Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 152: Heart Of The Earth, A Brief Encounter


A cloud of smoke and dust exploded from the ground.

In the smoke and dust, the golden figure seemed to be moving, pulling out an afterimage and rushing towards the other side.

Cui Xu and others were slightly startled when they saw this golden figure.

This guy seems to be the golden-armored lord Azik who was hunted down by the lava giants in the void.

Looking at the name on his head, it was still yellow Neutral Faction, so the five people did not take action.


Suddenly a roar sounded in the cave.

Then, he saw the ground in front of Azik suddenly rise, and instantly condensed into a tall dark brown figure.

Lava Lord Moto stood in front of Azik. Compared with the thousand-foot tall figure he saw before, he was now only three meters tall, extremely compact.

Azik obviously didn't want to get entangled with Motto. With a sway, he changed direction and turned into a golden light and headed towards a cave.

Lava Lord Moto's eyes were full of coldness, "Leave me alone!"

A strange wave suddenly erupted from his body, instantly spreading to the entire cave.

Almost at the same time, everyone felt an extremely huge pressure falling on them, and it became difficult to move.

Azik, who had just flown up, fell to the ground again with a bang.

This time, he did not run away again, and two red lights lit up under the golden eagle helmet.

"Motuo, don't bully others too much. I don't care about you, it's not because I'm afraid of you!"

Lava Lord Moto said angrily: "Hand over the [Heart of the Earth], because of our previous cooperation, I will let you go!"

"Impossible! You know how important this [Heart of the Earth] is to me!"

"Then there's no need to talk. Only one person can leave here today!"

There is a tense situation between the two of them, and they will take action at any time.

Cui Xu felt the pressure on her body and turned to look at Yan, Reina and Catherine. The expressions of the three of them were not very good. Although their physical strength was very high, they were all uncomfortable now being oppressed by the Gravity Domain.

As for Nord, it looks like he's in even worse shape.

Cui Xu felt that this lava lord was too arrogant and overbearing. He was arrogant and even affected innocent people. Coupled with the unpleasant encounter in the void last time, Cui Xu stepped forward to interrupt the tense situation between the two.

"You two, if you want to fight, fight. Don't implicate innocent people. Didn't you see that there are still people here? Stone man, let go of your Gravity Domain!"

A rare and clear look of anger appeared on Motuo's big, stiff face.

"Get away!"

As he spoke, with a wave of his hand, the ground beneath Cui Xu's feet shook violently, and dozens of giant rock cones suddenly penetrated from the ground, forming a pointed cone cage that was enough to sieve any living thing.


Cui Xu's body suddenly trembled with an invisible wave, and all the pointed cones that were stabbed were instantly shattered.

He practices [Great Zhou Divine Sovereign Heavenly Star Body Refining Technique], and his body is comparable to Law Treasure. Even if a simple rock spike is pierced into his body, it will not cause any harm to him.

However, the other party's actions were too brutal and domineering.

Motto's expression condensed slightly, and as his consciousness fluctuated, the pressure of Gravity Domain instantly increased.

On the opposite side, Azik's figure was pressed by the huge pressure, and his feet fell directly into the rocks under his feet.

The same is true for Yan, Reina and others.

Nord was in the most unbearable condition. His body was almost disintegrated, and red flames were flowing everywhere on his body.

The stone man didn't even move, but it brought tremendous pressure and even damage to everyone, which shows that his strength is indeed strong.

This stone man, like Cui Xu and others, had just entered the Land of God's Fall from the void, and his strength was greatly suppressed, but he still performed like this, which shows that his true strength is truly extraordinary.

Cui Xu stopped talking nonsense. If he didn't teach this stone man an unforgettable lesson today, he might be treated like an ant in the future.


The rocks under the Stone Man's feet exploded, and an Azure Dragon suddenly emerged from the ground, entangling his body in an instant. The violent force of Strangulation caused the Stone Man's body to immediately begin to crack, as if it would completely dissolve in the next moment. for fragments.

The stone man's face also changed drastically, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes, but before he could say anything, his body suddenly softened and turned into a piece of red magma that fell to the ground, and then instantly got into the ground and disappeared.

Cui Xu's eyes were cold. This was the first time he used the [Four-Elephant Killing Technique] that had been officially upgraded to Divine Ability, but he was not able to kill the stone man directly, which surprised him.

"Can it also turn into magma?"

The Azure Dragon in the sky changed with his thoughts, and suddenly plunged from the sky towards the ground.

The rocks on the ground shook and shattered, creating a large crater with a radius of more than 100 meters.

But there was no figure of Motto inside.

"It seems he really ran away!"

When he turned around, he saw that Azik had also disappeared, and he didn't know where he had gone.

He is actually also very interested in the [Heart of the Earth], but he is just interested, and he will not pursue it closely.

Looking back, I saw that Yan and the others had returned to normal, and all the injuries on Nord's body had recovered, but his eyes were full of shock as he looked at Cui Xu with a look of disbelief.

"Fortunately, I chose to cooperate in the first place, otherwise..."

He was filled with joy, and his originally casual attitude became a little more reserved.

Cui Xu didn't notice the change in Nord. Seeing that the others were fine, he walked towards the cave he had chosen before.

Ten minutes after everyone left, a figure slowly emerged from the ground in an inconspicuous corner of the cave.

A look of fear flashed in the stone man's eyes. The opponent only attacked once. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have almost died.

"Azik, you deserve to die! Don't let me find you!"

As he spoke, his figure disappeared directly into the stone wall.

Cui Xu and his party traveled down the cave for more than ten kilometers, entered another cave, and then looked for a cave that extended downwards. After traveling for hundreds of kilometers, they did not encounter any enemies or monsters.

Even the cave passages became a bit wider, and the caves they encountered began to get bigger and bigger.

"Nord, how long did it take you to find the exit?"

"Four or five months! We are considered slow. When we went out, many Void Lords had already begun to invade Hell Canyon."

“What’s Hell Canyon like?”

"Well, it's indescribable. The creatures in hell seem endless, and it's impossible to move forward without people. There were hundreds of us rushing together, and in the end we only rushed a few hundred kilometers. There were only a dozen or so people left, and we couldn't see them at all. Exit, so the only option is reincarnation.”

Cui Xu nodded and was thinking about whether he and others should gather some Void Lords.

At this time, a light appeared in front, and at the same time, a violent explosion sounded from the cave in front.

"There's someone fighting inside!"

The five people came to the cave entrance and took a look, with surprise in their eyes.

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