Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 485: Progress (eight thousand words updated!)

 At the end of October, the daily box office of "Path of Glory" was still around 30,000 yuan per day.

The ultra-long screening of this art film has taken two months to create a new path for art films.

On the last day of October, "Path of Glory" officially announced that in order to celebrate the film's nomination for the Phenom Award, it will increase the number of film screenings from November 3 to November 5, with an additional 2,000 screenings per day, and has also opened a pre-sale channel.

This time, every film company in the industry is staring at this movie seriously and wants to see the box office performance of this movie in these three days.

If "Path of Glory" can still perform well at the box office after two months of screenings (including two large-scale holiday screenings during the period), then it can really seal the deal in terms of film distribution. God has become a landmark scene - although even in the minds of many people, the first two months alone are enough to become a god.

On November 2, Peng Zhixing's interview with Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe was broadcast.

The content of the two interviews was not the same.

However, a hot search term called "Why do they both have the temperament of treating awards like dirt" rushed to the list, making many netizens curious about the situation click on it, and then saw a screenshot made by a netizen.

The screenshot content is an interview between Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou.

Peng Zhixing asked both of them their opinions on whether they could win the Phenom Award this time.

And both of them actually answered this question very sincerely.

There is no need to repeat what Lu Yanhe said. Shang Yongzhou said: "I haven't been nominated for the Phenom Award for a long time. In fact, I have won the Phenom Award twice. The possibility of winning this time is very low. There should be no one who has won it yet." Three times?”

After Shang Yongzhou said these words, Peng Zhixing's face had a smile like "Why should I ask this question?"

The reason why the hot search term "Why do they both have the temperament of treating awards like dirt" rushed to the list is because the two of them felt too relaxed when answering this question. Unlike several other nominees, The author's feeling when answering this question is very different.

One netizen said this as a joke.

Who knew, this sentence would become popular out of nowhere.

Of course, in the eyes of many people, this is not inexplicable. On today's Internet, a phenomenon has slowly emerged. Everyone highly values ​​a sense of "casualty", especially the "casualty" of showing "not that much" to things that others care about.

In this era, utilitarianism has been rectified as never before. It no longer appears as a negative word. Everyone can openly admit their utilitarianism and even take some less bright ways to get what they want. means.

Support for the dark side of human nature has reached an all-time high on the Internet today.

This is because everyone has discovered that they, who are from the grassroots, cannot live as upright and bright as the protagonists in the novel.

At the same time, another phenomenon is that people who live very hard are more envious of those who "live less hard". Now everyone has a word to describe it, called relaxation.

Because I don’t have it, I envy and yearn for it.

After Lu Yanhe saw the interpretation about him under this hot search entry, he did not silently acknowledge this statement, but posted on Weibo: Stop spreading rumors. I don’t regard awards as dirt. I really want to win the award. After acting like this I have many dramas under my belt, and there are so many nominations, but I have won few awards. You can’t expect me to be indifferent to fame and fortune at such a young age, and just live my life as a leisurely person, right?

Netizens were surprised when they saw Lu Yanhe's Weibo post, and then burst into laughter in disbelief.

Some netizens left a message in Lu Yanhe's comment area: Lu Shen, can you maintain your godhood and stop coming down to earth to flutter around? I'm not used to being so down-to-earth.

Lu Yanhe replied: You call me Lu Shen, and I’m not used to it either [grimace].

On November 3, "Path of Glory" was screened on a large scale in 2,000 theaters.

Pre-sales exceeded 2 million, and the daily box office is estimated to be 6.2 million.

Whether this number can be reached is something everyone in the industry is watching.

However, it is clear that everyone, including box office forecasting agencies, underestimated the market's enthusiasm for "Path of Glory."

Even though it has been released for two months, and even though November 3 is a Friday, a working day, as of 4 p.m., the daily box office has exceeded 6.2 million, far exceeding predictions.

At this moment, the industry was once again shocked.

Because "Path of Glory" really does it.

Using awards to stimulate box office—is this a new idea for art films?

The Phenom Award also came quickly to claim this achievement.


These three words come to mind of everyone in the industry.

Why can "Path of Glory" create such a box office miracle?

No matter how you analyze it, it's all just talk on paper.

There is no precedent for this.

We can only ask the audience who walked into the cinema today why they chose to watch this movie.

The box office statistics agency arranged for people to do this.

They counted nearly 3,000 samples, and the feedback was that they had all heard about the very good film "Path of Glory", an award-winning film co-starring Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou. I've wanted to watch it for a long time, but the theater where it was shown was either too far away or I couldn't get tickets. Today I finally had the chance to buy tickets at a nearby theater, so I went to watch it.

The analysis result of the box office statistics agency is that 67% of the audience did not like to go to the cinema to watch art films in the past.

They usually don't pay attention to literary and artistic films, but this time they will watch "Path of Glory". Some of them are because they often see some discussions about this movie and their viewing experience in their circle of friends, which makes them have feelings about the movie. interested. Some people know that this movie has won many awards, so they want to see what is so good about this movie.

Such an analysis result has been summed up by the industry. There is no other reason than that the battle line has been stretched long enough, so the movie slowly opened up, letting many people know about the movie, and then slowly buried its roots in the hearts of some people. The seed of "Watch this movie if you have a chance".

After a movie has been released for two months, even if it is only screened on a large scale for most of the time, its fan effect has been reduced to a minimum.

Audiences who are still willing to enter the cinema at this time must be attracted by other factors.

At this time, the publicity for "Road to Glory" basically no longer focused on Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou.

Because basically everyone who knows this movie knows that the two of them starred in it.

At this time, the focus of publicity was on the achievements of the film itself and the discussion of "Do you think "Path of Glory" can win this year's Phenom Awards?"

This kind of discussion will drive the discussants into the cinema.

If you want to discuss it, you have to watch the movie first, right?

Almost all of the films nominated this year are box office hits, and they have all been released on video platforms one after another after their release. The number of viewers is not at the same level as "Path of Glory".

The number of nominations for "Path of Glory" is almost the same as them.

All in all, watching "Path of Glory" has become an "electronic social" act. If you want to participate in the interaction on the Internet, you must first see what the movie is like.

Probably because of these reasons, on November 3, "Path of Glory" finally received a box office of 10.97 million, and the daily box office once again exceeded 10 million.

How big an impact does this number have on the industry?

The same Phenom Award-nominated literary film "Happy Days" announced late at night that it will be re-screened nationwide on November 5.

"Nine Yin" and "You Go Against the Current", which were just released in the summer, also announced that they will be re-released in November.

Everyone wants to take advantage of the momentum of the Phenom Awards to see if they can replicate the miracle of "Road to Glory".

The next day, Saturday, the box office of "Path of Glory" did not increase or decrease, continuing to maintain the level of 10.9 million.

On Sunday, "Happy Days" launched an emergency nationwide re-release, with more screenings than "Paths of Glory."

"Path of Glory" has limited the number of movie screenings, only doing 2,000 screenings.

"Happy Hour" is available to any theater that is willing to schedule it.

Ning Xiulian and Yu Qin parachuted into six theaters to meet everyone for a road show.

"Happy Days" took in a box office of 4.2 million yuan on Sunday, while "Path of Glory" fell slightly, with a daily box office of just over 8 million, still beating "Happy Days".

Come Monday, "Path of Glory" once again reduced the number of movie screenings and returned to normal levels.

"Happy Days" did not shrink, and the box office on Monday fell directly to just over 1 million.

For a literary film with a cost of only hundreds of thousands, the previous box office results of "Happy Days" have already made it a huge profit.

This temporary re-release grossed 5.2 million at the box office in two days, which also surprised and shocked the industry.

Is this route of screening in conjunction with awards really viable?

November itself is also a slow season for the film market.

Generally, blockbusters will not be released in this month.

It is also for this reason that although "Happy Days" has a daily box office of just over 1 million, it can still obtain about 8% of the film schedule.

Obviously, in the eyes of theater managers, as the Phenom Awards approach and there are more and more discussions about nominated films, "Happy Days" can still reap good box office results.


While the film market is being stirred up by the Phenom Award nominees, the film produced by Li Zhibai and Liu Bige has finally been completed.

Liu Bige said: "It's finished, congratulations."

Li Zhibai held a bouquet of flowers in his hand, which was given to him by the crew.

"Director, the filming is finally finished, what are you going to do next?" Li Zhibai looked full of energy, without the fatigue that most actors feel when finishing a movie.

Liu Bige said: "Have a good sleep first, have enough rest, and then think about the next thing."

Li Zhibai said: "I plan to go to Southeast Asia. Do you want to come with me? Relax."

Liu Bige looked at Li Zhibai in surprise.

Li Zhibai didn't realize anything was wrong and asked, "Don't you have time?"

Liu Bige said: "It's not that you don't have time, but...why are you so energetic? You just finished filming and you have the energy to go out and play?"

"I'm not going out to play, I'm going on vacation." Li Zhibai said, "It's too cold here, let's find a warm place to stay."

Liu Bige said: "I have to prepare for the third film later, edit the film, and help Lu Yanhe watch the filming of his "Love Letter"-"

"That will happen in a month or two. Taking advantage of the time now, taking a good rest is the right way to go. You see you have so many things to do in the future, how can you do it without taking a good rest." Li Zhibai He said, "I've been listening to you for a long time and I haven't heard anything about your plans. Then come with me. I'll make the plans. You can just follow me."

Liu Bige stared, wanting to say something, but looking at Li Zhibai who looked so matter-of-fact, he didn't say anything for a long time.

Making this movie with Li Zhibai, the whole process was filled with an inexplicable sense of relaxation.

Because as long as there is Li Zhibai on the set, there will never be a lack of "movement".

That's not to say that as long as Li Zhibai is around, everything will be chaotic, but it will definitely not be peaceful.

Li Zhibai is not a person who can stay alone quietly.

However, such a noisy person is not annoying.

The character he plays in the movie is not a cold and quiet character.

Therefore, everyone tacitly tolerates and cooperates with his noisy behavior - in the eyes of many people, Li Zhibai's behavior is to find the status for his acting.

Even Liu Bige thought so at first.

This is certainly not the case.

Liu Bige soon discovered that Li Zhibai himself had such a character.

One night before, they finished work early, so they went to see "Happy Days" which was showing at the time.

As a result, within twenty minutes, Li Zhibai just threw his head back and fell asleep.

I really don’t even pretend at all.

After watching it and coming out of the theater, Liu Bige said to him, "Don't you like watching movies like this?"

Li Zhibai honestly yawned and said, "I don't like watching it, I'm sleepy."

Liu Bige has encountered many actors who express their yearning for art films in front of him. Li Zhibai is the first to honestly say that he "doesn't like to watch them".

Liu Bige couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then if you hadn't told me earlier, we would have watched another movie instead."

"Then I also want to give it a try, just in case this movie is my cup of tea again and I can watch it." Li Zhibai said, "But so far, I haven't met many people that are my cup of tea."

Liu Bige nodded.

What he was thinking at this moment was that luckily what he was filming this time was not a literary film, but a romantic comedy. Otherwise, Li Zhibai might not be able to understand the script.

Although Liu Bigo's first film was a movie like "Late Spring", he is not the kind of director who puts his emphasis on literary films.

He never wanted to be an art film director, he wanted to be an auteur director with his own style.

Whether it is a literary film or a commercial film, others will know as soon as they see it, well, this is a film directed by Bige Liu.

In fact, meeting an actor like Li Zhibai and filming a romantic comedy like "Fake Death" can be regarded as meeting an actor who is particularly suitable and a stroke of genius.

The only pity is that Ji Miao, who played the role of the psychotic girl, was a bit off.

I have worked hard and taken it seriously, but for things like acting, if something is inappropriate, it is inappropriate.

After the final and arduous filming, Liu Bige decided that the film would be edited with Li Zhibai as the first point of view.

After filming was completed, Li Zhibai said goodbye to everyone on the crew and returned to Ziyuan Bridge.

He asked in the group: Which of you is at home?

Lu Yanhe replied instantly: Me.

Li Zhibai: I’ve finished filming today. I’ll arrive in the evening. How about making a skewer? Lu Yanhe: OK, go to the store to eat directly, or take out?

Li Zhibai: Let’s eat in the store.

Lu Yanhe: OK.

Yan Liang: Alas, I'm still filming...

Lu Yanhe: When will you finish filming?

Yan Liang: It will take almost a month.

Lu Yanhe: Are there so many scenes in "Top of the Mountain"?

Yan Liang: It was very difficult to shoot. This time, director Silent Fan didn’t even go to the Phenom Awards ceremony. The filming schedule was under great pressure.

Lu Yanhe: Come on.

Li Zhibai: Can you take a break after filming "Top of the Mountain"?

Yan Liang: That’s about right. I won’t have any other roles in the future, and Zhou Ping’an didn’t bring me a new script.

Li Zhibai: Don't sit at home and wait for him to send you a script. His mind is on Ma Zhiyuan. You have to find out if there is a suitable script yourself.

Yan Liang: Let's wait until I finish filming "Top of the Mountain". Now my energy is all on this drama. It's too difficult to act. I lie in bed every night and it's empty.

Li Zhibai: How could "Top of the Mountain" be so difficult to act? Is it a lot of filming every day?

Yan Liang: No, it’s just difficult to act, and Director Shen is very demanding. Basically, I have to shoot three or four times of every scene even for the official filming, and my scalp is tight. Maybe it’s because I’ve never acted in a film that requires such high demands on my acting skills before. The filming environment for “The Gold Rush” was difficult and harsh, while “Top of the Mountain” really requires very high acting skills. Anyway, I basically did it every day. I can only think about acting and have no energy to think about other things.

Lu Yanhe: Come on.

Li Zhibai: Wait until the filming is finished, then take a good rest.

Yan Liang: Yeah.


Lu Yanhe put down his phone and thought for a while.

To be fair, Yan Liang's acting talent is indeed not that outstanding.

Yan Liang would have no problem playing some conventional characters of his age, or a life-style drama like "Six People", but in a drama like "Top of the Mountain" that focuses on fraud, people deceive each other. , offense and defense, play within a play, deception within a deceit... Maybe for Yan Liang, the requirements are a bit high.

Will Yan Liang take the path of a literary and opera actor in the future?

If he wants to take this path, he may not know when he will be able to reach a higher position.

It's not that those non-talented actors have come to perform, but they have accumulated a lot of experience and they only started performing when they were in their forties.

Of course, Yan Liang is very lucky. "Six People" made him famous, and this series has clearly become a guarantee for him over the years.

However, Lu Yanhe also does not want Yan Liang to end up like the starring actors in the original "Six". Apart from "Six", there are almost no other masterpieces. Except for Jennifer Aniston, almost all other actors are trapped in "Six" In this drama, there is no way out.

In fact, Yan Liang's image and style are very different from the two of them. Because he is the only one among them who insists on exercising, he has a very strong figure. He is the kind of image that is not visible when wearing clothes, but when he takes off his clothes, people will say "Holy shit".

A bit like an actor Lu Yanhe knows, Peng Yuyan.

Lu Yanhe thought carefully.

In addition to the drama "Legend of Sword and Fairy" which will be filmed next year, I also have to write a play for Yan Liang.

The possibility of him being seen doing action scenes sooner rather than later.


"You want to write an action scene script for Yan Liang?"

At the barbecue stall, Li Zhibai looked at Lu Yanhe in surprise. He only had time to take a bite of the grilled fish in his hand.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Don't you think Yan Liang's image is actually quite suitable for action scenes?"

Li Zhibai said: "It's suitable, but he doesn't really know Kung Fu."

"It doesn't require real skills to shoot action scenes. It just needs to look good." Lu Yanhe said, "I have also acted in action scenes."

Although it was only in "Phoenix Terrace", I had a brief taste of it.

Li Zhibai said: "That's fine, but why did you suddenly think of writing an action scene script for Yan Liang?"

"I have actually thought about a lot of stories like this for a long time, but I can't act it, and you can't act it, so I can only ask Yan Liang to act it."

"Why can't I act?"

"Look in the mirror."

Li Zhibai cursed "Fuck".

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Li Zhibai said: "Actually, I have one more thing to ask you. My filming has finished and it has come to an end for the time being. I am going to start working on "Nineteen Years of Crime", but as soon as I thought about starting it, I felt uneasy. Then he started playing drums.”

Lu Yanhe asked: "Are you ready to start?!"

He was pleasantly surprised.

Li Zhibai nodded.

"Tell me, can I do it?" Li Zhibai was worried.

Lu Yanhe: "To be honest, you have never done a film and television project by yourself. It is normal that you can't do it well. However, you have the innate conditions to do it well. Your advantages are too great. Come and do a project by yourself. , you don’t have to worry about finding investment or a platform to broadcast, and you have teacher Liu Jiazhen to help you check the script. Furthermore, you are Li Zhibai, no matter what type of talent you need, you can find it. People, everyone will be willing to believe that your project can be successful.”

Li Zhibai's biggest advantage is that he is a popular star.

In the entertainment industry, if a popular star wants to make a movie of his own, everyone will help him.

This is the current situation.

Li Zhibai took a deep breath.

"Okay, now that you've said that, I won't chirp anymore." Li Zhibai said, "Then you and Yan Liang can come and help me be producers together."

Lu Yanhe said: "I can do it, but I will be filming "Love Letter" next month. I may not have time to help you."

Li Zhibai said: "I don't really want you to do anything about the crew. To build a crew requires people from all types of work. I need you to help me make judgments."

"Of course these are fine."

Li Zhibai said: "Oh, I still feel guilty now. I just started messing around without knowing anything."

"The most important thing you need to do now is to find a reliable producer that you can trust to help you do this together." Lu Yanhe reminded.


On November 9th, the Phenom Awards Ceremony.

Lu Yanhe came to the scene wearing a black formal suit.

Chen Ziyan was by his side personally.

Chen Ziyan would usually stay by his side on such critical occasions.

Everyone Lu Yanhe met along the way praised him for his greatness - not for his nomination for Best Actor, but for his release strategy for "Path of Glory".

Now, the most legendary incident involving Lu Yanhe is the box office miracle of "Path of Glory".

This is not only the combined box office appeal of Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou, but also the path forward for a brand new distribution strategy proposed by Lu Yanhe.

Because of the success of "Paths of Glory," seven Phenom Award-nominated films will be re-released in theaters tomorrow.

At this time, some people who had participated in the "Road to Glory" seminar suddenly remembered what Lu Yanhe mentioned at that meeting:

Awards and box office should not be separated. Awards can stimulate box office.

In addition to this matter, there is another thing that everyone is very concerned about, and that is what kind of Hollywood movie Lu Yanhe is taking.

Even Chen Bige was curious and asked him when they met.

Lu Yanhe briefly talked about the situation of the movie "The Mist".

After hearing this, Chen Bige was a little surprised, "It's actually a horror movie? You really shocked me. How could you suddenly accept a horror movie?"

"Because it can't be filmed in China." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "The director took the initiative to find me, showed me the script, and invited me to star. He was very sincere. He has made two successful horror films. I think he is a An opportunity to try it out.”

Chen Bige asked: "Who is the director?"

"Muken Sorge."

"Ah? Him." Chen Bige showed a look of surprise, "His wife is Chinese."

Lu Yanhe looked surprised, "Ah? Really?"

"Don't you know?" Chen Bige was also surprised.

"I don't know." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "I only met him once."

Chen Bige: "Well, there are quite a few Hollywood directors who are discriminatory against Chinese people. You know there has been a discourse in the United States that promotes the China threat theory. He is one of the few Hollywood directors who is openly close to Chinese people."

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

"I didn't pay attention to this before."

Chen Bige said: "Anyway, if you go to Hollywood to film, you have to be careful. There are really many people who are discriminatory against Chinese people and will deliberately give you a stumbling block."

Lu Yanhe nodded, "I will be prepared. If someone dares to bully me, I will not just stand there and let them bully me."

Chen Bige smiled.

"Although I had already guessed that you would go abroad to film, I didn't expect that you would go so soon."

Lu Yanhe: "If you have the right opportunity, just take a photo."

Chen Bige nodded.

"By the way, there is one more thing to tell you. You gave me two scripts before, one for "Rouge Button" and one for "Raise the Red Lantern." I plan to go there after filming "Love Letter" It’s time to start Raise the Red Lantern,” she said.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Okay."

Chen Bige asked: "If you want to take this script back and do it yourself, that's fine. Just act it for me."

"Just do it, Sister Bige. I don't have the energy myself. You did a great job in "Rouge Button"."

Although the copyright of the movie "Rouge Button" is still in the hands of Lu Yanhe, who also has the title of producer, in fact, it was Chen Bige who promoted the project from the beginning to the release.

After Chen Bige had experience in "Rouge Button", Lu Yanhe believed that she could do "Raise the Red Lantern" better.

And, to be honest, filming "Raise the Red Lantern" was not as difficult as "Rouge".

It’s a film about a director who is talented, and the requirements for shooting difficulty are smaller.

When Lu Yanhe first watched "Raise the Red Lantern", he had a very intuitive feeling. This movie is like a neat Chinese painting, with extremely neat structure and pictures, as well as the actors' performances.

Of course, the most striking feature of this film is that it uses a very strong structural picture and a solid text basis to give an in-depth description of a person's "alienation".

It was the most suitable time for Chen Bige to star in this movie. The image and acting skills perfectly match the play.

If she waits a few years and plays a graduated college student, she may not be convincing.

The most different thing between this movie and "Rouge" is that this is a purely female drama.

In "Rouge Button", Huang Kairen also played the role of the Twelve Young Masters. In "Raise the Red Lantern", this old man is completely alone and has no face.

Lu Yanhe felt that he had copied the script, but if he really wanted to play a woman's role, it would be more suitable for a woman to do it.

He is not Lao Mouzi.


"Yan He, let me introduce to you, Ning Zhiyuan, the director of "Nine Yins" and starring Zhou Yuning."

Mrs. Huang from Longyan Pictures came over with two people and greeted Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe looked at the two people in front of him with some surprise.

"Hello, Director Ning, hello Teacher Zhou." Lu Yanhe immediately extended his hand enthusiastically, shook hands with them one by one, and said, "I am Lu Yanhe, and I finally have the opportunity to meet you. I like the movie "Nine Yins" very much. , it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a martial arts movie that made my blood boil.”

Ning Zhiyuan: "Then I hope I can collaborate with you in a martial arts film if I have the opportunity in the future."

Lu Yanhe nodded immediately, "Okay, I really want to try it. I have never made a martial arts movie."

He looked at Zhou Yuning and asked, "Is this also your first time acting in a martial arts film, Teacher Zhou?"

Zhou Yuning is thirty-five years old this year. He became famous through "Nine Yin" and has accumulated a lot of experience.

He smiled and waved his hand and said, "I've done this before, a long time ago."

Lu Yanhe suddenly said, "Actually, I really want to know, did you go to Jiangnan to find Liu Suyin in the end? The ending of the movie is too open-ended."

Zhou Yuning looked at Ning Zhiyuan with a smile and said, "You have to ask the director."

Ning Zhiyuan said: "This is the story of the second part."

Lu Yanhe opened his eyes wide in surprise and asked: "Will there be a second part of "Nine Yins"?"

"Well, I'm writing a script." Ning Zhiyuan said, "I wrote this ending just to leave a hole for the second part."

Lu Yanhe: "Can you give me an invitation letter when the second part premieres? I want to see this movie as soon as possible."

"That's so welcome."


Six thousand words guaranteed, two thousand words extra.

Please vote for me~(End of this chapter)

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