scale shocked the industry.

However, the cinema was very satisfied.

A screening can make so much money, what a high rate of return.

From this day on, the daily box office of "Path of Glory" is around 30,000 yuan every day.

Many movie theaters want to increase the number of movie screenings, but they don't agree.

Anyway, "Paths of Glory" is not a movie that is afraid of spoilers.

The point is not the plot.

Then, the Mid-Autumn Festival arrived.

To this day, "Path of Glory" has only slightly expanded its screenings.

The role of stars is highlighted in the box office of these movies.

"Path of Glory" deliberately limited the number of screenings and was still only a drop-in screening. In the end, it only had a 7% screening rate, but it earned about 17 million at the box office.

"Rouge" relied on a 32% film schedule and the appeal of Wang Zhong, Chen Bige and Huang Kairen, especially the support of Huang Kairen's group of die-hard fans, and received a box office of about 43 million. .

"Happy Days" also took advantage of the popularity of the Venice International Film Festival and the gimmick of Venice Best Actress Ning Xiulian, attracting a box office of about 14 million.

In addition to these three movies, several old movies also relied on the increase in holiday sales to surge in box office.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the box office exceeded 100 million.

This is the holiday with the lowest daily box office in recent years.

However, the advantages of literary and artistic films are highlighted at this moment.

On the day of their release, the three films sparked a discussion on social media that exceeded the imagination of the industry.

Especially "Rouge Button".

"Rouge" is the one among the three movies that has the highest ratings and likes from passers-by.

Although it is a romance film, it has a plot, and it also has a sad ending that makes people cry.

"Rouge Button" gives girls, especially young girls, a strong sense of empathy, as if they have become the Ruhua who has been waiting for many years to say goodbye to a man who has failed her in his delusion.

I don’t know how many self-media published soft articles on this day similar to "Women, even if you are a ghost, you should be a ghost that cherishes yourself", igniting women's empathy on social media.

"Road to Glory" has become a vehicle for young literary and artistic people to express themselves, life and perceptions. It has also become a work publicly praised by many older generations in the film industry. Of course, because the screening rate is too low, the discussion it generates is far less than that of the other two works.

The most talked about is "Happy Days".

The biggest controversy is that as many people praise the female consciousness and self-strength reflected in this movie, there are also many people who criticize the heroine in the movie for not loving herself in the end.

All in all, in such a small period led by three literary films, after creating the lowest first-day box office during the holiday period in recent years, another small miracle was created - the box office the next day actually increased instead of falling.

"What is the greatest commercial value of literary films? In almost every film, there is a natural theme that allows many people to express their own opinions and attitudes."

This is what Chen Siqi said. The "Jump Up" team she led was responsible for the marketing of the two movies "Rouge Button" and "Path of Glory".

"Whether you like it or criticize it, you have to let it be seen by the audience, see it, and discuss it, and only then can there be anything behind it." (End of this chapter)

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