Every year, there are actually several movies or TV series that become global hits.

Especially with the development of streaming media, this trend has become more and more obvious. It is not the so-called top award-winning film and television dramas that can become classics.

In this regard, Korean dramas have become the leader in Asian dramas.

Almost every year, there are one or two dramas that become global hits and reach the top of the charts around the world.

But Chinese dramas are lacking in this aspect. It’s not that the production level of Chinese dramas is inferior, but because China’s own market is large enough, so it doesn’t lack production funds. It doesn’t need streaming media like Maxine or HP to provide production funds. Even if it does, it may not be possible. It can give better prices than domestic prices, which are already very high. In this regard, Korean dramas are completely different. The market itself is not large. When foreign capital comes to compete, the local market is invaded. The gap in the pay of creators is enough to attract a large number of creative talents to streaming media.

Therefore, there is a situation where Korean dramas will customize many dramas based on the viewing habits and themes of streaming media.

Chinese dramas are produced based on domestic video platforms and themes that audiences like. For a work that has not considered the preferences and habits of foreign audiences from the beginning, no matter how good the domestic reputation is, streaming media may not take it seriously. If you don't pay attention to it, you will naturally fall behind in various broadcast conditions. There are only a very small number of people who can really counterattack by word of mouth, which is a miracle.

The popularity of the two dramas "Sixteen" and "Seventeenth Floor" on Maxine did not happen overnight.

The former is slowly accumulated based on the audience's reputation. In particular, in order to protect its own ratings, Beijing and Taiwan have not launched domestic video platforms. Many domestic viewers have to go to Maxine to watch the online version. In addition, this Many people watched this drama three times and four times. It is a great drama, which gives it a strong long-tail effect.

The latter, in addition to the subject matter advantage and Lu Yanhe, also has Chen Bige, an actress who is very well-known in Asia. After all, she is a big star who has won the Best Actress Award at top international film festivals. Maxine pays more attention to it, in all aspects. Factors came together to give "Seventeen Floor" a chance to be seen by audiences.

This drama not only has a fixed base of viewers for this type of subject matter, but also has fans of several actors. Coupled with the reputation formed by its good quality, it has become a hit.

With the success of these two dramas, "River of Silence", as Maxine's own customized drama, is treated like a biological son. Lu Yanhe's popularity and popularity in Asia have also increased rapidly with the development of the past two years, especially Now at this time, he has become a "world-class star" in the eyes of many national media.

Under this situation, the broadcast treatment of "Silent River" is completely different. It's not the situation like "Seventeenth Floor" and "Sixteenth Floor".

Therefore, Chen Ziyan said that as an event like the Asian Television Festival, the previous dramas Lu Yanhe acted in, whether it was "Golden Age" or "Phoenix TV", have not had much influence overseas, especially in Asia. This year, three Chinese dramas, "Sixteenth Floor", "Seventeenth Floor" and "River of Silence", have set off a viewing craze on Maxine, so Chen Ziyan believes that there is a chance to be nominated.

When the third episode of "River of Silence" aired in the second week, Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao came to South Korea together to attend a promotional event.

Lu Yanhe's popularity in South Korea is getting higher and higher. This is mainly due to the fact that the movie "Late Spring" is very popular in South Korea. This film, which won the Grand Jury Prize at the Venice International Film Festival, is one of the films highly recommended by traditional mainstream film magazines, and because of its theme of cruel youth, it is constantly recommended on social media by Korean audiences who are always keen on such themes. .

If "Sixteenth Floor" and "Seventeenth Floor" helped Lu Yanhe gain a certain audience and fans abroad and opened up his popularity, the movie "Late Spring" was an opportunity for Lu Yanhe to become a "star actor" in these countries. .

It must be admitted that sometimes an actor's fame and popularity are not directly proportional.

Like Lu Yanhe, in terms of popularity and status, he definitely cannot compare to Shang Yongzhou in Japan and South Korea.

However, judging from the current situation, Lu Yanhe has many more "active fans" in these two countries than Shang Yongzhou.

Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao returned to China at the end of September after completing a series of promotional trips in South Korea and Japan.

Two weeks after the broadcast, the two of them finally started a domestic promotional tour.


The latest episode of "Young Days" specifically played the promotional video for "River of Silence" in the middle of the program.

On the one hand, both of these are broadcast on Icefield Video. It is very normal for Icefield Video to build momentum for "Silent River".

On the other hand, Li Zhenzhen, as the director of "Young Days", has always maintained a tradition. Every resident guest in "Young Days" will promote them on the show if they have a work.

As a weekly drama, the biggest problem with "River of Silence" is that the country has not yet developed the habit of weekly dramas.

Viewers are used to seeing updates every day.

If you don’t see updates for five days, there will indeed be many people who can’t pick it up and don’t want to read it anymore.

This is a problem that the crew of "Silent River" must face.

For a drama like this with a top-notch creative cast, it is expected that it will be very popular when it first airs. Stable word-of-mouth is the most critical core of the basic plan for subsequent weekly broadcasts, and how to keep the audience thinking about it and want to continue watching it a week later , is a publicity problem.

In this regard, everyone does not work independently.

"We must promote promotion in a rhythmic and planned manner so that the show can have a large-scale publicity effect every one or two days and remain in everyone's field of vision."

Therefore, after the first and second weeks, the two big names Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao appeared on the stage.

Interviews are one of the most traditional and basic publicity methods, but they are also the most likely to produce explosive topics.

—Why didn’t you participate in the domestic promotion of “River of Silence” in the first two weeks before it aired?

"Based on the situation at the time, if we showed up to participate in the promotional tour, the effect might be counterproductive."

—Are you ever worried that your fans will be hurt by your attitude of "not bowing to your fans"?

"I need to correct your statement. This is not a question of whether you are willing to bow to your fans. It is a question of whether you want to stick to yourself."

—Are you worried that the broadcast performance of "Silent River" will not be as good as expected?

"I don't have high expectations for each of my dramas. I always face my work with the mentality that the drama may fail. The greater my hope, the greater my disappointment."

—Ever since you started working as an actor, every one of your dramas has achieved great success. This continuous success will give you greater confidence to shoot literary and artistic films such as "Late Spring", "Three Mountains" and "Path of Glory" Film?

"You don't need confidence to shoot literary films. As an actor, the only criterion for me to choose works is to impress me."

—I heard that "Fire" will be shot soon. Is this your first commercial movie starring? Do you have any goals for this film?

"I hope the audience likes it. This is my goal all along. As for the rest, I still say the same thing. If it can happen, of course I will be happy. If not, I will accept it."

—Has your relationship with Zeng Qiao been affected by public opinion?

"Do you think we two are affected? Haha, in fact, Brother Qiao became famous much earlier than me and has been popular for much longer. He has given me a lot of adjustments in facing public opinion, controversy and entanglements. Advice on my own emotions. "-If you continue to work with Zeng Qiao in the next film, do you think you will be Ichiban or he will be Ichiban?

"It depends on whether the role I play is an Ichiban role or whether the role he plays is an Ichiban role. Ichiban is not important. What is important is whether the role we play is truly suitable for us. I am particularly curious about the role of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" "In "Is it Cao Cao, Liu Bei, or Zhuge Liang? It doesn't matter. What matters is what we can leave behind."

Many of what Lu Yanhe said in the interview were turned into "golden sentences" by Chen Ziyan and appeared on major platforms.

Previously, Chen Ziyan was very careful not to let Lu Yanhe publicize too intensively, especially when he was already very popular and the topic was off the charts.

The reason why we are doing this now is, firstly, to use a large number of new memory points to replace the impression left in everyone's mind by the previous fan incident. Secondly, during the promotion period, most people will accept such intensive promotion.

In China, this is actually a very interesting phenomenon.

If you have a work, publicize it more intensively and everyone will understand. But if you don’t have any works and something big appears on hot searches, people will be very disgusted. Obviously it is all entertainment news, and for everyone, it is just something to eat after dinner, but even for this kind of news, everyone hopes that it is targeted and not just hype without nutrition.

Chen Ziyan carefully controlled Lu Yanhe's topics and tried her best to connect these topics with the drama "Silent River". Once there was any sign of disgust, she immediately turned the heat on.

It can only be said that in the Internet age, doing publicity, marketing and public relations, unless you only seek popularity rather than reputation, every step is like walking on a tightrope.


Icefield video.

Li Quansen was sitting and chatting with Lan Rulin from Ruyi Pictures.

As a powerful executive of Ruyi Pictures, Lan Rulin is a big boss in film and television production.

Every year she has several major dramas on her hands.

And this makes her enough to become a guest like the boss of Icefield Video.

Lan Rulin said to Li Quansen: "Mr. Li, look, "River of Silence" has been very popular recently, and the data should be very good. It is enough to prove the reputation of an actor, although it has a great impact on a drama. It’s big, but it’s not so big that it determines life and death. When we make a drama, it doesn’t mean that the better the actor’s audience popularity, the more we will give priority to him. We must still consider the suitability of the character.”

Li Quansen asked: "Why did you arrange the second part of "Six People" for Chen Ziliang in the first place? I have watched this drama and he is really out of place in it."

"I'll tell you the truth, at that time I was just thinking that the sequel of this drama would be very popular, and I didn't think too much about whether it was suitable or not." Lan Rulin said, "So I recommended him to Beijing and Taiwan Over there, he is a singer-turned-singer, and of course he wants to learn from the best crew. In fact, although the evaluation of his appearance is not high, it does not affect the evaluation of the second season, let alone the broadcast. He has achieved results. Speaking of which, one-third of the popularity in the second season was contributed by him, which also shows how popular he is in this social era. "

Li Quansen said: "If you want to use him as the leading actor in the drama "Morning Star", it's not impossible. The theme and story of this drama are indeed suitable for him. A washed-up singer tries to find a way to make himself popular again. It sounds even It’s like a script tailor-made for him.”

Lan Rulin: "God knows how many times I have explained that this is really not a tailor-made script for him."

"Mr. Lan, is Chen Ziliang going to sign under you or something? You care so much about him."

Lan Rulin smiled and said, "I can't help it. His father is my teacher. I inherited a lot of kindness from my teacher back then, and I have to repay him."

Li Quansen raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I know there are a lot of unpleasant rumors out there, and they are all nonsense told by others." Lan Rulin also had a look of helplessness on her face, "Anyway, these have always been inevitable since ancient times. Chen Ziliang is a talented person. Young man, it is precisely because of this that I help him introduce some opportunities again and again. Otherwise, I would not bother to do so much for him. Mr. Li, an artist who became famous overnight, must have some merits. Yes. Believe me, he will definitely exceed your expectations.”

Li Quansen nodded, "You have said so. I believe him or not. Secondly, I definitely believe you. In this case, let him play "Morning Star". However, since you have decided on the male lead, what about the female lead? It’s up to us to choose.”

"Of course." Lan Rulin smiled slightly.

Li Quansen suddenly remembered something and asked, "Have you ever cooperated with Lu Yanhe before?"

The expression on Lan Rulin's face paused, hesitated, and said: "Actually, we have also talked with him, but for a big star like him, once they want to enter the project, they will be very powerful. It cannot be completely in our hands. We at Ruyi Pictures still hope to have the project completely in our own hands.”

When Li Quansen heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

Of course he still remembers the tragedy of the movie "True Crime".

"I heard that Lu Yanhe bought back the drama filming rights of "Nineteen Years of Crime"?" Li Quansen asked.

Lan Rulin curled her lips and said, "He wanted to help his friend Liu Jiazhen stand up and remake the novel into a drama, and we sold it. To be honest, I have never seen a movie adaptation fail. The adaptation into a TV series turned out to be a success. "

Li Quansen glanced at Lan Rulin in surprise.

He did not expect that Lan Rulin would use the word idealism to describe Lu Yanhe.

"If Lu Yanhe is idealistic, does that mean that we realists are actually the losers?" Li Quansen said with a smile. Without waiting for Lan Rulin's reaction, he nodded and said, "I have more people behind me. Yes, since we have reached a consensus on the drama "Morning Star", let the people below handle the follow-up matters."

Lan Rulin clearly felt the change in Li Quansen's attitude towards her.

What's going on?

Lan Rulin thought for a while and realized that the change in Li Quansen's attitude started when they talked about Lu Yanhe.

Lan Rulin was stunned.

Could it be that Lu Yanhe is from Li Quansen?

No, impossible. Lu Yanhe cooperates closely with Northern Lights Video, and only got in touch with Icefield Video through "Young Days" and "Silent River". These two projects are not controlled by Icefield itself, and they are not considered Icefield projects. Judging from the above situation, Li Quansen and Lu Yanhe should have no relationship of interest.

So why did Li Quansen's attitude suddenly change?

After thinking about it, Lan Rulin realized that the problem still lay with Lu Yanhe. (End of chapter)

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