Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 481: Hollywood Horror Movies (8,000 words upd


The first thing that came to Lu Yanhe's mind was an American movie he had watched.

A horror film adapted from Stephen King's novel of the same name.

This movie tells the story of a small town where a dense fog suddenly drifted in. The fog surrounded the entire town, and a terrifying and evil supernatural power was hidden in the thick fog.

Lu Yanhe opened the script and read the first three pages. He was a little shocked to find that the beginning of the movie was very similar to the American movie he had watched.

Of course, the beginning is similar, with a heavy fog covering the town. After that, both the characters and the plot development are completely different.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

For a moment just now, Lu Yanhe actually felt a vague sense of tension in his heart—

At that moment, he was worried that there was also a person in the United States who had traveled through time and brought a script called "The Mist".

This horror movie script called "The Mist" tells the story of a remnant soul seeking revenge on the town that hurt him back then.

It’s actually a supernatural horror movie.

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

The genre of horror films has never been popular in China. For some unspeakable reasons, this genre has not been able to form a big popularity in China.

But in Europe and the United States, horror films are one of the genres that reap the most box office revenue.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that Muchen Sorge would come to him with a horror movie script.

However, Lu Yanhe himself has watched a lot of thrillers.

Especially before time travel, when I was in junior high school and high school, many Saturday nights, the teacher would let everyone watch movies in the classroom.

When teachers choose, they usually choose some American animated movies, so that they can learn English at the same time.

Sometimes, the teacher will give the choice to the students. At this time, everyone will usually choose horror or thriller movies. It was at this time that Lu Yanhe watched "The Ring", "Chainsaw Massacre", "Silence of the Lambs", etc. A series of horror thrillers…

In "The Mist" by Muchen Sorge, the ghost who comes to seek revenge after death comes to the character played by Lu Yanhe.

This is an Asian American. After coming to this small town with his parents, his family has been in a bad situation because of the discrimination against Asians in the town.

In the end, they died in a deliberate arson attack by a few teenagers in the town.

The story begins five years after this incident, starting with the timeline when these teenagers who deliberately set fires grew up.

The Asian ghost played by Lu Yanhe first appeared as an evil villain who harmed these people. As the plot slowly progressed, he deliberately caused various accidents to happen to these people and used various intimidation methods to force them to recall the past. The arson incident made them admit what they had done in front of everyone in the town, and his motives emerged.

However, the people in the town had no intention of punishing these murderers. Instead, they believed that the Asian family had destroyed the tranquility of the town. They hired an exorcist to purify the Asian ghost.

At this point, the story of the movie has progressed to two-thirds. In the last third, which is the climax of the movie, the Asian ghosts and the exorcists launched a fierce struggle. In the process, the Asian ghosts continued to fight back. , and finally killed all the people who set fire to his family.

It took Lu Yanhe almost an hour to read the script.

He sees quickly.

There is almost nothing confusing about this script, so there is no need to think too much.

Overall, this is a very enjoyable horror movie. Especially for Lu Yanhe, one could tell at a glance what role Muken Sorge wanted him to play. After stepping into the role of this Asian ghost, Lu Yanhe read the script completely from the perspective of revenge.

In general, after learning why the ghost wanted to take revenge for killing the people in the story, Lu Yanhe completely understood him.

The theme of revenge is a unified motif regardless of national or cultural background. At first, Lu Yanhe was worried that this character turned an Asian character into a villain. The image of deliberately doing evil made him a little worried. By the middle of the film, Lu Yanhe no longer felt that this was a villain.

The further back, the more Lu Yanhe felt that this Asian ghost was the protagonist of this story.

After Lu Yanhe finished reading, he glanced at Muchen Sorge in surprise and said, "Mr. Sorge, do you want me to play the role of the revengeful ghost?"

Although he had already guessed it, Lu Yanhe still wanted to confirm with him.

Muchen Sorge nodded and said: "Yes, I watched your performance in "Three Mountains" and I was completely shocked by your performance. When I was writing this script, you were the one who was in my mind." I hope to invite you to star in this movie.”

"Three Mountains" -

Well, maybe in the eyes of Muchen Sorge, "Three Mountains" is also a ghost movie.

After all, it is indeed mysterious.

Moreover, Lu Yanhe's performance in "Three Mountains" was not normal, like a man possessed by an evil spirit.

Lu Yanhe probably guessed why Muchen Sorge wrote such a character in "The Mist".

Speaking of which, the ghost in "The Mist" is a bit like the fortune teller.

At the beginning of the story, he constantly appears with strange phenomena and scares others. Those scenes have the shadow of "Three Mountains".

Lu Yanhe said: "Mr. Sorge, thank you for inviting me to play this role. However, I can't give you an answer yet. I need to take it back to discuss with my agent."

Muchen Sorge nodded and said, "No problem."

Mulken Sorge added: "However, this is still a low-cost movie, and our budget for actors' remuneration is not high. As you know, this movie will definitely not be released in mainland China, nor will it be sold. If you go to streaming media in mainland China, your ability to handle the box office will be greatly reduced.”

Lu Yanhe knew that there was nothing wrong with what Muken Sorge said. The movie "The Fog" is destined not to be released in mainland China, which means that the ticket bank behind him cannot be used as capital for his salary negotiations.

"According to our current budget, we can only give you a salary of US$600,000."

Six hundred thousand US dollars, according to the current exchange rate, is about four million yuan.

If you don't take into account the Mainland China ticket base represented by Lu Yanhe, this salary cannot be said to be deliberately low, but it is indeed not high.

After all, Lu Yanhe still has a certain degree of popularity and influence in Asia. Not to mention, his results on several streaming media such as Maxine and HP are very good. If there are movies starring him, they will definitely give a Relatively higher purchase price.

Lu Yanhe did not express his position right away, but said, "I don't understand the remuneration issue either. It's up to my agent to talk to you."

Regarding the movie "The Mist", Lu Yanhe doesn't even know if he wants to act in it.

It’s even more impossible to say that he doesn’t care about the pay in order to star in this movie.

Lu Yanhe smiled at Muchen Sorge and said, "Mr. Sorge, let me go back and talk to my agent first. I have just watched this movie and haven't studied it seriously yet. Please give me some time." think."

Muchen Sorge nodded.


"This is a good opportunity." Chen Ziyan's reaction exceeded Lu Yanhe's expectations.

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe originally thought that Chen Ziyan would think this project was average.

Chen Ziyan said: "First, Mulken Sorg is not an unknown person. His previous two horror films "Z" and "Trek" both exceeded 50 million US dollars in North American box office and 100 million US dollars in global box office. , the results are very good. If it were not for the limitations of the genre of horror films, he would have become a famous director based on the results of these two films. In fact, he is not bad now. He will not worry about finding actors for his new films. "

"Second, this is Hollywood taking the initiative to come to you to act. It's not the kind of bad movie that you don't know the background of. It's produced by a serious film company. Your role may not be Ichiban, but judging from the content, It’s completely the protagonist setting.”

Lu Yanhe flipped through the script.

"Indeed, there are many roles for ghosts, and there is a lot of room for expression."

"You have to know that although Hollywood is said to be a multi-racial and diverse place, in fact it is still xenophobic. When outside actors want to enter, they basically start from supporting roles. Look at those who have successfully entered in recent years. Foreign actors, who is not like that?”

Chen Ziyan tapped her fingers on the table twice.

"Based on your current situation, this may be the only starring role you can get." Chen Ziyan said, "Given the performance of Muken Sorge's past two films, and this film continuing to follow the horror thriller route, the box office performance It’s definitely not bad. Your first film in Hollywood has done well, which will be very beneficial to your reputation in North America and will be very helpful for you to take on future films.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "What about the salary?"

"I'll negotiate the remuneration. Six hundred thousand dollars is definitely low, but it won't get much higher." Chen Ziyan said, "We have to be mentally prepared for this. After all, this movie cannot enter the mainland market. Our biggest bargaining capital is directly ineffective."


Chen Ziyan added: "If you can enter the Hollywood market through this movie, it will be of great help to your future career development."

In the world that Lu Yanhe traveled to, American movies and Hollywood were still the world's largest film markets, but their influence was relatively weaker than the world before Lu Yanhe traveled to.

This is mainly because the gap between the four major international film festivals and major film markets and the American Oscars and market is not as big as the world Lu Yanhe was in before.

This difference actually gives many places the opportunity to take a breather and develop their own markets.

Including Korean movies and TV series. In the world before Lu Yanhe crossed over, they had almost completely become streaming media producers. They seemed to be developing well. In fact, South Korea's local film and television drama market was hit hard, and a large number of production talents went to streaming media. .

But here, South Korea’s local streaming media platform X-K is also doing very well, and American-controlled streaming media platforms like Maxine still have to pay attention to Asians like Zhong Benshuo in Asia to promote the Asian market.

This difference actually means the difference between retaining some local forces and firepower and completely becoming a vassal of a big factory.

This is especially true for the film market here in Europe.

Their combined film market has effectively withstood the monopoly of Hollywood films on the market, and their films have achieved good box office results every year.

Including special effects blockbusters, this is no longer exclusive to American Hollywood.

This is a world where markets are turbulent.

Chen Ziyan asked Lu Yanhe to take an international route because she wanted to follow the Hollywood star-making path and launch a truly world-class Chinese superstar.

This means that in the four major film festivals, Lu Yanhe must continue the momentum of the past two years and continue to maintain his presence in international film festivals. In Hollywood, which has not yet opened up, Lu Yanhe also needs to look for opportunities.

The Mist is one such opportunity.


After Lu Yanhe discussed it with Chen Ziyan, he did not hesitate any longer, and Chen Ziyan immediately went to contact and negotiate with Muken Sorge and the production company of "The Mist" D19.

Before the negotiation, Chen Ziyan specially compiled a box office and streaming media performance of the movie starring Lu Yanhe in overseas markets, especially the evaluation opinions of the two streaming media platforms Maxine and HP on the movie starring Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe had never made any achievements in Hollywood before, so it was definitely impossible to ask for a share of the profit. He could only negotiate the most basic salary.

Chen Ziyan is not inexperienced in this aspect.

Both Shang Yongzhou and Chen Bige have made Hollywood films before.

Chen Ziyan can usually calculate the approximate budget of actors based on the cost of a movie, and then based on the lineup of the movie and the importance of the role played by Lu Yanhe, he can roughly analyze how much she can speak.

But when Chen Ziyan started contract negotiations with D19 Company, something happened.

Although Muken Sorge took the initiative to come to Lu Yanhe and invite Lu Yanhe to star in the film, the production company D19 had doubts about Lu Yanhe.

The biggest doubt about D19 is that all of Lu Yanhe’s masterpieces are art films. Can such an actor act well in a horror movie?

This kind of problem basically does not appear in the domestic entertainment industry, because Lu Yanhe has almost reached a consensus because of his wide acting career.

But this is Hollywood, and what D19 people know about Lu Yanhe is that he is an actor who often appears at international film festivals and has a very good box office performance in the mainland Chinese market.

This is indeed a good advantage, but it is not enough for D19 people to recognize that Lu Yanhe is qualified to be the protagonist of a movie.

This is of course D19’s price reduction method.

Chen Ziyan believed that the concerns were real, but they were certainly not fatal concerns. Otherwise, there would be no need to talk about this matter. If there was nothing else to talk to Lu Yanhe, she might as well find someone else.

Chen Ziyan didn’t give in.

It just so happened that at this time, the cover of an Italian magazine that Lu Yanhe took when he participated in the Venice International Film Festival came out.

Chen Ziyan sent the magazine to the contact person. “…”

Why do we sometimes find that many actors are closely connected with the fashion industry?

Because these two circles overlap to a large extent.

The most important thing is that the success of a celebrity artist in the fashion circle can best help their further development in the entertainment industry.

Including actors, including acting.

It is difficult to explain clearly how this phenomenon came about. The current situation is that people in the fashion industry recognize box office superstars and award darlings in the film industry, and people in the film industry also recognize muses and celebrities in the fashion industry.

Chen Ziyan sent this magazine to explain one thing.

Don't make a big fuss about Lu Yanhe's failure to make it in Hollywood. Even if Lu Yanhe has no success in Hollywood, his achievements in film have been recognized by even Italian fashion magazines. This is the result of many consecutive works that have won international recognition The recognition accumulated from winning film festivals.

Lu Yanhe's starring role in "The Mist" may not bring you box office success in mainland China, but he is still well-known and influential in the international film industry.

The game between the two sides should be played. On the other hand, creative matters also need to be promoted.

For example, Lu Yanhe provided a DVD of his audition as requested.

In a five-minute DVD, Lu Yanhe spent one minute sitting in front of the camera and introducing himself, and then took four minutes to audition with the script.

Regarding acting, Lu Yanhe is really not afraid at all now.

Even if one person sits in front of the camera and acts like a one-man show.

Compared with the first time he acted three years ago, he now has absolute confidence in himself.


After Muken Sorge received Lu Yanhe's audition DVD, he excitedly told D19 that the ghost in "The Mist" must be Lu Yanhe.

In the film industry, there is often a saying about horror movies, that is, horror movies do not require acting skills.

But anyone who really knows anything about horror movies knows that this statement is pure fart.

Just look at how many actors have won major awards and nominations for their roles in horror films.

Muchen Sorge said: "Only Lu Yanhe can play this role."

Shirley Yang, who was responsible for Muken Sorge's film at D19, said helplessly to Muken Sorge: "Muken, if you hadn't expressed your choice to Lu Yanhe directly to Lu Yanhe at the beginning, we would have moved him by now. Lu Yanhe's contract has been negotiated, and every time you express your attitude towards Lu Yanhe that he is the only one, it makes our negotiations more difficult. "

Muchen Sorge asked doubtfully: "Did his agent Lion speak loudly?"

"That's not true." Shirley Young said, "However, our budget is very tight. If we can save a little on him, we can hire one or two more well-known actors. For "The Mist", There are many roles in it. If more well-known actors can be found to play them, I don’t need to say more about the benefits to the film, right?”

Muchen Sorge said: "I don't understand these things. That's your business. However, don't let these things lead to the collapse of the negotiation and Lu Yanhe not coming to act."

"Don't worry, we have you as the director of this movie. For Asian actors, if they have the opportunity to play major roles in Hollywood movies, pay will definitely not be their main consideration."

"Don't think about Lu Yanhe like an ordinary actor. He is not an ordinary actor." Muchen Sorge said immediately.

Shirley Yang glanced at him in surprise.

"Mu Ken, you have only met Lu Yanhe once, why do you think so highly of him?"

Muchen Sorge said: "Have you seen the movie "Three Mountains" in which he acted?"

Shirley Yang shook her head.

Mulken Sorge said: "If you watch his performance in "Three Mountains", you will know why I must have him play "The Mist"."


The relationship between directors and actors is always very delicate.

Some directors never work with actors they have worked with before for a second time.

Some directors have a team of actors that they work with regularly.

There are even some directors who, for a period of time, have the same protagonist in their films.

But generally speaking, the relationship between the director and the actors can be described as "intimate". To a certain extent, actors can stimulate the director's creative desire, and the director can also allow the actors to discover a deeper self.

However, for many people, this is all a fault of art films or great directors. As a genre film director, unless you have a preference for a certain type of image, which everyone can understand, otherwise, you who make horror films also need a muse? People will just think it's nonsense.

Muchen Sorge is just a horror film director, not an art film director.

Shirley Yang never thought about Muken Sorge's appreciation of Lu Yanhe in this direction.

She always felt that Muken Sorge's favor for Lu Yanhe must be for a reason.

Is Lu Yanhe's acting skills this good?

After she went back, she watched the movie "Three Mountains" seriously. After watching for a long time and not seeing Lu Yanhe appear, she became a little impatient. Because this movie is really not good to watch. Then, I saw three young people breaking into a temple, and Lu Yanhe appeared.

Lu Yanhe's scene in "Three Mountains" can be said to be Lu Yanhe's first "god-like" moment in a movie.

An actor, relying on a ten-minute scene, rose to international fame, stealing the limelight of the protagonists, and later became the main publicity point of the movie when it was released. If nothing else, this is enough It shows how awesome it is.

Shirley Yang, who has been in the film industry for so many years, still has a good sense.

Of course Shirley Young can tell whether an actor knows how to act and what level of acting skills he has achieved.

Shirley Yang was surprised by Lu Yanhe's performance.

Shirley Yang is a Singaporean whose ancestors were Chinese. Later, she immigrated to the United States and became an American. Although she is of Chinese descent, she does not understand Chinese culture at all. Unlike many people whose parents are Chinese, she has never lived in China, going back two generations. Her family is a family that has lost touch with Chinese culture. This made her never feel that she had anything to do with China. For this reason, most of her Chinese friends would pay attention to certain situations in China, but she did not have this habit.

She also pays almost no attention to China's entertainment industry.

Shirley Yang will pay attention to young actors like Lu Yanhe who emerge at international film festivals, but not much. Hollywood itself is a big enough place. The place with the greatest shortage of talented young people in the world is definitely not those international film festivals, but Hollywood. Because this is the place where the world's top film creators gather most.

Lu Yanhe is very good at acting and has won many awards.

Lu Yanhe's starring roles in China have achieved high box office results, and he is known as the "Box Office Miracle".

Lu Yanhe is also a screenwriter, and even his screenwriting works have been very successful.

But what does this have to do with her, Shirley Yang?

As long as Lu Yanhe doesn't come to Hollywood to develop, no matter how powerful he is, he has nothing to do with her, Shirley Yang.

Now, Lu Yanhe is here.

"Lu Yanhe's acting skills are really good. His performance in "Three Mountains" shocked me." Shirley Yang did not hesitate to praise Lu Yanhe on the phone, "Mu Ken wants him to play "The Mist" "I don't find it strange anymore, but his agent wants a salary of one million, which is a very high number. Lu Yanhe is not worth this price in Hollywood now."

Shirley Young was on the phone with Fernando Bridge, the owner of D19.

D19 is not a traditional large company.

It made its fortune by making low-budget movies, and the capital behind it was the Bridge family of Fernando Bridge.

The Bridge family comes from Italy and has a history spanning hundreds of years, and of course, it's not all glorious history. Originally, the Bridge family was not involved in the film and television industry. For such a large family with a long history, they looked down on new things like the film and television industry at the beginning. They lost the opportunity and it would be more difficult to enter later. .

However, Fernando Bridge has been interested in the film industry since he was a child. He came to the United States to study directing. However, he did not make his own movies. Instead, he invested in two movies—both of which only cost about 100 to 2 million US dollars. A low-cost movie with a unique vision, both movies sold a box office of nearly 10 million. Taking into account other income such as home entertainment, it is a huge profit.

He used the money to establish D19, and began to focus on making low-cost track films.

At first, the adults of the Bridge family thought that Fernando was just playing for fun. Every family had some young people who didn't want to follow the rules, and they didn't care until they discovered a few years later that Fernando had made the D19 very impressive. Most of their projects were profitable and profitable every year, so they started to take it seriously.

Subsequently, the Bridge family became Fernando's loan bank.

Most of the funding for the movies produced by D19 comes from the Bridge family business group.

Nowadays, Fernando Bridge is only in his early thirties and is the target of many actresses in Hollywood.

To the butterflies in the colorful world, a man who comes from a big family, has a lot of money, and owns his own company is no different than a flower that exudes a fatal and alluring fragrance.

As a result, Fernando Bridge married Shirley Young before the Hollywood actresses tried their best to get him.

"Honey, if Mu Ken must find that Chinese actor to play the role, we should support Mu Ken." Fernando Bridge said to Shirley Young.

Muchen Sorge's previous two horror films were both made at D19, and he is also a representative director of D19. Fernando Bridge is very supportive of Mulken Sorge, a director who has proven himself through two successful films that any film company will support.

Shirley Yang: "Of course we will support Mu Ken. Alas, Mu Ken really shouldn't have gone to Lu Yanhe first. This gave his agent an advantage, knowing that Mu Ken's first choice was him, otherwise , maybe for $400,000 we can sign him.”

Fernando Bridge said: "One million is just one million. Lu Yanhe is not an unknown newcomer."

"In Hollywood, there has never been such a precedent." Shirley Yang said, "The production cost of our movie was only 8 million, and giving an Asian actor who has never appeared in a Hollywood movie a salary of 1 million is such a big deal. It breaks industry practice. If this movie can be released in mainland China, I would be willing to pay him $2 million, but there is no way this movie will be introduced to mainland China."

Fernando Bridge said: "If Mu Ken had not chosen Lu Yanhe to play the role, I wouldn't care who played the role. Shirley, the key to this movie is not the actor, but Mu Ken. Since Mu Ken thinks We must find Lu Yanhe. As long as there are no conditions for the lion to open his mouth, it doesn’t matter if we agree. As for Hollywood’s practices, we at D19 have never been a traditional mainstream Hollywood film company, right?”

Shirley Yang also followed Fernando Bridge's brisk tone and laughed, raising the corners of her mouth.

"All right."


Chen Ziyan got out of the car with a smile on her face, holding a rectangular box in her hand, went upstairs, and rang the doorbell.

After a while, Lu Yanhe came to open the door and looked at her in surprise.

"Sister Ziyan, what did you bring here?"

"The latest MH retro-style mechanical keyboard." Chen Ziyan said, "After I saw it, I thought you would like it, so I bought it. Congratulations on your success in accepting the movie "The Mist" with a salary of one million US dollars."

Lu Yanhe looked surprised.

"Oh—" Lu Yanhe took the rectangular box from Chen Ziyan's hand and opened it on the spot in surprise, "I've been looking for a suitable keyboard. The space bar always failed in the keyboard I used before. I'd like to give you this as a gift." It was so timely.”

Chen Ziyan: "Is this the point? The point is the movie "The Mist". I've negotiated a salary of one million US dollars for you!"

Lu Yanhe stared at the keyboard in his hand, "Sister Ziyan is awesome!"

Chen Ziyan: “…”

I have never seen Lu Yanhe be so perfunctory before.

Lu Yanhe also suddenly started paying attention to various keyboards in the past two years.

Probably because he has to type almost every day, Lu Yanhe often goes to check out the new keyboards that are launched. Of course, he doesn't buy any of them.

Even though the space bar was malfunctioning, he never thought of replacing it.

He felt that he still saved money.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were both filming outside. Lu Yanhe asked Chen Ziyan if she had any plans for lunch, but Chen Ziyan said no.

Lu Yanhe said that they could prepare some food at home.

Chen Ziyan asked in surprise: "You often cook by yourself now?"


Six thousand words guaranteed, eight thousand words updated.

You have restricted my performance. I still have a manuscript of 4,000 words in hand.

Everyone’s enthusiasm for voting for monthly votes is not strong enough, so the campaign to increase monthly votes will continue.

Vote vigorously... Well, for students who don't have monthly votes, I recommend my old book "I Became a Scandalous Heroine Overnight". It's quite good, so give it a try. (End of chapter)

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