Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 101 If there is a guy with several hearts,

Chapter 101 It would be great if there was a guy with several hearts who could study it for me

In just one cup of coffee, Xia Shang's heart was completely repaired.

continue! Full power!

In this way, Xia Shang's heart has been between damage and recovery. However, due to the abnormal effect brought about by his adaptive talent, his heart continues to become stronger. Although each enhancement is very limited, it cannot withstand many times.

So soon, he pushed the fusion progress on the panel to 99%.

At this time, the desire mirror naturally appeared behind Xia Shang. Unfortunately, it did not appear for more than three seconds before its head was crushed by Xia Shang's palm.

This level of desire mirroring is too weak.

Especially compared to the first two, the first one was strengthened by gluttony, which at least aroused his inner desire to become stronger. The second one was adapted to self-healing, and was even more heavyweight. His desire not to die almost made him overturn.

As for the heart engine, it has nothing to do with Xia Shang. He doesn't have a strong desire for speed.

Otherwise, in the world of black robes, he would be the first to choose the speed of a locomotive instead of the life-saving carbon super.

After the fusion progress reached 100%, Xia Shang stretched out his right hand and watched the right palm gradually liquefy, slowly outlining the prototype of the heart. The new heart was a one-to-one replica of his current heart, but regardless of the strength or The capabilities are not as good as the original ones.

"It seems that if you want to achieve the original effect, the best option is to put it in the body and cultivate it for a period of time." While Xia Shang turned around, the prototype of the heart on his right arm instantly disintegrated into a ball of flesh and blood, and in the blink of an eye, it recovered into a Normal palm.

The heart is different from the eyeballs. The eyeballs can be hidden under the skin. How can the heart be hidden? After being compressed, the space inside his body is so big that it would be difficult enough to fit even half a heart, let alone a heart.

Suddenly, Ant-Man's ability appeared in Xia Shang's mind. If he used his ability, he might be able to do this.

"Hey, you don't know how many stars Marvel is in." Xia Shang felt a little headache. In his opinion, Marvel was at least four stars or above. Unless the world was cut off by the panel, he really wouldn't be able to go there for a while.

"No, I seem to remember seeing similar abilities in the Walter hero database. That guy seems to be an ant too, and he seems to be called a termite."

"But that guy's ability can only shrink but not grow. It's a bit like a castrated version of Ant-Man."

What's more, even if the space problem is solved, how to make multiple hearts function is something Xia Shang needs to study.

Xia Shang's next plan is to first plant a few pocket-sized hearts in his body, and then slowly transform them, solving the second problem first. Moreover, if the main heart is damaged, other hearts can be replaced in time.

The next day.

Xia Shang was studying how to properly place the heart in his room, when someone hurriedly knocked on the door.

He found out after opening the door.

It turned out that Yin Jixiu had appendicitis and must receive effective treatment within a short period of time, otherwise Yin Jixiu's life was likely to be in danger.

Although Li Enhe knew a little bit about medicine, he knew more about professional matters and had to leave them to professionals, so he asked someone to find Xia Shang.

"No problem, take me there." Even though Xia Shang has never been a doctor, to be honest, he has a better understanding of the structure of the human body than many professionals. As the saying goes, an old disease becomes a cure. In Xia Shang's view, appendicitis It can only be regarded as a minor operation.

"Prepare a sterile environment, anesthetics, antibiotics and other drugs. It's best to get me a surgical suit. By the way, all the equipment used in the operation needs to be disinfected, otherwise it will easily cause wound infection." Xia Shang came to the small In the room, he said while checking Yin Zhixiu's physical condition.

"We don't have those medicines in the apartment, so we have to go to the hospital not far away to find them."

Li Eunhyuk said with a frown.

"Hurry up." Xia Shang put on his gloves. At the same time, a very thin invisible tentacle penetrated into Yin Zhixiu's belly and came into her body. This thing has the same function as a nanorobot, but it's not so small.

It's a pity that he doesn't have clairvoyance eyes yet, otherwise it would be more convenient.

The human body tissue structures are all very similar, with only small differences, so after a while, he found the location of Yin Zhixiu's appendix.

"Let's go look for it." In the end, it was decided that Byun Sang-wook, Park Yu-ri and Cha Hyun-soo would go out to look for the items.

The rest of the people, under the command of Xia Shang, were busy with the preliminary preparations for the operation.

"Yeah." Not long after the three people left, Yin Zhixiu showed a look of pain on her face.

"It's too late to wait for them, prepare for the operation." Xia Shang said coldly, while Li Enhe helped him on the side.

If the muscle monster had not been killed by Xia Shang, it would have probably attacked Cha Xianxiu and others by now. In the end, Xu Yijing drove the fire truck and knocked the muscle monster off the cliff, saving Cha Xianxiu and the others.

"It's so stable." Xia Shang cut the knife extremely accurately, and his hand was very steady, and there was no trace of shaking, which made Li Enhe marvel.

The appendix is ​​a blind tube, about six to eight centimeters, which is prone to bacterial infection. Fortunately, Yin Jixiu's appendix did not suppurate or rot, otherwise a catheter would be needed to guide it out.

If Li Eun Hyuk hadn't been watching, Xia Shang wouldn't have even needed ten seconds to perform such a minor operation. He would have directly cut off the appendix with his tentacles, then made a one centimeter opening to pull out the severed blind tube.

However, Xia Shang definitely couldn't handle it like this now, so he had to find the top of Yin Zhixiu's appendix, make an incision of about four centimeters, go in through the incision to find the appendix, and lift the appendix with Xia Shang's scalpel. outside the abdomen, and then cut off from the root of the appendix to stop bleeding and disinfect in one go.

"Solve it." Xia Shang threw the disinfectant cotton into the frame and said easily.

In fact, this kind of surgery has many benefits for him. He was inspired by the blind tube. There are some things in the body that are really useless. Keeping them takes up space. It is better to throw them away to make room for the heart.

"So fast? How was the result of the operation?"

The people surrounding the door saw Xia Shang coming out and quickly approached him to ask.

"The operation was successful. It was a textbook-level operation." Li Enhyuk said following Xia Shang.

At this time, Xu Yijing drove a fire truck and stopped in front of the apartment. Not long after she came back, Cha Xianxiu and others also came back from outside.

After learning that the operation went very smoothly, several people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

In the room, Xia Shang was operating on himself. After removing the redundant blind tubes, he had as many as three pocket hearts in his body. Unfortunately, they were only connected to blood vessels and could not perform the normal functions of the heart.

"It would be great if there was a guy with several hearts who could study it for me. I'm afraid it would save me a lot of detours." Xia Shang couldn't help but sigh.

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