Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 107 The crisis reverses and the motherland’s backhand breaks out

The next day.

Madeleine received a joint pager from the FBI and the CIA. At first she didn't pay attention. After all, it was not the first time she was interrogated by the FBI, but it turned out that she always escaped unscathed every time.

"Ms. Madeleine, we have obtained evidence of Walter's illegal crimes. Next, we hope that you can actively cooperate with our investigation and stop all of Walter's current actions." Susan sat opposite Madeleine. He said sideways.

Susan has long wanted to check and balance the behemoth Walter. Now with the evidence provided by Billy, she can finally get rid of this worry she has had for many years.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I didn't understand." Madeleine still maintained a calm smile.

"You and your company are finished. It's finished unequivocally and unilaterally. How about that? Do you understand?"

If it weren't for the staff on site, Susan would have even wanted to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate this great moment.

Her words made Madeline realize the seriousness of the matter.

Although the FBI's attitude was very bad before, they would never say anything like that that Walt was going to die. Since the other party dared to say that, it meant that they might actually have some key evidence of Walt. .

Watching the smile fade from Madeleine's face, Susan continued: "For the past half century, you have been instilling in Americans the idea that your superheroes are children of God."

"You have to understand the seriousness of injecting illegal drugs into babies." As she spoke, Susan took out the tube of No. 5 compound.

Seeing the blue liquid in her hand, Madeline's face became even more ugly.

"That's not even the worst, what did you do to this man? Why did you do it?" Susan put the picture with Kimiko in front of Madeline.

"I've never seen her." Madeleine told the truth this time. She really didn't know who the girl in the picture was.

Later, Susan asked Madeleine to withdraw the military bill. She would not allow superheroes to have access to American military power.

"It's impossible. The bill has already entered the stage of voting by the whole house of the house."

"Then just find any reason to revoke it. If you agree, we can go back to the previous situation. We are still the town government and the army, and you are just a bunch of bastards running around in cloaks."

Susan said that if Madeleine refuses her request, then she will disclose all the evidence in her hand to all media.

By that time, in addition to facing accusations from people across the United States, the Vought Group's shares will fall to zero, and there will also be a lot of civil lawsuits and criminal charges.

At this moment, a CIA staff member walked up to Susan and brought her a bad message.

"Let's stop talking here first, you think about it."

After saying that, Susan stood up and left the interrogation room, then turned and walked into the monitoring room nearby.

The screen in the control room was playing footage of the SEAL team's operation. The staff on the side told Susan that about twelve minutes ago, the SEAL team captured the mastermind behind the Flight 37 incident, but In the process, the SEALs encountered a man with the word Natcheb tattooed on his chest.

As the staff spoke, they called up the surveillance at that time.

I saw a red-white light emitting from the man's chest, and then, the light spread all over his body. In the next second, endless flames exploded, setting the entire house on fire. No one in the SEAL team was spared. The next scene, Susan was even more shocked that the man was able to walk out of the fire unharmed after the explosion.

"Natcheb refers to the leader, that should be his superhuman name."

Susan looked at Naqibo on the screen in disbelief, "You mean, they have a superhuman terrorist?"

Susan returned to the interrogation room with a gloomy face. She looked at Madeleine and said: "I didn't expect you, Walter, to be so heartless, but I have to say that you won, but I always believe that a company with no lower limits , will eventually be sanctioned one day."

Susan currently has no way of knowing how many super terrorists the Vought Group has transformed. She simply cannot believe how much disaster these guys will cause once they come to the United States.

"I don't understand?" Madeline couldn't understand what the other person was saying at all.

Could it be that the people of the motherland came forward to threaten them?

"You will understand. People from the Ministry of Defense will come to you again tomorrow."

In this way, Susan frowned and left the FBI interrogation room. After she returned to the Water Tower, through various relationships, she figured out what happened.

She sat at the computer desk, looking at the video on which she didn't know which hand it was, "Naqib..."

"Is it because of the No. 5 compound in circulation? But this is good news." The corners of Madeleine's mouth raised again. It seems that things have really turned around. The Department of Defense and the FBI, forced by the threat of superhuman terrorists, must Will allow her military bill to pass smoothly.


In a villa outside New York.

Billy called Xia Shang because Susan told Billy that there was a special situation and she could not guarantee the life safety of the four-person investigation team, so Billy and the others had to find a way to save their own lives.

At this moment, he thought of the mysterious man Xia Shang.

"Hey, listen man, we need your help now." While calling Xia Shang, Billy asked Huey to find Starlight.

"Why?" Huey was a little confused.

Billy took the phone away slightly and spat at Huey: "Please think about it with your peanut-sized brain. It won't be long before Walt will drain the pot of dirty water that killed the invisible man." On top of us, when the time comes, the motherland will definitely send Xingguang and the others to blatantly hunt us down.

You go find Starlight now, tell her everything about Compound No. 5, let her understand what the so-called children of God are, so that she has no time to trouble us. "

Then Billy put the phone back to his ear.

"What do you need me to do?" Xia Shang said calmly.

"Help us find a safe enough place, or tell me the weaknesses of the damn motherland!"

There is not much time left for Billy. He is unwilling to run away and hide overseas in despair. He wants revenge!

"I can't do the former, but I have some clues about the latter."

Xia Shang's words instantly cheered up Billy, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Do you know the weaknesses of the people of the motherland?"

There was a hint of surprise in his tone.

Unexpectedly, Xia Shang shook his head, "No, I don't know, but maybe someone knows that in Walter, the only person the people of the motherland trust is Madeleine. The people of the motherland have very complicated feelings for her, including family affection and love. With love, if there is one person who knows the weaknesses of the people of the motherland, then this person is most likely Madeleine."

"Madeline, Walter's vice president?" Billy frowned.

"That's right." Xia Shang said.

If Madeleine is not dead, how can he ascend to power? Such a risky matter must naturally be left to Billy and the others.

"Thank you." Billy hung up the phone. At this moment, he had made a decision.

In the living room of the villa, Xia Shang looked at the mobile phone in his hand that showed the call was disconnected, smiled slightly, and threw it on the sofa. The weakness of the motherland? Xia Shang narrowed his eyes, now was not a good time for the soldier boy to appear.

This guy is an uncontrollable bomb just like the people of the motherland. One person from the motherland is enough to give him a headache, let alone releasing a second person from the motherland. If you just want to analyze his superpowers, it will be even more difficult. Abandon the basics and seek the last.

Now he has not even mastered the superpowers of the people of the motherland, let alone the superpowers of the soldier boy. Xia Shang estimates that the conditions for the fusion of the soldier boy's superpowers will only be more stringent than those of the people of the motherland. It is necessary to do such a thankless thing.

Xia Shang called up the panel, [Blazing Wings are being fused, the current progress is 96%]

Xia Shang turned around and walked towards the basement. Two bulges gradually formed on his back. When he came to the empty basement, the bulges transformed into two arms. Whoa! The arm rapidly extended, and countless thorns and bone spurs rushed out. In the blink of an eye, the bone spurs formed two ferocious wings with a wingspan of several meters.

Xia Shang controlled the wings to roll up the two dummies next to him. As the billowing black smoke rose, the two dummies melted into a pool of black liquid within a few breaths.

Xia Shang flapped his wings and shook away the black mucus.

Then, he walked to the table where the iron cage was placed. In the iron cage were several white mice bought by Xia Shang for experiments.

The white mice in the cage seemed to sense Xia Shang's approach, and were immediately frightened and huddled up and trembled.

"Although other creatures can be controlled through blood, there are certain limitations." Xia Shang put his hand on top of the iron cage and saw a strand of blood hanging from his fingertips.

The moment the blood thread touched the mouse, it burrowed directly into the mouse's body like a living thing.

At first, there was nothing wrong with the little white mouse, but soon, the little white mouse suddenly twitched and fell to the ground made of sawdust.

After a few seconds, the mouse stood up unsteadily. Except that its movements were stiffer than before, everything was normal.

"not enough."

After Xia Shang finished speaking, he dropped another ray of blood. The movements of the mouse that was injected with the second ray of blood immediately became much more agile, almost exactly the same as before.

This is because Xia Shang's blood contains his consciousness. The more blood he injects, the more natural the objects he controls will be. However, once the blood is separated from his body, it is equivalent to rootless duckweed. It won't take long for it to dissipate.

Moreover, as the object he manipulates becomes stronger, more blood needs to be injected. If he is at the level of the motherland, he will probably be drained and he will not be able to control it for a few seconds. There is no way, only for now. In other words, his consciousness and cell life level are not very strong.

In addition, he can also possess other people, but the target possessed by him will usually be brain-dead directly.

all in all.

Xia Shang believes that this ability has certain development potential. If it can be integrated with more blood-related talents, it will definitely become more perfect.

at the same time.

In order to find out whether what Huey said was true, Starlight bought a train ticket overnight, returned to the small town of Des Moines, and met her mother.

Under her questioning, her mother finally told her the truth.

After learning that she was really Walter's experiment, Starlight's years of belief were directly subverted. In an instant, her proud identity as the Son of God turned into a joke.

While Xingguang was extremely disappointed, she also felt nauseated. She now felt like a synthetic monster.

"How much did they give you?" Xingguang looked at her mother and asked.

"They didn't give me any money, just basic medical expenses."

Her mother shook her head.

"Why?" Xingguang didn't understand.

"Because they promised that you will have the opportunity to live an extraordinary life, strong, successful and special." Her mother explained while wanting to touch Starlight's hair to comfort her, "Who doesn't want their children to live that kind of life? …”

Her arm was slapped away by Xingguang, who said angrily: "You made me think I was chosen by God!"

"Isn't it? It was God who brought Walter to our home, and that's why you were born."

Looking at her mother who used her as a test subject for the sake of vanity, the anger in Xingguang's chest became more and more intense, and she kept scolding her mother loudly.

Her eyes were full of resentment, and any explanation or apology from her mother seemed extremely pale at this moment. Finally, she stormed out of the house angrily.


Early the next morning.

The motherland man opened the door of Xia Shang's office. He placed several photos with the faces of Billy and others in front of Xia Shang, "Jervis, according to Walter's investigation, these people are the ones who killed the invisible man." The real culprits behind this incident, I want you to search for them across the entire network, and report them to me immediately if there is any trace of them."

"No problem." Xia Shang looked at several photos on the table. They were all very clear full-body photos. He didn't know where the motherland got them.

"As soon as possible." The motherland said with an indifferent expression.

"You have to believe in the power of netizens."

Xia Shang smiled and put the photo away.

"By the way, a video has leaked out on the Internet. Although the video was quickly banned by the entire Internet, it still aroused heated discussion among people." Xia Shang said while looking at the computer screen.

"Are you referring to the video of superhuman terrorists wiping out the SEAL team?" The motherland man smiled like sunshine. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of Xia Shang's office with his hands behind his back, and there seemed to be a hint of pride in the corner of his mouth.

Xia Shang nodded: 'Yes, some netizens have begun to question why Walter became an extremist terrorist since he is a child of God. ’

The motherland person frowned and turned to look at Xia Shang, "Can you find the IP addresses of those people?"

"Yes, but there are many netizens who have raised questions. It will take some time to find them all."

"Forget it, it's too troublesome to solve it one by one. I'll leave this matter to you together. It's best to shut up those guys in a short time." Seeing that the military bill submitted by the Watt Group is about to be passed, the people of the motherland do not want to cause trouble. .

"Since there are traitors like Judas among Jesus' disciples, it is normal for several bad guys to appear among his children."

Xia Shang said with a smile.

"That's right." The motherland man put his hand on Xia Shang's shoulder with satisfaction.

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