Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 108 Walter’s President Edgar’s Individual Appointment

A few days later, Walter President Edgar met with Xia Shang alone.

"Please take a seat."

Edgar lowered his head to sort out the documents in his hands. He was wearing a high-end black suit and still had a serious expression.

"You handled the matter about the deep sea and the invisible man well." At this moment, Edgar raised his head and looked at Xia Shang in front of him.

"You haven't been in Walter for a long time. Logically speaking, you are not qualified to hold this position."

Seeing that Xia Shang's expression remained unchanged after hearing these words, Edgar nodded with satisfaction and continued: "But you have used your ability to prove your worth to us. You should get a new job." Good contract."

"Oh, Mr. President, I don't know what to say." Xia Shang took the new contract from Edgar with surprise.

He flipped through the contract and looked at it. Different from the previous contract, this new contract gave him a higher salary and bonus incentives. However, the confidentiality clause of the contract also increased a lot. If he If you breach the contract, you will need to pay a staggering amount of liquidated damages.

"Then say thank you." Edgar made a little joke to Xia Shang, "But don't rush to get excited, you have to pay the price."

"The price is that you will become a real executive of Walter."

"Mr. President, this is my honor." Xia Shang said with a smile.

Later, Edgar took out a sealed file bag from the drawer. He tore off the seal and took out the documents inside: "This is Walt's confidential document. Only some high-level officials within Walt have it." You have the right to check it out, and you are one of them.”

"Let's see."

In addition to Walter's future development goals, the contents of the confidential document also included detailed information about Compound No. 5. Although Xia Shang had known about Compound No. 5 for a long time, he still pretended to be shocked.

"Those superheroes are actually the products of our Walter experiment. God, it's unbelievable." Xia Shang sighed.

Edgar was not surprised by Xia Shang's reaction. Instead, he told Walter's layout on Compound No. 5 for half a century, and also put a tube of blue liquid in front of Xia Shang.

"It is precisely because of these charming little babies that Walter was built today. By the way, Madeleine's military bill has been passed. In fact, I have never been in favor of her approach, but I didn't expect that she could success,"

After all, Madeleine is Walter's vice president, and it is not easy for Xia Shang to participate in discussions about her.

Seeing Xia Shang's silence, Edgar continued: "But I have to say that she succeeded, and the Pentagon will pay Watt more than 40 billion US dollars in orders every year.

But in my opinion, Vought Group has always been a pharmaceutical company, and the superhero industry is just an accessory. do you know? At the end of Station 2, our Vought relied on a first-generation compound to create thousands of super soldiers. When these super soldiers were put into the battlefield, they achieved amazing results. They destroyed hundreds of thousands of enemies for the United States. "

"This record is indeed amazing. I think Watt Company at that time was even more brilliant than it is now."

Xia Shang understood that what Edgar said was not confidential information, and the highlight should be yet to come.

As expected, Edgar changed the subject, "Unfortunately, due to an unexpected incident, the U.S. military tore up its contract with Walter."

If Xia Shang guessed correctly, the emergency he was talking about should be the Mallory incident that year. At that time, the blood debt was paid with blood and the people of Mallory were slaughtered crazily on the battlefield. It was because of this incident that Mallory was Li hates superhumans so much that she recruits Billy and others to fight against superhumans.

Because of this, a tragedy occurred in the end, and Mallory's grandson was burned alive by the lamplighter.

But having said that, there was a reason why Blood Debt and Blood Payment killed Mallory's men back then, because at that time, Blood Debt and Blood Payment were not a harmonious people. The Scarlet Witch and others hated the soldier boy. In order to allow Russia to smoothly lead Go soldier boys, they create chaos on purpose.

Bah! Edgar knocked on the table.

Xia Shang came back to his senses and smiled apologetically.

"You know, now, Compound No. 5 has been improved to the fifth generation. Its side effects are smaller and the success rate has been greatly improved. That's why the number of superhumans has exploded like a blowout. So you have to understand, No superhero is unavailable, they are just products that Walt uses to market."

To be honest, Edgar is a very pure businessman. Everything he does is to sell compound No. 5 again.

To him, all superheroes are products, even the people of the motherland.

In his view, products can be replaced, and only the formula of compound No. 5 is the foundation of the Watt Group.

"Are you planning to put Compound No. 5 on the market?" After hearing Edgar's words, Xia Shang asked with some confusion.

Edgar shook his head, "It's not possible for now. Compound No. 5 still needs to be improved."

"I thought you were going to let me promote Compound No. 5."

"The time has not come yet, it is not stable enough. I am telling you this just to let you understand what the real core of Walter is. As long as we have Compound No. 5, we will be the winner in the future." In Edgar's words, Contains a strong sense of confidence.

"Your task now is to promote our Walter products like Madeline, and at the same time, get the maximum profit as possible."

After leaving President Walter's office.

Xia Shang met the people from the motherland who were coming towards him. The people from the motherland directly ignored Xia Shang and opened the door of Edgar's office.

Returning to his office, Xia Shang poured himself a cup of coffee. Edgar had similar ideas to him. Everything he did was to promote Compound No. 5, but he was still too conservative and unwilling to get involved in more field.

In Xia Shang's view, Walt still has a lot of potential that can be tapped, such as film and television, games, literature, politics, the military, social networking, news, environmental protection, finance and other industries. By then, Walt will be considered a real player. The monopoly group's foundation is still too fragile now.

So much so that a piece of negative news about Compound No. 5 may lead to Walter's direct bankruptcy.


Since the destruction of the SEALs, those at the top of the U.S. political hierarchy have finally realized that something is wrong. Their current military power has no deterrent effect against super terrorists overseas, unless they use Patriot missiles or the like. weapons of mass destruction, otherwise it would be difficult to restrain those guys.

Although they are very thick-skinned, they can find various reasons to interfere in other countries' wars.

But international public opinion must also be taken into consideration.

In addition, they are also worried that those super terrorists will sneak into the United States and eventually cause unimaginable disasters.

As a result, Madeleine's military bill was successfully passed with a unanimous vote in the House.

After that, the people of the motherland have the right to fly to any place and participate in any action. He has completely turned into a murderous butcher wearing an American flag. Compared to the terrorists lying in a pool of blood, he actually has a smile as bright as the sun. of the motherland, which frightened the soldiers present even more.

After wiping out a terrorist organization in Syria, the Motherland claimed to have found Compound No. 5 in their base.

Walter Building, in Madeleine's office.

Albert Williamson, the Secretary of State for the U.S. Department of Defense, looked at the No. 5 compound in his hand and sarcastically said to Madeleine: "You mean, by stealing Vought's No. 5 compound, they alone After imitating the new compound No. 5, I think they must have received help from aliens, so the technological level will advance at such a rapid rate."

"Maybe that's the case." Madeleine smiled.

"Ms. Madeleine, I don't want to joke with you. We want to know how your formula was leaked? Did a tourist casually take away the formula of Compound No. 5 from your laboratory? Or is there a mole... "

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Madeline.

"Mr. Secretary of State, we feel the same way as you and are eager to investigate what is going on."

Williamson obviously didn't believe her nonsense, "To be honest, I really want to put you, a self-righteous guy, in jail on charges of corporate fraud, so that you might be more honest."

"What is Lockheed Martin's number one product?" Madeleine suddenly asked.

Later, Madeleine said that times have changed. Those weapons in the past are now a pile of worthless dung and a pile of outdated scrap copper and iron. These scraps of copper and scrap iron alone cannot defeat those super-terrifying things. molecular.

"So the origin of the super human is not important. Frankly speaking, we don't even need to delve into how the enemy obtained Compound No. 5. The important thing is that they have already obtained it. Now is a brand new era..."

Madeleine looked at Williamson in front of her and said: "Currently there is only one company whose products can fight back... that is my company and my product."

Williamson was silent because he understood that Madeleine was right. They still needed to be patient for a while before they could crack Compound No. 5.

At this point, the government has completely become the protective umbrella of the Vought Group.

"By the way, we need the Department of Justice to help arrest a few people across the country. They are the real culprits behind the killing of the Invisible Man. Fans of Walt and the Invisible Man hope that they can be brought to justice in a short time." Madeleine As he said that, he took out a stack of photos and handed them to Williamson.

Just as Williamson was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by Madeleine.

"To celebrate the signing of the agreement between Vought Group and the Ministry of Defense, we will host a celebration party tomorrow night. We hope you can come."

"I may not be free." Williamson sullenly walked away quickly.

Looking at his hurried away figure, the corners of Madeline's mouth raised slightly, she crossed her arms across her chest, showing a faint smile.

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