When "River of Silence" finished its sixth episode, the show finally topped Maxine's real-time popularity list.

This is the first time since its launch.

Of course, this first place did not last long, and was replaced by an American TV series a few hours later.

But this is also a broken record.

Before this, a Chinese-language drama had never topped the global real-time popularity list on the Maxine platform.

However, "River of Silence" attracted some criticism on the Maxine platform because of its weekly broadcast.

Because many viewers who clicked in found that they could not finish watching it in one sitting.

At present, the domestic collective broadcast model, whether broadcast on a TV station or on a video website, is to slowly broadcast one episode after another. But this is inconsistent with the general broadcast rhythm of international streaming media - except for a few major dramas, they will follow the weekly drama model, with only one or two episodes broadcast a week. Most of the time, they are released directly in one go. .

This is especially true for crime suspense dramas like "Silent River".

Therefore, the audience cannot watch "Silent River" in one go and has to wait for updates episode by episode, which is really annoying to them.

Many viewers are really abandoning the show.

In this day and age, it doesn’t mean that if your drama is of excellent quality, everyone will definitely follow it.

Slow update pace means directly abandoning some viewers.

This is really a change of the times - as long as the drama is good, everything can be broken, this is no longer the case.


On this day, Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao attended the "River of Silence" media meeting organized by Icefield Video in Yuming.

Because "River of Silence" has done very well on air, and the two of them have been exposed to various high-frequency exposures during this period, they have brought a lot of behind-the-scenes and hot memes during the filming. While they continue to gain exposure for this drama, It also continues to strongly attract new audiences to start watching the show.

This media meeting is actually a bit of a "celebration".

Icefield Video will use such a meeting to announce the success of "Silent River" with great fanfare. Through the public impression of "this is a big hit drama", it attracts more viewers to watch the drama through the "herd mentality".

Because no matter how popular "River of Silence" is in the vertical field and no matter how good its reputation is, when it comes to the number of viewers, it is still not as good as the real national hits, such as "Golden Age" and "Phoenix Stage" starring Lu Yanhe. Comparing the two dramas, although "Six" and "Seventeenth Floor" starring Lu Yanhe are both popular, in terms of national popularity, whether people of all ages watch this drama, it is still a bit weaker.

The same is true of "River of Silence".

Based on the domestic number of people, "Silent River" still has a large audience market that has not been tapped.

Therefore, Icefield Video is trying its best to expand the audience of the drama "River of Silence", using many methods. They held a "celebration-type" media meeting before the show was finished to create the public impression that ""Silent River" was a hit. After comparing many methods, they felt that it was most appropriate to hold a memorial ceremony at this time. The big move comes out.

After experiencing so many turmoils, Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao still stood together laughing and joking on stage, sharing various behind-the-scenes stories during filming, from Lu Yanhe's injury to Zeng Qiao's "actor's death" experience. "Dark Moment", from director Chen Lingling's high demands to everyone's high expectations for this drama, and so on.

The previous turmoil seemed to have never happened at all, and passed lightly.

Lu Yanhe talked about his second collaboration with Zeng Qiao. He smiled and said: "At that time when we were filming "Phoenix Terrace", Brother Qiao and I didn't have many scenes opposite each other, so Director Chen Lingling told me that this time "River of Silence" could continue. I am very happy to cooperate with Brother Qiao, and this is also the realization of a wish. ”

Zeng Qiao also said: "When I first met Yan He, "Golden Era" had not yet been broadcast. My impression of him was that he was a very powerful artist who was admitted to Zhenhua University. On the one hand, I admired him very much. His academic performance, on the one hand, was a bit off, and I didn't know how well he acted. Later, everyone knew that Yan He's talent and ability in acting need not be said. This is well known, and it impressed me the most. What I think is good about him is that when filming "River of Silence", his focus and enthusiasm for acting did not just stop at the inertial thinking of a good actor. He was always trying to break the original things and explore "New realm."

Lu Yanhe shook his hand in embarrassment and said, "You are so complimentary, Brother Qiao, my face is almost burning."

Zeng Qiao laughed.

There were also many audience representatives present at this media meeting.

There is also a link where the audience of this drama asks questions to Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao.

The first audience member to ask a question asked: "We heard that "Silent River" is preparing a second part. I would like to ask, will the two of them return in the second part?"

Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao looked at each other.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "I have only heard the news so far. I have nothing more to disclose for the time being."

Zeng Qiao said: "In fact, our story is already a complete one. If we want to shoot the second part, we don't know what other stories we can tell. However, in any case, if director Chen Lingling and her team decide to make the second part, If we need to come back for the second film, we will definitely consider it seriously. Director Chen Lingling is a very great director, and I trust her judgment and decision.”

Lu Yanhe also echoed: "Actors really need themselves, but they also need a director who we can trust wholeheartedly. If there is no such director, to be honest, we will definitely be a little hesitant in what we perform. ”

When the second audience member asked a question, the question suddenly came to Zeng Qiao.

"Brother Qiao, you have always been a very capable actor in the first echelon among our domestic male actors, but this time many fans of Lu Yanhe think that you should not do this drama, and that Lu Yanhe should be the one Do it, what do you think about these controversies?”

The host immediately said: "Sorry, our questions today are limited to the show "Silent River" itself."

This audience member immediately said: "The battle for position is also because of the drama "Silent River", isn't it?"

Zeng Qiao smiled slightly, raised his hand to signal the host, and said, "It doesn't matter, I can answer."

Zeng Qiao turned to look at Lu Yanhe and gave him a look to reassure him.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"Actually, Yan He and I don't really want to answer such a question. It's not for any other reason. It's purely because the relationship between us is really good. He is willing to play a second role for me, and I am willing to play a second role for him. When the controversy broke out, Yan He immediately stood up and responded to the matter, not wanting to let the matter ferment. Unexpectedly, as soon as he responded, it became even more fermented. "

Zeng Qiao shrugged his shoulders when he said this.

"At that time, when "River of Silence" was about to be broadcast, we didn't want to cause more trouble and bring some additional impact to the show, so we didn't make any further response." Zeng Qiao After explaining the previous situation, he continued, "Now, you tell me whether I think I am worthy of acting for Yan He. To be honest, I never feel that I am not worthy of acting for anyone, because in terms of acting, I have I am absolutely confident that I am no less confident than anyone else. For Yan He, it is even less so. Therefore, whether to act first or second is determined by the script and the role, and it is decided when I contact the producer. Talking about it, the most important thing is that it is meaningless to a really good actor.”

The audience burst into cheers and applause.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

What Zeng Qiao said is really good.

For truly good actors, position is meaningless.

Lu Yanhe also agrees with this.

The host reacted very well to the scene and was relieved.

He was really worried that the atmosphere at the scene would become bad because of this problem.

At this time, the third spectator was selected.

The atmosphere at the scene was still immersed in the relaxation brought about by Zeng Qiao's answer just now.

The audience member took the microphone, looked at Lu Yanhe excitedly, and said, "Lu Yanhe, I have really liked you for a long time!" She held the microphone with both hands, and her face even turned red with excitement.

Lu Yanhe nodded gently and said, "Thank you."

"But you failed me!" The next second, she suddenly shouted in a sharp voice, "You failed us all to like you -"

This sharp roar made everyone in the audience subconsciously look ugly because of the harshness.

Lu Yanhe also looked at the girl in the audience in shock, with a stunned look on his face.

"I hate you. You have no idea how much we have done for you. From today on, I will curse you every day, curse you to be disliked from now on, and curse you to go downhill!"

It wasn't until this moment that the security at the scene reacted, rushed to her, and took away the microphone in her hand.

However, when she was stopped, another person on the other side stood up and shouted: "Lu Yanhe, people like you who don't respect fans will be despised no matter how successful they are!"

There was actually a person in the third row who suddenly stood up and threw something in his hand towards the stage.

There was chaos in front of his eyes. While Lu Yanhe was stunned, he also felt an unspeakable pain.

How did things... come to be like this?

The object thrown by the person in the third row fell straight in front of Lu Yanhe.

It's an egg.

The egg smashed on the floor, and turbid liquid splattered.

A little bit landed on his vamp.

Before Lu Yanhe could react, Zou Dong, who rushed up from the side of the stage, finally arrived, grabbed him, and moved him. Lu Yanhe was blocked by Zou Dong from the side facing the audience.

Zou Dong said loudly: "Yan He, let's leave first!"

Lu Yanhe was taken away by Zou Dong.

Zeng Qiao was also taken away by his team.

They hurried backstage.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Is it chaotic outside?"

"Those people have been controlled." Huang Cheng, the producer of "River of Silence", rushed over with a sullen face, looked at Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao with concern, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

He said: "It's okay."

Zeng Qiao also shook his head.

Huang Cheng patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said, "This matter was our negligence. We didn't expect to let in a few such crazy anti-fans."

Lu Yanhe shook his head, smiled bitterly, and said, "How can I blame you? It's me who brought you all this trouble."

Huang Cheng: "Yan He, you should know that we don't want you to blame yourself for what just happened. They are not expressing their dissatisfaction normally. We have already called the police."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Huang Cheng paused and asked: "Yan He, everyone is still waiting outside. We need to decide whether to continue this meeting. Are you okay?"

Lu Yanhe was about to subconsciously say that he could do it, no problem.

Zeng Qiao raised his right hand, put it on Lu Yanhe's shoulder, patted him gently, and said, "You take a rest first, don't rush out, I'll go out later."

Chen Lingling, who had been silent all this time, also said: "Well, yes, Yan He, you take a rest in the back first, and if you really feel you are willing to show up again later, you can come back."

Neither Zeng Qiao nor Chen Lingling said this for Lu Yanhe's good.

The situation just now had pushed Lu Yanhe to a cliff-edge situation.

Thinking about it from his perspective, no matter who is in Lu Yanhe's situation, it is impossible to keep his emotions calm.

If Lu Yanhe takes the stage again under such circumstances, no one can guarantee that Lu Yanhe will perform well.

In other words, if something like this happened, Lu Yanhe would not be able to pretend that nothing happened and return to the stage.

There must be a response.

How to respond?

People in the entertainment industry actually know that at this time, the artist usually does not think alone. He also has his team, and his team will work together to prepare what he will say at this time.

Whether Zeng Qiao or Chen Lingling, they advised Lu Yanhe not to rush back to the stage, just to help Lu Yanhe avoid being careless and saying something irreparable on stage.


What happened suddenly at the media conference for "River of Silence" spread across the Internet like a prairie fire.

Video of the scene also went viral.

Lu Yanhe's incident was also quickly followed by the word "explosion" on the hot search terms.

Li Zhibai was originally discussing the script with Liu Bige and Ji Miao.

Li Zhibai frowned when he saw the message suddenly pushed out on his phone.

Liu Bige was talking to Ji Miao when suddenly, Li Zhibai yelled "Fuck!"

Liu Bige and Ji Miao were both startled by Li Zhibai's "Fuck!" and turned to look at him in shock.

"What's wrong?" Liu Bige looked at him nervously.

He and Li Zhibai have known each other for a while, and when Li Zhibai suddenly came over like this, Liu Bige was really worried that something might have annoyed him.

After all, Li Zhibai is a more real person than Lu Yanhe.

Li Zhibai looked extremely ugly and said, "Something happened to Yanhe." (End of Chapter)

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