Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 80: things at school

 Chapter 80 Things at School

 “Here.” Lu Yanhe returned the notebook to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu immediately took it into his hands, lowered his head, his eyes were red.

Linyu stayed by her side, raising her hand and patting her back gently.

Lu Yanhe then looked at Luo Zicheng again.

"Hit you? Who hit you?" He looked at Luo Zicheng like two rays. At this moment, everyone around him felt that Lu Yanhe's entire aura had changed, becoming inexplicably awe-inspiring, "Shoot you I want you to wake up a little. How dare you say this when a man bullies a girl? Are you proud that Bai Yu can't grab her own book? You have the ability to get Li Pengfei's book and let him grab it. Then you know what it means to hit you."

Luo Zicheng was so humiliated by Lu Yanhe's words that his face turned red, but he couldn't refute a word.

"You have the nerve to say that Teacher Liu can scold Bai Yu but not you? Do you think Teacher Liu is your mother and indiscriminate?" Lu Yanhe opened his mouth like spraying sulfuric acid, and every word burned a hole in Luo Zicheng's heart. Donglai said, "Go and file a complaint now and tell Teacher Liu that Bai Yu wrote a novel. You did it for her own good and wanted her to study hard, so you took away her notebook and deliberately selected some excerpts to read to everyone in front of everyone." Listen, you are not trying to embarrass Bai Yu, you are trying to make her realize her shame and become brave again, and study hard. If you dare to say such things shamelessly, then I can admire you more, do you dare? "

Luo Zicheng said angrily: "That's enough. Are you sick? What does this have to do with you? I have tolerated you for a long time!"

 The expressions of others looking at Luo Zicheng changed.

 At the beginning, many people watching the excitement did not know the cause and effect, nor did they realize how excessive Luo Zicheng's actions were. When Lu Yanhe said this, they all reacted.

This matter is not as simple as a fight between classmates.

“Luo Zicheng, please apologize to Bai Yu.” Someone said, “I thought you were joking, but I didn’t expect that you actually wanted to humiliate her on purpose.”

 “That’s right, you are so worthless.” Someone immediately said after him.

Luo Zicheng looked at these people in disbelief. For a moment, they seemed to faint from anger.

Aren’t you the ones who laughed the most before?

 Now he is the only one who is shameless? !

Li Pengfei folded his hands on his chest, and his tone was full of threats: "Did you hear that? The eyes of the masses are sharp. The masses are calling for you to apologize. Apologize quickly!"

Luo Zicheng's face turned red as if he was about to bleed.

 He turned angrily and returned to his seat.

Li Pengfei immediately said "poof", "Shameless person."

At this time, Chen Qin, who had returned from using the toilet, happened to come in through the front door. When he heard Li Pengfei's words, he looked confused and asked, "Who are you scolding again?"

Li Pengfei: "Is there anyone in our class who can afford these four words?"

Chen Qin was confused and had no idea what Li Pengfei was talking about.


"Have you noticed that Lu Yanhe has changed a lot recently?" Li Xiang whispered to Xu Zijun, "He never talked in the class before, let alone helped others. I feel that he was always the one who would be bullied by others. people.”

Li Xiang is one of the few people Xu Zijun has a close relationship with in the class. They all come from villages and towns, so there is not so much burden to get along with them.

 Xu Zijun nodded and said, "It has changed a lot."

"He is really handsome now. Although he was good-looking before, I thought he had no charm at all. He was timid and had no boyishness at all. But now he looks so handsome with every gesture and smile." Li Xiang said, her eyes were shining, and there was a shy smile of girlishness on her face. Xu Zijun asked: "Do you like him?"

"A little bit." Li Xiang smiled sheepishly after saying that, "Although I know he won't like me."

“You are a senior in high school, don’t let these things divert your attention.” Xu Zijun warned.

Li Xiang’s grades are not as good as Xu Zijun’s. She is probably in the top 100 in her grade, which is a marginal grade.

Li Xiang’s face fell and she said, “You are so annoying, it’s really disappointing!”

Xu Zijun stopped talking.

 After a while, Li Xiang suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, has Teacher Liu come to see you?"

“No, what is she looking for me for?”

Li Xiang had a mysterious expression on her face. She turned around and looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Then she whispered in Xu Zijun's ear: "I heard that Teacher Liu went to Zheng Meiqi to talk about the recommendation of self-recruitment and self-recruitment." , your grades are also very good, Teacher Liu should come to you immediately and want to tell you this."

Recommendation quotas and self-recruitment quotas are methods used by some top universities to compete for the top students in advance. The former mainly depends on grades and overall quality, while the latter is generally aimed at students with outstanding results in a certain major. student.

Xu Zijun is usually able to stay in the top 20 in her grade. In a situation like hers, she can usually get a spot recommended by self-recruitment.

 Zhenhua and Yuming have no hope, but the lower universities have great hope.

 Xu Zijun's calm mood was shaken when he heard Li Xiang's words.

In the past, others said that recommended admission and independent enrollment were the privileges of children from rich and powerful families, and had nothing to do with students like her who came from a small place and had no background. However, after she arrived at No. 13 Middle School, she heard many seniors say that However, their school's recommended places and self-recruitment places are entirely based on grade ranking. As long as you have good grades, you will have a chance.

Sure enough, after school in the afternoon, Liu Qin came to the classroom to look for her. Seeing that she was there, she called her to the office.

There was no one else in the office except a boy in school uniform with his back to them, sitting in a corner copying things.

Liu Qin said straight to the point: "Zijun, I came to you to tell you about the recommended indicators for self-recruitment. Generally, if you get the indicators, you can skip the preliminary examination and go directly to the re-examination, and finally get the chance of getting a self-recruitment quota." Very big. According to your scores in several key exams, you are ranked 22nd in your grade. The recommended indicators for universities that you can get are Anhua, Zhongli, and Chuanhe. Compared with these three universities, There is no need to consider the worse ones. Do you want to participate in self-recruitment? "

 Xu Zijun nodded and said, "I think so."

There is only one chance to take the college entrance examination, and no one knows how well she will perform on that day, whether good or bad.

 Self-enrollment is like having a talisman. Even if you fail in the college entrance examination, you will still have a guaranteed school.

Liu Qin said: "I have to explain to you that if you pass the independent enrollment of one of these three universities, they will ask you to sign an agreement with them. No matter how you do in the final college entrance examination, as long as you pass If you are a first-tier student, you must go to this university, even if you can get into Yuming in the end. "

Xu Zijun was stunned, "Huh?"

 This was unexpected to her.

 (End of this chapter)

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