Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 478: Show love

This question needs to be asked again every once in a while.

However, as long as "Party of Six" continues to air and new viewers continue to come in, this question will continue to be raised.

Lu Yanhe said generously: "The story of "Six People" does not end. After we left, other people joined us. This is the normal state of life. "Six People" actually tells the story of such a group of people. Some people join, and others join. People leave."

The host smiled and said: "We all still hope to see you here. The original cast members are the "Six" in everyone's hearts."

He didn't care at all what someone who participated in the second season would think if they heard him say this.

They were all scolded as sieves.

As an actor, if you don't like the audience, that's the original sin.

Lu Yanhe quickly shook his hand and said, "I don't dare to say that."

The host looked serious, "You can't say that, but I can. The first season of "Six" is the "Six" in our hearts."

Lu Yanhe looked at the host in surprise, not knowing how to react for a long time.

What's going on?

If he was not sure that the host was not greeted by his team, Lu Yanhe would have doubted whether the host was one of his own.

On the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the Asian Television Festival, he said in front of all Asians that his "Six" is the "Six" in the minds of the audience.

At a small scale, this is a slap in Chen Ziliang's face; at a larger scale, it is a slap in the face of Jingtai.

Even though Lu Yanhe's relationship with Beijing and Taiwan has eased a lot now, when it comes to the "Six People" project, Lu Yanhe is determined not to let go or look back.

Until now, people on the Internet criticize Beijing and Taiwan every day for being indifferent and causing Lu Yanhe to leave the "Six People" series.

I don’t know how many people in Beijing and Taiwan are trying to get Lu Yanhe to return to this series, but no matter how much they think about it, Lu Yanhe won’t let go.

Lu Yanhe thought about it. He had answered three questions and was almost ready to leave.

Who knew that the host would throw another question.

"Do you have any new shooting plans in the future?"


"Is this host a crazy fan of Yan He?" He Lan, Lu Yanhe's number one fan, watched the live broadcast and complained, "I asked Yan He so many questions, but he still won't let Yan He go."

Xu Mingyue sat opposite Helan, eating a bowl of beef noodles.

She saw Helan put down her chopsticks after Lu Yanhe came out, stared at the screen of her mobile phone, and sighed as usual.

My classmate, Lu Yanhe, has not been a fan for a year or two.

Now, by accident, the two of them have come to work in "Jump Up".

One is in charge of publishing, and the other is Chen Siqi's assistant to the chief editor. They are both leading figures in "Jump Up" magazine.

If the time went back three years ago, they might never have imagined that three years later, they would all become company employees of the live broadcast room anchor.

"It's not surprising that the host is a fan of Yan He. We have also conducted sample surveys overseas. Yan He really has a large audience overseas, and it's not just a boast. He has launched a series of releases in the past one or two years. For famous works, even if you haven't seen his play, you have seen his name in the media," Xu Mingyue said, "For Yan He to emerge, strength, hard work and luck are all indispensable, and he can do it in one breath. She has acted in so many dramas, winning awards and being popular. Each drama has attracted international attention. The only pity is that the influence of these dramas in Europe and the United States is not as great as in Asia. ”

"After all, there are still barriers to cultural background." He Lan said, "Actually, from Yan He's point of view, I am full of confidence in his future. If someone can really transcend cultural barriers to gain attention from Europe and the United States, I feel that now The one who has this possibility is Yan He - I'm not saying this because I am a fan of Yan He. In fact, everyone has such expectations. Even Yan He's black fans can't ignore this, so they even black Yan He. It’s because he pays more attention to overseas markets and takes an international approach.”

Xu Mingyue looked surprised and asked: "When did you become a black spot by following the path of internationalization?"

"Because you have not received domestic recognition enough, you have to strive for overseas recognition." He Lan curled his lips, "There are always people who think that you are looking down on domestic recognition, so you are striving for overseas recognition. . They didn’t even look at when Yan He had licked those foreign filmmakers. Until now, he has never acted in an overseas film and television drama. All the honors he has received are from our Chinese film and television dramas. I got it. He went to overseas film festivals, got a little closer to the foreigners, and became a little more polite and warm to people. But a lot of people were yelling, saying that Yan He was too licky. Sometimes I really want to ask them who they are in their hearts. How inferior do you have to be to interpret Yan He’s behavior of neither being humble nor arrogant, and taking steps forward and retreat appropriately, as licking.”

Xu Mingyue said with a smile: "Why do you care about these people's evaluations? If you don't look at those who praise Yan He, just look at these people who deliberately criticize him."

"If I can see these negative remarks about him and still not get angry, then I'm not his fan." Helan said, "I'm not that rational."

Xu Mingyue: "Lan Lan, if one day you find that Lu Yanhe looks different from what you saw, I mean what would you think?"

Helan: "What do I think about this? Anyway, now I think he is a person who is the same on the outside and on the outside. If we talk about it now, I will also be full of filters for him."

Xu Mingyue nodded.

Helan: "But I've known him for so long. I believe he won't. His fans are so loyal. Isn't it because the longer you know him, the more impressed you will be by his charisma? Alas, there is Sometimes I feel envious of Chen Siqi.”

After saying that, she suddenly realized that her words might cause ambiguity, and immediately added: "I'm not saying that I am jealous of Chen Siqi because I like Yan He."

Xu Mingyue smiled and nodded, "I know."

"However, Chen Siqi is really powerful." Helan said, "During the time I was working as a special assistant for her, I felt that she was so much better than us because she was younger than us."

Xu Mingyue: "It really comes from experience bit by bit. When I was an intern at Jiangyin Publishing House, I interacted with them. They were still very green. In just a few years, those green auras were completely invisible. ”


The couple Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were probably the youngest couple at the opening ceremony of the Asian Television Festival.

Generally, artists of this age don't dare to disclose their relationships, let alone hold each other's hands in such public places.

Whether they admit it or not, most artists of this age rely on male or female fans to like them in order to gain a foothold in this ever-changing entertainment industry.

This time Lu Yanhe came to the opening ceremony of the Asian Television Festival. Firstly, he was nominated, and secondly, he was invited to participate as a special guest.

Besides him, Zeng Qiao also came.

At the opening ceremony, the two of them had a special segment on the same stage to promote the just-finished "River of Silence".

After entering the infield, Zhong Benzhuo was the first to greet him.

"Yan He, you are finally here, everyone has been waiting for you!"

Lu Yanhe calmly avoided Zhong Benshuo's arm reaching for him, smiled at Chen Siqi and said, "Siqi, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Zhong Benshuo from Maxine. He is in charge of the "River of Silence" project. "

Zhong Benshuo immediately let out an ooh, with a look of realization on his face, and greeted Chen Siqi: "Hello, Miss Chen. I have heard about your name for a long time and have wanted to meet you for a long time. Today I finally have this opportunity. I am Zhong Benzhuo. I see you two. Standing together, I am really ashamed of myself. When you two were your age, I was still in college. I was stupid and had no idea what I wanted to do in the future, but you have already achieved such shining results. "

Chen Siqi pursed her lips and smiled, and said: ""River of Silence" has achieved such good results, many people should be jealous of Mr. Zhong, right? If you say you are ashamed of yourself at this time, then they should be jealous and scold you behind your back." Zhong Benshuo laughed loudly. , said: "That's also thanks to the starring role of Yan Ha. It's because of Yan Ha that this drama can gain such great attention."

"Mr. Zhong, please don't tell others the same thing. The success of a drama is definitely not the result of one person." Chen Siqi glanced at Lu Yanhe, "Besides, I don't want him to be taken to a room with other women. Go celebrate."

Chen Siqi's eyes fell directly on Zhong Benzhuo.

Zhong Benzhuo seemed to be about to burn two holes in his face due to her gaze.

He was suddenly startled and glanced at Lu Yanhe in surprise.

Chen Siqi actually knows what happened to Lu Yanhe last time he came to South Korea?

Who would have thought that Lu Yanhe would take the initiative to talk to Chen Siqi at this time!

Zhong Benzhuo looked at Lu Yanhe like a monster.

Lu Yanhe seemed not to hear the conversation between the two of them. He raised his hand and greeted someone behind Zhong Benzhuo with a bright smile.

Zhong Benzhuo: “…”

He didn't even need to look back to know that there was probably no one behind him to greet Lu Yanhe.

Chen Siqi's half-smiling eyes lingered on Zhong Benzhuo's face for a moment, and then he smiled and took Lu Yanhe's hand.

"Mr. Zhong, I have a strict upbringing. If you let me know that you do this kind of thing again, I won't let it go. Women are very jealous and revengeful. You definitely don't want to learn this from me." A little." Chen Siqi's threat was said in a very calm and calm tone at this moment, but it was inexplicably deafening.

After wasting a while, someone else finally came over.

Lu Yanhe followed up with these words, raised his hand, and happily greeted Director Chen Lingling.


He turned around enthusiastically and shook hands with Director Chen Lingling.

Chen Siqi also turned around with a smile and greeted Chen Lingling.

"Good director."

When Chen Lingling saw Chen Siqi, a gentle smile appeared on her face, she pinched her ears and said, "I haven't seen you accompany Yan He out for a long time. You are so beautiful, why don't you show it off more often?"

Chen Siqi smiled and waved, "There are many more beautiful girls than me in the entertainment industry, right, Mr. Zhong?"

Zhong Benzhuo showed an embarrassed look on his face.

At this moment, he was a little depressed, why he had studied in China and knew Chinese.

Otherwise, you can justifiably pretend not to understand at this time.

"No matter how many beautiful girls there are, you are the only one in Yan He's eyes." Zhong Benshuo suppressed the impatience in his heart and said these words against his will, which was regarded as a statement.

A shy smile appeared on Chen Siqi's face.

Zhong Benzhuo: “…”

MLGBD, this pair of men and women who are just over 20 years old, each can act better than the other, he has seen it! -

After Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi exchanged a series of greetings with others, they finally found an opportunity to take a rest in an uninhabited corner.

"It has to be you." Lu Yanhe said to Chen Siqi.

Chen Siqi snorted softly and said, "I have wanted to scold him for a long time, but today I finally got the chance. Let him dare to do such a thing again in the future!"

Lu Yanhe: "After that, I became very careful and would not go to a strange place with others so rashly."

"It's hard to guard against. No matter how hard you guard, you can't stop someone from setting up traps." Chen Siqi said, "You can't openly quarrel with Maxine now, so I will sing this red face and scold each one. It depends on how many people there are. How dare you pounce on me.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Siqi blankly.

Chen Siqi looked confused and asked, "What are you staring at me for?"

Lu Yanhe suddenly hugged Chen Siqi.

"Wait, wait -" Chen Siqi was shocked by Lu Yanhe's unexpected action, "So many people are watching."

Lu Yanhe said: "I hugged him in front of them."

Chen Siqi's face turned red due to Lu Yanhe's sudden move.

"Why are you so crazy all of a sudden?"

"You also said that you don't mind this matter in your heart. You really do, right?" Lu Yanhe laughed, "It's not just that they cheated me, the most important thing is that they found other women to seduce me. Wouldn't you be so angry if they used other things to trick me?"

Lu Yanhe just stared at Chen Siqi.

Chen Siqi bit her lip, neither admitting nor denying.

Lu Yanhe lowered his head and kissed Chen Siqi's lips.

Some people around noticed this scene. They were stunned for a moment, and then realized that the man and woman in front of them seemed a bit familiar.

Damn, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi are kissing? !

If this scene happened in Europe and America, it would be more common. But in Asia, given the cultural and historical background here, it is actually very rare for people to kiss so intimately in public.

After Chen Lingling noticed it, she showed a surprised expression.

Only Zhong Benshuo took a deep breath after seeing it, turned his back, and rolled his eyes silently. (End of chapter)

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