Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 477: asian television festival

 Lu Yanhe did not intend to initiate anything.

He gave himself a particularly correct posture.

"Actually, I just came here to learn. Many teachers and seniors asked me if I had any constructive opinions. I really didn't have any. It's not that I'm being humble. It's because my understanding of this industry is still one-sided and I haven't really understood it in depth. " Lu Yanhe said, "I can only talk about my feelings based on my own experience in the past few years. The success of "Road to Glory" must be due to the right time, right place and right people. Can it be replicated and can it be sustained? Literary films create a new path, which requires the entire industry to explore, and I will continue to work hard to explore this path together.”

"We had an art alliance before, and we once thought that we could use the art alliance to get a larger release window for literary films, but now we have seen that it has little effect. If you can't attract audiences, even if you show it every day It was shown in a movie theater and no one went in to watch it." An old man with some gray hair said plausibly: "I think what Xiao Lu just said was very good. The key is that he can see it very accurately. He is a very good person. Thinking young man.”

"When we watch international film festivals and Oscars, we can only see the awards and the gap between us and others, but Xiao Lu can see the differences in the operating models behind these awards and the relationship with their film industry. Xiao Lu has One sentence is particularly true, literary films can also earn box office, the key is to find an audience to watch it. Now "Path of Glory" has shown that as long as we follow the right path, we can find an audience in China. An intensive publicity period similar to that of the North American awards season can generate attention. Why worry about no one paying attention to a literary film? It is difficult to earn hundreds of millions at the box office. Is it possible for a film that costs only a few hundred thousand to earn a box office? If a movie has a box office of several million, it is considered a success.”

The old man became more and more excited as he talked.

"The industry is very impetuous now. Everyone is thinking about making a billion or two billion movie and narrowly escape death. Isn't it worth making a movie with a box office of millions or tens of millions? Literary films can also make money. . We must adhere to this concept. Only in this way can more fresh blood be willing to create literary films. We must also build such an environment so that literary films can no longer live only on the podium. ”

This seminar was not publicized to the public, but only made some noise in the industry.

However, this seminar allowed everyone to reach two consensuses. One is to prepare to promote the long-term release cycle of literary and artistic films, and the other is to explore the establishment of a cycle similar to the "North American Awards Season" as a period for the concentrated release of literary and artistic films. Window, using the attention of awards to drive attention to these films, and then convert it into box office.

In the end, Lu Yanhe came up with an idea.

"Perhaps, we can learn from the model of "Idol Era", have a competition every week, update the ranking of idols every quarter, and have an annual ceremony. Let the style of literary films only remain in the creation of content." Lu Yanhe said, " Through this kind of PK between movies, the audience’s attention is attracted, and the audience can also vote, but if you want to vote, you must first submit the information of having watched the film for review.”

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that those who just now were saying that they would do everything possible to innovate in ways to attract the audience's attention to literary films would suddenly say in unison that they couldn't do that.

Lu Yanhe almost thought he had said something treacherous.

Later, after the seminar, Director Fu Kai explained to him: "They just hope that literary films can get rid of the curse of box office poison, but this does not mean that they are willing to make the art of film like those artists in the "Idol Era" program. Just like that, let’s go shout and perform.”

Lu Yanhe immediately understood what Director Fu Kai said.

To put it bluntly, I usually hold it for too long and let them come down to dance for a while, but I can't wipe that face away.

Lu Yanhe also thought it didn't matter. He just put forward an idea, and the method is just a method. If this doesn't work, just try another one. As long as everyone can slowly change their original attitudes and thoughts, it will be enough.


This seminar is an ivory tower discussion, but the participants are all big guys who have been involved in the film field for many years.

Only when everyone discusses and reaches consensus here can we move forward with something.

Lu Yanhe is really not humble among this group of people, he is really just a fledgling junior.

But he was very lucky. Of course, he was the one who made his own effort, so on such an occasion, he was praised and cared for.

After several seminars, Lu Yanhe got to know many seniors.

Everyone spoke highly of him.

What normal elder wouldn't like such an accomplished, sincere and humble young man? -

After attending this seminar, Lu Yanhe went to the Asian Television Festival almost seamlessly.

This was the next job that Chen Ziyan had given him long ago.

When the Asian Television Festival announced the list of celebrities who would attend, the domestic celebrity artists were basically from the two crews of "Sixteen" and "Seventeenth Floor".

There are also some artists who are very popular and have very high traffic at the moment.

When two crews are present, actors like Lu Yanhe, who has starred in two dramas, usually walk the red carpet twice with the crew.

But after communication, both crews decided not to walk the red carpet as a crew. All attend as individuals and then meet in the infield.

This year’s Asian Television Festival is hosted by Singapore.

On the day of the opening ceremony of the Asian Television Festival, Lu Yanhe took Chen Siqi's hand and walked onto the red carpet of the opening ceremony.

The two of them have not appeared together for a long time. This time they appeared at the Asian Television Festival, which naturally attracted much attention.

Many foreign media do not know Chen Siqi and do not know her. Especially for the media in South Korea and Japan, Lu Yanhe, a Chinese actor, has been profiled so frequently in the past two years that he has almost single-handedly surpassed the momentum of young Asian actors and is leading the way.

Lu Yanhe suddenly appeared on the red carpet holding a girl's hand. You can imagine the shock to them.

But the domestic media have seen this scene many times.

They just press the shutter button to get more usable photos.

Some foreign media did not know Chen Siqi and asked them, who is this girl? Is he an actor?

Domestic media introduced that he is the editor-in-chief of a very popular magazine in China.

People looked shocked and incredulous, "Such a young magazine editor?"

Domestic media friends looked proud and said: "That's right, that's the magazine the two of them founded together after graduating from high school. It's been three years now and it has become the most popular and influential magazine in China." One of them.”

Although many foreign media did not do their homework, Chen Siqi, as the official invited guest of this Asian Television Festival, the on-site host still did his homework.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the interview area, the host introduced Chen Siqi as "the editor-in-chief of China's most influential literary magazine "Jump Up"".

The host tonight is a Singaporean Chinese and his Chinese is very good.

"Welcome." He expressed his personal attitude with two simple and powerful words before switching to English. "I am very happy that the two of you can come to the Asian Television Festival and join us live and the audience who are watching our live broadcast on the Internet. Say hello!”

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi greeted each other with smiles on their faces.

Host: "Recently I have been following the drama "Silent River". It has a lot of viewers across Asia. It is also the first Chinese drama to top the real-time popularity list on the Maxine platform. For everyone Is there anything Yan He can share with us about your love for this drama?”

Lu Yanhe took the microphone handed over by the emcee and said: "First of all, thank you very much for your love. This is what I must say first. Without the love and support of the audience, there would be nothing that follows. But I really didn't expect " "River of Silence" will be loved by so many foreign audiences. As an actor, this is the happiest time for me."

The host said: "Your "Seventeenth Floor" and "Six" have a lot of fans and drama fans on the Maxine platform. Many people have even watched your dramas several times. "Six" is the most popular one on the Maxine platform as of now. This is the series that has the highest number of rewatches by fans so far this year. What do you have to say about it?”

"Really?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, "The drama with the highest rewatch rate?"

This was the first time he heard this statement.

No one else had told him this before.

However, Lu Yanhe was not surprised when he heard it.

"Six" itself is an evergreen series.

It has been popular for more than 20 years, and its playback volume is still high.

"Maxine, many viewers have written to your Chinese production company, hoping that you can return to this series." The host said, "Although you have said several times that you will not return again, I still want to ask about this idea. Will there be no changes?" (End of Chapter)

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