At this time, Bai Qingxue was cleaning up her room happily.

A phone call came in, and his voice was urgent and charming: “Qingxue, I heard that you are married to someone else, is it true?” I couldn’t believe it when I heard this! Who is the big handsome guy in that wedding photo? How did you meet, how did he capture our big white beauty? Tell me quickly! ”

The voice was very excited.

Bai Qingxue said sweetly and honeyly while cleaning up: “I didn’t expect this matter to spread, so quickly?” That’s right, that handsome little man is indeed my husband, who just met today, called Lin Beifan, fell in love at first sight, and then arrested him to get married! ”

“It’s really worthy of being the White Queen, she is so domineering, and even getting married is so simple!”

“That’s of course, since you like it, don’t hesitate!” Bai Qingxue said domineeringly.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen such a handsome person, it’s much better than the so-called little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, and I see it all spring… If it weren’t for you, I would have wanted to make a move! “There was a giggling laugh on the phone.

Bai Qingxue said with an unkind face: “Qian Mei, you are not allowed to beat his idea, not even my girlfriend!” My little man can only belong to me! Other glamorous cheap goods want to get involved! ”

“Got it, you little lover of the White Queen, how dare I rob it? I’m dead! However, Qingxue, you also know your current situation, let’s not say that your family agrees or not, let’s say that a group of young people who think about you in the back will find trouble with your little man, especially Li Shao, who almost became your fiancé. And he is just an ordinary person, I’m afraid it’s very dangerous…”

“No matter how dangerous it is, I will accompany him!” Whoever dares to strike at my man, I dare to play with whomever I want! Whoever dares to hurt my man without a hair, I will make his family break and die, until death! ”

A leisurely voice came from the phone: “Qingxue, it seems that you have moved your true feelings, what if you are a non-person?” ”

“Love is once, since you met, then love vigorously, without regrets!” Call me stupid and call me stupid, I admit it all! There is a rare impulse in life, but I feel that this is the most correct decision in my life! And the concubine body is so perfect, sooner or later I will make him completely fall in love with me! Bai Qingxue looked in the mirror and said very narcissistically.

“Well, my Great White Queen, I wish you success!”

“Qian Mei, I have betrayed my relatives now, only you still don’t leave me, come and help me!” I believe that with our joint efforts, we will definitely be able to surpass the Bai family and make them regret it!” ”

“Obey! My Queen! ”

Bai Qingxue hung up the phone happily, and then continued to tidy up the room.

“I don’t know if my cute and charming little man likes a white towel or a blue one? What a bother! How about buying a set of each color? ”


Because he experienced too much in a day, Lin Beifan slept for a long time and woke up when the alarm clock rang.

“Huh? How come so many people call and text me? Lin Beifan looked at the dense information reminder on the mobile phone, his heart was full of surprise, and he was about to open it, but the mobile phone turned off with a flashing screen.

“You actually forgot to charge?” Lin Beifan found a charger to charge his mobile phone, and then simply washed up and went straight to school.

As a result, as soon as he walked into the school gate, he found that there were many people looking at him with surprised eyes and pointing.

Lin Beifan’s heart was full of doubts, what happened?

Why do you look like you’ve seen a giant panda?

Lin Beifan seems to return to when he first entered the school, because his appearance caused a huge sensation, he was rated as the first school grass of Jiangnan University, and received countless confessions and sister love letters, and the scenery was indistinguishable for a while.

But now that so much time has passed, it has faded, what should everyone do.

Why now, it feels back to the beginning?

Could it be….

Yesterday’s washing of muscles made my appearance break through the next realm and reach the realm of earth-shattering ghosts and gods?

Lin Beifan touched his cheek narcissistically.

Well, sure enough, white and flawless, silky and smooth, this is the legendary baby skin!

But after all, we are people who have seen the world, even if we are proud, we can’t gaffe. Therefore, Lin Beifan continued to move forward reservedly, his face expressionless, showing the high and cold posture that a generation of Fanghua school grass should have.

“Look at that’s Lin Beifan! Sure enough, it is earth-shatteringly handsome, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it! ”

“Sure enough, it’s a super little white face! If I had such a good look as him, I would definitely be seen by Bai Qingxue! ”

“It’s exactly like the photo, let’s go interview!”


At this moment, a group of flashing lights came to his face, and a group of microphones piled up in front of him, and Lin Beifan was stunned.

“May I ask Mr. Lin, what do you think of getting the public goddess Bai Qingxue?”

“May I ask Mr. Lin, as far as I know, you come from an ordinary background, how did you conquer General Bai?”

“Now the outside world is very concerned about your marriage with Mr. Bai, some people say that your union is a toad that wants to eat swan meat, and a little white face is a rich woman, and we now hope that you can talk about your feelings about this!”

“Some people say that you conquered President Bai by your appearance, what do you think about this? What do you want to say? ”

“After hearing the news of your marriage, the Bai family was very shocked, and expressed their dissatisfaction with the marriage, saying that President Bai decided on his own initiative that you were not worthy of her. What do you think about this! ”


The flash flashed and flashed, all the time, almost blinding Lin Beifan’s eyes.

Lin Beifan’s heart was full of confusion, he just registered his marriage yesterday, and today he was known by the people of the whole country?

Looking at the reporters with their eyes shining and waiting to be fed, the face that wanted to strip him off, Lin Beifan really wanted to put a sentence: Fuck your mother, whether I get married or not is your bird business?

Wherever it is cool, let me roll!

Lin Beifan was about to say something, but at this moment, another group of people rushed over viciously.

“Lin Beifan is here, everyone come quickly!”

“This little white face dares to snatch my goddess, unforgivable! Everyone beat him to death for me! ”

“What’s even more hateful is that the goddess who snatched us actually dared to come to the school to show off? I’ve never seen such a shameless person! Everyone beat me up, kill him and count me down! ”

“The goddess is also blind, how can she see such a defenseless little white face? He must have deceived our goddess by rhetoric, and he almost hit him in the mouth! ”

“Surround him, don’t let him escape!”


A group of men screamed and rushed into the group of reporters, and in an instant people turned on their backs, and the scene was spectacular.

The situation was very dangerous, Lin Beifan squinted his eyes, saw a reporter next to him who was very similar to him, even had a hairstyle, and immediately took off his hat and put it on his head with unparalleled skill, and put his sunglasses on his eye sockets, and then took off his coat to cover him.

The action flowed and the cross-dressing was completed in less than five seconds.

“What do you want to do?” The reporter was a little confused.

Lin Beifan smiled, knocked him to the ground with a punch, and shouted loudly in a suppressed voice: “Lin Beifan is here!” He wants to escape, everyone grab him! Don’t let him run! ”

“Lin Beifan, you little white face wants to escape! Look at my Tarzan topping! Suddenly, out of nowhere, a buddy flew over and bet on the reporter without hesitation.

“Ah! The waist is broken! The reporter shouted.

“Great idea! Don’t let him escape! ”

“We crush him!”


The others followed suit, all flew over, stacked arhats on the reporter’s body, and the screams were endless.

Lin Beifan, however, relied on the skills of special forces to take the opportunity to secretly blend out of the crowd with his head down.

For a long time, a cry of blood from the cuckoo broke out in the group of Luohans: “Bastard! You bastards hit the wrong person, and that person just now was Lin Beifan! ”

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