Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 177 Confluence

Chapter 177 Confluence

Passing through the tunnel, the downhill distance is four kilometers. During the four kilometers of riding, the first speed is maintained at 80 kilometers downhill.

Imaizumi led Onoda and remained at the front and front.

Kuroda led Reedgiba, followed closely behind, the two were less than a car away from each other.

As long as he is in the leading ranks, there is no need to earn first, and Kuroda has no idea of ​​overtaking.

Besides, Imaizumi's speed was faster than Kuroda's on the flat ground. If Kuroda fought to the death with Imaizumi here, it would not be worth the loss for Box Learning.

After all, Kuroda didn't know that the team in the back was catching up there now, but at the current speed, the team in the back was catching up, and the schedule was likely to have entered the second half.

After the downhill, there are still 10 kilometers left before the next day's sprint award. This stage is a flat road without any slope, and it is a place to fully demonstrate the strength of the sprinters.

It's a pity that there are no sprinters in the leading team. Of course, even the sprinters won't rush out at this moment.

After all, if there is an advantage in numbers, it is possible to lead the team to accelerate and consume the opponent's physical strength.

Until now, Midosuji, who was alone, is a good example. Although he followed closely, it can be seen from the amount of sweat he sweated that his pursuit alone consumed a lot of physical strength.

On the stage of this stage, Onoda specially instructed Imaizumi to ride slower, maintain a speed of 40 kilometers, and start to wait for the arrival of the follow-up team.

Because after this flat track is over, it is an uphill mountain line again.

Imaizumi has consumed a lot of stamina so far, and it is better to wait for Teshima to come uphill behind.

The first team didn't say much, and everyone felt tired after riding. Although the flat road is not as exhausting as the uphill, it also requires constant pedaling.

After Naruko and Xinkai went downhill, neither of them slowed down in the slightest. Naruko was like a duck to water on the flat road. Although the broken wind wheel was removed, the light ordinary wheels could help him maintain his physical strength better.

On the flat road, Naruko quickly opened the gap with the new Kai Yuto, even if the new Kai Yuto worked very hard, but on the flat road, his talent is indeed not as good as his brother.

One is because of muscles, climbers do not need too strong and rigid muscles, but soft and elastic muscles are more suitable for climbing.

The second is stature. Compared with his taller brother, Xinkaiyouren is thinner and lighter in weight, and he is more labor-saving when going uphill.

"Kakaka, let's continue our battle, new opening"

"It was what you were good at just now, and now I am good at what I am good at. It should be not far to go ahead. Let's see who catches up first."

Naruko sat in the car, straightened her body, turned her head and shouted to Shinkai Yuto behind.

"Okay, let me see the sprint award on the first day, the strength of the total northern talent sprinter."

Although he breathed a little, Shinkai Yuto was not the kind of person who gave up easily, but he knew that his brother had defeated this person before.

Although the location is different, Xinkaiyuren still wants to compete on the flat road with someone who is recognized by his brother.

Shinkai Yuto looks forward to his brother's strength very much, but he doesn't want to be his brother's subordinate, which is one of the reasons why he chooses to become a climber.

After Naruko heard Shinkai's consent, she turned her head, stood up from the bicycle, grabbed the handle under the car, and the corners of her mouth rose.

In the sprint, Naruko can find his true self, and Hiroto Naniwa is not just talking.

He was very intoxicated by the confrontation with the wind, and the feeling of blood spurting at the end of the sprint made his body active all of a sudden.

Shinkai Yuto is not as powerful as Naruko, and is not as strong as Naruko in terms of physical strength.

The gap between the two was visibly widened.

"I have to get ahead"

Naruko knew very well that Sobei was on the verge of falling apart.

This news needs to be notified to Onoda as soon as possible. If the notification is not timely and the speed is slowed down first, the priority will be Box Learning, and even Jingfu will also meet.

Once the personnel are in order, Sobei will fall into a huge disadvantage, although he believes that Teshima, Aoyagi and the others can catch up.

But years of experience taught him that he had to get the message out to the front and let Onoda make plans.

It is definitely impossible to wait for Aoyagi and the others to arrive. If they can meet, the latter will try their best to catch up, instead of letting the first wait.

Hearing the cheers from behind, everyone in the front except Midosuji turned their heads.

Midosuji didn't look back because he knew that except for Xiaoju, everyone else in his team was a miscellaneous soldier.

Compared with the lineup of Zongbei and Box Learning, Jingyou has little chance of catching up with the lead.

Of course, as a strategy, Midosuji also told him that once the pursuit fails, the idea of ​​abandoning the miscellaneous soldiers made him not worried about whether Jingfu could catch up.

0・・For flowers 0.

At least he knew that, compared to Zongbei's mutual entanglement, as far as pursuit was concerned, Jingfu's riding style, which left all burdens behind and only pursued victory, could definitely converge very quickly.


Imaizumi heard the movement behind and turned back to remind Onoda.

"Ah, someone is chasing after you."

Onoda turned her head to feel the voice behind her and raised her mouth.

"Can you tell who it is?"

Imaizumi asked.

"You don't need to look to know, with such a big cheer, who else is there except that guy?"

After Onoda finished speaking, Imaizumi also raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Companions of the same grade, bickering is only an appearance, and trust is the core.


"On this track, this sense of oppression swept over, it was Naruko who came"

"However, it doesn't seem to be as smooth as expected."

Onoda has gradually seen Naruko's figure, but he is still somewhat puzzled that only Naruko is catching up.


Imaizumi also saw Naruko who came alone and nodded in agreement.

"There are very few people, it's the new one of Naruko and Hakokaku"

"It's really good, the new one, obviously a climber, can still keep up with Naruko on the flat track"

"Although the plan is to gather all the staff, now only Naruko is here, what happened?"

Onoda is a little worried about what accident will happen later, after all, it must be impossible for Naruko to come alone, so he will choose to do so.

The general North generally does not appear, and takes the initiative to let a person go first.

"Because I was attacked by Hagaku, Master Teshima decided to let Naruko catch up first?"

Imaizumi guessed it, but I still don't understand why only Naruko came alone.

"Forget it, get ready first, when we converge, they may also take action"

"According to the order in which they meet, their actions will also change"

"What's more, the one chasing Naruko is Xinkai's younger brother. I am very familiar with that person. Although I won, he is still very powerful."

Onoda turned his head, not paying attention to Naruko's pursuit behind him, but always paying attention to the movements around him.

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