Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 102 Sweet ending, return to the black robe

"It seems we can only hope for the next fantasy world."

For now, Xia Shang is quite satisfied with his gains in Sweet Home, as his self-healing, strength, and speed have all improved.

Moreover, in addition to gluttony enhancement, adaptive self-healing and heart engine both have development potential.

the other side.

Xu Yijing, who had just returned from the hospital, found Cha Xianxiu. Because of the document left by her husband during his lifetime, she understood that this doomsday did not break out suddenly.

And the infected are not hopeless. As long as they survive for fifteen days, they can become special beings.

She walked up to Cha Xianxiu and scratched the back of his hand with a knife.

"What are you doing?" Cha Xianxiu looked at Xu Yijing blankly.

Xu Yijing didn't answer, but grabbed Cha Xianxiu's hand and watched the wound on it heal at an alarming speed.

"What was your first symptom? Nosebleed? Fainting? When did it start? Please tell me the exact date."


Later, Xu Yijing asked about other symptoms after being infected, but the answer she received disappointed her because Cha Xianxiu could no longer remember the exact date of her infection.

"Why are you asking me these things?"

"Because other people are also desperately resisting monster transformation, the town government is using those people to conduct experiments to find ways to curb the deterioration of the situation." Xu Yijing told Cha Xianxiu about her encounter with the military and said In order to save his life, he had told them about Cha Xianxiu's situation.

Cha Xianxiu did not mean to blame her, but asked: "Experiment? Was the experiment successful?\

,"Xu Yijing had tears in her eyes and shook her head silently. She could imagine how her husband was tortured when he was used as a test subject.

The time comes at night.

Everyone was gathering to listen to An Jixie's story, when a delirious guy broke in. He ignored the frightened people and crazily stuffed the food on the table into his mouth. Immediately afterwards, Xu Yijing walked in .

"Don't be afraid, he's just a deserter."

Since it was too late and the guy was not in a normal state of mind, everyone planned to question the deserter tomorrow about what happened to him.

The next day.

The first thing Xia Shang did when he woke up was to put on his white coat and walk towards the elevator.

"We are old acquaintances." Xia Shang said as he pressed the elevator button.

When the elevator reached the first floor, as the elevator door slowly opened, the security uncle appeared in front of Xia Shang again, but he had completely transformed into a monster. He was holding a lawnmower, wearing a security uniform, and his body exuded There was a strong stench.

Buzz! ! His head was rotated 360 degrees, and his face was covered with flies.

The monster raised the lawnmower in his hand and was about to cut it towards Xia Shang, but it suddenly stopped on the way and seemed to recognize Xia Shang.

"Xia...Doctor Xia..." he said in a stiff tone.

Xia Shang didn't expect that the security guard in front of him actually retained a trace of consciousness, "Are you okay? Do you need me to check you out?"

"I want to kill them." The security guard didn't want to hurt Xia Shang.

"They are all dead, Che Zhenyu is dead, and many people were attacked and killed by monsters." Xia Shang said calmly.

"Dead?" The security guard was stunned for a moment, then looked around blankly, Buzz! The flies on his face immediately flew out, and with a clang sound, he let go of the lawnmower in his hand, leaned against the elevator wall, and slowly squatted down.

Obviously, he did not completely lose his mind like the original novel, because he remembered that only Xia Shang helped him when he was in trouble.

"How is that possible? How is that possible?" His voice grew from soft to loud, and finally roared in a roaring state.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Shang saw the security guard covering his face with his hands and crying bitterly.

When the changes in the security uncle's body gradually faded away.

On the other side, Xu Yijing and Li Eunhyuk were asking the deserters, "What happened to you? Where are you a soldier from?"

At this moment, the walkie-talkie on the deserter suddenly rang. Li Eunhyuk hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button. He heard a burst of gunshots. The two looked at each other and felt that the situation was serious.

So, Xu Yijing found Cha Xianxiu and Byun Sangyu with a serious expression and asked them to tear down the distress banner on the roof of the building.

"Security uncle?" Yin Zhixiu was drinking porridge when he noticed a familiar figure appearing behind Xia Shang.

Yes, the security uncle, like Ahn Sun-young who lost her child, returned to his normal appearance after regaining consciousness.

Now he feels very guilty. If he hadn't locked all the passages in the apartment, he might not have killed so many people.

"It's okay, uncle. This is all God's will. If you hadn't locked the door, the monster outside would have rushed in and killed everyone." Pastor Zheng Zaixian didn't mean to blame the security guard. In his opinion, Come on, the security uncle’s actions not only did not harm everyone, but actually protected everyone.

In the original plot, he would have died together with the security uncle, but now it is obviously unlikely.

"Let's have something to drink first."

Li Eunhyuk served a bowl of hot porridge to the security guard.

Suddenly, Jin Yingxiu, who was watching by the window, noticed that an armored vehicle was driving towards the apartment. "Grandpa, look there quickly."

Jin Yingxiu patted Anji Seop on the shoulder, and then Anji Seop took the telescope in his hand and looked outside. A few seconds later, he handed the telescope to Xu Yijing. Xu Yijing watched the military armored vehicle getting closer and closer, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Are the soldiers here to save us?" Kim Young-soo asked.


Faced with Kim Young Soo's question, Anji Sub turned to look at Seo Yi Kyung and said, "You act on your own, and I will personally greet the guests. You shouldn't trust soldiers in troubled times. You haven't experienced it, so you don't know, right?"

Anjixie, who has experienced special times, knows very well how terrible it will be once the army loses its organization and belief.

"I see."

In the lobby on the first floor, a man was lying on the iron door, looking out through the gap. Seeing that the armored vehicle had no intention of braking, he was frightened and backed away quickly, "Damn it, they are coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, an armored vehicle burst open the iron door in an instant amid the screams of everyone.

The group of people who got off the armored vehicle did not look like soldiers at all, but more like a group of gangsters. Their leader, Scarface, immediately found the deserter from the crowd. Without saying a word, he took out a dagger and stabbed the deserter in the chest. His abdomen was stabbed seven or eight times.

"How are you doing?" Scarface said before leaving the deserter to his men.

And his men ignored the deserter's pleas and cut off his thumb directly, and then handed it to Zheng Yiming aside. After Zheng Yiming took the thumb, he pressed his thumb on a black box, hoping to use the deserter's fingerprints to open the box.

But after trying it, the box didn't open.

"Can't open it," Zheng Yiming said.

"Axi, failed again."

Afterwards, Scarface shot and killed the deserter and asked his men to arrest everyone in the apartment.

According to Xia Shang's guess, the black box should contain confidential documents of military research. Of course, these things are worthless to Xia Shang.

What interests him more now is Zheng Yiming. As a special infected person, the radio waves in this kid's body are very stable.

When the robbers were hunting Bian Shangyu and others, Xia Shang used his analytical ability on him.

"You, and all of you, stand here."

The robbers drew a red circle on the ground and drove everyone into the circle.

Xia Shang did not resist, but stood behind everyone and slowly observed the robbers.

"It feels a little bigger than the last circle."

"Do I have to measure square numbers every time?" the robbers joked, all smiling.

After the circle was drawn, one of the robbers said to Xia Shang and others: "Now, this is your prison. I advise you not to come out."

At this time, a woman failed to enter the circle in time, and Scarface casually pulled the trigger on her.

Seeing someone being shot, everyone was so frightened that they shrank towards the center of the circle.

Seeing this scene, Cha Xianxiu froze on the spot, staring at the body on the ground.

It could be said that after these days of getting along, everyone in the survivor team was regarded by him as his own family. The intense stimulation made his eyes gradually turn black.

At this moment, something even more outrageous happened. The two robbers laughed and pushed Han Douzhi's wheelchair, knocking him to the ground. "Really, I didn't expect this disabled person to be quite good at hiding."

"It's begun." Xia Shang looked at Cha Xianxiu, who was about to turn black. At this moment, the analysis results appeared in front of him.

[Analysis completed]

[Talent Skill: Blood Control]

[Fusion conditions: Kill Zheng Yiming, who is a special infected person]

[After fusion, players will have the ability to control their own blood. At the same time, they can inject their consciousness into the blood to possess other people. Since the analysis target is a special infected person, after fusion, there is no need to fight against desire. Players only need to Integration can be improved through continuous training. 】

Judging from Zheng Yiming's talent and skills, it is not difficult to guess his desire. His desire should be similar to that of the spider monster, both of which want to live. However, Zheng Yiming's evolution direction is a bit different. While he wants to live, he also wants revenge. and control, so this ability evolved.

"It's just trash." Scarface raised the gun in his hand, pointed it at Han Douzhi on the ground, and pulled the trigger.


The security uncle suddenly stood in front of Han Douzhi and blocked the shot for him.

"Hahaha, it's really touching, how could there be such an idiot." The gangsters around laughed loudly, and at Scarface's signal, they pulled the trigger at the security uncle.

Bang bang bang! ! !

In one moment, more than a dozen bullets passed through the body of the security guard. He held on and said, "As a security guard, your duty is to protect the owners."

"Uncle Security!" Yin Zhixiu covered her mouth with wet eyes.


Cha Xianxiu was about to rush forward, but was pulled by Li Eunhyuk beside him. Li Eunhyuk shook his head at him. The opponent had a gun in his hand. Even the infected could not survive heavy firepower, so the best choice was , that is, patience.

Prevent the other party from becoming angry and killing all survivors.

"My name is Shin Zhongxie. I hope you can remember my name when you go to hell." The scarred man showed a ruthless look on his face. He walked up to the security guard and put the muzzle of his gun against the security guard's head. "I hate it when people try to succeed." hero."

"Don't worry." Xia Shang put his right hand behind the security guard's back and used his tentacles to help him remove the bullet from his body.

At the same time, Xia Shang pressed the barrel of the gun with his other hand.

"Are you a doctor?" The man with the scar looked at Xia Shang's white coat and said.

"Doctors always have preferential treatment. Do you want to join my team?"

The scarred man put away his pistol and extended his right hand to Xia Shang, "This opportunity is rare. I advise you to make a decision before I change my mind."

"You are a wolf too."

Suddenly, Zheng Yiming, who was behind the scarred man, spoke inexplicably.

"Hmph, in front of bullets, any wolf will die with one shot."

The scarred man lost his patience. The moment he fired, the deep black eyes had completely occupied Cha Xianxiu's eyes, and he saw several bone spurs drilled out of his right arm. Then, the whole arm turned into wings. Unfolded, every feather on it is made of thorns and bone spurs.

Bang! The scarred man was horrified to find that the bullet he fired could not penetrate Xia Shang's eyebrows.

"Is it fun?" Xia Shang's fingers suddenly exerted force and crushed the barrel of the gun into scrap metal.

"Bah bang bang."

Seeing this, Zheng Yiming couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised, "Two wolves, I didn't expect there to be two wolves here."

[Analysis completed]

[Talent Skill: Blazing Wings]

[Fusion conditions: Let Cha Hyun-soo, a special infected person, regain consciousness]

[After fusion, the player's right arm will mutate into a blazing wing. The wings are made of bone spurs and will release high temperatures enough to fuse steel. Since the analysis target is a special infected person, after fusion, there is no need to fight against desire. The player can only Improve integration through continuous training. 】

"No no no."

Xia Shang took off his glasses as if he was relieved, and said with a sinister smile: "At the scene, I only saw one wolf, and that was me."

Poof! !

In an instant, the scarred man's chest was pierced by invisible sharp tentacles. Then, a bloody hole was poked in the chests of all the robbers. When Xia Shang withdrew the tentacles, they looked at their chests with doubtful expressions. , until they fell, they didn’t understand how they died.

"Monster, Dr. Xia is also a monster."

"Back off!" Li Eunhyuk calmly directed everyone to leave the hall. At this time, Cha Xianxiu was about to go berserk.

boom! as they push to the room.

Cha Xianxiu then began to go berserk. He flapped his blazing wings, wreaking havoc on everything around him, and even attacked Xia Shang and Zheng Yiming indiscriminately.

"Awesome." Zheng Yiming showed an extremely excited expression.

Due to his ability to control blood, he has changed into many bodies and almost regards himself as immortal, so when he faced Xia Shang, he showed an attitude of watching a show.

"Almost done, do you really think no one can kill you?" Xia Shang's heart engine gradually started. The next second, his body expanded violently, revealing his truest appearance. It can be said that he is now more powerful than Cha Xianxiu. Like a monster, with the explosion of leg strength, his figure disappeared directly from the spot.

"The physical body alone cannot kill me." Zheng Yiming suppressed a smile.

in a blink.

Bang! Xia Shang grabbed Zheng Yiming's head with his palm and knocked down a wall.

Xia Shang lowered his head and saw that the head in his palm had turned into flesh, but Zheng Yiming was still not dead. Instead, he controlled the blood to crawl up Xia Shang's arm. It seemed that he wanted to replace Xia Shang.


I saw eyes opening on the skin surface of Xia Shang's arms. As the blue laser shot out, the blood was incinerated in an instant.

At the same time, a gap opened in his palm, directly scorching Zheng Yiming's body.

At this moment, a few streaks of blood like spider webs oozed from Zheng Yiming's toes, and those streaks of blood seemed to have their own consciousness, spreading towards everyone in the room.

To be honest, if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to spot the streaks of blood on the ground.

Poof! Several laser beams were fired in the direction where the blood spread, destroying all the remaining blood on the ground with extreme accuracy!

After dealing with Zheng Yiming, Xia Shang turned to look at the berserk Cha Xianxiu. It was not easy to get him to regain consciousness. Bang! With a loud noise, the monster-turned-Che Xianxiu was knocked away, and the entire first-floor hall became like a ruin in the hands of the two men.

Cha Xianxiu stood up again and again, but what greeted him was only Xia Shang's fist.

Xia Shang's fists pulled out afterimages in the air, and even though his body was rolled up by Cha Xianxiu's blazing wings, he still didn't stop.

"It's quite hot." Less than five seconds after Xia Shang's body surface came into contact with the blazing wings, the area where it came into contact was already scorched. Seeing this, Xia Shang threw Che Xianxiu out, and bang! A pillar was directly knocked down by it.

Cha Xianxiu, who was severely injured, struggled to get up, but due to the broken bones in his body, he was unable to stand up.

"Huh." Under the awe and fear of everyone, Xia Shang returned to his original appearance.

"Is this a special infected person?"

Xu Jingyi murmured softly.

"Specially infected person?" Li Eunhyuk coughed a few times and subconsciously covered his nose, but there was no nosebleed.

"That's right, as long as an infected person survives fifteen days, he can resist his desires and become a special infected person." Xu Jingyi explained.

"That's it." A glimmer of confidence flashed in Li Eunhyuk's eyes.

Half an hour later, Cha Xianxiu on the ground regained his senses. He looked around at the ruins around him, wondering what happened.

It wasn't until Yin Jixiu told him everything that he realized that he had lost control.


At Li Enhyuk's suggestion, everyone planned to leave their green home. In the days that followed, they found a good shelter inside a large supermarket.

Just like that, the time came five months later.

During this time, the vast majority of survivors have become infected, but very few can survive.

Xia Shang has completely integrated Zheng Yiming's abilities, and even the fusion progress of Blazing Wings has been pushed to 95%.

"What are you going to do next?" On the rooftop, Xia Shang said to Cha Xianxiu next to him while enjoying the oncoming evening breeze.

"We plan to leave to find the real home of the survivors. I believe that such a place must exist."

Cha Xianxiu looked into the distance.

"Then I wish you a safe journey." Xia Shang smiled and patted Che Xianxiu's shoulder, and saw his body dissipate like countless light spots.

"What a mysterious guy." Cha Xianxiu turned to look beside him, only to find that Xia Shang had disappeared. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, "I wish you a safe journey."

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