The surrounding residents called the police, because there is a police station near this community, so the police arrived quickly.

Song Jinxi watched as a tall policeman stretched out his elbow and knocked Shen Liuchen stunned. The other policeman took a piece of white cloth to cover her body, and then the two of them carried Shen Liuchen on their backs and the other half supported Shen Liuchen's back together. Walked to the police car and got on the police car.

The remaining policeman pulled up the cordon and sealed off the surrounding area.

Before floating in the air and following the police car to leave, Song Jinxi saw Zhang Meigui sneak away from a corner with sharp eyes, and then went upstairs.

Following the police car, watching the police car driving all the way to the hospital, Song Jinxi asked again: "You tell me, the system, why do you have to let me die in front of him?"

System: "Do you think I want to?"

For some reason, Song Jinxi actually heard a hint of helplessness in the cold electronic sound of the system.

"Didn't you arrange it?" Song Jinxi was puzzled.

It wasn't arranged by the system, how could the male **** just jump down and hit her?

Smashed her to death?

This kind of coincidence, whether in reality or in the world of fiction, is unlikely to happen?

"What did I arrange? You caused the death this time," the system said. "If it weren't for you to tease Shen Liuchen with those strange things, he wouldn't be tempted by you, nor would he think of using you as an excuse to go to a showdown with Rose."

Song Jinxi: "..."

"If he hadn't had a showdown with Zhang Rose so early, Zhang Rose would not have thought of attacking him in advance."

"Wait...what did you mean?" Song Jinxi didn't quite understand what it meant to "use her as an excuse" to have a showdown with Zhang Rose?

"Shen Liuchen is in love with you," the system said.

Song Jinxi fell into a deep silence.

After a long time, she asked again: "Even if Zhang Meimei started to attack Shen Liuchen in advance, then I wouldn't be killed by him? Didn't you let him jump and kill me?"

"Do you think I can still manipulate his actions?" the system asked back.

Song Jinxi: "I don't understand it very well."

"If I could manipulate his actions and affect him, or, if I could manipulate other people in the novel world to get close to him, I would have killed him." Song Jinxi seemed to hear a bit of viciousness in the tone of the system. .

Song Jinxi: "!!!"

Song Jinxi: "No!? What do you mean? You say it again?"

System: "It's not interesting."

"The system I think we should be more sincere. Tell me the truth. This way I can do the task better. If it weren't for the first death, you told me that he would forget me. After the second crossing, I would never Will say those weird things to tease him, but reduce his sense of existence and do the task seriously." Song Jinxi said.

"Didn't you already know? The police did clear my memory, only Shen Liuchen remembered you." The system said.

"That's because of what? Because of his blackening?" Song Jinxi was very puzzled, as if his mind couldn't turn around.

"I thought that since I can't get close to him, nor can I influence the people around him, then I can at least change the world, thereby affecting his memory and making him forget your existence. It's just that I think too well. "

"Even if the whole world forgets you, people in the whole world can prove that you don't exist at all, but he firmly believes that you existed."

For some reason, Song Jinxi was a little touched by the system.

Why is this setting of "even if the whole world forgets her, but he still remembers"?

She temporarily put these touches aside, and continued to ask: "I mean, since he can remember how I died and that I existed, then why did you let me die in front of him and arrange such a coincidental death? law?"

System: "Do you have water in your mind?"

Song Jinxi: "Why did you personally attack?"

"You can't understand after explaining so much?" The voice of the system has always been cold electronic sound, but Song Jinxi always felt that there was a trace of frustration and annoyance in the electronic sound without any emotion.

"Because of the influence of his blackening, he has his active field around him, and this active field runs through his entire life trajectory. For now, whether he is blackened or not, whether in his childhood or in the future, I can't get close to him, nor can I influence anything around him, including those in contact with him."

"In the current world of fiction, as long as there is even the slightest relationship with him, there is a direction for free development. I can't intervene. Otherwise, you think, why can't I contact you after you cross in? Unless you do After the mission is dead, can I appear?"

"Because he is beside me, I am isolated from his active field and cannot get close to you. Do you understand?"

"I can't intervene in the main line of the whole story. If his influence is not so great, I can even erase this person from the world before he darkens to affect the development of the storyline, but I can't do it. ."

"If I can, I can also directly remove the obstacles on his growth path, without letting you in for the task at all."

Song Jinxi fell into deep thinking: "Then the question is, why am I..."

"You are special, just like a program, you are an externally implanted bug."

Song Jinxi didn't know that she was not the first "bug" implanted by it. Before choosing Song Jinxi, he tried a total of three times and arranged for three people to come in to rescue Shen Liuchen, but none of them succeeded, and they couldn't get close to Shen Liuchen.

Both men and women.

Just when it desperately wanted to give up the world, it tried one last time and chose Song Jinxi——

This **** woman who loves Shen Liuchen all day while reading the text.

Originally, I only wanted to let her try one last time, so it only selectively told Song Jinxi some information. It was completely unexpected that Song Jinxi would have managed to approach Shen Liuchen and successfully rescued him.

Helped him avoid the first pit on the road to growth.

When Song Jinxi had just completed the task, the system was full of thought that there was still a possibility of recovery in this world.

But I didn't expect that just avoiding the first injury would not completely save Shen Liuchen. After suffering a second injury during the growth period, he was still blackened.

Before let Song Jinxi come in for the task for the second time, I systematically observed the reactions of Shen Liuchen and those who had been in contact with Song Jinxi.

Since Shen Luchen was eight years old, he has never mentioned Song Jinxi's existence to the surroundings, nor has he pestered the policeman Fang Yuming to ask him if he remembers a little girl named "Xixi".

Fang Yuming was even tampered with and his memory was blurred, and there was no such person as Song Jinxi in his mind.

Therefore, it originally had a fluke mentality, thinking that Shen Liuchen would listen to Fang Yuming's analysis, thinking that Song Jinxi was his imaginary friend in desperation.

With the mentality of trying, before contacting Song Jinxi for the second time, the system had arranged another girl to help Shen Liuchen avoid the second injury. However, that girl was the same as the previous three bugs, completely unable to approach Shen Liuchen. Rather, he was abandoned outside of Shen Liuchen's world, even the people around him could not get close.

Only Song Jinxi is special.

The system has no choice but to contact Song Jinxi and ask her to try again.

It thought that Shen Liuchen had forgotten Song Jinxi, so he didn't remind Song Jinxi to make her be careful. It didn't expect that Shen Liuchen would remember that Song Jinxi was caught off guard.

The system also has some regrets now. It would be fine if it had been with Song Jinxi at first, but it was a pity that it later discovered that once Song Jinxi intervened in this matter, everything could not be restored.

The system controls more than 3,000 various novel worlds. This is the first time it has encountered such a situation, and even it itself is a little uncertain whether it will continue to save Shen Liuchen.

Shouldn't he be allowed to do it and let this world fall.

Song Jinxi had no idea about Xiao Jiujiu in the system's heart. She watched the police carry Shen Liuchen on his back to the hospital and put it on the bed. After the nurse gave him a shot of some kind of potion, his face slowly became normal.

"You are the only special existence. You can get close to Shen Liuchen and even influence his decision." The system finally concluded.

"What you mean is that he and all the people around him are in a foregone conclusion. You can no longer intervene in their evolution and changes in the plot. Only I can influence his thoughts to lead the plot in other directions?"

System: "Yes."

"Yesterday morning, Zhang Meigui pretended to be weak to Shen Liuchen, just thinking that he would start off with him early, but she didn't say that she would do it right away. If it wasn't for Shen Liuchen that she wanted to go to the library with you, she had misunderstood that you two were dating. , She will not advance the action to today." The system said.

"Zhang Meimei bought medicine through her relationship in the nightclub. Last night she asked Shen Liuchen about your arrangements for today. Knowing that Shen Liuchen still wants to go to the library with you, she decided to give him medicine this morning so that you can release your pigeons and dismantle you."

Song Jinxi was shocked, "This is too vicious, how can it be so disgusting?"

If this were in real life, it would be disgusting to encounter such a shameless bitch.

"In order not to make Shen Liuchen suspicious, she pretended to be angry when she heard that you were going to the library to study on Sunday, and reiterated that you can't fall in love early."

"Earlier this morning, she cooked the porridge, put the medicine in Shen Liuchen's porridge, then knocked on Shen Liuchen's door and asked him to look for you after he had eaten. Shen Liuchen didn't doubt that he had him. After eating the porridge, she was Zhang Meimei asked to clean up the room before leaving."

"While he was tidying up the room, Zhang Meigui secretly took the key from his schoolbag and hid it, and locked the door of the house with the key. Shen Liuchen found something was wrong and could not get out of the house, so she had to push Zhang Meigui away. He ran to his room and locked the door, preventing Zhang Meijin from entering."

"When you rushed, he was right by the window. One was trying to let the cold wind blow him up, and the other was thinking about how to jump down without getting hurt, but the medicine had hallucinogenic ingredients. When he saw you, he Maybe it was hallucinations, so regardless of being on the fifth floor, I jumped directly at you."

"So you understand? I didn't arrange all the plots, but you guided them yourself."

After listening to a series of explanations by the system, Song Jinxi finally sorted out the clues.

It turns out... the plot develops like this.

Song Jinxi opened his mouth, "Then can I go back and start again?"

"If I can go back and start again, I will go back to the beginning and avoid the entanglement of Shen Liuchen's parents. Shen Liuchen will never be born." The system said.

Song Jinxi was silent.

Why, she always feels that the system seems to be something wrong, it doesn't seem to be very friendly.

"Then what should I do now? He actually remembers everything... This time, he liked me, but accidentally killed me because of the Chinese medicine. How irritating is this? He will definitely blacken, the degree of blackening Maybe it will be worse than the original." She hesitated.

System: "So there should be no need to do the third mission."

Song Jinxi's heart tightened, "What do you want to do?"

System: "Abandon this world."

"What will happen to Shen Luchen?"

The system said: "Every novel world is dependent on the existence of the hero and heroine, and half of the world structure is stored in the mind of the hero and heroine, which supports the framework of the entire novel world, which is an area that will never be touched by anyone."

"If a novel has a tragic ending, and one or both of the heroes and heroines will die, then with their deaths, the story will end, the time in the world of the novel they propped up will stop, and all the pictures will be Frozen at that moment."

"If a novel has a comedy ending, the hero and heroine will not die according to the setting, but they die for some unexpected reason, or the author abandons the world, which is so-called unfinished, then the world will fall apart. "

Song Jinxi: "But it's okay to just read the novel. All the characters are just descriptions. I will be sad for a few days at most when a person died... But since crossing into this world, all people are flesh and blood, living people, one If the world is said to fall apart, it will fall apart, if it is said to be destroyed, it will be destroyed. Wouldn't it have a bad influence on the people of a world? They all exist in the world of fiction!"

System: "That's why I asked you to come in to save him, hoping to save the situation, instead of watching him kill the hero and heroine, and finally I died in the process of the collapse of the world."

Song Jinxi: "But now that the tragedy has been caused and we can't go back and start again, what are we going to do?"

System: "Abandon him."

Song Jinxi: "...How to give up?"

System: "Abandon the whole world."

"No! Absolutely not!" Song Jinxi retorted, "I can't watch him die. Is there any chance I can try again?"

"He has started to blacken now. When he wakes up, the first thing he receives is your death and disappearance again, and the second time the world has forgotten your message. He originally thought this time through his own efforts. Solve the problems you encounter, so you may be able to stay with him. Unfortunately, instead of solving the problem, he personally killed you. How do you think you can save him?"

"Then can I tell him that I am actually not dead... You take my body away now, and I will look for him in a few years and tell him that someone else saved me..." Song Jinxi said, and he didn't think so. Maybe, she was just too anxious, a little ill to go to the doctor.

Thinking about unrealistic ways.

"Then what is your identity? Two deaths can be saved, do you think he is so cheating? At that time, in case he knows that he is not real at all, he is just a villain in the world of novels, he All the childhood encounters were deliberately designed by the author in order to make him psychologically perverted as a villain, so as to add plot to the whole story and create trouble for the hero and heroine... Do you think he can be good, not directly blackened into ink?"

Song Jinxi fell silent again.

But let the system just leave the world alone, and let her watch Shen Liuchen seeking her own death, she couldn't do it.

She rolled her eyes and her brain was spinning fast.

"Although you are in control of more than three thousand worlds now, every world should be very important to you? Otherwise, you wouldn't have thought of saving him at first, trying to save the world, and I just gave up this world..."

The system did not answer.

Song Jinxi felt that he was probably right, so he continued to persuade him in this direction: "These two mistakes were because we underestimated his influence, but since things have happened, and I did save him twice, he is now The reason for the blackening should have a lot to do with me. Can I solve it by myself this time? I approach him in another identity, let him fall in love with me, influence him with love, and stop his blackening, do you think Is this feasible?"

The system was silent for a long time.

"But... he still has a third hurdle." The system said.

According to the development of the original plot, Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie were sentenced to ten years in prison on suspicion of kidnapping and trafficking in children and intentional injury.

When they were arrested, Shen Liuchen was seven or nearly eight years old, and had been in prison for ten years through labor reform. It was not until the year that Shen Liuchen reached the age of eighteen that he was released after serving his sentence.

Later, Song Jinxi changed the plot. Shen Liuchen's leg remained unbroken. They had only one crime of kidnapping and trafficking in children. They were originally sentenced to five years in prison.

But because of Zhang Meimei's influence, Shen Liuchen became black again, and the degree of blackening was even greater than before.

After the blackening, in addition to taking revenge on Zhang Meimei and Cai Xiaohao, he also received his "care" with Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie. Shen Liuchen used his social contacts to create some false evidence and asked the court to impose a five-year sentence on them.

This time, they stayed in prison for ten years.

Following the development of the changed plot, Shen Liuchen left the society early. With his ability and super high IQ, he started as an investment bank and soon established his own company, becoming the youngest and most mysterious teenager in China. President.

Ten years later, Zhang Defa and them were released from prison. Through investigation, it was found that it was Shen Liuchen who was sentenced to five years ago for injuring them.

In order to retaliate against Shen Liuchen, the two monitored Shen Liuchen for a period of time and found out a lot of information about Shen Liuchen. They pretended to be a cleaner and got into the underground parking lot of Shen Liuchen's company. They hid beside Shen Liuchen's car and went to him when Shen Liuchen got off work. A knife in my heart.

Although Shen Liuchen was rescued and returned, his body has become extremely weak since then, so he wanted to destroy all mankind, dragging everyone to his burial.

"You mean, I will go in again to help him with the knife?" Song Jinxi asked.

System: "Yes."

"Otherwise, I crossed in this time and blocked the knife for him. Before I die, I will tell him that I am willing to save him every time. I only hope that he can grow up happily and live happily. Do you think it will work?"

"What he wants is you, do you think he is saved when you die?" the system asked back.

Song Jinxi: "Hmm..."

She was silent for a while, and her mind suddenly came to light: "Can you change a robot to block the knife?"

System: "You are the fish's brain, seven seconds of memory?"

Song Jinxi: "..." That's right. The system said that only she can approach Shen Liuchen, and only she can influence the development of events around him.

Therefore, she must be the guard.

She fell into deep thought.

Because of the system's unfriendly and subtle attitude, she now dare not discuss everything with the system, so she can only think seriously.

The first time she died in his arms, when he was young, and they only spent half a day together. As time passed, he might slowly forget her.

The second death, if the system is right, if Shen Liuchen really likes her... Then, after he was moved, after he wakes up, it reminds him that he killed her, how much he should be collapse?

This kind of plot has already caused him to blacken.

When she died in front of him for the third time, she still blocked the knife and died for him. At that time... Nine cows won't be able to bring him back, right?

If the system agrees with her and asks her to go in and fall in love with him to prevent his blackening, then how can she explain her identity to him?

How to explain why she can come back from death again and again?

Say she is a fairy in the sky?

Then the question comes again, since she is a fairy in the sky, why can't she directly help him avoid those dangers, but to suffer for him, it doesn't make sense to say?

"Give up, I'm tired." The system said.

"You are a system, why are you tired?" Song Jinxi criticized: "Is it interesting to design yourself to be so human? Why don't you directly simulate a human mimicry to sell cute?"

After a while, Song Jinxi made up his mind.

"No matter, I have worked hard twice. I definitely can't give up halfway. Otherwise, it's fine. Before the third death, I told him that I was a kitten he saved in his last life. In this life, I wanted to repay his kindness, so Xiafan came to help him and suffered three times for him, and later he will return to the heaven to rank in the immortal class, so that he will not be sad for me. The monsters have different paths, and we have no results."

System: "Hehe..."

Song Jinxi: "Don't hehe, I think this idea is good, the more I think about it, the more I think it is feasible... After this time I died, I pretended that I was really dead, and then changed my identity to him for the fourth time. In front of me, pretending that I look a bit like the cat demon who repays my gratitude, I acted as my own stand-in, and tried my best to let him let go of the cat demon and fall in love with me. I staged a "substitute becomes true love" that abuses his body and heart. What do you think of a poignant love story?"

System: "In the worldview of this world, it is impossible for a fairy after the founding of the People's Republic of China to become a fairy. I hope you understand."

Song Jinxi: "Then pretend that I am the last fairy before the founding of the People's Republic of China. After all, he was saved me by'last life', and I have only come to repay my favor in this life. I have become a fine in my previous life, and I will become a fairy when I repay my favor in this life. Up."

System: "Okay, don't be whimsical, you first help him to block the knife, come out to see his degree of blackening, when we are done, we will think of a way, if it doesn't work, we will give you to him, see if we can stop him This is the last thing I did for this world."

Song Jinxi: "Hmm..." Give her to him?

"If he still can't stop his blackening, I can only see this world destroyed." The system said.

"Will the destruction of a world have any effect on you?" Song Jinxi was a little curious.

System: "There is a little impact, but the impact is not large, I can bear it."

After confirming that Shen Luchen was okay, Song Jinxi followed the system back to the place where she was smashed to death. Taking advantage of everyone's attention, quietly retracted the fake corpse, and cleaned up the white cloth covering the corpse and the blood around it.

When I listened to people in the surrounding residential buildings discussing this matter, the content of their discussions changed.

They still said in the last sentence, "The girl who was smashed to death didn't know who belonged to her. So unfortunately, how could she go there and be killed by him again?"

It becomes: "I don't know what happened. A good kid jumped off the building, but fortunately, nothing happened."

"Nothing happened when he jumped from the fifth floor. It shows that this child is a blessed one. He will be blessed if he survives a catastrophe. I heard that he is still very smart and has always been the number one in Jinjiting High School. I still hear My kid talked about him."

"Is that smart? We are not in the same building. We leave early and return to work every day, so we don't see him very often. We only meet him downstairs occasionally. Because we are quite handsome, we have an impression."

"I don't know what wrongdoing he did. Did something happen to his family when he suddenly jumped off the building?"

"Yeah, although he said he was okay after he jumped off the building, his family didn't seem to show up. Her mother runs around with heavy makeup all day long, and father is not here. You said it would be..."

How did they diverge their thinking, Song Jinxi did not listen anymore, but was sent back to the real world by the system.

She actually can’t explain what’s going on. She doesn’t know whether the soul is out of the body or the consciousness is out of the body. Before each crossing, the system will let her lie on the bed and close her eyes. When she opens her eyes again, she comes to the world of novel inside.

But the feeling of coming back this time is different from the last time.

The last time she came back after finishing the task, she seemed to wake up after a sleep without any discomfort. This time, I felt that my body was a little weak, and I couldn't even get up when I got up.

She picked up the phone, clicked on a dark square application on the phone desktop, and put on the earphones.

This is one of the ways she communicates with the system in the real world.

In the real world, the system is hosted on various networks. As long as she can connect to the Internet, she can contact the system and voice chat with the system.

"System, why do I seem to be a little tired this time, and I feel so soft and weak?"

"The longer you stay in the novel world, the more tired you will feel when you come back. This time you stayed for a week, and you are already tired. If you stay in the novel for a few years, when you come back ...You may be a vegetative. Although you are conscious, you cannot control your body."

"No, it's so serious?"

"You move your muscles and bones to prepare for the next crossing."

Song Jinxi: "OK."


XX Prison in X City, today is the day when Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie were released from prison.

With a "creak", the prison guard pushed open the **** iron gate of the prison, and Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie appeared at the gate.

"After you go out, remember to abide by the law and be a man again." After the prison guard said, Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie both thanked him and walked out.

After walking about a dozen steps away, the two turned their heads, glanced at the black door, and then glanced at each other, and both saw a cold look in each other's eyes.

ten years.

For ten years.

They could have been released after serving their sentence in five years, but they were disturbed by the stinky boy and stayed there for another five years.

They are now ten years older than they were when they first entered the prison, and because of the daily labor reform in prison, they look more like twenty years old.

What's more, their cultural water quality is not high, they don't have a primary school diploma, and they don't have strong skills. Also, because they have a history, the current society basically has no room for them to stand on.

Although they knew that they would face various difficulties after they came out, they still actively participated in various labor reforms and performed very well in front of prison guards, just to be able to come out on time——


Fang Yuming, and the stinky boy who doesn't know his name or name, will not let them go.

It was just that they didn't go far. On the road far from the monitor of the prison gate, a van was parked by the side of the road, and two strong men leaned beside the car, smoking and chatting.

Seeing them coming, the two men looked at each other and slowly stood up straight.

Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie looked at each other, their expressions a bit solemn. They wanted to pretend to be nonchalant and turn to leave, but they heard footsteps chasing behind them, frightening them to run back.

It's a pity that I didn't run very far, and I was directly overwhelmed by the person behind me.

The prison is in a remote place in the suburbs, with few people around. Every time a figure appears, it is either to visit or to pick up people.

At other times, almost no one will come here.

When Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie were caught in the van, the prison gate was still at the corner of the road. Whether there was surveillance here, no one could notice their situation.

They were taken to a disused factory building, and two of their arresters threw them to the ground and left. When they got up, they saw a boy in black sitting on a chair not far away.

When the teenager looked up, they faintly saw a familiar shadow, but they couldn't remember who it was.

They rubbed their shoulders together and looked around cautiously, and found that there seemed to be no one around. The two who arrested them didn't know where they went.

But they also know that they cannot escape today.

I don't know what this young man is going to do against them, and what hatred he has against them.

"Long time no see." The young man approached them step by step, playing with the kind of black quaint dagger in his hand.

"Who are you?" Zhang De asked.

"Don't remember?" Shen Liuchen walked up to him and suddenly lifted his foot and kicked his knee hard.

Zhang De uttered an "Ah" cry and fell directly on the ground with his knees.

The boy wore Martin boots and used a lot of brute force. He suspected that his kneecap was kicked and cracked.

Xu Mingjie was taken aback by his sudden and fierce movement, and subconsciously stepped back two steps, frowning to look at the boy in front of him.

A smile was raised at the corner of Shen Liuchen's mouth, and he squatted halfway in front of Zhang Defa, continuing to play with the dagger, holding the hilt, the sword slowly tentatively dashing back and forth on Zhang Defa's other calf.

"Ten years ago, you said you wanted to break my leg?"

"Are you that little boy?!" Zhang Defa looked at the young man fiercely, with hatred in his eyes.


Song Jinxi ate some fruit, stretched his waist, looked into the distance to relax his optic nerves, and took a hot bath when he was idle. After resting for about ten minutes, he felt that he was almost done, and he lay down. On the bed, call the system.

System: "Are you ready?"

Song Jinxi: "I'm ready."

"According to my guess last time, Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie will immediately go to Shen Liuchen to avenge him after they are released from prison. So this time, I will send you to the moment before they stabbed Shen Liuchen with a knife. You just need to shout after you enter. "Don't", and then directly block in front of him, help him to block the knife, and you can complete the task. Don't stay any longer, so as to avoid long nights and dreams, understand?"

Song Jinxi: "Okay!"

"After death this time, you will go directly back to the real world, and I will not appear."

Song Jinxi: "Okay!"

System: "Close your eyes."

Song Jinxi took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Before she crossed in, he seemed to hear the system exclaimed, as if saying something "wait a minute", but in the next second, she had entered the world of fiction and came to the scene of the crime.

She yelled "No" first, then opened her eyes, looking for Shen Liuchen's figure with full vision.

What puzzled her was that what she saw was not Zhang Defa holding a knife to stab Shen Liuchen, but Shen Liuchen holding a knife, as if he was about to pierce Zhang Defa's chest?

The plot is wrong.

Originally, the knife was about to go down, because she yelled "No", Shen Liuchen suddenly stopped and looked towards her.

An unbelievable look.

Song Jinxi: ......The system pits me again! ! !

The plot is wrong! ! ! ! ! ! !

In Song Jinxi's heart, a little man ran with tears.

Shen Liuchen looked at the girl in front of him. The girl who had fallen into his dreams but died in her dreams, now suddenly stood there alive, standing in the sun...

Just like three years ago, he returned to his life.

The knife in his hand fell directly, and he got up abruptly, almost falling down because of the rush, and then Song Jinxi walked slowly.

"Sixi..." a soft cry from his throat, poured out his life's tenderness.

In the first two steps, he walked very hesitantly and unsteadily.

The expression on his face was surprise, disbelief, surprise, and a trace of fear. So complicated, Song Jinxi feels a little sour.

While feeling sorry for Shen Liuchen, he was thinking about the countermeasures, not knowing what to do next.

She had come in to block the knife, and she would go back immediately when she was done. After going back, discuss with the system how to stop his blackening with love...

But now...?

There was only a distance of ten meters between the two.

In the next second, she watched Xu Mingjie pick up the knife Shen Liuchen casually threw on the ground, quickly approached Shen Liuchen, and raised the knife behind him.

Song Jinxi yelled, "No!" Pulling his legs and rushing towards him, before Xu Mingjie's knife was pierced, he stood in front of him.

With a "pounce", the knife pierced her chest.

Because she yelled twice in a row, the bodyguard who had been guarding downstairs heard her, ran up and directly restrained Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie.

Shen Liuchen held Song Jinxi, and the warm blood flowed down his hands, burning his hands and his heart.

She lay in his arms and opened her mouth as if to speak.

"Don't talk, don't die." Shen Liuchen wanted to hug her tightly, but didn't dare to use force.

I want to lift her downstairs to the hospital, and fear that improper handling will cause her secondary harm, so I can only hold her motionless.

The dagger was still stuck on her back, and the tip of the knife pierced out of her chest. The scene in front of him pierced his eyes and his heart, making him feel so distressed that he could not breathe.

"Call an ambulance!" he shouted at the two bodyguards.

"Already called, boss." The bodyguard replied.

He lowered his head again, his eyes locked on Song Jinxi's face, "Call an ambulance, Xixi, hold on, don't die, okay?"

Song Jinxi was about to faint in pain. The pain made her teeth tremble, and it hurt every time she breathed in and out. The pain made her really unable to breathe.

She raised her hand with difficulty, trying to grasp Shen Liuchen's hand. Shen Liuchen held it with one hand and clasped her fingers.

"Can you... promise me... a... request...?"

The girl was so angry that her life seemed to be fading away with the loss of blood. Shen Liuchen's eyes were wet and her voice choked, almost imploringly said: "I promise you everything you say, as long as you don't leave."

Song Jinxi's vision has begun to blur. This is the first time she feels the sensation of death slowly coming so slowly.

It is also the first time I have a profound experience of the four words "It's good to live".

Once when her parents had just divorced, she felt that she had been abandoned by the world, and she did have suicidal thoughts. I want to avenge my parents' ruthlessness by ending my life.

But at that time she thought for a long time. Jumping off the building was terrible. I heard that it hurts to cut her wrists. She couldn't buy sleeping pills, so she thought about it... and gave up...

She died two times before, and the first time she was bitten by a poisonous snake. In fact, it was just a pain in her back and nothing else. When he died for the second time, he was directly hit by Shen Liuchen and died on the spot. At that time, he felt a pain in the back of his head and immediately lost consciousness.

It's not like this time, life is passing bit by bit, and the feeling of the knife piercing the heart is really painful.

Even breathing hurts.

She coughed gently, and severe pain came from her heart. Enduring the pain, she opened her eyes vigorously, trying to see Shen Liuchen's current appearance so that he would not worry, but she seemed a little bit helpless.

She is dying.

"Don't... black..." She coughed again and vomited a mouthful of blood, "Please..."

"As long as you don't leave," Shen Liuchen said, "as long as you don't leave."

Song Jinxi:...


At the last second of his death, Song Jinxi seemed to feel that he was being held in his arms forcefully.

He was hysterical in her ear.

"Song Jinxi, next time you show up in front of me, I will kill you myself first."

The author has something to say:   hahahahahahahahahahahaha

I want a lot of comments, can you please satisfy me o*////▽////*q



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