Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 147 Battle Situation And Escape

The three-party battlefield is extremely fierce.

At this time, the most intense battlefield belongs to Tal's side.

The battlefield between Tal and Feitan is in a Gobi canyon.

At this time, the battle between the two has entered a fierce stage.

Both sides are desperate.

"I didn't expect to grow to this level in just three years."

"The talent of the Kuruta tribe is truly terrifying.

"If you are allowed to continue, it will be very detrimental to the brigade. You must be wiped out after you have fully grown up." Said faintly, the umbrella sword in Feitan's hand quickly attacked, bringing up a series of afterimages.

Even for Tal, it was very thrilling to deal with it, and there were faint signs of suppressing Tal at a disadvantage.

At this time, Tal has entered the red-eye state, and his ability has also been transferred to the trait system.

Those who belong to heaven and those who are superior to others have also used "410" to come out.

However, even so, Tal was still suppressed by Feitan.

Without him, because Feitan's combat experience is much stronger than him, and in terms of speed, Feitan is also much stronger than him.

What is even more unfavorable to Tal is that the superior ability allows Tal's Nen power to ignore the limitation of display capacity and use power stronger than the creator.

However, the energy consumed by the powerful Nen is also huge.

Although Tal's Nen is very powerful, he can't compare with Feitan in terms of Nen Qi cultivation.

After all, Tal has only been practicing for three years, and his Nian Qi cultivation base cannot naturally increase like Qi Ya's.

Wanting to do this kind of power and consumption of energy is also very large.

And even with the trait Nen, Tal was still suppressed.

It can be seen that Feitan's strength is strong.

However, despite being suppressed, Tal's expression remained unchanged. He didn't care about the slowly recovering sword wound, and his expression was extremely calm.

"Can I ask a question?" Tal suddenly said during the battle.

"Huh? What?" Feitan was taken aback for a moment when he heard the words, and then said, while speaking, the attack did not stop at all.

"How did you feel when you killed our people?" Tal asked calmly.

"The Kuruta tribe?"

"Your people are quite strong. However, killing is very enjoyable. Since that time, I have never encountered such an enjoyable killing." Feitan squinted his eyes immediately after hearing this, and then said in a playful tone Said.

"That's right, I got it." Tal closed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

When it opened again, a scarlet light flashed away.

A terrifying force swept out in an instant, and Feitan shot out directly, hitting the rock wall heavily, and the whole rock wall collapsed.

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and Feitan was buried in the rock wall, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

At this moment, a strong thought emanated from Tal's body, and a terrifying aura that was completely incomparable with before was constantly erupting on Tal's body.

Tal's expression was extremely calm, even a little too calm.

Without any words, Tal tapped one foot lightly, and the whole person burst out instantly.

In an instant, he appeared in the middle of the gunpowder.


...... As for the other battlefields, except for the one where Carl and Keleer were located, the situation in other battlefields is very unfavorable for Tar.

It is not a joke that Phantom Troupe has been famous for more than ten years. The members of the troupe are all Nen masters and their strength is very strong.

Even though Tal and the others are Kuruta tribes with extraordinary talents, three years still cannot catch up with the more than ten years of training of the members of the brigade.

Nianqi cultivation base can't keep up, and combat experience can't be compared with brigade members.

Only Carl and Ke Leer are in a two-on-one situation, coupled with the fact that the two often cooperate and have a very tacit relationship. Together, they can easily put Machi at a disadvantage.

The others are all at a disadvantage and are in danger.

Fortunately, there are healing items given to them by Qi Ya, so they are not too one-sided.

Moreover, the butlers that Qi Ya brought over this time were also divided into several groups, joined the battlefield, and restored the situation on the battlefield.

However, the situation remains dire.

At this time, in the desert of Gord, the figure of Kurapika galloped rapidly.

After solving Uvogin, Kurapika followed the perception of breath and rushed to other battlefields.

Nen's battles are so powerful that it is easy for people to perceive the atmosphere.

And the breath of an acquaintance is even easier.

The battlefield that Kurapika rushed to at this time was the closest to him.

The battle between Pixiu and Nobunaga.

On the other side, in Kaiser City, there were continuous violent explosions from abandoned buildings, and the offensive and defensive battle between Hisoka and Chrollo has also entered a fierce stage...

Outside Caesars, Menchi and Crook played directly against Phinks and Flak Lev.

Everyone participated in the battle, only Qi Ya was the most relaxed. At this time, he was still reading a book in the spider's temporary residence and an abandoned building.

In front of Qi Ya, Paknotan and Kubi were making small moves at this time.

Kube's ability can copy the ability that has been touched, even if it is a human being.

And just now, when Paknotan put his hand behind Kubi's back, the message sent to Kubi was.

"Create a copy of the two of us, get out of the way, find Phinks and Shelf Lev, then go to the Gord Desert, join Machi and the others."

The information sent to him by Paknotan was Chrollo's order.

"Don't fight with that boy, you are not his opponent, find a way to get out of here, I will also find a way to get out, and then meet in Gord Desert." This is Chrollo's message to Paknotan.

Before, Chrollo patted Paknotan on the shoulder, and when Paknotan asked Chrollo, Chrollo relied on Paknotan's ability to pass his order to Paknotan silently.

Afterwards, Paknotan began to execute Chrollo's orders.

Now, Kubi has used 'hidden' to silently reproduce the replicas of the two, and used the darkness to switch positions with the replicas. 2.6

At this time, the two had already appeared behind a wall very concealedly, ready to get out.

However, they don't know that everything about them is under Qi Ya's surveillance.

Qi Ya already knew the abilities of the two of them, how could he not guard against them.

Looking at the two replicas sitting there motionless, Qi Ya closed the book and sighed slightly.

"Why bother, let you stay safe and quiet for a while, why don't you listen." Qi Ya said with a sigh.

Kubi and Paknotan, who were behind the wall, shrank their pupils when they heard Qi Ya's words.

The next moment, they took steps, wanting to leave here as quickly as possible.

However, before the two of them could take a step, they felt their gazes spinning.

What followed was severe pain on the face and involuntary screams. .

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