Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is the favorite Friday of the student party.

Like yesterday, Song Jinxi still arrived at school early today. To her very surprise, when she walked to the door of the classroom, she found that Shen Liuchen was actually sitting in her seat.

She limped and walked over quickly.

"Shen Liuchen!"

Early in the morning, the voice of the girl was as clear and sweet as the birds in the mountains.

Shen Liuchen turned his head and looked over, a touch of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

"Morning." The boy's voice was clear and smooth, and Song Jinxi was full of joy.

What made her young girl's heart burst even more is that when she walked to the seat, the boy naturally stretched out his hand towards her. She was still stunned at first, seeing him looking at the shoulder strap of her schoolbag, only to realize, handed him the schoolbag.

Seeing him help her pull the chair away and put the schoolbag on it, she smiled and sat on it.

"Why did you come so early today?"

"I woke up early today and came here." Shen Liuchen wrote lightly.

Song Jinxi was attracted by the dark circles under his eyes, and felt that these dark circles looked worse than yesterday.

"...Your dark circles seem to be getting worse, did you have a nightmare again last night?"

Shen Liuchen shook his head without answering.

Seeing that his mental state didn't seem to be very good, Song Jinxi bit his lip and was worried.

But the male **** didn't want to say, and she couldn't ask questions, she could only be anxious.

She was fidgeting, and after a while, she couldn't help but speak: "Shen Liuchen... If you have any problems..."

"It's just insomnia." Shen Liuchen had a calm expression on his face.

He even took out an English book and began to recite words.

Song Jinxi's brows frowned even more tightly. He stretched out his hand to block his book and asked: "I had a nightmare the night before, and I had insomnia last night. If I don't sleep well every night, it will affect your study status!"

"What was the cause of insomnia last night? Can you tell me?" She finished, her eyes locked on him, waiting for him to answer.

Shen Liuchen pursed his lips slightly, turned his head to look at her, his eyes were indistinguishable, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Song Jinxi always felt that he was asking her silently for help, and a sense of righteousness suddenly rose in his chest.

"If you encounter something, you can try to tell me, I promise to be tight-lipped and give you ideas." Her eyes were filled with seriousness and concern, "Really! Trust me!"

After speaking, he couldn't help patting Shen Liuchen on the shoulder.

Shen Liuchen glanced down at the little hand on his shoulder, and a strange emotion flashed through his eyes.

"Can you really tell me?" he asked.

"Really!" Song Jinxi said.

After speaking, he nodded vigorously to show emphasis.

The corners of Shen Liuchen's mouth raised slightly, but the smile was somewhat reluctant.

"I just wondered suddenly, if eight years ago, I was not only seven years old, but a little bit capable of resisting them... Or, if I didn't take her down that remote path, would she not leave me? ?"

Song Jinxi blinked, quiet as a chicken.

How come the male **** has been endless before mentioning these two days?

She wanted to say that the little girl eight years ago was "dead", let her pass the past, don't always affect the current mood for the past.

But she couldn't say it.

She knew how much Shen Liuchen cared about the "little girl" eight years ago. If that "little girl" wasn't just herself, she might be jealous. Don't say anything to compare with the dead, the existence of the white moonlight type is the most troublesome.

Fortunately, the "white moonlight" is herself.

If she wanted to appease Shen Liuchen and let him forget the past and forget the little girl, Shen Liuchen might think she was cold-blooded and even alienated her. So she couldn't persuade at all.

I can only watch him painfully miss the past.


Seeing that the girl was motionless as he expected, Shen Liuchen lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, a smile flashed in his eyes.

She is too deceitful to make him feel a little guilty.

"Actually... Since she is willing to block the attack of the poisonous snake for you, she should also hope that you can live healthy and happy." Song Jinxi tried to organize the wording: "If you let her know that you are still living in regret for the past, she said Maybe... Maybe it will be sad too!"

As she spoke, she seemed to have found a new direction and looked up suddenly.

"Whether she is dead or alive, she definitely hopes that you can be happy every day, but if you have insomnia and nightmares for two consecutive days, if she is there, she will definitely worry about you."

Shen Liuchen: "...really?"

"Hmm!" Nodding repeatedly.

Shen Liuchen smiled and said, "Actually, I did encounter some problems."

Song Jinxi's eyes gleamed, and he almost pulled his hand in no hurry, but fortunately he held it back when he reached halfway out, putting his hands together on his chest, looking at him expectantly.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Meimei did it, right? Is it is it?

"Small problems, I will solve them myself." Shen Liuchen said.

This time, he will try to solve the problem by his own efforts, not by the girl's help.

The last time it was because he was too weak, the same young girl paid the price of her life. This time he will solve the problem himself, can she stay with him forever?

Song Jinxi: "..." No, it should not.

The development of things is not like this.

"Shen Liuchen, are we good at the same table?"

Shen Liuchen: "Yes."

"Then...should you help each other at the same table?"

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly.

"Since good friends at the same table should help each other, and now you have difficulties, I must lend a helping hand..."

Shen Liuchen smiled and stretched out his index finger to make a booing motion to his mouth.

"Let me do it myself." He said softly.

Song Jinxi: "...Alright."

The girl slumped down on the table and looked at him with a sad face in protest. Shen Liuchen held back her smile and ignored her.

Fortunately, she still listened to the class seriously.

Just after class, after everyone went down to do morning exercises, she started pestering him again.

Shen Liuchen applied for a special exemption from the head teacher, so he doesn't need to do morning exercises, he only needs to participate in the flag-raising ceremony every week.

The head teacher agreed.

There were other boys who looked greedy and applied to the class teacher, only to be blocked by the class teacher saying "You also get the first place for me".

When I was a student, good academic performance was king, so everyone didn't have any opinions on the special treatment that Shen Liuchen had, but occasionally he was greedy.

Song Jinxi thought at first that she could see the male gods doing morning exercises. After enrolling in school, he realized that the male gods didn't need to do morning exercises at all, and she was a little disappointed.

Now she has "limped" and she doesn't have to do morning exercises. There are only two of them in the entire classroom.

After everyone was gone, Song Jinxi stretched out his hand, pushed his arm very carefully through the short sleeves of the school uniform.

"Shen Liuchen... Just tell me..."

Shen Liuchen ignored her and continued to do homework.

Song Jinxi moved the chair to his side and leaned against him.

"Please, Shen Liuchen, I really care about you, so just tell me... I also want to give you ideas, I want to be a useful tablemate."

"Shen Liuchen..."

"Shen... Liu... Chen..."

The first time I saw the girl's clinging skills, Shen Liuchen was a little headache entangled by her, and when she looked at his eyes eagerly, he sighed slightly.

Put down the pen, looking helpless.

"Want to know?"

Song Jinxi nodded quickly, "I really want to! I want to! I want to!"

The girl's expressions and movements are too cute, and the corners of Shen Liuchen's mouth slightly aroused and said, "But there are some privacy issues involved, you have to keep it secret for me."

Song Jinxi made a swearing oath: "I swear! I will absolutely help you keep secrets and will not tell anyone."

After speaking, she waited for a while holding her breath, listening to Shen Liuchen slowly saying:

"It's the obscenity you told me two days ago, one of my elders... seems to have signs of this."

Song Jinxi's eyes widened pretentiously and shocked: "What elders? It's terrible! Just because you are tall and handsome, do you want to do something to you?"

Then, without waiting for Shen Liuchen to answer, he continued to ask: "What happened to her? Did she touch you? Did she touch your face? Still touch your hand? Or touch your thigh?

After asking a series of questions, it can be seen that she had already thought about it a lot.

Looking at her pretendingly surprised look, her acting skills are really not enough.

Shen Liuchen held back his smile and suddenly felt that she was like a piece of candy, the only sweetness in his miserable life.

"She didn't do anything to me," Shen Liuchen said: "It's just that she would say some strange things that make me feel a little sick."

It turned out to be just a threat of verbal level, and it has not been upgraded to directly start...

Song Jinxi was fortunate and regretful.

Without getting started to make actual actions, it would not be considered as evidence of a stone hammer, and could not prove that Zhang Meili had premeditated against him.

But having said that, if the male **** really suffers from her poison...

Then she will feel sorry for the male god.

Not only will he feel distressed, but also angry.

Even the male **** she hadn't touched much was defiled by Zhang Meigui!

Thinking of this, that little regret disappeared without a trace, replaced by immense happiness.

Fortunately, Zhang Meimei still had some scruples and didn't get started directly.

Song Jinxi thought, took out an MP3 from his schoolbag and handed it to him.

"This MP3 has a recording function. I will lend it to you temporarily. If she says anything weird to you, you will record it secretly. Then we will take this to the police and the police uncle will definitely give you an explanation. of."

She could listen to songs on her mobile phone, but when she prepared this MP3, she thought she was prepared and could record Shen Liuchen when it was critical.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy so early.

The girl's hands are small, and the MP3 in her hands is even more small and exquisite, looking so cute.

"Then you don't listen to songs?" he asked.

"I have a mobile phone." Song Jinxi said, and took out the mobile phone from his pocket with the other hand to beckon him, "This MP3 is only used occasionally to listen to it. It doesn't matter if you lend it to you for several days. , Give it back to me when you run out...the earphones are also lent to you."

To Song Jinxi's comfort, Shen Liuchen did not refuse much, and silently accepted the MP3 and headphones.

It's just that when the young man's fingertips touched her palm inadvertently when he took the MP3, a sensation of electric shock spread from the palm of her hand to her whole body, making her a little jerky.

Itchy palms.

My heart is itchy.

She used to read novels or read other people's descriptions, thinking that the feeling of electric shock between two people was purely exaggerated and should not be true. I didn't expect to be touched by the person I like, and I would really feel this way.

It's subtle and novel, and it's also very enjoyable.

She turned her head to one side pretending to be nothing, but her slightly red ear tips revealed her emotions.

Unfortunately, Shen Liuchen didn't see it.

At noon that day, Shen Liuchen didn't call the meal back to eat with her, but after eating in the cafeteria, he helped her bring the meal, and then hurried to the library.

It took less than fifteen minutes for him to go downstairs to eat and pack and come back. Song Jinxi even wondered if he was full. But when she asked him if he had enough to eat, he hurriedly left, only saying not to worry.

How could she not worry?

Song Jinxi was a little discouraged.

The male **** now is very different from the male **** eight years ago. He has grown up, fifteen years old, has his own ideas, and wants to face the wind and rain. He doesn't want to ask her for help anymore.

Today, if it wasn't for her to be harassed, he wouldn't even want to tell her about this, but to solve it himself.

Now I am even running to the library by myself, and I don't know what materials to check.

Is it to look up information about the law?

Does Shen Liuchen already have the idea of ​​leaving that family?

He said he wanted to solve the problem by himself, but Zhang Meimei's problem could not be solved simply. As long as he still lives under the same roof with Zhang Meigui, with Zhang Meigui's temperament, he cannot escape her clutches.

Therefore, the only way to completely solve the problems facing now is to leave the current family.

If her foot is not injured, she can follow it now to see what knowledge he wants to know, and check the information with him.

For the first time, Song Jinxi was deeply aware of the disadvantages of inconvenient legs and feet.

I just looked at my red and swollen feet that couldn't walk smoothly, and then thought that eight years ago, if it wasn't for her, she might have seen the male **** sitting in a wheelchair...

For a while, I couldn't help being very lucky, but fortunately she helped him eight years ago.

Because of the death "eight years ago", she now sees a healthy male god.

So this time, she helped him avoid Zhang Meigui's violation. Would the male **** not hate women as written in the novel, and even hate everyone's touch?

In the absence of mental and psychological double cleanliness, would he look at a woman with normal eyes? When he grows up, will he be with a certain woman?

The more she thought about it, the more crooked. She even wondered if she would describe it in words and watch him and that woman live a happy life...

Suddenly, my heart hurts and I can't breathe.

She worked so hard to rescue the male **** back, and she didn't know which woman to be cheaper!

Her heart hurts.

Otherwise, while she is still here, try to get along with the male gods more, just as a classmate.

The male **** has now decided to leave that family-for the time being, let's assume that he intends. So in other words, her task should also be completed. She will stay here for a while, maybe she will leave someday.

If you don't get along with him more now, and if he doesn't become black again, she doesn't need to come in for the third task, then the parting between the two of them will be a lifetime.

She will never see him in her life, and she will never find a better man than him...

When she returns to real life, will she never look down on other men because she has seen too good people and her eyesight is too high, and she will never look down on other men again, destined to live a life of loneliness?

...It is terrible.

Compared with her depressed face, before leaving the classroom at noon, Shen Liuchen looked a little dignified. After returning from a trip to the reading room, she seemed to be much more relaxed.

Before entering the classroom, he finally reached out and glanced at the bank card in his hand.

There are two thousand yuan in it, which he earned by his own ability.

Perhaps influenced by Song Jinxi’s words eight years ago, he began to subconsciously learn computer knowledge since elementary school. As it happens, he does have a high talent for computers.

From the beginning of his personal computer class in junior high school, he started to contact computers, and now he is a half-hacker by using the limited time to continuously teach himself.

In the first half semester of high school, he met a person on the Internet. The person hoped that he would do something for him online, and said that he was willing to pay him handsomely.

But that person seemed to value his ability very much. The two of them saved contact information with each other. Although they had never communicated with each other, they did not delete friends.

Last night, after Zhang Meimei said that he would cut off his source of income, he chatted with that person for a long time and took the first order in his life.

At noon today, it took nearly an hour to complete the matter. The person directly transferred the money to his bank card and forwarded the bank's transfer record information to him.

Therefore, there are now two thousand yuan in this bank card.

Even if Zhang Meimei doesn't give him living expenses, he won't have to worry about life in a short time. He can even give girls gifts.

I heard that girls like beautiful notebooks and all kinds of fluffy dolls. He can buy them for her.

Thinking that she might make all kinds of cute admirations because of receiving gifts, or looking at him with shining starlight eyes, an unprecedented sense of satisfaction can not stop rising from the bottom of my heart, so that he has it. Kind of radiant feeling.

When he was asked to walk to the seat, he found that Song Jinxi didn't seem to be in a very good mood. He lay down on the table with a sad face and saw him coming. He looked at him with pitiful eyes, and there seemed to be some resentment in his eyes.

Shen Liuchen was silent.

He gently pulled the chair away and sat on it.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked softly, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Song Jinxi ignored his question for the first time, buried his head in his arm and did not answer.

After a while, she half raised her head, looked at him, and opened her mouth...but she didn't speak.

Then he buried his head back.


Shen Liuchen: "..." What the **** is going on.

He was completely confused.

She waited until the first get out of class was over before she leaned over to talk to him.

"Shen Liuchen..." She prolonged her voice and called him, and then asked in a low voice, "Is your aunt who adopted you molesting you?"

Shen Liuchen nodded.

"Then you live at home now, won't she do anything to you when you go back at night?"

Shen Liuchen thought about it briefly, and also whispered: "I will study by myself at school tonight, and I will go back at about nine o'clock."

Song Jinxi blinked, "Then I will study by myself in school too, with you."

Shen Liuchen did not make a statement.

"By nine o'clock, the school will be almost empty. When you send me home, you don't have to be afraid of being rumored." She thought about it, and said: "Actually, my feet are almost as good as they are. If you need it, I can go home by myself."

Shen Liuchen: "I will send you to you."

It means that she agrees to study late with him.

Song Jinxi achieved his goal and gave him a big smile.

She didn't know, seeing that she finally became active again, Shen Liuchen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was only then that Shen Liuchen deeply realized that he really couldn't see her drooping. God knows that he was stunned during the whole class just now. After so many years of studying since childhood, he has never strayed in class.

Just running is a whole class.

Fortunately, this class is a math class, and he understands all the knowledge taught by the teacher, so it has little effect.

At the end of school that evening, the two of them wrote homework for a while at their seats. After the classmates were almost gone, Shen Liuchen went out of school to buy two meals and returned, and the two had dinner together.

It was said that the two were studying together, but in fact only Shen Liuchen was studying by himself. After Song Jinxi finished his homework, he began to listen to songs on his mobile phone. After the two went downstairs, the lights in the teaching building of Grade One and Grade Two were basically dimmed.

A few lights were still on in the third teaching building opposite.

Shen Liuchen carried his schoolbag and helped Song Jinxi carry her bag in one hand. He slowed down and walked ahead, Song Jinxi slowly followed behind him.

The cool moonlight hit him, seeming to coat him with a moonlight, making his back look extraordinarily long.

Song Jinxi admired it with an idiot look for a while, hesitated a little, and said his thoughts.

"How do you plan for the two days of the weekend? She...that...will it be bad for you to stay at home?"

Shen Liuchen lowered his head and said nothing.

"Otherwise, let's go to the city library to do homework and read books together on weekends, and you will go back in the evening. What do you think?"

While she was talking, she carefully observed Shen Liuchen's reaction. Seeing that Shen Liuchen didn't seem to have thought of this idea, she felt that she was very smart and blinked at him with a smile.

"How? Isn't this a good idea?"

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly.

"I will wait for you downstairs at your house at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning." He said.

Now it was Song Jinxi's turn to be confused.

She was thinking about saying that the two had agreed to meet at the entrance of the library, but she didn't expect that Shen Liuchen would actually come to pick her up...

Why do you faintly think that they are dating?

She was amused in her heart, but her face was not calm, she hesitated and said, "Will it be too troublesome?"

Shen Liuchen said, "No."

"Actually, it's okay, your home and mine are not far away..." She said as she said, she suddenly found that she had missed her words again, and stopped quickly.

After taking a careful look at Shen Liuchen, he found that he seemed to be thinking about a problem, and he didn't notice the foot of her horse, so he quietly relieved.

"Otherwise, you should come downstairs to my house and wait for me, and then we will take a taxi together. Anyway, in my current state, I have to take a taxi to the city library."

After she finished, she was afraid that Shen Liuchen would have a grudge against money, and explained: "My parents and they don’t care about me if they get divorced, but they gave me a lot of money, so I don’t need money now, and it’s okay to take a taxi once or twice. of."

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Song Jinxi was sent downstairs to her house all the way, and when she climbed the first staircase, she turned around and urged him to go back quickly before Shen Liuchen turned and left.

Song Jinxi’s home is indeed not far away from his home, and the bus is only two stops. At his speed, it only takes 15 minutes to walk.

He didn't take a car, and took advantage of the street lights to walk all the way home.

The light in the living room was turned off. He took the key to open the door, and as soon as he walked into the living room, he heard an ambiguous sound from Zhang Rose's room.

He paused and his eyes sank instantly.

Originally wanted to go straight back to his room as usual, but when he walked halfway, he suddenly remembered something, took out the MP3 Song Jinxi lent him from the pocket of his school uniform, hesitated, stepped lightly and walked to the door of Zhang Rose’s room. The recording function is turned on.

The male and female ensemble was recorded for about ten minutes.

After that night, he roughly understood the matter between the man and the woman, and hearing this voice again this time almost didn't let him hear an evil fire.

Song Jinxi's appearance constantly appeared in front of him.

In the end, he felt that it was almost done. He returned to his room with a face of patience, took a change of clothes and took a cold shower in the bathroom, which suppressed the evil fire.

When he returned to the room and lay on the bed, the voice next door continued, and he was still agitated. Finally, he took out his MP3 and headphones in frustration and started listening to the song.

There are very few songs in MP3, only 20 or so. Half of them are light music, and the other half have soothing melody. The singers sing very affectionately.

As Shen Liuchen listened, his emotions slowly calmed down, and Song Jinxi's appearance suddenly appeared in his mind.

Slowly fell into a deep sleep.

He did not sleep well the previous two days, so he slept very soundly tonight and slept till dawn. If he hadn't set the alarm clock in advance, he almost didn't wake up in time.

It was already half past seven when he got up. He and Song Jinxi arranged to meet downstairs at her house at eight. Shen Liuchen quickly changed his clothes and went out to wash.

Zhang Rose was spreading around the table.

Seeing him coming out, she snorted first and asked: "When did you come back last night?"

Hearing her voice, Shen Liuchen couldn't help but recalled the dirty things she had done at home. He lowered his eyes to cover up the disgust in his eyes.

"Ten o'clock." He finished, and went into the bathroom.

When she came out, Zhang Rose was sitting at the dining table, as if waiting for him. Seeing him coming out, she hummed again and said, "I really want to be mad at you."

Shen Liuchen was silent.

Without waiting for him to leave, Zhang Meimei said: "I thought about it all day yesterday. After thinking about it for a long time, I feel that what you said is not wrong. I can't take care of you for the rest of my life. You will definitely find someone you like to suit you. People together."

She suddenly let go, making Shen Liuchen very surprised.

Zhang Meimei seems to have been waiting for him to respond. Seeing him looking at her, she smiled at him and continued: "You are now in the second year of high school, and you are getting older. It is excuseable for you to start to like someone. If you can do it If it really affects your grades, then I don’t care about you and don’t ask you."

Shen Liuchen was still thinking about her reasons for doing this, but he heard her say something he couldn't think of.

"You are now fifteen years old and sensible. I will tell you some things, and you are not afraid to know." Zhang Meimei said, "You should also know that since you were seven, I will often bring men back. Your uncle wears many green hats."

"But I can't help it. Who can make your uncle not do it. Impotence, do you know? I have been with him for so many years. At the beginning, because I really loved him, I have lived for several years without desire. It's just this woman. Now... Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty sits on the ground to **** dirt... It really can't work without that life.

As Zhang Meimei said, she sighed, "Fortunately, we didn't get a marriage certificate, so we can only live together as a partner."

"But I still don’t want to be separated from your uncle. You know so many secrets. Therefore, I will no longer control who you like. As long as you promise that it will not affect your academic performance. Don’t tell your uncle about me. What I have done over the years."

"You don't want the house you finally got to be torn apart, right?"

After she finished speaking, watching Shen Liuchen lower her head and wondered what she was thinking, a calculation flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, come and eat."

Shen Liuchen moved his fingers and said, "I have an appointment with my classmates to study in the library, and I will not eat at home today." He said, before Zhang Meimei could respond, he turned back to the room to pack his schoolbags.

Zhang Meimei was almost not angry with him.

Yesterday, she vowed not to have a puppy love, and she dated someone today. She didn't believe it about going to the library for self-study.

Originally, she planned to repair the relationship with him first, and then act in two days. Now...

She felt that she had to speed up.

Watching Shen Liuchen go out carrying her schoolbag, she walked to the balcony and watched him slowly walk out of her sight. Zhang Meigui finished her meal and went back to the room after putting on some heavy makeup. She wore very **** clothes and followed out. Closed the door.


Song Jinxi felt that Shen Liuchen today seemed a bit wrong.

It was a strange thing that he paid the first step when getting off the taxi. It's just that he said lightly about the money he earned, and believes he will not do anything illegal now. The origin of the money should be innocent. She didn't ask much for the time being.

Then when they arrived at the library, the two of them found a remote two-person seat and sat down. He took out the exercise book and held a pen as if he was doing homework. In fact, half an hour passed, and no word on the exercise book was moved.

To make it clear is to be distracted.

What is it that can make Xiang from his astonishing restraint so distracted?

It took another ten minutes, and when she had finished her Chinese homework, Song Jinxi poked the back of his hand on the table with a pen.

He lowered his voice and called him quietly: "Shen Liuchen!"

Shen Liuchen suddenly returned to his senses and looked up at her.

"You have been walking away for more than half an hour! What are you thinking?" She continued to ask in a small voice.

Shen Liuchen put down the pen and rubbed his aching forehead.

Song Jinxi was still asking: "Did something happen again? Did she do anything to you when you went back last night?"

Shen Liuchen shook his head slightly and said, "Don't worry." He began to pick up his pen and do his homework.

This time he seemed to sink his heart, and he wrote his homework quickly, and in a short while, he finished a physics paper.

Song Jinxi looked at the neatly written physics paper, and then at the blank paper he had just started writing, feeling a little angry for a while.

Obviously her academic performance is already very good, and she is completely inferior to him. How high should this person's IQ be!

At noon that day, the two went to eat together in the restaurant next to the library. After the meal, they returned to the library. Song Jinxi slept on the table.

The homework was finished in the morning. In the afternoon, she was idle and fine, so she went to read a few romance novels. Shen Liuchen was still writing the top question seriously on the other side.

At noon, she learned from Shen Liuchen that he could make money through hacking techniques. Song Jinxi was worried and happy. After instilling a lot of ideas for consciously maintaining a good social order in him, she began to think of Japanese cuisine.

She likes to eat all kinds of sushi, and especially salmon. In the real world, she eats Japanese food at least once a month.

This time, she stayed in the novel world for nearly a week. In the real world, she hasn’t eaten sushi for nearly a month. Just next to the library, there is an upscale and delicious Japanese restaurant self-service restaurant with an average consumption of more than 100. .

I wanted to ask Shen Liuchen to eat with her.

Shen Liuchen was so cute that she was hesitant and eager, and she couldn't help but give her a headshot, and then she entered the self-service shop with a look of a trance.

After eating, Song Jinxi touched her chubby belly and followed Shen Liuchen out.

Both of them wore school uniforms, and their faces looked immature. Therefore, some people watched Song Jinxi rubbing his belly behind Shen Liuchen, and then she looked like her three-month-old belly...

All were stunned.

Song Jinxi didn't understand why some people looked at him with strange eyes at first, but after thinking about it, he quickly put his hands down.

Don't dare to do any more misunderstanding moves.

The evening wind is very cool, blowing on people's faces, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Because he was too full, Song Jinxi took Shen Liuchen for a walk, but her feet were not suitable for a walk. At Shen Liuchen's suggestion, the two went to the small garden next to the library and sat blowing hair.

Xu was because the atmosphere was too easy, so Shen Liuchen told Song Jinxi what happened this morning.

"You mean, she might no longer do strange actions and say strange things to you in the future?" Song Jinxi blinked, thinking it was not easy.

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly. He did not tell Song Jinxi what Zhang Meimei said about Cai Xiaohao. It's not that I don't believe in Song Jinxi, but I feel that this is a matter between Cai Xiaohao and Zhang Meigui, and it is related to Cai Xiaohao's dignity, so he can't say anything.

Besides, it is useless for Song Jinxi to know about it. She doesn't need to know about the dirty things in his house, lest it stain her ears.

Song Jinxi didn't believe that Zhang Meijin was such an easy person to give up. The more she thought about it, the more things were wrong. She wanted to ask Shen Liuchen for the details, but Shen Liuchen was reluctant to say more, and took her back to the library.

Until the evening to send her home, Shen Liuchen refused to mention this matter again, but made an appointment with her, and at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, he will wait for her downstairs at her house.

Song Jinxi watched him leave with a worried face.

Back home, she thought about it for a long time, always feeling that things are not as simple as Shen Liuchen said.

She suddenly remembered that Zhang Meimei had brought many men home in front of Shen Liuchen... Couldn't help but wonder whether Zhang Meimei was afraid that Shen Liuchen would fall out with her and told Cai Xiaohao about it, so she wanted to take this opportunity Show kindness to Shen Liuchen, mend the relationship with him, and let him not complain to Cai Xiaohao?

It is possible.

So, after Shen Liuchen mentioned this matter to her in the afternoon, the reason why he refused to explain to her... it should be this.

But she always felt empty in her heart, as if she had forgotten to consider something.

She fell into a deep sleep full of thoughts. After being woken up by the alarm clock the next day, she lay on the bed and thought for a long time, suddenly remembering that Zhang Meijin had prescribed medicine to Shen Liuchen in the original book.

Suddenly got up from the bed.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Zhang Meimei suddenly showed her favor to Shen Liuchen. It wouldn't be...Want to advance?

According to the timeline of the original work, Zhang Meimei should not have dealt with Shen Liuchen until his third year in senior high school. However, in terms of the butterfly effect caused by her last crossing, Zhang Meimei's actions may be advanced this time, so ...

Shen Liuchen is dangerous now!

Looking at the time again, it was close to eight o'clock. At this time yesterday, Shen Liuchen was already waiting for her downstairs.

She hurriedly got out of bed, drew her slippers and walked quickly to the balcony to look downstairs, no one was there. The ominous premonition in my heart was even worse.

Washing up as quickly as possible, she hurriedly changed her clothes, carried her schoolbag and went downstairs. Enduring the pain of his feet, walked quickly to the road, stopped a car and hurried to Shen Liuchen's house.

She knows where Shen Liuchen's family lives, and she stepped on it the day she first crossed in, so now she can go directly to his house to find him.

But the car couldn't drive downstairs of Shen Liuchen's house, so Song Jinxi could only get off at the gate of his house.

The building of his house is at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain is outside the window sill of the room where Shen Liuchen is. Song Jinxi limped down to his house, walked around the building to the side where Shen Liuchen's house was, and saw a scene she would never forget.

Shen Liuchen gritted his teeth, his eyes widened, and his face was a bit hideous. He grasped the window frame with one hand and pulled the curtain forcefully with the other, almost deforming the curtain.

Seems to be holding back something.

She walked over and stood under his window, trying to shout his name directly, but she was afraid of attracting the attention of Zhang Meijin and others, so she lowered her voice.

"Shen Liuchen, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Liuchen had seen her a long time ago, but he hadn't moved. After hearing her voice, he leaned out the window with his strength.

She seemed to hear him yelling "Sixi", and then she climbed onto the window sill and jumped towards her...


"Oh, jumping off the building!"

"I don't know whose boy jumped off the building."

"Bleeding, a lot of blood, isn't it dead? Call the police!"

"Call the police!"

"The one who jumped off the building seems to be fine, and the one who bleeds seems to be the girl who was hit by him..."

"He moved, holding that girl..."

Song Jinxi floated in the air, and once again extended his **** to the system.

"So, you can't let me die decently? Can't you let me not die in front of him?"

I used to watch the news and saw someone commit suicide by jumping off the building and accidentally hit him. As a result, the person who jumped off the building did not die, but smashed to death the hapless person who accidentally hit him.

At that time, she was still thinking that there are so many weird things in the world, there are no weird things that netizens can't do, only she can't think of. At the same time, he felt sorry for the innocent person who was crushed to death and lamented that he was too unlucky.

She never expected that she would be the one who was smashed to death in such a day.

The author has something to say:    I have always forgotten to say that I have raised the age of everyone in this crossing by three years, from the second grade to the second grade. Refill


Ershui threw a landmine

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