Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 482: Versailles Speaks: Too many nominations

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "I'll do it occasionally. I don't know how to cook big dishes. If I need to cook for a movie in the future, I can't cut vegetables or use a spoon without having to find a hand."

Chen Ziyan: "Well, you really have a lot of skills now. You can sing, ride a horse, do archery, and know a little martial arts. That's great. An actor must have eighteen kinds of martial arts, so that he can play any role he encounters. ”

"When will the filming of "The Mist" start?" Lu Yanhe asked curiously.

"Maybe it will be February or March next year. I have already communicated with them. You will join the team to shoot "Fire" in April next year. You will avoid this schedule." Chen Ziyan said, "Fortunately, "The Mist" has not been confirmed yet. Shooting time, so I can coordinate it according to your time. However, I calculated that you may have quite a lot of shooting plans for next year. The two movies "The Mist" and "Fire" will take up the first half of your year. , I have to film the second season of "Seventeen Floor" in the second half of the year, so I basically have no time to do anything else."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"There is another question." Chen Ziyan said, "Your "Love Letter" will definitely not be able to catch up with the Valentine's Day schedule next year. However, if you are so busy next year, it is estimated that it will be difficult for you to have time to do its post-production. This movie will be released next year. Not being able to show it is a problem.”

Lu Yanhe once again lamented that time was really not enough.

He said: "For the post-production work, let's take every opportunity to do it. I already have a very clear idea of ​​what the film should be like, which can save a lot of time."

Chen Ziyan nodded and said, "That's good."

Lu Yanhe: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, I have to make an appointment with Director Hou Jun."


Chen Ziyan looked at him in surprise.

Hou Jun is the director of the program "Little Songs Gathering Crowds" and can be regarded as one of Lu Yanhe's early talents.

Chen Ziyan didn't know why Lu Yanhe suddenly mentioned that she wanted to make an appointment with him.

"I need to ask him to help with the soundtrack of "Love Letter"." Lu Yanhe said, "The soundtrack is very important to "Love Letter". I have some ideas, but I don't know many people in the music circle, so I have to ask him to come." help me."

Chen Ziyan suddenly realized.

As a music director, Hou Jun has a lot of connections in the domestic music circle.

In the original "Love Letter", its soundtrack was considered "god-level".

Many viewers even said that without this soundtrack, the movie might not be able to win the title of God.

"Love Letter" is a classic because it awakens memories of adolescence and secret love in every viewer's heart.

The soundtrack plays an important role in triggering this emotion.

Lu Yanhe didn't understand those musical instruments at all. This kind of thing could only be done by professionals.

"By the way, let me tell you something." Chen Ziyan asked with a smile, "Do you still remember "The Divine Picture"?"

"Remember, it seems to be a drama produced by Wen Xia Zhiyin, right? At that time, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were asked to act in it, but it turned out to be bad again later."

"Yes, it's restarted now." Chen Ziyan said, "They went to Li Zhibai and Yan Liang again, but Zhou Ping'an and Lin Suyang turned them down and didn't want Li Zhibai and Yan Liang to play again, so now Wen Xia Zhiyin started looking for other actors again. "

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, since Chen Ziyan specifically told him about this matter, I guess the actor Wen Xia Zhiyin wanted to find was someone with whom he usually had a close relationship?

Chen Ziyan said: "They want to find Huang Kairen to play."

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe asked, "Brother Kai Ren...he is already thirty-two years old, isn't he already inappropriate in terms of age?"

Chen Ziyan: "If Huang Kairen is willing to act, Wen Xia Zhiyin will definitely modify the character setting for Huang Kairen."

"Uh." Lu Yanhe asked, "What do you think of Brother Kairen?"

"He didn't want to take it, but his agent wanted him to take it. There was a lot of conflict between the two parties because of this matter. Even I heard about it." Chen Ziyan finally said what she really wanted to say about this matter, "Huang Kai Ren and his agent should break up. "

Lu Yanhe looked shocked.

"His agent can no longer keep up with his current development momentum." Chen Ziyan said, "Previously, Huang Kairen had a big conflict with Lian Xun about starring in the movie "Rouge Button". The relationship between the two It got very bad, and there were constant minor conflicts, and this time "Picture of the Gods" once again intensified the conflicts between them."

"Brother Kai Ren really doesn't need to act in the drama "Pictures of the Gods" anymore. He finally transformed successfully and became an actor who can handle serious dramas." Lu Yanhe said, "Even I can see this. His agent Can’t people see it?”

"But dramas like "Pictures of the Gods" are only profitable. One drama can bring Huang Kairen more than 40 million in salary, while those major dramas can provide Huang Kairen with less than a quarter of the salary." Chen Ziyan He said, "Agents are not doing charity work, they are also making money. Huang Kairen's salary for starring in "Rouge Button" is not high in the first place. No matter how good the reputation is, in the eyes of the agent, it must be converted into income. Only if you have a good reputation, otherwise it will be in vain.”

"Didn't Brother Kai Ren use "Rouge Button" to get some new business endorsements?"

"Of course there are several more." Chen Ziyan said, "But considering Huang Kairen's current status, if he does not accept FMCG brand endorsements, the endorsement fee will not be very high, especially for some top luxury endorsements, which may not even be paid. Endorsement fees. Huang Kairen has now made up his mind to take the high-end route. If he does not accept business from fast-moving consumer brands, he will not be able to bring much income in this aspect. In fact, Huang Kairen is right to do this. He has the foresight to survive the past few years and truly establish his current position. From a traffic star to a powerful one, he doesn't have to worry about income at all. Maybe Lian Xun is in trouble, looking at Huang Kairen. His career is getting better and better, and he may have a sense of crisis, thinking that he will be kicked away by Huang Kairen. "

It's not just celebrities who feel insecure, managers do too.

Between young artists and managers, the latter is definitely in control of the former.

But between first-line artists and their managers, the manager is the weakest player.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then Brother Kairen...will he really break up with Lian Xun?"

"In my judgment, yes."


The accuracy of Chen Ziyan's judgment was confirmed two days later.

A marketing account exposed the news that Huang Kairen had an irreconcilable conflict with his agent and was suspected of breaking up.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

It is not uncommon for artists to have conflicts with agencies or managers, or even break up. This kind of news is not uncommon, but just like when celebrities and artists fall in love, get married or divorce, they never tire of stirring up the excitement of the masses.

After rumors of Huang Kairen's breakup with his agent Lian Xun were hotly discussed on the Internet for a long time, Huang Kairen and Lian Xun came forward to respond to the matter.

The two of them did not accuse each other facetiously, but jointly issued a statement, saying that they did have some conflicts that needed to be resolved in their future plans. They were not the situations rumored on the Internet. Please give me your support. They have some space to discuss and resolve these matters.

Both of them gave a very decent gesture, unlike ordinary managers and artists who break up in an ugly and unruly manner.

In fact, there is no deep hatred between Huang Kairen and Lian Xun.

"Lian Xun has been in charge of my brokerage business since I debuted. Without him, I would never have achieved what I have achieved today."

During the phone call with Lu Yanhe, Huang Kairen talked about this incident and was actually very grateful to Lian Xun.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Brother Kai Ren, why don't you and Lian Xun have a good chat?"

"If we had a good conversation, we would have settled it long ago." Huang Kairen pursed his lips helplessly, "He and I do have big differences about the future development direction."


"I will find another agent to take charge of my affairs." Huang Kairen said.

Lu Yanhe: "Will Lianxun accept it?"

"He didn't accept it at first, but after talking a few times, he gradually accepted it now," Huang Kairen said.

After Lu Yanhe made this phone call with Huang Kairen, he originally thought that Lian Xun was a very talkative and kind person, and that even if he and Huang Kairen broke up due to disagreements, they could still break up amicably.

But then Chen Ziyan told Lu Yanhe something, which shocked him.

The reason why Huang Kairen and Lian Xun were able to break up amicably was because Huang Kairen gave Lian Xun a breakup fee of 10 million.

Lu Yanhe was stunned when he heard this number.

Just when he thought that the two people still had their past relationship and could get back together even if they couldn't continue to be together, this huge breakup fee of 10 million directly shattered his beautiful imagination about human nature.

"Brother Kai Ren...this is a very heavy price to pay."

"Yes, Huang Kairen has made a lot of money and spent a lot of money in the past few years since his debut. Giving out 10 million in one breath probably made his wallet a lot of money." Chen Ziyan said, "But fortunately this number It has not been made public, otherwise we would not know whether Huang Kairen was scolded or Lian Xun was scolded."

The former is criticized because there is always a group of people on the Internet who hate the rich, while the latter is because of greed.

Never mind, this matter ends here.

On the surface, the two broke up amicably.

Who will come to take over Huang Kairen's agent is also a matter of concern in the industry.

Lu Yanhe also curiously asked Chen Ziyan: "Sister Ziyan, don't you consider bringing Brother Kairen to your place?"

"He just broke up with Lian Xun, and his contract with the agency has not expired yet." Chen Ziyan said, "And it is impossible for me to sign an agreement with his agency to become his agent. "

In the area of ​​celebrity management, under normal circumstances, the agent and the brokerage company are one and the same. Celebrity artists usually sign contracts with management companies, not managers. But this only applies to the most common cases. In fact, in many cases, the agent can also be an independent individual, signing a separate entrustment agreement with the brokerage company, and the brokerage company entrusts it to act as the artist's agent. Sometimes, although a strong and resourceful agent has her own contract with a certain agency, the artist she likes signs an agency contract with her instead of with the agency - this is This means that this artist is the artist of the agent, not the artist of the agency.

Lu Yanhe: "I don't know who Brother Kai Ren will find as his agent, or will his agency arrange another one for him?"

"Most likely not." Chen Ziyan shook her head, "The brokerage company will arrange another one. The broker still represents the brokerage company's intentions behind the scenes. It is impossible to consider Huang Kairen's work arrangements 100% from Huang Kairen's perspective. Based on Huang Kairen's perspective, With his current status, what he needs is an agent who has the ability to help him reach the top line in the future, and an agent who must form a community of interests with him. "

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

I learned another lesson from Sister Ziyan.


As the incident involving Huang Kairen and his agent broke up, the Phenom Awards, one of the three domestic film awards, announced this year's nomination list before October is over.

Every year at this time, it’s time for the three domestic film awards to take place.

This time, "Rouge", "Path of Glory", "Angry Crow", "Nine Yins", "My Home I Haven't Returned in a Long Time" and "Happy Days" have become the major nominees.

These are all very topical movies this year.

Of course, there are also highly talked-about movies that were not popular and were not nominated for major awards, such as "The Explosive Needle" starring Li Yuefeng and Zhang Lan. Yu Jiang's "Flowers on the Stars" knew even before it was released that it was not going to win an award. Best Director: Wang Zhong for "Rouge", Fu Kai for "Path of Glory", Erlang Xia (stage name) for "Angry Crow", Ning Zhiyuan for "Nine Yins", and Yu Qin for "Happy Time" .

There are both famous directors and young directors, and the competition is fierce.

Judging from the media calls, everyone thinks that Wang Zhong and Yu Qin are in the first echelon, and Fu Kai and Ning Zhiyuan are in the second echelon. It is quite a surprise that Erlangxia, the director of the animated film "Angry Crow", can be nominated. matter.

In the best screenwriting category, Lu Yanhe for "Rouge Button" and Ning Zhiyuan for "Nine Yin" were nominated together with "My Home I Haven't Returned for a Long Time", "A Thousand Years of My Heart" and "The Seventh Story of a Floating Life". The most popular one is "The Seventh Chapter of a Floating Life". When the movie was released, this movie became famous because of its adaptation of the Qing Dynasty work "Six Chapters of a Floating Life" and received a lot of discussion and praise.


For Best Actor, Huang Kairen was nominated for the three domestic film awards for the first time with "Rouge Button". In addition, there are also Zhou Yuning from the martial arts film "Nine Yin" and the literary romance film "You Go Upstream" Zhang Ding, the three of them will compete with Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou from "Road to Glory" for best actor.

Best Actress, "The Home I Haven't Returned in a Long Time", although it is a suspense genre film, but the title of the phenomenal blockbuster film supported by one person directly recommended her to get a nomination, relying on "Happy Days" Ning Xiulian, who won the Best Actress at the Venice International Film Festival, was also unexpectedly included, as was Chen Bige, who won the Best Actress at the Josep Film Festival for "Rouge Button". The other two finalists are, The media thought that they were just making up the numbers: Li Xiaoning, the heroine of the art film "Hundred Phoenixes" which has not been released yet, and Qin Sangwen, the heroine of the art film "You Go Against the Current". The latter two are considered "nominate and you're out."

The media all say that this year is the year of explosion for Chinese-language films.

There are masterpieces such as "Rouge", "Path of Glory" and "Happy Days" that have won accolades at international film festivals, as well as box-office hits such as "My Home for a Long Time", "Nine Shadows" and "Angry Crow" Big hits and different types of works.

The competition is also extremely fierce.

The media thinks the most unfortunate person is Xu Yiren.

Based on Xu Yiren's performance in "My Home I Haven't Returned for a Long Time" and the representative achievements of this one-woman show, if placed in an ordinary year, she would definitely be able to win a Best Actress trophy. But she happened to meet this year, a Venice Best Actress and a José Best Actress, both of whom were extremely tough.

As for the male protagonist, this year is the New Year, and the media said it was a fight between gods and gods.

Needless to say, Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe. The former is the ceiling of domestic male actors' acting skills and a major award-winner. The latter's momentum in recent years is even more worthy of being the "first person of the younger generation". Now he is still relying on "Glory of Glory". The movie "The Road" was nominated for a bunch of acting awards during the North American awards season.

Zhou Yuning of "Nine Yin" is also a big dark horse who emerged in this summer's season. The swordsman he plays can be said to be the most successful martial arts character in recent years. He also shocked a large number of audiences because of his tragic ending. One role allowed Zhou Yuning to enter the ranks of first-line movie niche - it is not enough to star in a movie that is a hit at the box office. His role is popular enough and his star is bright enough, so he can be in the right place at the right time. Next, it exploded into red.

In addition to Zhou Yuning, Huang Kairen also changed everyone's impression of him with "Rouge Button". In "Rouge Button", he plays the suave and affectionate Twelve Young Masters. Although he is a typical theater actor, Huang Kairen's performance can compete with Chen Bige without falling behind, which is enough to show that he is in this film. success in the film. If we have to talk about a disadvantage, it is that "Rouge" is a movie with a female protagonist. Huang Kairen's role is relatively small, and he does not have as much room for expression and richness of characters as other nominees.

Even Chen Ziyan said: "This year's Phenom Awards are really exciting."

"Film Jianghu" directly published an article saying: This is the most promising Phenom Award in the past ten years.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time Lu Yanhe has been nominated for the Best Actor award.

It used to be Best Supporting Actor.

Chen Ziyan said: "It's a pity that movies like "The Journey" are still not favored by awards."

"It's not just for awards. The box office results are already very good. We can't be too greedy."

Chen Ziyan looked at her phone and suddenly felt happy.

"Nowadays, people on the Internet are saying that you must be nominated for every award, and you are always nominated for two awards. Before, you were nominated for two acting awards. Now, you are nominated for one acting award and one screenwriting award. Some people say that maybe after "Love Letter" is released, you will be nominated. Lu Santi, director, screenwriter, and performer."

Lu Yanhe was a little dumbfounded when he heard such a statement.

"It's not that exaggerated." Lu Yanhe smiled, "My performance in "Love Letter" probably won't be nominated for an acting award."

It can be said that there is no difficulty in performing that role.

In fact, the characters in "Love Letter" basically don't have much difficulty in acting.

Including the role played by Chen Bige.

"Love Letter" is a classic simply because it reaches an extreme in the themes of youth, secret love, and memories. It's not that any actor's performance is so top-notch. The reason why all the characters are moving is because they are driven by the story and the atmosphere of the movie.

Lu Yanhe thought for a moment, and if "Love Letter" really has hope of winning an award in the future, the Best Screenplay Award might be the most promising.

The day after the Phenom Awards nominations came out, the Asian Television Festival Awards Ceremony was also held.

Lu Yanhe flew to Singapore again to attend the closing ceremony and awards ceremony.

This time he was attending to announce the news that "Rouge Button" will be adapted into a Korean drama together with Ms. Kim Eonsook of TVN.

Lu Yanhe will also announce that "Rouge Button" will be adapted into a Chinese drama series.

As for his few nominations, Lu Yanhe really didn't take them to heart - because just as they expected, he didn't get the award.

The winner of the Best Actor at this Asia Television Festival turned out to be Korean actor Kong Lingfan who asked Lu Yanhe at the opening ceremony whether he could guest star in the Korean drama version of "Six".

He won this award for last year's suspense drama "Death Wanted", which was popular in Asia. He cried with joy and was so excited when receiving the award.

The Chinese media at the scene were very dissatisfied with the result that Lu Yanhe's pellets were not collected.

To be honest, Chinese-language dramas did not have much influence overseas in the past. They could not compete with Korean dramas and Japanese dramas. They relied on streaming media and their influence was great. Even if they could not be broadcast normally in China, they still relied on the fact that they were all over the world. The pirated resources have millions or even tens of millions of viewers.

However, among the dramas "Sixteenth Floor", "Seventeenth Floor" and "River of Silence", which drama has not achieved outstanding results? !

Lu Yanhe has even held two fan meetings in Korea.

Who can say against their will that the influence of these dramas is inferior to those Korean dramas and Japanese dramas?

In everyone's minds, Lu Yanhe is their most awesome actor. He sat at the awards ceremony with so many nominations, but he didn't get a single award?

What a joke!

However, when everyone felt aggrieved for Lu Yanhe, they saw that Lu Yanhe didn't take it seriously at all. After hearing that someone else had won the award, he even laughed and joked with Director Chen Lingling next to him, without seeming to care at all.

It wasn't until Director Chen Lingling won the Best Director Award that Lu Yanhe happily stood up, applauded and celebrated Director Chen Lingling.

After the award ceremony, Lu Yanhe was surrounded by many media.

One of the questions he gets asked most often is, "If I come here this time and I get nothing, will my mood be affected?"

Lu Yanhe originally wanted to humbly express his disdain and say something hypocritical, but when he saw that all of his familiar friends in the media were sincerely indignant that he did not win the award, he smiled. Decide on Versailles.

"It has no impact." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "There have been so many nominations for various awards recently. I can't tell which one is which. If you win an award, you win an award. If you don't win an award, it doesn't matter. I feel like it happens every day. New nominations, so many nominations, I can definitely win a few awards, haha.”

He didn't say these words as if he was showing off, nor did he have a complacent tone. He just had a kind of magnanimity that said, "The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle, I'm just showing off." On the contrary, these words sounded strange -

There is a feeling of "fuck, let this B pretend to be here!"

What Lu Yanhe didn't have the nerve to say was that this was not a top prize, and he didn't take it to heart from the beginning. If you don't win an award at a top international film festival, or if you miss out on the three domestic awards, you may still be disappointed.

After the award ceremony, before the media left, Jin Yanshu held a media conference.

This conference will announce many of TVN’s subsequent project plans.

Lu Yanhe, as a partner in the Korean drama version of "Rouge Button", appeared at the scene with a smile, which aroused excited cheers from the audience.

"I am very happy that as a screenwriter, my works can be adapted into new versions in different countries and regions through different forms and languages, so that more audiences can see them. This is a wonderful feeling." Lu Yanhe commented on this, "I am looking forward to seeing the Korean version of "Six People" and "Rouge"."

Some members of the media raised their hands to indicate that they wanted to ask questions.

It's Chinese media.

Lu Yanhe nodded, indicating to the host that he could accept questions.

The reporter from the Chinese media asked: "As a Chinese film, "Rouge" has been adapted into a Korean drama. This news is very shocking. I would like to ask, why has "Rouge" not been considered to be adapted into a Chinese drama? ?”

"It will also be adapted."

Regarding this point, Lu Yanhe had already informed Jin Yanshu in advance. Jin Yanshu did not object to Lu Yanhe mentioning the Chinese version at this media conference. On the contrary, she believed that China and South Korea would adapt the series at the same time, which would create more topics. There are great benefits to Korean drama adaptations.

Lu Yanhe said: "The Chinese drama series of "Rouge" will be adapted by Icefield Video."

The whole audience exclaimed.

A movie has just been released and is now being adapted into two TV series.

This kind of speed is almost unheard of.

Is "Rouge Button" so popular?

This is really unexpected. After all, the movie "Rouge Button" cannot be said to be a phenomenon. Although it sold very well at the box office in China, it did not become a global hit.

TVN Why do you suddenly want to adapt it into a Korean drama?

Many media immediately asked Jin Yanshu questions.

What everyone is most curious about is why they want to adapt "Rouge Button".

Lu Yanhe was quite nervous at this moment.

If Jin Yanshu overemphasizes female consciousness at this time, it may cause a lot of criticism on the Internet. After all, this topic is quite sensitive on the Internet. However, Kim Yeon-sook has been able to stand firm in the Korean drama industry for many years, and she still has this sensitivity.

As soon as she opened her mouth, her original intention to adapt "Rouge Button" fell on Lu Yanhe.


Today the monthly ticket has only increased by 200+, so I will update it with 7,000 words.

Adding more chapters does not mean adding chapters, but adding words.

Tomorrow's update time will be at 2pm. The current total number of monthly votes is 1,435. I will update when I see how many there are at 2pm tomorrow.

6,000 words guaranteed, 200 monthly tickets + 1,000 words update.

Hurry up and cast your monthly votes!

I would like to recommend the old book "I Became a Scandalous Heroine Overnight". (End of chapter)

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