Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 146: Hisoka's Request

Broken stones flew and broken glass all shattered.

When they collided, the two figures were blown away like kites with broken strings.

When Paknotan and Kubi saw this scene, their eyes widened and they almost exclaimed.

Because it wasn't Menchi and Crook who got kicked out, but their companions, Phinks and Shelf Lev.

"So strong!!" Chrollo looked at the two 'culprits', Menchi and Crook, with his eyes flickering slightly.

"Qi Ya, I leave this place to you." Menchi yelled at Qi Ya, then stepped on his left foot, and his whole body exploded like a cannonball.

And Crook also spread out the pair of wings behind him, and the whole person shot out.

"Ah, let's go." Qi Ya waved his hand and said casually.

In the blink of an eye, there were only ~ five people left on this abandoned floor.

"Let's do it." Chrollo looked at Qi Ya indifferently, and said to the three of them without looking back.

At the same time, his right hand took out a strangely shaped knife.

Paknotan then took out his pistol, his thoughts began to surge, and he entered a fighting state.

"Hmph, it seems that you rejected my proposal." Qi Ya was not surprised, and smiled lightly.

"Well!" At this moment, Hisoka on Chrollo's right suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong? Hisoka?" Chrollo said without looking back.

"Not talking to you, Captain." Hisoka narrowed his eyes and said.

"Huh?" Chrollo was taken aback for a moment.

"Ilmi's younger brother, can you give me the chance to fight the leader, I really want to fight the leader."

"On the other hand, as long as I don't die, you can instruct me to do two things in the future, how?" Hisoka walked slowly to Chrollo and suggested to Qi Ya.

He has been looking for opportunities to fight Chrollo all the time.

But this opportunity has never been found.

Because Chrollo always takes two brigade members with him wherever he goes.

This is simply not enough to satisfy Hisoka and Chrollo's desire to fight one-on-one.

"I thought you were going to be my enemy just now, Hisoka." Qi Ya narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile.

"How could it be! I don't want to fight with you, you are a monster after all." Hearing this, Hisoka suddenly had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

He doesn't want to fight Qi Ya.

"Hisoka, you!!" Chrollo frowned slightly on his calm face.

Although he has always felt that Hisoka's character is very strange, Chrollo has never doubted Hisoka.

However, now that Hisoka has said these words, it has been proved that Hisoka is a traitor to the brigade.

"Okay." Qi Ya immediately agreed after teasing Hisoka.

"Sah, leader, he has already agreed, what do you think?" Hisoka got excited when he got Qi Ya's answer, turned around and asked Chrollo, his eyes sparkling.

He finally waited for this opportunity.

"Hisoka, I'll talk about the fight with you later, the current enemy of the brigade is not you." Chrollo calmly refused.

"That can't be done. I finally waited for this opportunity. If I let you fight him, then I won't have this opportunity." Hisoka shook his head and vetoed.

If Chrollo is allowed to fight Qi Ya, the result must be that Chrollo dies in Qi Ya's hands, and he will not have this chance.

He didn't want to be bald for three years and fall short in the end.

Chrollo was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Does this guy mean that I won't have the chance to fight against this boy after I fight against him?

Hisoka is very sure that I will die under the hands of this boy, even if I go up with Pike and Kube, the result will be the same, so in order to be able to fight with me, stop me, and prevent me from dying at the hands of this boy inside.

Chrollo speculated in his heart, looking at Qi Ya with more vigilance.

"This guy is unfathomable!!"

Don't be an enemy for the time being, find a chance to leave first, go to join Machi and the others, and then all the members will go together.

Accept Hisoka's invitation to the duel first.

"Okay, Hisoka, go to another place, it can't be used here." Thinking of this, Chrollo put away the knife in his hand and suggested to Hisoka.

……ask for flowers…

Then, he turned around and walked towards Pike, reaching out to pat Pike on the shoulder.

"Pike, you and Kubi will wait here first."

Hearing this, Paknotan was stunned for a moment, and really didn't understand why the leader made such a decision.

However, the next moment, she thought of something, and then frowned in a rare way.

"Captain, what are your plans?" Chrollo shook his head, said nothing, let go of his hands and walked into the darkness.

In this scene, Qi Ya completely saw it, without missing a single bit.

Qi Ya knew that Chrollo must be planning something.


However, Qi Ya didn't care at all.

Hisoka did not refuse Chrollo's proposal at all.

"Then, thank you for your generosity, Ilmi's younger brother." Hisoka thanked Qi Ya with a smile, and then left with Chrollo.

After Hisoka and Chrollo left, Qi Ya casually walked to a stone, leaned against the stone, took out a book from the system space, and began to read it.

As for whether Hisoka will deliberately take this opportunity to let Chrollo go, Qi Ya is not worried at all.

The purpose of this guy, lurking in the brigade, is to fight Chrollo.

This time he finally got the chance, it is impossible for this guy to give up.

Moreover, even if he wanted to do this, he had to consider the existence of Qi Ya.

Think about the consequences of doing so, whether Qi Ya will tear him alive.

On the other side, after seeing Qi Ya's non-threatening movements, Paknotan heaved a sigh of relief, then walked to Kubi's side and sat down as if nothing had happened.

Secretly put a hand on Kubi's back.

Kubi glanced at Paknotan without moving his expression, but didn't speak.

For the small movements of the two, Qi Ya seemed to be completely unaware of the small movements of the two, and still looked at the book in his hand very quietly.

Soon, the sound of fighting came from not far away.

The battle between Hisoka and Chrollo started a few days ago. .

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