Lin Beifan evaded the first wave of pursuit, and soon ushered in the second and third waves


“Lin Beifan, this little white face is here, everyone follow me!” Then a flock of crows and crows followed.

“Damn, Lin Beifan fled again! That’s the direction of the library, ask the brother over there to stop him for me, this little white face can really run! “The third wave of people rushed to the library.

“He bypassed the library and headed in the direction of the lab! Pursue! “This is the fourth group of people.


As far as the eye can see, almost the entire school is full of his enemies.

Lin Beifan scolded while running: “Didn’t I rob your wife, as for chasing and killing me for so long?” And I didn’t do it voluntarily, Bai Qingxue, you plagued me! If you know it earlier, you won’t come! ”

I knew for a long time that Bai Qingxue was very popular with young people, but I didn’t expect her to be so popular.

It’s just that she accidentally married their goddess, and as a result, she became the public enemy of the whole school and was hunted down and killed for most of the school. Now that the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, Lin Beifan is thinking about how to get out of the school and come back when everyone calms down.

At this moment-

“Brother Fan, you are in danger now, come with me! I know there’s a path to get off campus! A thin young man rushed out of the grove, grabbed Lin Fan’s hand and ran.

“Little monkey, thank you so much!” Lin Beifan was pleasantly surprised.

Little Monkey is a classmate in his class, and he got this nickname because he is thin and resembles a monkey. Although this person and him usually have little intersection, I didn’t expect such a morality at a critical moment.

“It’s okay Brother Fan, this is all I should do! My little monkey can’t do anything else, that is, lecture qi, stick a knife in the ribs of my brother! The little monkey patted his chest, which was comparable to ribs, and said arrogantly.

“Good brother!” Lin Beifan was moved.

In the end, this good brother with a morality took Lin Beifan to an alley outside the school, and there were seven or eight men in the alley, wearing taekwondo uniforms, and fiercely blocked Lin Beifan in the corner.

If Lin Beifan didn’t know that he was sold, he would have lived for so many years in vain.

“Little monkey, this is what you call handout qi?” Lin Beifan looked at the little monkey speechlessly.

The little monkey jumped to the side of the big man and said in a spirited manner: “Of course!” My little monkey is the most moral, and I will not hesitate to go to the knife mountain and the sea of fire for my brother! They are my brothers, and you are just a little white face who stole our goddess, and my little monkey is at odds with you! ”

Saying that, he gritted his teeth, as if Lin Beifan had a hatred for him for taking his wife.

The big man at the head of the row laughed: “The little monkey is right, we are brothers, you are a little white face hiding from our goddess, if I don’t beat you, my heart is not happy!” Little white face, don’t worry, no matter how we say that we are all from a school, we will be very gentle, and it will only make you unable to get out of bed for three days! ”

“Wouldn’t three days be too short? Or a week, right? ”

“One month is not too short!”


Everyone said a word, and you divided Lin Beifan.

“You can’t do this… You are using this punishment privately, it is illegal… You will regret it! Lin Beifan curled up in the corner of the wall in fear, looking like a helpless girl about to be ravaged.

“We regret not hitting you!” The big man waved his hand in anger: “Brothers, go on!” ”

A group of people rushed up with a roar.

Lin Beifan smiled and waved his fist at the big man who rushed to the front.

Although Lin Beifan has skills comparable to special forces, the big man who practices taekwondo in front of him is not weak, and because of years of training, the strength of this big man is also very strong, and his body is rough and thick, and it is impossible for Lin Beifan to defeat him within one punch.

However, unexpectedly, when Lin Beifan’s fist touched this big sweater, an invisible qi machine gushed out from this fist and rushed into the big man’s body.

Affected by this qi engine, this big man suddenly froze, his body seemed to lose control, and he fell down.

But just now, Lin Beifan used the “chaotic qi” ability of the second layer of the Heavenly Son Hope Qi Technique, and this punch directly disrupted the life and death qi in his body and destroyed the life and death qi operation system, making his body functions instantly disordered and unable to control his body anymore.

He was also affected by Lin Beifan’s force, so he fell to the ground on his back.


Easily solve the first one, Lin Beifan quickly faced the second.


Five minutes later, Lin Beifan wiped the sweat from his face, and then walked out refreshed.

Behind him, there was a group of “corpses” lying horizontally, with a blue nose and swollen face all over the body, and now only two nostrils were left to breathe, how miserable it was.

Among them, the most tragic is the little monkey.

He was taken care of by Lin Beifan, his head was swollen into a pig’s head, and his eyes were darker than panda.

Others have one breath left, and he only has half a breath left.

In fact, it took Lin Beifan less than 1 minute to knock down everyone, basically one punch and one knock, and the remaining 4 minutes he spent all his time teaching this gang.

Finally looking back, Lin Beifan sighed helplessly: “Take my word for it, you will definitely regret it.” Live well, why do you have to force me to do it? Alas…”

Several people lying on the ground hummed, looking at Lin Beifan’s gaze full of fear.

Lin Beifan shook his head and walked out of the alley, and the beaten people finally breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. As a result, it didn’t take long to come back and grab the biggest man with his hand.

“Lin Lin… Beifan, what do you want to do? The big man’s eyes were full of horror.

“It’s a little disgusting, but that’s it!” Lin Beifan slapped twice with a smile, directly sprayed blood on the person’s nose, and then wiped his blood on his body, especially the corners of his eyes, mouth, and nose.

In order to appear more realistic, he also used his qi ability to regulate the life and death qi in his body, so that his skin showed a state of being beaten blue and red.

He also didn’t expect that the ability to use Imperial Qi for the first time was actually used for Yin people.

But leave him alone, just be happy.

Finally, he tore his clothes, shrunk in the corner, and shouted in a breathy voice: “Help! Kill! If no one comes, I will be killed!” ”

This scene was so caught off guard that everyone was stunned.

Then, they only heard the sound of crackling running, and then several policemen in police uniforms rushed in with guns, one of them was still a beautiful policewoman with heroic posture, shouting loudly: “Don’t move!” Raise my hand to me! Just now, I received a report from the masses that there was a crowd fight here, and the circumstances were very bad! Now give me an immediate end to your atrocities, or we will take coercive measures!” ”

At this time, Lin Beifan raised his hand weakly and said weakly: “Police, I’m here, they… They’re about to beat me to death, come and save me…”

Everyone was even more confused, and then suddenly came to their senses.

I ×!

It’s so shameful, how can there be such shameless people in the world?

Who the hell beat whom to death?

You actually mean that the wicked sue first?

Seeing Lin Beifan’s thin and white young man with a face full of blood, a blue nose and a swollen face, and the clothes on his body were almost broken, and then looked at several big men who were obviously a group of people around, he suddenly knew in his heart, and said with anger: “How can it really be reasonable!” It’s not good to study at a young age, but you actually learn to fight with others? Escort me all away! ”

“Yes, Captain!” Several other officers immediately pulled out their gloves.

“Wronged! We are wronged, we are beaten! Several big men shouted loudly.

“Less nonsense, you are stupid when we are stupid, you can’t see it! Be honest with me! Several police officers shouted loudly.

“We’re not…”

The grievances in their hearts can be imagined.

“That little brother, I’ll help you up and go to the hospital for treatment!” The beautiful policewoman gently picked up Lin Beifan.

“Thank you police, you are really beautiful and kind, the Bodhisattva will definitely bless you!” Lin Beifan smiled weakly.

Not long after they left, a middle-aged man with a beard and a beard who didn’t seem to have woken up came out from the depths of the alley, looking at Lin Beifan’s departing figure and didn’t know what he was thinking.

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