Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 471: Influence

 In the first episode of "River of Silence", the main story is not advanced very much, and the main focus is on character development.

Especially focusing on the characters played by Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao, establishing their characters from some details.

Such a shooting method will pose a challenge to the audience -

Because in this age of watching dramas, it is not the time to have enough patience to wait for a drama to finish portraying the characters and then tell the story.

Everyone's life is in a hurry and it is impossible to stop and enjoy a leisurely evening.

Even if I am watching the drama in a relaxed manner, I hope the pace is faster and faster to stimulate the pleasure of watching the drama.

Chen Lingling did not challenge the audience's patience with the idea of ​​"I am making art". Although the content of her first episode was mainly about characterization, she also used several methods to keep the plot moving and changing. There are almost no long takes, nor do the frames linger on one scene for long. Therefore, when I look back at the first episode, the plot is actually very easy to summarize, but when watching, the amount of information is not small.

Lu Yanhe is also very satisfied with the first episode.

One of the biggest features of Chen Lingling's filming, which Lu Yanhe considers to be an advantage, is that the details are handled very well.

Her details are not just a close-up shot for you, just mark them here and tell you and that's it. Every detail under Chen Lingling's lens is advanced together with the plot and characterization. For example, when Lu Yanhe entered the company twice to greet his colleagues, everyone's expressions were in sharp contrast in the first episode - this contrast between before and after, under close-up shots, formed a strong impression.

Lu Yanhe told Li Zhibai: "Director Chen's skills are even more profound. I dare not say anything else. The editing of this scene is a bit tricky."

Li Zhibai also nodded.

"There are several scene transitions that amaze me." Li Zhibai told Lu Yanhe, "Doesn't Director Chen Lingling have any other projects in the future? Can she let me play a role?"

Lu Yanhe said: "You should take the initiative to contact her. If you want to act, I think any director will seriously consider it and will not turn you away directly."

Li Zhibai: "Damn, aren't you going to introduce me to me?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Of course there is no problem, but based on my understanding of Director Chen Lingling, she would prefer actors who contact her directly."

"Oh? I heard that she has a weird temper. Is it true or not?"

"I can't say it's weird, but it's a little bit different from others." Lu Yanhe said, "Almost all her thoughts are on filming, and other things are handled by her producer Huang Cheng, who she has worked with for many years. She She also trusts Huang Cheng very much. Therefore, she relies on Huang Cheng very much for many things. This dependence and child-like personality have made her have a weird personality. In fact, I have worked with her on two movies. I like her very much, but after two movies, I have almost no personal relationship with her, which is different from other directors I work with.”


"So, you should be able to understand what I mean when I say that she is a director who focuses on filming."

Li Zhibai nodded.

He glanced at his phone.

"One hour after the premiere of "River of Silence", the number of domestic viewers exceeded five million." Li Zhibai clicked his tongue, "Perfect! He breathed a sigh of relief."

Lu Yanhe said: "You don't need to worry too much. If a drama is popular and popular, and many people like it, why do you have to have tens of millions of viewers to say that? No matter how many fans I have, I can't exceed one hundred." Wan. I have never felt that this drama will be a failure if the fans in my fan club don’t watch it. Director Chen and Zeng Qiao are both excellent creations. Even if my fans don’t watch it, there are still fans who just watch the show.”

Li Zhibai: "If your words get out, your fans will cry to the Great Wall again, and they will cry and complain that you belittle their efforts and support for you."

Lu Yanhe sighed, "To be honest, those fans who really support me have never kidnapped me morally. I can't say moral kidnapping. Alas, in fact, without their support, I am nothing. Who cares? And me."

Li Zhibai: "But pull it down, you suddenly belittle yourself, you are already good enough and respectful to your fans. And, to be honest, it's not you begging them to do those things, you do your job well, they like it You, spontaneously help you promote, and you also thank them, isn't that enough? If they feel that they like you and have done a lot for you, they have the right to control you and command you. Is it their problem at this time? Do you really have to accept this kind of moral kidnapping and compromise? It’s not like you can’t survive without fans. You haven’t really relied on fans for a living since the college entrance examination, that is, during the competition. Aren’t they all gone later?”

"..." Li Zhibai's method of comfort is unique, but it is also very effective.

Lu Yanhe laughed.


That night, many friends watched "River of Silence" and sent Lu Yanhe their thoughts.

Everyone has good reviews.

Director Luo Yuzhong still gave Lu Yanhe some advice very sincerely, saying that he felt that in the scene at the end of the first episode, when he returned to the company from the police, he faced the uneasy, doubtful and vaguely fearful looks of his colleagues. , he can handle it a little more "confused" and "at a loss".

Director Luo Yuzhong said bluntly: Your acting and sensibility have reached a certain level now. At this time, you have to use some skills to make your performance more precise.

Lu Yanhe understood what Director Luo Yuzhong meant.

Many people mistakenly think that acting is about entering the state of a character, which is correct no matter what. This is of course a very high level, but to become a truly top actor, you must make your performance not only higher than skills, but also higher than pure sensibility.

Not only director Luo Yuzhong, but also screenwriter Feng Qiyue, who collaborated with "Seventeen Floors", also sent a message: The script of "River of Silence" is actually very average, just a second-rate script, and it all depends on the performance modifications of your directors, editors and actors. It has gone through so much that it seems to have reached nine points (out of ten). Without you, just looking at the script, judging from the first episode, it is just a barely qualified script.

Lu Yanhe especially enjoyed this time.

People he knows in the entertainment industry pay attention to his work and will give their professional opinions.

Regardless of praise or criticism, this discussion gave Lu Yanhe a sense of satisfaction.

It's like an author writes an article and gets a lot of comments. It's like a chef posting a cooking video online and getting a lot of replicas and taste feedback.

Lu Yanhe didn't even bother to look at the reaction on the Internet.

In the creative group of "River of Silence", everyone was chatting and laughing.

Although the starring roles of this drama are Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao, there are also other actors.

The first episode is online today. In addition to the leading actors like Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao who will definitely be bought and searched by the film studio or their own company, other actors will also make good use of this drama promotion time to strive for greater exposure so that they can Increase your visibility and grow your business.

Neither Lu Yanhe nor Zeng Qiao are the kind of leading actors who can become popular with explosion-proof supporting roles. Therefore, there is no so-called warning method, nor is there any behavior for the film studio and the platform to highlight themselves and suppress others.

The other actors were all mixed up in various crews, and they feel the warmth and warmth of this circle more clearly than popular stars like Lu Yanhe.

Therefore, the two leading actors, Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao, did not have any "explosion-proof" means at all, and because of the controversy between the two of them, almost all publicity and exposure opportunities fell on them, allowing them to gain a lot of money at once When the incident was exposed, one can imagine their gratitude to Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao.

At this time, Maxine announced: "Silent River" has been online for 4 hours on Maxine. Globally, the number of viewers of the first episode exceeded one million, and it has reached sixth place on the real-time popularity list in the Asia-Pacific region.

This is a very valuable data in Maxine.

Maxine also officially announced that she has started communicating with director Chen Lingling and her team about the second season of "Silent River".

These news all prove one thing: "Silent River" is also very popular on the Internet.

The first episode got off to a good start with results that were both unexpected and reasonable.

Multiple hot searches arranged by Chen Ziyan made all discussions about Lu Yanhe focus on the performance and characters of this drama, with no extraneous content arranged.

The second episode will be available the next day.

Before that, Lu Yanhe's propaganda was finally in full swing.

The first is an online interview with Lu Yanhe by Japan's "Film and Television Xunbao". The Chinese and Japanese bilingual versions were released simultaneously.

This interview was conducted a week ago. Toshihide Konishi, a special commentator from Japan's "Film and Television Weekly", came to China and conducted a face-to-face interview with Lu Yanhe.

An hour later, Kim Ok-min, a columnist for South Korea's "Movie Weekly" published a review of Lu Yanha's film and television career, and made a lengthy review of his new work "River of Silence".

Subsequently, many Asian media magazines such as Singapore's "Critics Newspaper", Vietnam's "Star", and India's "Bollywood Legend" published articles one after another, either with a little interview or a comprehensive report, focusing on The actor Lu Yanhe and his new work "River of Silence" are reported and promoted on his official website and social media.

In the afternoon, media from Europe and the United States also came online one after another.

French film critic Marion Tucci, who has long had a good relationship with Lu Yanhe, and American "Variety" columnist film critic Tom Wynn, both updated their social media about watching "Silent River".

Later, Evan Gardi, executive editor of "Jose Films", also updated the news, saying: "The new drama "Silent River" starring Chinese actor Lu Yanhe, which I have been following, has been aired and has received many positive reviews, which makes me Can’t wait to go back and watch both episodes in one go tonight.”

This is the work of Chen Siqi and Linyu.

To be precise, it was after they communicated with Chen Ziyan that they decided to ask their media friends to take action at this time to create such momentum for Lu Yanhe.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad, but at least during the time it’s airing, updates related to “River of Silence” will be released as soon as possible.

At the same time, the film and television self-media account of "Jump Up" did not shy away from suspicion. If a foreign media publishes a relevant report, we will repost it here. This is true for any foreign media or celebrity with a little fame and influence.

After all, not many people will take the initiative to pay attention to these things in foreign media.

And under such "indiscriminate bombardment", some negative situations caused by Lu Yanhe's fan support association threatening to disband have all lost any deterrence.

It wasn't until this moment that Chen Ziyan spoke up "belatedly":

—As Lu Yanhe’s agent, this period of time has been very painful for both Yan He and me. No matter how successful Yan He is, what he cherishes the most are his fans who have always supported him. Because we all know that without the steadfast support of fans, Yan He’s talent, hard work and every one of his works may not necessarily achieve such a high starting point.

- However, we were helplessly aware of the fact that our idea of ​​focusing on the work was challenged from all aspects. The partners hope that Yan He will be more exposed, the platform side hopes that Yan He will be more topical, and some fans hope that Yan He can be tougher, more perfect, and more powerful, and become a "supreme **** in the entertainment industry."

-No one is God, people are just people. Therefore, people can only choose what they really want and focus on what they really want.

—There are many roads in this world. Some people tell you that you should choose a road that climbs high. Some people tell you, no, you should choose a flat road. Some people tell you that you can choose a road full of sunshine and flowers. Some people tell you that you should choose a road full of sunshine and flowers. Tell you, you should choose a road no one has traveled before. However, no matter what path it is, what we have to choose is not the path others tell us we should choose, but the path we want to take in our own hearts.

—In order to stick to the path we want to take, we made a heartfelt and painful decision. From now on, we will dissolve all fan clubs. Please forgive us. It is not that we no longer need everyone, but that we must strengthen ourselves. If you are willing to continue to applaud and cheer for Yan He, we are sincerely grateful. If you are disappointed and leave, we will accept it calmly. I hope we can all do what we want without going overboard.


Helan's cell phone vibrated like crazy.

As a die-hard member of the Lu Yanhe Fans Club, ever since someone forced Lu Yanhe to do something, Helan made it clear that he did not accept such behavior and always worked hard to prevent such things. However, he was criticized by several The group was kicked out.

But there are also several groups who agree with her idea and continue to support Lu Yanhe silently.

He Lan took a long breath after seeing Chen Ziyan's voice.

Every group was shocked.

Lu Yanhe actually disbanded all fan support organizations.

Although He Lan vaguely guessed that Lu Yanhe would do this, she still breathed a sigh of relief and a sigh when the dust settled.

The so-called fan support club may have been a spontaneous organization of fans at the beginning. But in this era, no agency will allow such an organization to spontaneously expand its power and have the power to affect the career of artists without being under its control.

But Chen Ziyan's announcement actually expresses an attitude to all walks of life. From now on, these organizations have nothing to do with them. Any fan support organization can no longer speak on behalf of Lu Yanhe and other officials.

As for whether they want to continue to exist as Yeluzi or disband, it is no longer their business and has nothing to do with them.

In the group, many people are repeatedly confirming, is it true? Does Lu Yanhe really not care about them so much that he wants to dissolve the support club?

Helan originally wanted to help Lu Yanhe explain that disbanding the support club does not mean that he does not care about them.

However, she typed a few words, deleted them, and finally said nothing.

She herself also felt that during the recent period, many of Lu Yanhe's fans were not normal, as if they had lost their minds and were acting crazy.

She even wondered, were they really fans of Lu Yanhe?

Helan couldn't judge.

However, He Lan also knew very well that no matter what Chen Ziyan said, their move to disband the fan support club would always hurt the hearts of some fans.

This is unexplainable... As long as you do something like this, you are bound to hurt innocent fans.

But Helan also understood that Lu Yanhe had to do this.

Lu Yanhe cannot be an actor kidnapped by fans.


Lu Yanhe's drastic disbandment shocked the entire entertainment industry.

There are really not many artists who dare to directly dissolve their fan clubs.

This is not a matter between a few fans and the artist - no matter how the artist explains it, the signal this behavior sends to the outside world is the artist's attitude towards the fans as a group.

However, after everyone was shocked, they applauded again.

"Only Lu Yanhe can do this. If he doesn't dare to cut off from his fan club, other artists will not have the confidence to do so."

"In today's entertainment industry, the culture of hard-working fans has been around for a long time. Lu Yanhe's ability to dare to stand up at this time and take the initiative to disband the fan support club is undoubtedly setting an example for the entertainment industry. Young artists cannot be kidnapped by some fans."

"There is a forum that wants to invite you to give a speech." Chen Ziyan said, "It is a very influential forum. I would like to ask you to talk about the relationship between celebrities and artists. What do you think?"

"Forget it, I won't go." Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "I've said what needs to be said. Regarding this matter, I don't want to reinforce everyone's impression. Now there are many people who want to establish me as a fanatic fan. Be the model for cutting, but I don’t want to be the model.”

Chen Ziyan nodded, "Okay, I understand."

She patted Lu Yanhe and said, "No matter how big the public opinion is, it will pass. The broadcast performance of "River of Silence" is good. This is your greatest confidence."

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded.

"The Asian Television Festival in October this year invites you to be the award presenter. This is a good event. I am ready to give you the next step."

"Okay." Lu Yanhe nodded again.

Chen Ziyan: "It's possible that you will also get nominated."

Lu Yanhe: "Huh? Really?"

"Yes." Chen Ziyan nodded, "But the Asian Television Festival is not particularly professional. It is mainly a commercial event. Whoever nominates and who doesn't nominate depends on who comes to support them."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter whether I am nominated or not." Lu Yanhe said, "You said you are not very professional and you are just joining in the fun. It is not a great honor to be nominated and win an award."

"Then it's still better than nothing. This can prove your influence to some extent." Chen Ziyan said with a smile, "Not every award must be professional enough and recognized in the profession to be a good award. Generally speaking, Asia The nominees and winners of the TV Festival every year are all creators who are popular and influential in Asia. In the past two or three years, Korean dramas, Japanese dramas, and Vietnamese dramas have won more awards. In the past, Chinese dramas were rarely exported overseas, and internationally It’s not **** enough, and it’s not loud enough internationally. This time, “Six People” and “Seventeen Floors” have enough influence.” (End of this chapter)

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