At the same time, the irritated locomotive said to the executive with a cold face: "If you dare, say it again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"It's exciting now." In an instant, most of the people at the reception were looking towards the locomotive, especially the Pentagon executives, who were gloating over the misfortune.

"Interesting, this is the first time I have seen a dog bite a dog. But then again, why is the leg of the locomotive broken?" One of the senior officials said softly while holding a wine glass. At this time, a colleague standing next to him shrugged. Shoulder, "Who knows, it looks like it was interrupted."

Seeing that something was wrong, the Walter executive who had spoken just now felt ashamed. He did not expect that the locomotive would have such a big reaction because he was just joking, "Sorry, I was drunk. I apologize to you."

In order for the party to be held smoothly, the white executives had no choice but to give in to the locomotive.

"That's a good reason." Since Kimiko broke his right leg, whether he was shopping or going to a bar, Locomotive could always feel countless strange eyes around him, as if they were paying attention to his broken leg all the time.

In addition, he also found that there were more and more advertisements about shock waves on the roadside.

There seemed to be signs of a replacement for him.

Therefore, Locomotive still chose to attend tonight's Walter party without getting an invitation.

For no other reason than to prove to everyone that even if he is injured, he is still a member of the Super Seven!

"Xie Te, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. I am a super human. Even if my leg is broken, I can recover in a short time. Don't forget, I am a locomotive. So far, the fastest man in the world. !" The locomotive's tone was gloomy. He was like a wounded hyena leader, showing his fangs to everyone in order to stabilize his territory.

"I hope that after you recover, you can return to your original speed."

Suddenly, Xia Shang's voice sounded from behind the locomotive.

"Jervis, Shockwave."

After Locomotive saw the shock wave next to Xia Shang, his face suddenly became extremely ugly. He didn't understand why the shock wave could come to the dinner party.

"I won't introduce you to this person. You must know him too." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"My men are just defeated, how can he be qualified to attend the dinner?"

The sudden appearance of the shock wave made the locomotive feel faintly uneasy. Could this be what Walter meant? Walt wants Shockwave to replace him?

Impossible, he would never allow such a thing to happen.

"He is the special guest at this dinner." Xia Shang's words were equivalent to confirming Locomotive's suspicion.

At this moment, a panel prompt popped up in front of Xia Shang, [Blazing Wings are being fused, the current progress is 100%]

Xia Shang did not hesitate and chose to directly analyze the speed of the locomotive.

"I cannot be replaced." Locomotive looked into Xia Shang's eyes and said word by word.

"I hope so."

Xia Shang knew that he couldn't irritate the poor guy in front of him anymore, otherwise, he would be worried that the locomotive's heart couldn't bear it, and if he died suddenly at the party, it would be great fun.

Locomotive's face was livid. He pushed away the crowd and sat on the sofa nearby. He picked up the wine glass and kept drinking.

"Go and introduce yourself to everyone. Most of the people present are Walter's executives."

"Okay, Mr. Jervis."

After a few minutes, the analysis was successfully completed.

[Talent Skill: Extreme Speed]

[Fusion conditions: Defeat Locomotive and completely lose his ability to resist]

[After fusion, players will have extremely fast speeds, even exceeding the speed of sound, and the fastest speed can reach more than 1,600 kilometers. In addition, the player's reaction speed will also be enhanced. 】

the other side.

Just now, Madeleine got a profit-sharing contract from President Edgar. To be honest, her mood at the moment was completely opposite to that of Locomotive. Looking back on that day in the interrogation room, who would have thought that when she was about to agree to revoke On the occasion of the military bill, super terrorists unexpectedly appeared, causing the situation to reverse in an instant.

Is it really God’s blessing?

Madeleine planned to take out the Bible at home and read it again after the party was over.

"You seem to be in a good mood." The motherland man walked to Madeleine's side.

"You should know that I went to see Wagbaum and he told me everything."

"I never meant for you to find out this way."

Madeleine held the right hand of her motherland apologetically.

"Let me guess, you were trying to protect me." The eyes of the motherland fell on Madeline's face.

"Of course, we all want to," Madeleine said without hesitation.

"You think I'm fragile? In fact, you can't accomplish anything without me." In fact, the real reason behind the creation of those super terrorists by the motherland was because of Madeleine's military bill.

"I believe it." Madeline nodded slightly in approval.

But the people of the motherland saw that she was perfunctory, so they took out their hands: "Have you ever thought that a superhuman terrorist would appear just when we need it, as if someone specially arranged it, you Don’t think it’s just a coincidence.”

"It's you?"

Madeleine is not stupid. When the motherland spoke, she had already guessed some of the truth behind it.

Then the motherland's next words also verified her suspicion.

The motherland said with some pride: "Yes, I created the superhuman terrorist with my own hands. I just borrowed a little bit of No. 5 compound. I asked the locomotive to send it to all over the world, and then injected some extremism. Although It sounds simple, an understatement, but it’s actually very difficult.”

"However, I don't want to show off this. To be honest, it is really difficult to use adults as experimental subjects. Their survival rate is much lower than that of babies. Fortunately, I succeeded and enough people survived. , this operation is a huge victory.”

Although the man from the motherland said that he did not want to show off, his show off expression was beyond words.

At this moment, he was completely like a child. After achieving some achievements, he couldn't wait to be recognized by Madeleine.

Madeleine did not speak. She looked at her motherland affectionately and held his face with her hands. Then, she closed her eyes tightly and was inseparable from her motherland.

Later, Madeleine brought the people of the motherland to her lounge. The three thousand words of the plot are omitted below...


The scene turned to Xia Shang's side again.

After the reception, Xia Shang received a call from Huey.

"Frankie and the others were captured, and Billy abandoned us."

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