Chapter 176 Downhill

"Well, really, I'm going to disobey the order."

"I'm sorry, Onoda, prude, Lord Teshima"

"No matter on that track, I really don't want to lose. I want to be gorgeous when I win, and be gorgeous when I wither."

"The fastest man in Naniwa is me, Naruko Shoji"

Seeing Yuto Shinkai exerting all his strength on the uphill, Naruko made a ideological struggle in his heart, and finally decided to teach him how to compete with Yuto Shinkai on the uphill.

Naruko understands very well that it is unwise to compete with climbers during the uphill process. According to the original rhythm, even if the distance is pulled up on the uphill, it will not be pulled away in the upcoming uphill stage. far distance.

Then on the next downhill and peaceful road, Naruko's strength is definitely stronger, and he can quickly recover the gap, but Naruko doesn't want to do this.

In his view, both victory and defeat are very gorgeous, but escaping is very embarrassing.

Shinkai Yuto wants to defeat this talented sprinter recognized by his brother through his own method.

And Naruko is not willing to escape no matter what stage, as long as it is a challenge.

The two started at different times, and although there was still a gap in the middle, the gap did not become any bigger.

"So fast"

"The box school rushed out" 090

"Does he plan to preemptively join up with Pioneer, but Pioneer is already far away?"

The audience saw the box learning of action and started talking, and of course they were comparing the distance between them.

"Damn, what were you hesitating just now, just because of hesitation you have run so far"

Seeing that the distance hadn't narrowed, Naruko was a little annoyed. The gap opened up by judging the timing made him annoyed.

Shinkai Yuto wants to prove his strength, as long as he completely shakes off Naruko and joins up with Pioneer first, it proves that he is stronger than most people in the north.

"It's still faster to learn in a box"

"No. 3 in Zongbei can't shorten the gap."

"After all, he is a sprint player, and he is already very strong without being opened up by the gap."

Naruko didn't care about the audience's voice. If he didn't catch up, he didn't catch up. There was no reason.

National Route 120 connecting Nikko City and Numata City is Kinseiduo, which is bounded by the Kinsei Tunnel at an altitude of 1,843 meters. The course changes from an uphill to a downhill, and the track enters Gunma Prefecture from Tochigi Prefecture.

When Xinkaiyouren took the lead through the Jinjing Tunnel, his face was excited and his eyes brightened (acad), and he successfully won the uphill battle.

After passing through the tunnel, it is downhill, and this long uphill is completely over.

Naruko then passed through the tunnel, although she was a little unwilling, but fortunately, the lead seemed to have gone far, and was not the first to catch up with Shinkai Yuto.

The uphill is over, Xinkaiyuren rested his legs a little because he had just gone all out, and with the help of inertia and gravity, he still maintained a high speed on the downhill.

Naruko's ankle was also a little sore. He hurriedly sat on the seat and began to descend normally. The speed was very fast, and he quickly caught up with the Shinkai Yuto in front.

"I won"

Although Xinkaiyuren was covered in sweat, his mental state was still very good.

"Ah, if you win, then do you want to catch up with whoever is ahead?"

Although Naruko was unwilling and agreed with the result, but if he hadn't caught up to the lead, the battle between the two was not over yet.

"If this is the finish line, it's my total win"

"Then let's compare, to the top, see who gets to the top first"

Xin Kaiyuren understands his strengths, and he also knows the strength of his opponents, and he knows that it may not be so smooth on the track in the future.

But Naruko agreed to compete with him on the uphill, and accordingly, Shinkai Yuto would not evade the contest with Naruko on the downhill and the road.

Four minutes before Naruko and Shinkai passed through the Jinjing Tunnel, Imaizumi resolutely rode in front of Onoda after passing through the Jinjing Tunnel first, and the downhill stage basically did not consume too much physical strength.

Because of its own gravity, going downhill does not require much physical effort to increase the speed.

However, in road races, going downhill basically does not speed up infinitely, because once there are stones or small pits on the road, it is easy to fall, so downhill is used to restore physical strength.

It took just three minutes for Kuroda to catch up to the lead and the end of the uphill. Ashigiba led Kuroda and chased the two of Onoda with all his might, but was not thrown off by Sobei.

After passing through the Jinjing Tunnel, Kuroda also resolutely rode to the front of Reikichang to shield Reedwood from the wind.

Among the leading teams, the last one to pass through the Jinjing Tunnel was Midosuji. At this time, Midosuji just lowered his head and silently followed the two teams, waiting for the arrival of his teammates.

"Onoda, are you planning to go all the way to the finish line? Haven't your team always been the core of your team, and are you giving up your companions now?"

"According to your uphill speed, it may be difficult for the team behind you to catch up."

Kuroda asked suspiciously, he couldn't understand why Zongbei had to increase his speed so fast in the first place.

At this time, he has clearly felt that the pressure brought by the "No. 1" bib is far beyond his own strength.

On the uphill stage, Kuroda struggled to hold for a long time and escaped at a speed of more than 45 kilometers.

In his opinion, according to the normal riding method, the speed of the first uphill is basically maintained at about 35 kilometers, and the chasing team is maintained at 40 kilometers.

After the team converges, the entire team will speed up, but the leading rhythm led by Zong Bei escapes at a speed of 45 kilometers. If the team in the rear does not discuss it in advance, this speed will completely throw the team away.

Now Kuroda just wants to figure out Sobei's strategy, and then pass the information to the next team through their backup players.

"General North is not able to support each other after all the members are together"

"We can sense each other's teammates' spirit and turn it into strength"

"As long as they know that the first is not the end, then they will not stop for a moment. Even if their legs are stiff, there will be someone to support him to catch up."

Onoda spoke confidently. He was convinced that his teammates would never give up chasing the leader at any time. No matter how fast they were, they would definitely catch up.

Because there is still Naruko in the back, after a year of training, Naruko has taken a big step towards an all-rounder. As long as the uphill is over, and the downhill is on the road, with the abilities of Naruko and Aoyagi, he will definitely be able to catch up.

But Onoda would not have imagined that Hirogi would fall behind at this moment, and Aoyagi had to leave the team to rescue.

Of course, if he knew about this situation, I'm afraid Onoda would not be riding at this speed, and he would continue to increase the speed, at least so that Hakone Academy would not converge too early.

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