Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 151: Teammate Contract, Three Levels

"Why? Aren't you afraid that we will trick you?"

The Flame Man let out a deep laugh, "Hey hey hey, I'm not stupid! There are angels and elves in your team. This alone is enough to show that you are a good and lawful camp. Although there are not necessarily many such camps. Strong, but reliable enough. Angels follow justice, and elves advocate nature and peace. They will not be wronged to be with people of different camps. "

Cui Xu didn't expect that the reason why this guy took the initiative to join was actually because of the existence of Yan and Catherine.

Reina said dissatisfiedly: "We Lieyang also advocate national peace and prosperity!"

Unexpectedly, the flame man nodded seriously and said: "This is a very good concept, little girl!"

"Don't call me little girl, my aunt is a goddess, not little at all!" Reina stood tall with her chest high.

The flame man was a little confused, and the flames in his eyes were extremely expressive, showing doubts.

Cui Xu coughed slightly in embarrassment and said, "I don't know what your name is, and what race is it?"

"Call me...Nord! As for race...I used to be Human Race, but now I don't know what it is!"

"Nord?" Cui Xu pondered for a moment, glanced at Yan and Catherine, saw both of them nodded, and then looked at Reina. Although she still looked unhappy, she didn't object, and said, "I can accept this deal. Agree! But here, the Void Crystal has been sealed, how to condense the contract?"

Hearing this, Nord said with a bit of joy in his tone: "Don't worry, although the Void Crystal has been banned, the function of condensed contract is not blocked, and you can still condense the void contract! You can try it!"

With a thought, Cui Xu suddenly formed a void contract in front of him, which was actually usable.

"Besides the Cohesion Contract, what other functions can the Void Crystal use?"

"Except for the Void Heavenly Network, other functions cannot be used for the time being, unless you find the [Godfall Crystal], which is a special law crystal condensed in the Godfall Land, which can remove some of the sealing effects of the Void Crystal. But I suggest you best It’s best not to do this, because the Land of God’s Fall is a place of trial for the Void Lord. Once you lift some of the Void Crystal’s seals, it will attract even more terrifying existences.”

"Trial? Isn't this the place where all gods will perish?"

"That's just because there are so few people who can pass the trial!"

"All those who failed the trial perished?"

"Well, part of it! As long as you find the [Crystal of God's Fall] and the [Box of Reincarnation], you can seal yourself, and wait for the next time the Land of God's Fall opens, and you will have a chance to do the trial again."

At this time, Cui Xu condensed the terms of the [Teammate Contract], put down his lord mark, and then pushed it to the Flame Man Nord.

Nord took it but without even looking at it, he placed his lord's mark on it.

This kind of [Teammate Contract] naturally does not share game rules, and Nord cannot see the items dropped by Cui Xu and others. The only effect is that the two parties cannot attack each other, and other teammates must agree to terminate the contract, otherwise they will be severely punished.

The purpose is to ensure basic trust between teammates and prevent betrayal, backstabbing and other vicious incidents.

"Will resurrected Void Lords like you not be suppressed by the laws of the Land of God's Fall?"

After the contract was signed, Nord suddenly became aware of everything.

"Of course not. The reason why we are not suppressed by the law is just because we still have the effect of [God's Meteor Crystal]. As long as we carry this treasure with us, we can resist the laws here. Suppression, but it is constantly being consumed. A piece of [Godfall Crystal] can only last for one day. Of course, this thing can be put away for use when not fighting to reduce consumption. "

"So there is such a good thing? Where can I get it?"

"This kind of treasure can only be condensed in some special places, and there will be a large number of monsters gathered there, which is very difficult! If there are just a few of us, it will be difficult! I have two more pieces here, you can take them spare."

Nord took out two golden crystals the size of walnuts and handed them over.

Cui Xu was not polite and took it over and said: "I borrowed these two pieces from you. If I find them later, I will return them to you, double the amount!"

Nord chuckled and said: "You're welcome! In the Land of God's Fall, the most important thing is to find reliable teammates, otherwise..."

Hearing what he said, Reina asked curiously: "What about your previous teammates? Are they all unreliable?"

Nord shook his head and said: "It's not that they are all unreliable, but if there is one unreliable person in the team, the team will be ruined. But they should all be reincarnated. Maybe you will meet each other if you have a chance. You will know then.”

Reina muttered: "This land of gods is quite humane. If you can't pass it once, you can still be reincarnated, so you can pass it after a few more reincarnations, right?"

Nord was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, and corrected: "Everyone can only use the method of reincarnation once. If you still can't pass it this time, you will really die here."

At this time, Cui Xu finally asked the most important question, "How do you pass this trial you mentioned? If you pass it, can you leave the Land of God's Fall?"

"Yes, you can leave the Land of God's Fall after passing the trial. As for how to pass? As long as you pass three levels, you will have completed the trial. These three levels are Hell Canyon, Fallen God City, and Void Demonic Sea."

The four of them heard that these three levels were not a good place.

"Where are these three levels? Are you sure you can leave by passing these three levels?"

Nord said: "I only know that Hell Canyon is at the exit of the underground maze. I also performed the reincarnation ceremony in Hell Canyon, so I only heard what the previous reincarnation said about the subsequent situation. I don't know the truth. But it’s still a hope.”

Cui Xu nodded. Nord's news was very important to them, but a lot of information still needed to be verified.

"Then can you still find the exit of the maze now?"

Nord said very confidently: "You won't be able to find it if you look directly, but I know that you only need to go deep underground to find the exit of the maze. Because the exit is at the deepest part of the underground, most of the roads going up are Everything is wrong.”

Suddenly Cui Xu thought of something and asked again: "I found out that a section of the maze passage we passed before disappeared. What happened?"

"I'm not sure about this. Although we have discovered this situation before, it is just a guess. The passages of the maze are constantly changing. As long as you follow the downward strategy, you can basically find the exit of the maze."

"That's it, let's set off! Since we are going downwards, let's choose a cave that extends downwards!"

However, as soon as a few people took a few steps out, a golden figure rushed out of a cave high up in front of the cave and landed on the ground in front of them.

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