Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 484: Many people thought he had already won B

 For a star like Lu Yanhe, traveling is quite troublesome.

Personal travel is secondary, and work matters are the main thing.

This circle is all about pomp and circumstance.

If you only bring an assistant to the set, it's low-key and you can film with peace of mind. If you only bring an assistant to an event, especially a large event, then you are "shabby".

This is not what anyone said, it is the consensus of the industry.

In addition, there are safety issues.

At the airport, so many media are waiting, so many fans are waiting, just to wait for you to appear, swarming up to see you in person, and then seeing you, their emotions are out of control, excited and excited. This is quite positive.

There are also some malicious black fans or passers-by who join in the fun, deliberately making the scene chaotic. At this time, the two assistants had absolutely no control over the situation.

Foreign countries are not as safe as China.

Why are there so many high-value celebrities followed by several bodyguards wherever they go, including when they go to buy a cup of coffee? There are several bodyguards on standby to protect the celebrities.

Because to prevent robbery or even kidnapping.

Kidnappings are not going away these days.

Lu Yanhe has been operating domestically before. Now, the route Chen Ziyan designed for him is to become a global superstar. He must go overseas to act. It is not enough to always rely on those service companies.

That's why it was said that Lu Yanhe needed a strong brokerage company.

A brokerage company that has resources and connections in business, logistics services and even black and white, and can provide Lu Yanhe with a full range of services.

In this regard, domestic brokerage companies are indeed not as professional as global brokerage companies abroad.

They are companies that have been in business for decades, have accumulated a lot of resources, and have established networks in countries around the world.

There are basically no companies in China that are solely engaged in artist management. Basically, the film and television business and the artist management business are intertwined.

The development stages are quite different.

Chen Ziyan added: "In addition, I am going to arrange Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang to be part of your team."

Hearing these two unfamiliar names, Lu Yanhe showed doubts.

Chen Ziyan said: "The two of them were brought up in this company by me and your sister Qingzhen. Both of them are top students who graduated from prestigious schools. They are very high-quality in all aspects, especially their foreign language skills. We want to We need to train them to take charge of the company’s overseas affairs in the future.”

When Lu Yanhe heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

"They have worked under us for a year, and they should learn and understand the business of company management. Now it is time to go to the front line to get in touch with the artist's business." Chen Ziyan said, "Because in the future, we will In overseas business, now you are the only one who has such an opportunity for them to practice, so they can only be included in your team. "

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"Okay, no problem, this will expand my team." Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Ziyan said: "Well, our company will be responsible for their salary and travel, and will not go to your team's account. Although I know you don't mind, I still have to make it clear to you."

"Yes." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Just make arrangements."

"Right now, our company is very short of agents who can act independently. They are all assistants." Chen Ziyan said, "To provide this kind of high-end brokerage services, it is useless to recruit mature agents from outside. They cannot meet our needs. We can only Cultivate yourself, so I plan to cultivate people through these steps in the future. First, work as an assistant with us to fully understand our positioning from the perspective of company management, and then go to your artist team to learn specific business and accumulate experience. Then, start practicing on your own.”

Lu Yanhe: "It sounds like it takes a long time to train a person."

"Yes." Chen Ziyan nodded, "But if you want to truly cultivate a qualified senior agent who can act independently, such experience is essential."

Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Ziyan, actually you can also consider going overseas to find young people who have just entered the industry and want to be agents, and sign them to our company. They can also work for our overseas business."

Chen Ziyan: "We don't have overseas resources to train them at this stage. Let's wait until Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang are experienced by your side, and then let them develop. We have to eat one bite at a time, and we have one foot at a time. You haven’t taken the step yet, so don’t think about things so far in the future.”

"Yes." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Okay then."


Suddenly there are two more people in the team. Zou Dong is okay. He is a bodyguard anyway and is mainly responsible for security. The extra people have nothing to do with him.

Wang Biao, who served as Lu Yanhe's assistant, suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

No one had ever told him what Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang were here for. He didn't even know what the background of these two people was, nor did he know Chen Ziyan's arrangements for them. His first reaction was that these two people Individuals are his competitors.

Because Chen Ziyan did not assign any specific positions to them, she just asked these two people to join the team directly.

However, Wang Biao himself was young, five or six years younger than both of them, not to mention that the two of them were top students who graduated from prestigious schools.

Wang Biao couldn't help complaining, thinking, these two people with such high academic qualifications, what kind of assistants are they here to do?

Of course, Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang were also a little depressed themselves.

In this regard, Chen Ziyan not only hid the truth from Wang Biao, but also from Wang Qingqing and Song Jiang, and did not tell them her considerations. Therefore, there is also a big gap between Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang. From a top student similar to a "management trainee", he suddenly became Lu Yanhe's assistant.

Although it was Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe knew what Chen Ziyan was planning. Don’t say anything first, just watch their reaction and temper their temperament. Lu Yanhe was also treated like this by Chen Ziyan when he first came under Chen Ziyan. Chen Ziyan is not the kind of person who will break things down and tell you about them at the beginning. She will first let you experience, feel, and realize things by yourself, and then come out to give you some advice.

Therefore, Lu Yanhe did not give them any explanation.

As for how to arrange the division of labor between the three people, Lu Yanhe asked Chen Ziyan.

Chen Ziyan: "Let them go for two days to see what they will do, and let me observe each of their personalities."

A person's character cannot be judged by what he does when the wind is favorable, but by what he shows when things are not so favorable.

On the first day, Wang Biao had some friction with Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang.

On this day, Lu Yanhe was going to record interviews with the nominees for the Phenom Awards.

Lu Yanhe also led a team of five people to work for the first time. In fact, he was not familiar with Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang at all, so Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang also had an excessive respect for him.

Lu Yanhe waved his hand twice and said he could do whatever he wanted, but neither of them changed at all.

Lu Yanhe gave up for the time being and ignored it. Anyway, after waiting for a long time, they will naturally know what kind of person he is.

However, Wang Biao seemed to be unable to understand the way these two people were respectful to Lu Yanhe. He squinted and said, "If others see you like this, they will think that Brother Lu is so arrogant. People from his own team are not as good as him." This is the attitude in front of me.”

Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang's cheeks turned red at the same time.

Wang Biao said: "Brother Lu never cares about this. As long as you do your job well, there is no need to be the same as your subordinates in other aspects. It is not a superior-subordinate relationship in the company."

Wang Biao's sarcasm was completely an undisguised attack.

When Lu Yanhe heard what Wang Biao said, he subconsciously wanted to dissuade him and ask him not to speak so meanly.

But then I thought about it, Sister Ziyan wanted to take the opportunity to observe their personalities. In this case, it was the best time to observe them.

He shouldn't get involved at this time.

With Lu Yanhe thinking like this, he didn't care about anything.

Wang Biao's words made Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang blush and turn blue. They were probably in a panic.

Lu Yanhe pretended not to hear, put on his headphones, and looked out the window.

When he got to the place, he took off his headphones and got out of the car.

Wang Biao followed Lu Yanhe on the left side with his bag on his back. Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang could only follow behind.

Interviewing is actually a very simple matter.

This time, it was Peng Zhixing who was in charge of interviewing the Phenom Award nominees.

Lu Yanhe's old friend.

These interviews will also appear in Peng Zhixing's interview program in a special edition.

Because it was Peng's trip, Lu Yanhe was very relaxed and didn't even read the interview outline.

Lu Yanhe told Peng Zhixing about this matter as soon as he met him.

"You didn't read the outline?" Peng Zhixing was surprised.

"No, I fully believe you." Lu Yanhe smiled, "Ask whatever you want."

Peng Zhixing: "I'm under a lot of pressure now."

Lu Yanhe: "Why are you so stressed? You have to interview so many people. Shouldn't interviewing me be the time when you are least stressed?"

"It's true, there are too many big names nominated for the Phenom Award this time." Peng Zhixing said, "My head is getting big."

"If you have such ability, the organizer will invite you."

Peng Zhixing is certainly not one of the top hosts today. However, because of the program "Young Days", Peng Zhixing's popularity has increased steadily in recent years, and his hosting and interviewing skills have also improved rapidly. He hosts almost all large-scale events of Northern Lights Video. On the self-media side of "Jump Up", there are also regular interview programs where he is invited to be the interviewer. A large amount of practical experience has been transformed by him into his own ability and charm, which has also allowed him to enter the field of mainstream awards such as the Phenom Award.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of mainstream awards invite relatively senior and famous hosts to be responsible for the interview column of nominees.

Lu Yanhe hugged Peng Zhixing and said, "I haven't washed my face yet, so I need to go and refresh myself."

Peng Zhixing nodded and said, "There's no rush, you can go and take orders first."

Lu Yanhe went to his dressing room.

The makeup artist is already waiting for him.

"Hello Yan He."

Lu Yanhe greeted her, "It's up to you today."

After seeing this scene, both Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang showed surprise.

Obviously, in their understanding, a star of Lu Yanhe's level would not say "I'm taking care of you today" so politely to a makeup artist.

Wang Biao could guess what they were thinking by looking at their looks.

Wang Biao also had those thoughts.

At this moment, Wang Biao felt a kind of psychological pleasure in his heart: "So what if you are college students who graduated from a prestigious school? You are still a novice with no experience."

For a moment, Wang Biao's hostility towards them became less.


The interview between Lu Yanhe and Peng Zhixing lasted for almost an hour.

That's what interviews with acquaintances are like. Basically there are no defenses, and there's a lot to talk about.

He and Peng Zhixing not only had a lot of interactions in "Young Days", but outside of this show, Lu Yanhe also had many personal relationships with Peng Zhixing.

This also allows Peng Zhixing to ask many questions that other hosts cannot.

For example, Peng Zhixing would ask: "This time when you are nominated for the Phenom Award, who do you think your main competitor is?"

If someone else asked this kind of question, Lu Yanhe would definitely not answer it directly.

Because it was Peng's trip, Lu Yanhe dared to say it.

"Of course it's my senior brother, Shang Yongzhou."

Peng Zhixing will immediately ask at this time: "Is it because you think other people's performances are not as good as yours?"

If a ladder is provided, Lu Yanhe can explain it more clearly immediately.

"No, of course not. The other nominees are also very good, but my senior brother and I were both nominated for the movie "Path of Glory". The judges will compare the two of us more." Lu Yanhe said, "And, to be honest, the competition this year is too great. If it had been shortlisted in other years, I might feel that I would be much more confident in winning the award. This time, when I saw the nomination list, I had a feeling that no one would win. I can’t fault it too much, no matter who wins the award, there is a reason for it.”

Such words, said in Peng Zhixing's interview, were purely for Peng Zhixing's face.

Peng Zhixing nodded, "This is indeed a year of competition. Many people say so. Do you feel it is a pity?"

"No." Lu Yanhe smiled and shook his head, "That's good too. Rather than winning the prize alone, I quite like watching such a big melee. I'm also very curious who this year's winner will be."

"If you weren't the winner, wouldn't you really complain that the judges didn't choose you?"

"Well -" Lu Yanhe pondered, thinking deeply, "I said I couldn't do it, do you believe it?"

"If someone else says it, I don't believe it. But if you say it, I believe it." Peng Zhixing laughed, "For you, this is just an award. Do you know how exaggerated it is? Everyone is surprised that you actually arrived So far, no one in China has won three awards. Many people think that you must have won it."

"I've only won two Best Supporting Actor awards, right? They were both for "Three Mountains"."

"That's right, so this is the scariest thing about you. I'm your friend and I have to say the same." Peng Zhixing shook his head and sighed, "You haven't won the Best Actor, but everyone thinks you have. , This is the recognition of you by the entire industry.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and waved his hands, and said hurriedly: "Don't wear such a high hat on me, I don't dare to wear it."

"I just have this opportunity. In fact, I still have a few questions to ask you. You can choose to answer them or not. If you don't want to answer the questions, I will cut them out later and not appear in the main film. ." Peng Zhixing said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "It doesn't matter. I told you, Brother Zhixing, whatever you want to ask, I will answer."

Peng Zhixing said: "I noticed that in the past two years, your works have been shortlisted for almost every top international film festival, and you have also won some awards, including "Six", "Seventeenth Floor" and "River of Silence" The popularity of these dramas on streaming media has made many people in various Asian countries fall in love with you and become fans of your dramas. You have also held fan activities in many countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. Will you continue to focus on filming domestic film and television dramas in the future, or will you... take an international route? "

This is the first time Lu Yanhe has been asked such a question.

Because the movie "The Mist" has not been released to the public, including some cooperation, it is still under negotiation and has not been exposed to the public. Therefore, although many media know that Lu Yanhe is now well-known internationally, they have never thought that he will go international. route. After all, the films and TV series he has shot so far are all Chinese.

Lu Yanhe was surprised by Peng Zhixing's acumen, and felt that this was also a good opportunity.

Rather than being questioned by some people later, it is a good opportunity to make it clear here now.

"I will definitely focus on filming film and television dramas in China, but I will also take the international route you mentioned." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "I still hope that I have the ability to take Chinese film and television dramas overseas. , let more audiences around the world get to know me and Chinese film and television dramas. However, sometimes we have to admit one thing. If we don’t first follow their rules, integrate into their circles, and be known by them, then They may not be willing to give us the opportunity to get to know them.”

Peng Zhixing nodded.

"Just like South Korea's TVN TV station wants to adapt the two dramas "Six People" and "Rouge", I think it is a very good thing." Lu Yanhe said, "The film and television dramas produced in China can be adapted into another country and language. version, this is not only a recognition of the original version, but also an opportunity for more people to see this story. I very much welcome film and television producers from other countries to discuss adaptation matters with us, whether it is a film or television drama, a stage play, or something else. Some form."

Peng Zhixing said: "There are indeed relatively few domestic film and television dramas adapted into other versions."

"There will be more and more in the future. I like many of the film and television dramas released this year, and many of the stories are suitable for adaptation into other versions." Lu Yanhe said, "Including "My Home I Haven't Returned for a Long Time", I I believe that foreign film companies will definitely take a fancy to this movie.”

Peng Zhixing nodded and asked, "Yan He, will you participate in film and television dramas from other countries in the future?"

"Of course I will if I have a good opportunity. To tell you the truth, I want to be an actor known all over the world." Lu Yanhe said, "If I only act in Chinese-language films and television dramas, there may be many people who have never watched Chinese-language films and television dramas. drama, then there is no way to achieve this goal. Of course, aside from this utilitarian goal, as an actor, if I encounter a good story and good characters, how can I refuse it, right? ?”

When Lu Yanhe said this, he suddenly smiled.

"Actually, I have signed a movie with an American film company. I hope it will be released to everyone as soon as possible."

Peng Zhixing showed a look of surprise.

"Ah? Has the movie been filmed?"

"It will be filmed next year," Lu Yanhe said, "I have to finish filming "Love Letter" first."

Peng Zhixing nodded.

"Can you please share more details?"

"Let's keep it a secret for the time being." Lu Yanhe said, "Anyway, if you are interested, you can look forward to it. It is what I just said. It is a role that I have never played before and it touches me very much. I believe that if it has been Audiences who are paying attention to me will be impressed when they see this character. He is really different from the characters I have played before. "

Peng Zhixing: "Then I'll look forward to it!"


After the interview, Peng Zhixing took off his microphone and confirmed with Lu Yanhe: "Yanhe, are you sure the part about you signing an American movie can be included in the feature film?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Yes, as long as no information related to the specific film is revealed, it will be fine."

Peng Zhixing said: "You really gave me a huge favor. You even told me such explosive news on my show."

"Who asked you to be the interviewer today? If it wasn't you, I wouldn't say anything, for fear that they would make random cuts."

Peng Zhixing: "Do you have any other work arrangements later? I only have you as the interviewee today. The work has been completed. If nothing happens, let's have a drink together."

Lu Yanhe nodded.


On the side, the old man Wang Biao explained to Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang: "Brother Xiao Lu has this kind of character. If it is someone he recognizes, he will be kind to people. He is a very warm person. This is what you guys You can keep it in mind and don’t treat him like a big star with a big air.”

Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang listened to Wang Biao's explanation, who was five or six years younger than them. They were embarrassed for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Wan Qingqing hesitated for a moment, then took the initiative and said: "Okay, thank you, thank you for the tip."

When Wang Biao was thanked by Wan Qingqing, his "guiding" energy disappeared in embarrassment.

He said: "What's the point? I've been with Brother Lu for a long time, so I know him better than you. But don't look at him now. Wherever he goes, others praise him and support him. , there are quite a few people who want to harm him, so we have to pay special attention when following him and not to cause trouble for him. "

Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang nodded.

Wang Biao sighed.

"When I first started working as an assistant for Brother Lu, I did some things that caused him trouble. He didn't scold me and just wiped my **** silently. Not to mention how uncomfortable I was at the time, I would rather he scolded me. I'm going to give you a break. So, in order to prevent yourself from feeling so uncomfortable, you should quickly change your style and stop being so respectful. Brother Xiao Lu will feel uncomfortable if you act like this, and others will misunderstand Xiao Lu. Brother’s style.”

Wan Qingqing and Song Jiang nodded sincerely this time and agreed.

Zou Dong was listening to the conversation between the three of them, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Yes, Wang Biao has been spending a lot of time with Lu Yanhe.

The boy who used to be reckless and taunting others is now slowly becoming calmer.

When giving advice to others, it’s all done one by one.


Extra updates, full of sincerity.

Keep asking for monthly votes! (End of chapter)

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