Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 109 Walter’s cocktail party, the unexpected guest invited by Xia Shang

On the other side, Billy told Breast Milk and the others about his plan.

"Shet, you have been a lunatic from the beginning to the end, a lunatic who was blinded by revenge. Do you know what is the difference between you and those extremists? No, there is no difference at all, because you guys have no brains." Breast milk While cursing, he packed his things and prepared to flee overseas.

"Breast milk, this is the most philosophical thing you've said since I've known you."

Frankie on the side didn't give Billy a good look. If Billy hadn't found him with the invisible man's body, he wouldn't have been tricked into the pirate ship again. Thinking of himself becoming a wanted criminal, Frankie Qi wanted to take out his gun and shoot Billy to death.

"Guys, I'm very confident that I can succeed this time. Even if I can't find out the weaknesses of the people of my motherland, I can still blackmail Madeleine and ask her to withdraw the wanted order against us." Billy still wanted to fight for it, but unfortunately breast milk and Frankie and both of them were extremely disappointed with him.

"Come on, you think we still believe your nonsense."

Frankie planned to leave with Kimiko. With Walter's current wanted level, let alone kidnapping Madeleine, it was God's blessing that they could sneak out.

"Move over, don't block my way."

Mother Milk packed her things and prepared to leave with Frankie.

"Fake." Billy held back his anger and watched them leave.

At this moment, several black vans came from a distance. There were no signs on the vehicles, and even the windows were equipped with anti-peeping devices.

The experienced Billy noticed something was wrong with these cars at a glance. He immediately covered Huey's mouth and dragged him behind the trash can. "Keep your voice down. The CIA's secret operations team has taken action. I have seen these." car."

"What?" Huey's head was held down by Billy, so that he could only lie on the ground, looking through the gap in the trash bin in the direction of the breast milk people.

Soon, the three people who were walking also noticed something was wrong. They pulled down the brim of their hats and quickened their pace.

boom! ! I saw a black van directly blocking the way of several people, and in the next second, the door behind the van was opened, and a group of well-equipped special police officers in black combat uniforms filed out, holding rifles. , the man wearing a steel helmet stopped the three people.

"Stop." The leader pointed the gun at the mother's milk. "You guys, take your hats away."

Looking at dozens of special police officers with guns around him, he realized that he couldn't leave, so he silently took off his hat.

The leader of the special police officer glanced at the faces of several people through the goggles. After confirming that they were the arrest targets, he immediately shouted: "I order you to throw away the weapons on your body, and then put your hands on your head." Squat on the ground, hurry, hurry, hurry!!”

Kimiko, who was beside Frankie, looked up at Frankie, as if asking for his opinion.

"Do as they say." With the current battle, the possibility of them escaping is extremely slim, unless Kimiko abandons them and escapes alone. "Can you escape?"

Frankie asked softly.

Kimiko shook her head. Facing dozens of dark gun muzzles, she was not sure she could escape without accidentally injuring Frankie.

They had no choice but to throw away their weapons and squat on the ground with their heads in their hands.


"No." Several special police officers came to them and after a detailed search, they said to the captain.

"Are you a super human?" The captain of this operation looked at Kimiko condescendingly, bang! He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the sudden gunshot suddenly flashed a look of astonishment on Frankie's face, "Kimiko, Kimiko!"

"Don't be nervous, it's a tranquilizer bomb."

The SWAT captain looked into Frankie's extremely angry eyes without changing his expression. He waved his hand and said, "Put on handcuffs and take them all back."

After putting Frankie and others into the car, the SWAT captain led a group of people and rushed into the hotel where Huey and the others lived.

Half an hour later, they returned home.

At this time, the two people hiding behind the trash can didn't even dare to breathe. It wasn't until they saw their vehicle gradually driving away that Billy finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted in time, otherwise all four of them would have been injured.

"What to do? How can we get them out?"

Facing Huey's inquiry, Billy said nothing. He could not ruin his plan by rescuing people. His time now was precious, and he must use the limited time to find Madeleine.

"You want to give them up?"

Huey looked at Billy in disbelief, "Is revenge really that important?"

Billy still didn't speak. He took Huey to a remote place and used the screwdriver in his hand to replace the license plate on his car.

"Okay, I can see you clearly. You have never cared about others from the beginning to the end. You just use us as a tool for your revenge." Huey was extremely disappointed. He no longer had any hope for Billy and did not hesitate. , he turned and left the underground parking lot.

He wants to find Starlight, because in his opinion Starlight is the only superhuman with a conscience.

But what he didn't expect was that Xingguang decisively rejected his request.


At the same time, the cocktail party hosted by Walter Group officially began.

Under Madeline's persuasion, Starlight put on the sexy and revealing new uniform again. She endured the discomfort and flattered the senior Pentagon officials, living like a high-end social butterfly.

However, what surprised Xia Shang was that the locomotive with a broken leg came to the reception on crutches.

His funny look made many people laugh.

"Isn't this a locomotive? What's going on? Did you fall off the bed while you were sleeping?" A senior executive couldn't help but sarcastically raised his glass.

When the people from the motherland standing on the stairs saw this scene, their expressions suddenly became extremely ugly.

He called Xia Shang and asked, "Did you give him the invitation? Do you know that he is embarrassing our Super Seven group?"

To be honest, the people of the motherland now want to kill the locomotive with a laser.

"No, he should have come by himself." Xia Shang shook his head.

"Then let him get out of here." The motherland gritted its teeth, not wanting to see the locomotive again.

"I have a special guest for him."

Xia Shang turned sideways and introduced the shock wave behind him to the people of the motherland: "Let me introduce, this is the shock wave, a superhuman whose speed is second only to the locomotive. I have already applied to Ms. Mader. If the locomotive cannot recover after recovering, With his previous speed, he would have to be replaced."

"I have no opinion."

The native was indeed outraged by the locomotive, and he turned towards Madeleine.

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