Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 111 This is Compound No. 6, the price is to lose one

Chapter 111 This is Compound No. 6, the price is the loss of a memory

"Let's meet and talk. I'll send you the address." After saying that, Xia Shang hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, the two met in a cafe.

When he saw Xia Shang, Huey seemed to have found his only savior. Before Xia Shang asked, he explained everything he had experienced during this period to Xia Shang, "That's the way it is, Billy. Bastard, you don’t care about our life or death at all.”

"So, you came to me this time because you wanted me to rescue Frankie and the others." Xia Shang lowered his head and slowly stirred the coffee in the cup with a silver spoon.

"Yes, I approached Starlight before, but she didn't agree."

Huey now wears a mask when he goes out, otherwise he will be easily recognized. Just a few hours ago, he had experienced this kind of thing. Fortunately, he had an idea at that time, got into the women's room, and passed the women's room. Escape through the toilet window.

"Sorry, I don't have time." Xia Shang shook his head expressionlessly.

"Please, you are the only one who can help me now."

Huey pleaded.

"Don't worry, I didn't say I wouldn't help you." Xia Shang stopped stirring, looked at Huey and said, "I have something that can help you rescue Frankie and the others, but you have to pay a price."

"What?" Huey frowned. He was now poor and could receive government relief. If Xia Shang asked for money, he really couldn't afford it.

"Compound No. 6."

I saw Xia Shang take out a syringe filled with red liquid from his arms. Under the light from above, the liquid refracted an extremely charming red light, "This thing can allow you to gain powerful power in a short period of time." , and unlike compound No. 5, its harm to the human body can be said to be minimal."

"Compound No. 6?" Huey curiously took the "Compound No. 6" from Xia Shang. After careful observation, he found that the liquid inside was not as clear as Compound No. 5. To describe it in one word, That is blood, but it is brighter red than blood, and its color is similar to pigeon blood stone.

"What's the difference between this thing and Compound No. 5?" Due to what happened with Kimiko, Huey's current attitude towards Compound No. 5 is to stay away from it. He doesn't want to become a test subject for no reason.

"The difference is huge. At least it won't damage your brain. Of course, there are side effects. After the injection, you will lose the memory of when you used it, and when the effect of the drug ends, the superpower will also disappear. By the way, friendly reminder, The shelf life of this thing is very short, you'd better inject it now." Xia Shang picked up the coffee and waited for Huey to make a decision.

Huey was extremely hesitant at this moment. He gritted his teeth and said, "Is there really no other choice?"

Xia Shang shook his head calmly.

"Are you sure that it won't cause any harm to my body after the effect of the medicine wears off." Huey was still struggling, and it wasn't until Xia Shang finished the cup of coffee that he made a decision, "I will believe you this time. "

Huey was seen inserting the needle into his arm, and then pushing the liquid inside into his body. As the red liquid gradually entered Huey's body, he seemed to notice changes in his body.

"Is this my super power?" After Huey pulled out the syringe, he watched a blood thorn come out of his palm. At the same time, he felt that he had endless strength. This wonderful power The feeling couldn't help but make him a little addicted.

Snapped! Xia Shang snapped his fingers. The moment the sound sounded, Huey's eyes immediately became blurred. Then, Xia Shang took him out of the cafe.

After arriving at a corner without a camera, Xia Shang patted Huey on the shoulder. The next second, his face melted like a wax statue, and when he walked out of the corner, he had transformed into Huey's appearance.

Immediately afterwards, he arrived at the hotel where Huey previously lived. Before he could take out the key, he was arrested on the spot by a group of crouching SWAT police. Xia Shang did not resist, and soon he was sent to the CIA's underworld. prison.

"Are you okay? Are the bones broken?" Frankie approached Xia Shang and asked.

Xia Shang, who had his hood removed, looked at the two people in front of him, shook his head and said, "No."

"Where's Billy? Was he caught too?"

Frankie is very concerned about Billy's whereabouts.

"No, he didn't give up on his plan, but I'm here to save you."

"Did you come here on purpose? Not with Billy?" Xia Shang's behavior was beyond Mother's expectation. The two of them were very moved. Frankie even wanted to kiss Xia Shang, but Xia Shang avoided it.

"Listen, someone gave me an injection called Compound No. 6, and I have already injected it. I can take you out now." Xia Shang said, then he opened his palm, and saw that there was a hole in his palm. A bloody sharp blade emerged.

"Oh! My God, you actually injected compound No. 5, damn it!"

Frankie covered his head and said in pain: "You shouldn't have come to rescue us. Your sacrifice is simply too great. Even if we are rescued, we still can't forgive ourselves. Huey, maybe you really shouldn't come."

However, Breastmilk on the side showed a strange expression, "Wait a minute, I heard you right, you injected compound No. 6? What the hell is that?"

Breastfeeding people are dumbfounded. Is there such a thing as compound No. 6? Is it a new product developed by Walter Group?

"It was given to me by that mysterious man. It is said that it does no harm to the human body. The only side effect is that it will lose the memory when using it. I can't control that much at the moment. I will take you away first." I have to say that Xia Shang's acting skills are getting better and better. The better, the imitation of Huey's expression was so perfect, and, best of all, even when he showed his flaws.

The two of them would only think it was a side effect of the medicine, and would not doubt Huey's true identity.

"Even if you can take out this kind of thing, that guy is becoming more and more mysterious."

Just when Mother Milk was sighing, Xia Shang had already cut off the iron door lock and said, "Open it."

"Is it so easy to use?" Frankie stretched out his hand to hold the iron door, and pushed it open without much force.

"Shet, I think I need this too."

However, they did not realize that their actions had triggered the motion capture alarm. Then, under the leadership of French, the three began to search for the cell where Kimiko was held.

Because it is a black prison of the CIA, the defense here is not as tight as a formal prison, and judging from the surrounding environment, it should be an abandoned underground garage somewhere, or an abandoned training facility of the CIA.

Soon, the three of them found Kimiko on the operating table behind a glass wall.

"Stop looking, rescue the person first." Xia Shang couldn't bear the show of affection between the two of them through the glass, bang! He punched the tempered glass, and the area where he hit shattered like a spider web.

On the other side, the guards had received the alarm and informed the people of the motherland about their escape.

The motherland man didn't pay attention. He was talking to the locomotive at the moment, and he saw several rows of No. 5 compound placed on the table between the two of them.

"Are you sure you want to inject so much No. 5 compound at once?" The motherland man leaned on the sofa and watched the locomotive inject tubes of No. 5 compound into the body. "My eyes have already seen the pain coming from your poor heart. wailing."

"I have no choice, I cannot be replaced." Locomotive endured the tremendous pain, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Billy's men have escaped from prison. Go and catch them."

The people of the motherland would only give some advice to the locomotive if they were in a good mood. To be honest, how could he care about the life or death of the locomotive.

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