Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 79: Someone is being mean

Chapter 79 Someone is being mean

 Lu Yanhe felt that his class had met several good teachers, all of whom were in their third year of high school, and they did not selectively give up on some students.

Before time travel, all the students in his class who had no hope of getting admitted to the undergraduate program were tacitly given up by the teachers. As long as you didn't disturb other students around you, there would be no one to sleep on the table during class time. No matter what, it will be even worse if you don’t hand in your homework.

However, it is not a fairy tale after all. I met several good teachers and eventually met not so good teachers.

 For example, Teacher Yin in the history subject.

Yin Xiangyu is the head teacher of Class 4 next door. Her main focus is on Class 4. In Class 3, she is not very responsible.

 During class, the lectures were read from the script, with a chanting-like voice from the first minute to the forty minutes.

 Besides the step-by-step courses, there is nothing superfluous. Things like Lao Chen popping up to attack them from time to time are simply impossible to happen to Yin Xiangyu.

  According to the examination results in previous years, the history score is the largest.

 Lu Yanhe was a little anxious.

 Because of the subject of history, he has always been a little out of his depth. He has not yet figured out how to get high scores, so he can only read more books and organize more.

Lu Yanhe went to Yin Xiangyu and asked her how she could use this year to improve her score in the history subject based on her basic skills.

Yin Xiangyu said with a smile, just take classes well and memorize all the knowledge points.

 Lu Yanhe had nothing to say.

It's not like he hasn't read the test papers from previous years. Ninety percent of the questions are beyond the syllabus. He also likes to take some so-called "historical logical reasoning" tests. If he does what he says, he might not get even 10 points. arrive.

 Fortunately, there is Linyu, a college bully, in the class.

"History, well, my experience is to sort out the question types." Linyu said, "Almost all of the college entrance examination questions in previous years exceeded the syllabus in terms of questions, but in terms of the ideas of the questions, they did not exceed The syllabus actually means taking a few more detours and reasoning from other angles. Generally speaking, multiple-choice questions use knowledge points to eliminate three wrong answers, and the remaining one is the correct answer. It is rarely possible to choose directly. The correct answer.”

Lu Yanhe asked: “But I looked at our previous years’ real questions and found that none of the knowledge points were in the syllabus.”

"It depends on how you understand the syllabus. History is all-encompassing. Sometimes, for example, you may say in a question that the bureaucracy of a certain dynasty has undergone great changes. Compared with the previous dynasty, many changes have been made. , what does this mean, and then there are four answer options ABCD, option A means that the bureaucracy of a certain dynasty has gradually matured, do you think it is correct or wrong? "

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said: "If you don't look at the other three options, A is actually right."

"No, it's wrong." Lin Yu shook her head, "Because the bureaucracy is gradually maturing, this term is used to describe the bureaucracy of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, to judge this option, you only need to look at which dynasty the question is referring to. , usually when this option appears, the content of the question must not be about the Tang Dynasty, and the changes mentioned in the question are all interference factors, giving you many clues to allow you to deduce that the bureaucracy has indeed progressed. , tempting you to choose A, so you see, option A uses maturity, not progress.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little enlightened.

Linyu: "I suggest you study the question-setting ideas of the past college entrance examination questions, how the traps will appear, and where the teacher likes to set traps. Then with these feelings, you can sort out the knowledge points, and the perspective will be different. , the understanding will be different. Now I study a set of simulation papers every day to familiarize myself with various traps and problem solving ideas. The multiple-choice questions in history often have four options, ABC and D, which are four completely different knowledge points. , and then you have to find their corresponding keywords in the question stem to solve it.”

 What a great scholar.

Lu Yanhe really understood now.

He previously felt that it was beyond the syllabus because he felt that every paragraph of content involved in the question stem and the content involved in the options seemed to be beyond the scope of the content in the history textbook, and could not be matched from the text and historical facts. In fact, this understanding at the beginning Just wrong.


As Lu Yanhe gradually became familiar with the knowledge points he wanted to master, he also gained more confidence.

How far can he learn the third liberal arts subject in one year and what grades he can get in the exam? This is his biggest challenge when he returns to his senior year in high school after time travel.

Now, he finally has a little confidence. At noon, he and Li Pengfei went to the cafeteria to have lunch. Before they entered the classroom, they heard a noise inside.

"What's going on?" Li Pengfei asked in surprise, "Damn it, Lao Chen is here to make a surprise attack again, right? Didn't he tell us in advance that the evening self-study was coming?"

 Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei walked into the classroom.

 The result was good, it turned out that Luo Zicheng was arguing with another classmate, and a group of people nearby were watching the fun.

The person who was arguing with Luo Zicheng was named Bai Yu. She was a girl. She was usually gentle and quiet. She was the same type as Xu Zijun, but she was more delicate than Xu Zijun and had less presence. It was hard to imagine that she would have a dispute with someone like this. .

At this moment, Bai Yu's eyes were red, he clenched his fists, stared at Luo Zicheng, and said, "Give it back to me!"

Luo Zicheng held a notebook in his hand and read aloud: "...His kiss fell on her lips affectionately -"

 Several men around him immediately laughed narrowly: "Oh—"

Bai Yu's tears were about to fall out.

She wanted to take the notebook back from Luo Zicheng, but Luo Zicheng was taller than her and held it up high, so Bai Yu couldn't get it.

 Her cheeks were red with anger.

"Luo Zicheng, return the book to Bai Yu!" Linyu stood up with a sense of justice. She glared at Luo Zicheng sternly, "What you did is very shameless, don't you know?"

Luo Zicheng sneered and said, "What I do is none of your business."

He added: "If you can, tell Teacher Liu. I see Bai Yu writing novels secretly. Will Teacher Liu scold me or Bai Yu?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Before the other people's expressions could change, that person slapped Luo Zicheng on the back of the head.

 There was a "pop" sound, very loud.

 “Are you **** bullying a girl again?! You’re so shameless.” Li Pengfei’s sarcastic voice sounded.

Luo Zicheng raised his head in disbelief, "You do it again? Do you still dare to do it?"

Lu Yanhe took a step forward, and Luo Zicheng subconsciously took a step back.

He was hit by that fist last time, and now there is still a shadow in his heart.

 But Lu Yanhe didn't do anything to him, he just took the notebook back from Luo Zicheng's hand.

Luo Zicheng didn't even resist.

 (End of this chapter)

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