Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 475: Officially launched (10,000 words update

 Noise, controversy.


However, after the day of the "River of Silence" media meeting, Lu Yanhe's status also changed.

He truly came out of this crisis.

Chen Ziyan noticed that he no longer struggled with this matter in his heart. He truly learned what to give up and what to insist on, and no longer troubled himself.

Wang Biao said that it was because after Lu Yanhe came back to power that day, the cheers and applause from the audience gave him huge support, allowing him to see with his own eyes that so many people were supporting him on this matter.

For a person who has been almost surrounded by praises and flowers in the past few years, if he occasionally encounters a few people who scold him, the world in his eyes will only contain those few scolding people. This is the weakness of human nature. People always tend to pay attention to those who are negative and directed at them, and tend to ignore those who support and applaud them.

Almost all artists have to go through this.

Lu Yanhe experienced this situation again and again. The situation became more serious each time, but his mental state also became stronger each time.

After that, Lu Yanhe went to visit the filming of "Wulin Gaiden" one after another, and attended the film critics' special screening of "Road to Glory" and a road show of "Road to Glory".

The nomination list for the Asian Television Festival has come out. Lu Yanhe was nominated for the Best Actor Award for "Seventeen Floors" and the Best Screenplay Award for "Sixteenth Floor". The two nominations came out on top and created a wave of popularity.

Therefore, in just a week or two, many netizens discovered that Lu Yanhe, who a week or two ago was like a witch from the old century and was put on trial by many people, suddenly changed the direction and became a judge again. He became the model worker and glittering awards darling that everyone was familiar with before.

A few discordant voices complained that the Asian Television Festival was a pheasant award, and a lot of people countered that you couldn't even win the pheasant award.

There is also an account with over 10,000 fans who dances very happily and was discovered to be a fan of Li Yuefeng.

Less than an hour after being exposed, Li Yuefeng was ridiculed and became a hot topic.

He is also an actor in "Seventeenth Floor". Lu Yanhe was nominated for the Best Actor at the Asian Television Festival and was scolded for the Pheasant Award. So what if he, an actor who also participated in the film, was not even nominated for the Pheasant Award?

Li Yuefeng saw that he was on the hot search list because of this incident, and he was so angry that he clenched his fists.

"It's none of my business!" he complained angrily, "Lu Yanhe's fans are really crazy. They scolded Lu Yanhe before, and now they scold me again. You must be sick!"

His manager, Wu Bai, was sitting in the passenger seat. He looked back at Li Yuefeng and said, "Don't look at those things on the Internet. They are all people who are becoming more and more extreme. In real life, they don't even dare to let out a fart."

Li Yuefeng frowned and said, "But, is that person really a fan of mine? Why would he take the lead in scolding Lu Yanhe? If Lu Yanhe is going to be scolded for being nominated for an award, I might as well not go out."

Wu Bai, the instigator, looked out the window silently and said nothing.

"Who knows who the fan is? Nowadays, some fan leaders are wearing seven or eight skins. They seem to be your fans. But after digging a few layers, they find that they are fans of Lu Yanhe. In fact, they may be fans of Huang Kairen." Wu Bai Said, "Perhaps one of your rival fans is deliberately causing war. Otherwise, how could it be so easy for people to find out that they like you?"

Li Yuefeng became even more angry when he heard this.

"Damn, he must be a fan of Liu Zefan."

Wu Bai: "..."

Now Li Yuefeng's biggest competitor is Liu Zefan. Therefore, there is quite a lot of competition between the two of them. The teams on both sides fight openly and covertly, and the fans are also affected. Therefore, Li Yuefeng immediately thought of Liu Zefan.

Li Yuefeng took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Yanhe, saying: Yanhe, that fan who laughed at you is not my real fan. I don’t know who it is underneath! Let’s not be driven into discord!


When Lu Yanhe saw the message from Li Yuefeng, he was a little surprised for a moment, and even didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Just five minutes ago, Chen Ziyan told him that behind this incident, there were many people in the industry who were involved and added fuel to the fire.

Among them, the most active one is Li Yuefeng's agent.

Lu Yanhe showed Chen Ziyan his cell phone.

Chen Ziyan looked at it and said, "He... really can't tell."

Lu Yanhe said: "Is he pretending?"

Chen Ziyan shook her head, "I don't know, maybe I know it, maybe I don't know it, but it's a definite fact that his agent is behind it, so don't have anything to do with him in the future."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"Now more and more people can't sit still, and they will take advantage of you when they get the chance." Chen Ziyan said, "The road will become more and more difficult in the future. You have been able to adjust your situation so quickly this time. You have done a good job." , I will continue to work hard later.”

Lu Yanhe laughed.

"I know, I'll work hard."

Chen Ziyan: "The person who sent you those cross-out photos has also been found."


"That's the person who threw eggs at you that day." Chen Ziyan said, "He admitted it himself."

Lu Yanhe sighed, but his tone was relaxed, and he said, "He made me feel like I had done something heinous to him."

Chen Ziyan: "In his words, it's true."

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe was stunned, he didn't expect Chen Ziyan to say that.

Chen Ziyan said: "It was only this time that we discovered that he had been making money under the guise of a fan support club."

"Making money?"

"Well, in the name of supporting you, I raised funds from many fans." Chen Ziyan shook her head, "He still secretly does the things we banned, and many fans were deceived by him. He really thought we were doing it openly. Even though it’s prohibited, they actually need to do this and really raise funds for him.”

Lu Yanhe couldn't believe it and asked, "Is he committing a crime?"

Chen Ziyan: "Yeah, originally there was nothing we could do against him, but after this investigation, we found out the problem. So do you know why he hates you so much? We disbanded the support club and cut off their Where is the financial path?”

Chen Ziyan's face was full of sarcasm.

Lu Yanhe also curled his lips.



Regarding this matter, Chen Ziyan did not hide it.

After the causes and consequences of some things were investigated clearly, she immediately made a statement about this series of "fan incidents" and made it public for the first time that Lu Yanhe had received a "threat letter."

I didn't make it public before because I was afraid that some fans would get emotional and follow my example.

To be so public now is to use "ulterior purpose and intention" to characterize the "threat letter" incident.

- You should not follow suit. This person is not a so-called "admonition", but because his financial path is cut off, he threatens Lu Yanhe in this way and expresses his anger.

Chen Ziyan's statement mentioned many things that Lu Yanhe has encountered recently.

Some have never been made public before.

Only then did everyone know how many attacks Lu Yanhe had endured during this period.


"Lu Yanhe survived. You see, the vicious public opinion that lasted for two or three weeks did not have a substantial impact on him. After surviving, everyone now looks at Lu Yanhe's previous public opinion crisis and finds it very unreasonable. "

Li Xia told Liu Zefan while paying attention to the public opinion on the Internet.

"I don't understand why so many people criticized Lu Yanhe because of this incident." Liu Zefan said directly.

Li Xia: "Some fans went to extremes, and there were people behind it who were adding fuel to the flames, which led to the situation like that at that time."

"Even something like Lu Yanhe can be hacked." Liu Zefan said, "I can't understand."

Li Xia: "That's how it is in the Internet age. Get used to it. Think about it. Behind Lu Yanhe is Chen Ziyan. In terms of public relations and public opinion handling, Chen Ziyan's ability and level are first-rate. In this case, facing the encirclement and suppression by various alliances, she You can only avoid the edge temporarily and rely on time to survive. You will inevitably face such a situation in the future. You really need to learn from Lu Yanhe to adjust your mentality and speed. "

Liu Zefan: "He is Lu Yanhe. I have his grades and nothing others say will affect me."

Li Xia laughed and said, "I hope you will remember what you said today and do what you say."

Unless you have actually experienced this kind of thing, anything you say is false. If you don't go to that moment in person and face those things in person, you can't truly experience the pain and suffering of the world of ice and fire.

At this time, Li Xia's cell phone suddenly rang.

When she picked it up and looked at it, she frowned.

When Liu Zefan saw Li Xia's expression, his expression changed.

"What's wrong?" Liu Zefan asked.

Li Xia sighed and said, "It's nothing, Mengli had a conflict with someone again."

"Huh?" When Liu Zefan heard the name Meng Li, he frowned subconsciously. Liu Zefan actually didn't like this woman who shared the same agent with him.

He and Mengli were very different in personality and behavior. They were completely opposite to each other.

Liu Zefan never understood why Li Xia took Meng Li with her.

Of course, Menglihong is also really red. Even in terms of popularity and traffic, Mengli has always been better than him.

Li Xia said: "Mengli met Ji Miao at an event and rolled his eyes at Ji Miao, which was photographed."

Liu Zefan: "..."

Li Xia: "Mengli's mood has been a bit fluctuating recently. You should have less contact with her and don't get accidentally hurt by her."

"Yeah." Liu Zefan nodded.


Ji Miao is also very innocent.

She still doesn't know why she was blinded and rolled her eyes.

"In addition to the movie Liu Bige has on hand, I heard that he also has a drama." Agent Yin Lufei told Ji Miao, "Screenwriter Miao Yue has tailor-made a script for Lu Yanhe. You should perform well in this drama and strive for it." I can continue to work with Liu Bige in my next film.”

Yin Lufei didn't need to say anything, Ji Miao knew how valuable this drama was.

The trio of Liu Bige, Miao Yue and Lu Yanhe last won the Grand Prize at the Venice International Film Festival for "Late Spring".

It goes without saying whether the new drama will reach the heights of "Late Spring". Even if it doesn't, the experience of starring in this project will be a steady resume-building journey.

A resume that the entire industry will recognize.

Ji Miao suddenly remembered something and said: "Sister Fei, what is the relationship between Li Zhibai and Lu Yanhe? The last time Lu Yanhe was attacked by some anti-fans at the media meeting, Li Zhibai happened to be talking to me and Director Liu Bige He got so angry when we were talking about the script. I thought he was going to help Lu Yanhe, but nothing happened. Was his previous loyalty to Lu Yanhe just an act?

"How do you know? In this circle, who has a good relationship with whom and who has a bad relationship with whom can't be judged by the information on the table." Yin Lufei said, "It doesn't matter either. You play well." Just your role."

Ji Miao groaned.

Yin Lufei suddenly thought of something again and warned: "Li Zhibai is not a kind person. When you act in a love scene with him, don't get involved in it because of your heartbeat. Do you understand?"

Ji Miao: "I don't know how. When he's angry, he's like a tiger. It's very scary. I don't like such a violent man."

Yin Lufei nodded with satisfaction.


Ziyuan Bridge.

Li Zhibai walked out of the room in slippers, scratched his fluffy and messy hair, and yawned again.

"What should we eat for lunch?" Lu Yanhe was sitting on the deck chair by the balcony reading the script, and asked when he saw Li Zhibai getting up.

Li Zhibai: "Whatever."

"Want to go out to eat?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Li Zhibai: "I don't want to move."

"Then let me order takeout." Lu Yanhe said, "Do you want roast duck?"

"Whatever." Li Zhibai just woke up, his mind was not on eating at all, and he yawned again.

By the time Li Zhibai finally woke up, it was already twenty minutes later.

"Why are you so tired?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Li Zhibai: "I have been practicing dance these days."

"Are you still preparing for the "Idol Era" program?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Li Zhibai nodded and said, "You have to record one issue every month."

Even Yan Liang has reduced the frequency of his appearance on the show "Idol Era" due to filming reasons, but Li Zhibai has never left.

Even when filming, he will still participate in the recording of this show at least once a month.

Among the three of them, the one who truly loves the idol stage is Li Zhibai.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then when will you record this episode?"

Li Zhibai said: "Five days later, after recording, I was ready to join the set for filming."

Li Zhibai was talking about the romantic comedy movie directed by Liu Bigo.

Lu Yanhe asked: "How long will it take for you to shoot this movie?"

"The official shooting time is thirty-five days, leaving ten days as maneuvering time." Li Zhibai said, "The filming will be completed in November."

"Where was the movie shot?"

"It's in Yuming." Li Zhibai said, "This is better. You can come back and sleep after work, and you don't have to stay in a hotel."

Lu Yanhe: "That's good."

Li Zhibai said: "What about you? There are no plans to join the group later?"

"No, I will continue filming the winter part of "Love Letter" at the end of the year." Lu Yanhe said, "I find that it is quite good now. I used to shoot one film after another, but now it is much easier. But next year will be a little harder. "Fire" will start shooting in April and will take nearly three months. Then, the second season of "Seventeen Floors" will be filmed next year.

Li Zhibai: "One or two movies a year is enough."

In fact, truly top actors will usually only film one or two movies a year, and will not let their output become too large. They must be careful in their choice of projects.

Lu Yanhe currently has "River of Silence" on the air. This drama is very popular and the audience feedback is good. Even if it is only eight episodes, the one-month broadcast time makes "Silent River" rank among the top in all statistics.

In particular, its performance on the Maxine platform broke the best record for Chinese-language dramas and reinforced everyone's impression of Lu Yanhe's "international influence."

"By the way, will "Silent River" be filmed for a second season?" Li Zhibai asked curiously, "I really want to see a second season of this drama. This drama is good and I have been following it."

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said: "I don't know either. I haven't received any news from Director Chen so far. However, our drama has actually told the story completely. If we really want to film a second season, we may also have to tell Zeng. The role of the bridge policeman is retained to open another case, and I have finished this case."

Li Zhibai: "You mean, it's possible that you won't participate in the second season?"

"It's possible." Lu Yanhe nodded, "You can't force a story and make me a criminal suspect again?"

Li Zhibai: "It's not impossible."

Lu Yanhe: "...But if the second season is filmed in such a far-fetched way, it will be a disaster. If the second season is done like this, I will resign."

Li Zhibai: "I thought you would unconditionally agree to act in Director Chen's play."

"If it really unfolds like this, based on my understanding of Director Chen, she will reject it unconditionally." Lu Yanhe smiled.

While they were chatting, Lu Yanhe's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

"What's wrong, Director Chen called me." Lu Yanhe looked at the name of the caller "Chen Lingling" on the screen of his mobile phone, and glanced at Li Zhibai in surprise, "You are really open-mouthed, what are you talking about?" ”

Li Zhibai rolled himself a roast duck, stuffed it into his mouth, and signaled him to answer the phone quickly.

Lu Yanhe wiped his hands and answered the phone.

"Hey, director."

Chen Lingling asked: "Yan He, are you free now?"

"Yes, what's the matter, director?"

"I want to ask you, are you interested in writing the script for the second season of "Silent River"?" Chen Lingling asked.

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Lingling: "Let you return with Zeng Qiao's character and write a new script."

Lu Yanhe: "This... I'm confused, director, I never thought about this at all."

Chen Lingling: "I have talked with several screenwriter teams, but I am not satisfied with their ideas. They are all continuation ideas. You are the leading actor and you know screenwriters, so I think maybe you have good ideas."

"I didn't." Lu Yanhe said without hesitation, "I had never thought about continuing the story of the second season of "Silent River" before."

Chen Lingling: "Then you think about it, Yan He."

Lu Yanhe did not refuse immediately. "I, I will think about it seriously, director." Lu Yanhe said, "But I may not have a good idea."

Creation is not that easy.

Lu Yanhe himself knows better that when he was a screenwriter before, he was not really a screenwriter, but a copywriter.

Does he really have the ability to create an original story? Or create a new story based on existing stories and characters?

Lu Yanhe resisted subconsciously, feeling that he couldn't handle it and wanted to refuse.

However, something went wrong and Lu Yanhe said he would think about it again.

After hanging up the phone, he was still thinking about this matter. Li Zhibai looked at him like this and asked, "What does Chen Lingling want from you?"

"Well, she asked me if I wanted to write the second season of Silent River."

Li Zhibai was still chewing. When he heard what Lu Yanhe said, his eyes widened in surprise and he looked at him in surprise.


He quickly swallowed it and laughed.

"Then what do you do?"

Lu Yanhe said: "I don't know either."

"Do you write it?"

"I said I didn't know either." Lu Yanhe looked at Li Zhibai speechlessly.

"Where are the previous screenwriters?" Li Zhibai asked.

"I didn't ask in detail, but from what the director said, she has contacted several writing teams, and they don't agree with their ideas for the second season."

"That's the idea proposed by the screenwriter before, but Chen Lingling didn't like it." Li Zhibai hissed, "It's so cruel. We worked together on the first film before, but now we don't like it?"

Lu Yanhe didn't know the specific situation and couldn't answer.

Li Zhibai immediately said: "Then you'd better not take this job. It's thankless. If you write it well, it means that the first script was written well. You just benefited from others. If it fails, it's because you are not good at it. The other person’s pearls are in front of you, and you are the dog’s tail.”

Lu Yanhe: "What you said makes sense, but I am speechless."


Chen Ziyan and Li Zhibai have the same opinion.

They also disapproved of him taking over the script for the second season of "Silent River".

"How many scripts do you have on hand that you haven't written yet? Where do you have time to take on the script of a new drama?" Chen Ziyan said, "It's still other people's copyrights and other people's dramas. My interests come first. You take this The script is of no particular benefit to you."

Lu Yanhe weighed the pros and cons himself and felt that this was indeed the case.

So, one day later, Lu Yanhe returned Chen Lingling's call and formally declined the screenwriter job.

Chen Lingling seemed to have anticipated Lu Yanhe's rejection and did not persuade him.

The reason why Lu Yanhe declined was quite legitimate. He said that he had many projects in preparation and could not spare the time to write the script for the second season of "River of Silence".

Lu Yanhe's busyness is also well-known in the entertainment industry and does not require any explanation.

Chen Lingling said: "Then I can only continue to look for a screenwriter."

Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered something and said: "Director, have you contacted Mr. Feng Qiyue, the screenwriter of "Seventeenth Floor"? I worked with him on "Seventeenth Floor" and have also communicated with him. He may be able to contribute to "Silence of Silence". River’s second season offers some ideas.”

"I contacted him in July, but he didn't have the time." Chen Lingling said, "His schedule has been scheduled for two years."

The schedule of front-line screenwriters is even tighter than that of actors.

Because screenwriters writing scripts are different from actors acting, the creative time is multiple.

Chen Lingling sighed and said: "Nowadays, all major platforms are doing suspense theater. Screenwriters who can write such themes have already been booked for several projects."

"The screenwriting teacher before "River of Silence"—"

"What he came up with was not good. Originally, I wanted to work hard with him to see if it could be polished, but he had already taken on another big project, and I couldn't spare the time and energy. I didn't want to force it. Nothing good.”

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, no wonder.

Li Zhibai's guess was indeed correct.

Chen Lingling just didn't like what the other party came up with, so she started looking for other screenwriters.

"It's really difficult to find a good idea for a suspenseful crime story." Chen Lingling sighed and was about to hang up the phone.

However, Lu Yanhe was reminded by her words and suddenly thought of someone.

"Wait, Director Chen!"


Lu Yanhe said: "If I just want a good story idea, maybe I can contact Teacher Liu Jiazhen."

"Liu Jiazhen? Who is he?" Chen Lingling asked.

"A suspense novel writer I know wrote "Nineteen Years of Crime" and "Spiral of Silence"." Lu Yanhe said, "A very good suspense novel writer."

Chen Lingling hesitated for a moment and said, "Yan He, see if you can help me arrange a meeting with him?"

Lu Yanhe said: "No problem, director, I will contact him first, but I don't know if he is willing. I haven't told him about it yet."

"Well, okay." Chen Lingling said, "I'm not questioning his ability. I'm just used to meeting everyone I want to cooperate with in person. If I don't meet in person, I'm not sure whether I'm suitable for cooperation."

"Okay, director, I understand." Lu Yanhe said, "I'm also afraid that he won't be interested in film and television drama creation and will reject it later, so I'll let you know in advance."


Lu Yanhe specially made an appointment with Liujiazhen to go out for dinner together.

I haven’t seen each other for a long time.

Liu Jiazhen has been preparing his new book.

"Brother Jiazhen, how are you doing lately? How are you preparing the new book?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Liu Jiazhen shook his head dejectedly, "I've written more than a dozen beginnings, but I can't get it to come out. I'm stuck."

"Oh, sometimes I really want to take advantage of your creative power. You write scripts one after another, which makes me jealous." Liu Jiazhen said, "If I had such strong creative power as you, I would be more Two books have been published.”

Lu Yanhe said: "It's different for me. Scripts and novel writing are two different things. Moreover, suspense novels themselves are difficult to write. The two novels you wrote have received very high reviews. I write more, but I write more They are all different types of stories, and they are not repeated in the same dojo, so of course it is much faster.”

Liu Jiazhen asked with a smile: "Are you reminding me that I can find more subjects to write about?"

Lu Yanhe said: "It depends on you. I don't have the confidence to give advice to a great writer."

He smiled and shrugged, and said, "We will all encounter creative bottlenecks. Just get over it. Brother Jia Zhen, I'm inviting you to dinner this time because I want to ask your opinion on something."

Liu Jiazhen nodded, "You say."

Lu Yanhe: "First of all, I just want to make it clear that I just think you are more suitable, so I ask. If you are not interested, just tell me directly. They are preparing the second part of the drama "Silent River" that I am currently airing. I want to continue to create a second part based on the first part, using the characters of Zeng Qiao and me. However, Director Chen Lingling has now found several screenwriters and their teams to discuss it, and they are not satisfied with the ideas they put forward. , I suddenly thought of you."

Liu Jiazhen understood when he heard this.

He said: "Let me write the script for the second season of "Silent River"?"

"It's not necessarily about writing a specific script, it's mainly about being creative. If I asked you to write a script, you would definitely not come, and I know that." Lu Yanhe said, "You are the person I know who is the best at writing suspenseful crime stories. Okay, I'm very curious, if you were to continue the story of "Silent River", what kind of story would you write?"

The reason why Lu Yanhe said that if Liu Jiazhen was asked to write the script, Liu Jiazhen would definitely not come is because Liu Jiazhen is now very successful as a novelist.

And if you want to be a screenwriter, you will have to devote at least a year to it.

Writing a screenplay is completely different from writing a novel.

Writing scripts is to serve the crew, and there will be various people who will give their opinions.

There is no need or possibility for a writer like Liu Jiazhen to spend so much time writing this script when writing a new book.

Lu Yanhe thought that maybe Liu Jiazhen could come up with a good idea, an entry point, so that the screenwriters could have a creative point of divergence.

In this regard, Liujiazhen has always been a leader.

The settings of the two novels he has published have received high praise.

Liu Jiazhen rubbed his face with a smile, "You overestimate me too."

Lu Yanhe said: "Brother Jiazhen, this is an opportunity that is also very valuable for your creation. You used to write novels by yourself, drawing materials and ideas, but if you take over the script for the second season of "River of Silence" When creating a story, you can discuss it with the director and a professional screenwriter team. This kind of creation method must be something you have never experienced before, right? "

Liu Jiazhen nodded hesitantly.

Novel writers work alone.

From collecting materials, interviewing, finding materials, etc., every word has to be completed by yourself.

But for a screenwriter, this is not the case.

Except for a very small number of big-name screenwriters who write scripts by themselves (in fact, in most cases, this type of screenwriters also have their own assistants and teams, they just don’t sign their names), the screenwriter of every drama is a team.

Everyone divides labor, collaborates and creates together.

The two creative modes are completely different.

"Anyway, you said you have been stuck recently." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "You can consider another creative mode and change your thinking. It may bring new creative inspiration."

He first persuaded Liu Jiazhen and then said, "But if you are really not interested, forget it."

Liu Jiazhen hesitated, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

Lu Yanhe knew that Liujiazhen would definitely not be able to make this decision right away.

He said: "Brother Jiazhen, you don't have to rush to make a decision. As long as you are not completely unwilling, you can think about it first and I will make arrangements for you to meet and have a chat with Director Chen Lingling. How about you? Director Chen also wants to meet and chat with you."

Liu Jiazhen nodded and said yes.


Being a middleman is not that easy.

But Lu Yanhe took the initiative to be the middleman because he believed that this was a matter of win-win cooperation.

Of course, the final decision is made by Chen Lingling and Liu Jiazhen themselves.

It was impossible for Lu Yanhe to interfere.

At this time, "River of Silence" also came to an end, and the last episode was broadcast online. The number of global viewers in one hour exceeded 5 million, which is a remarkable achievement.

Maxine announced that it will hold meetings with the creators of "Silent River" in seven countries including China, Japan and South Korea.

This move also illustrates how popular this drama is in Asia.

The suspenseful crime drama series has always been an evergreen tree, and there are hits every year.

This time, the Chinese drama finally exploded.

Maxine's spokesperson also attributed the success of the drama "Silent River" to the fact that the drama has the strongest production team in China and stars China's most internationally famous actor Lu Yanhe.

The popularity of this drama is also reflected in the fact that Lu Yanhe even received business cooperation invitations from local brands in Japan and South Korea.

He was given the title of Asia Spokesperson right from the start, and the endorsement fee was based on the market price of a first-line superstar, without any discount, and his commercial value was fully recognized.

However, Chen Ziyan refused.

Because it is not a first-line brand.

This refusal means tens of millions of yuan in endorsement fees are gone.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan did not hesitate at all.

When it comes to Lu Yanhe's business, Chen Ziyan is very cautious and well-known in the industry for her strict control.

While Zeng Qiao has announced four new endorsements, Lu Yanhe has yet to announce any.

This also makes some people confused and don't understand why.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan did not disclose the news that they refused to endorse two local brands in Japan and South Korea, which resulted in the current situation.

Some people in the industry believe that Lu Yanhe's disbandment of the fan club has affected his commercial value in the eyes of the brand.

After all, he has offended some die-hard fans, and no one knows how much commercial value he can bring.

Chen Ziyan was too lazy to go to public relations to respond to such a voice. Lu Yanhe's fans had already summarized the situation of the brands he endorsed and promoted the high quality of the brands Lu Yanhe endorsed.

After being summed up by Lu Yanhe's fans, everyone saw that Lu Yanhe's business endorsements only have two key words, either high luxury, such as Math and Buyer, or nationality, such as the domestic sportswear brand "Shangjian" and the stationery brand "Shangjian". "Hundred Stars", convenience store "Lansen".

Fans concluded that the reason why Lu Yanhe did not add another endorsement after "Silent River" aired was that Lu Yanhe already had many endorsement brands, and the quality requirements were very high, so it was difficult to find space for someone who could meet Lu Yanhe's requirements. Brand.

At this time, a domestic data statistics company that specializes in business statistics mentioned one thing when summarizing its monthly report:

The top domestic actor (who has a hit drama on the air this month) has declined as many as seven brand endorsements this month. If he accepts all of them, the total endorsement fee will be nearly nine figures. Among the seven endorsement invitations, many of them There were several endorsements from overseas brands, and even local brands from other countries that had never used Chinese artists, but this boss rejected them all.

This news was noticed by people, screenshots were uploaded to the Internet, and as soon as it was used by marketing accounts, the topic quickly increased.

Without much controversy, netizens came to the conclusion that the leading actor in this news could only be Lu Yanhe.

No other person has reached this level.

Someone went to Chen Ziyan's Weibo to ask if this news is true?

Chen Ziyan replied very Versailles: The total amount of endorsement fees is not that exaggerated, but the thing is, the endorsement fees Yan He has to refuse every month are quite high, and I am used to it.

The rumor that Lu Yanhe has lost commercial value in the eyes of the brand was completely shattered by Chen Ziyan’s speech in Versailles.


Another masterpiece by Lu Yanhe made its debut.

His miracles continue.

There was a sound of amazement in the industry.

Everyone knows that no one can be successful all the time and this is an industry destined to have its ups and downs.

However, before failure comes, no one dares to say with certainty that his next work will fail.

Just like "Silent River", when it was a huge success, no matter who said something weird at this time that the show's performance was just average, no one would pay attention to it - yes, no one would even bother to pay attention.

A marketing account asked everyone’s thoughts:

How long can Lu Yanhe's success last?

Guan Suchen, the most active entertainment critic in China with the largest number of fans, also posted a message, saying: So far, Lu Yanhe's effective play rate is as high as 100%, and not a single one of his plays has been wasted, including guest appearances.

This amazing success rate is enough to make every actor feel jealous.


The National Day stalls are coming at this time.

"Path of Glory" will also continue to increase screenings during the seven days of National Day.

After almost a month of small-scale screenings, except for the Mid-Autumn Festival, "Path of Glory" basically only has a box office of about 20,000 to 30,000 per day. However, the attendance rate has remained at an astonishing above 50%.

After this month of fermentation, the audience reputation of "Road to Glory" is slowly releasing.

For this movie, the media almost don't know how to evaluate its performance at the box office.

Because, even though its attendance rate has remained at an astonishing 50% or above, it has been on display for almost a month. Except for the three days of the Mid-Autumn Festival, when it achieved good box office results, the combined box office at other times did not exceed one million.

At this time, "Path of Glory" has almost lost its novelty to the media.

Almost all media have published reviews of this movie.

It has now announced that it will continue to increase the number of screenings during the National Day period, but still does not conduct large-scale screenings, which has made many people question it.

What exactly is "Path of Glory" doing?

After winning the Best Film in the Horizon section, are you so willful?

Will it continue to be shown like this?

On the last day of September, the North American awards season suddenly kicked off.

The Russell Film Critics Society nomination list is out.

"Paths of Glory" received two nominations for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Supporting Actor.

Lu Yanhe is among the nominees for Best Supporting Actor.

At this moment, the customized domestic promotion strategy of "Road to Glory" was officially launched! (End of chapter)

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