"Mr. Jervis, the president asked you to come over." At this time, a staff member in a suit knocked on the door of Xia Shang's office.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Xia Shang stood up and smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and said to Baruch, "Sorry, wait a moment. I'll treat you to coffee later."

"No problem, I'll wait for your coffee."

Just as Xia Shang was about to leave, the staff handed the document to Xia Shang: "Mr. Jervis, these are the meeting materials. You can take a quick look."

"Thank you." Xia Shang took the meeting materials and browsed them roughly. In one sentence, he summarized that Vought President Edgar was going to personally negotiate the details of the military bill with the U.S. Department of Defense, and he was just going to observe.

Later, Xia Shang followed the staff to the conference room.

The meeting had not yet started. Xia Shang sat in his seat according to the nameplate on the table.

"Jervis, let me tell you some very unfortunate news. Just last night, Ms. Madeleine suffered a terrorist attack. After investigation, it can basically be determined that she died." Edgar said in a deep voice.

Edgar's position is at the top of the conference table, and Xia Shang sits on his right hand. In the past, the only person qualified to sit in this position was Madeleine. Now that Madeleine is dead, she takes her place. But the person is Xia Shang.

"Mr. Edgar, please express your condolences, and may God bless the deceased." Xia Shang's tone was equally heavy, and he said with a solemn expression: "I didn't expect those terrorists to be so crazy. They must fight for Ms. Madeleine's death." Lives have paid the price, and I propose that Walter investigate this matter to the end.”

"What if this matter has something to do with the people of the motherland?" Edgar did not continue because the meeting began.

As senior officials from the Ministry of National Defense arrived one after another, the meeting kicked off with Edgar's speech.

As we all know, once the meeting started, it would last at least two hours. In the middle of the meeting, Edgar even thoughtfully ordered a takeaway for everyone.

“Whose is this secret double beef roll?”

Xia Shang raised his right hand and took the takeaway from the staff.

This meeting had nothing to do with him at all. It was mainly a game between Edgar and the US Secretary of Defense.

"Who do your superheroes report to when they actually go to war?" said Secretary of Defense Sten Leonard.

"Vought and the Ministry of National Defense, after all, they are important assets of the Vought Group. We need to know their movements and ensure their safety." Edgar put on rimless glasses and said calmly.

Xia Shang on the side looked down at the meeting minutes while making a secret double beef roll.

Two hours later, the meeting ended with a handshake between the two. The final result of the negotiation was that the U.S. Department of Defense promised to pay Watt tens of billions of dollars every year, and Watt needed to send superheroes to help. The US military eliminates super terrorists scattered around the world.

In addition, in order to maintain local security, mayors in various states in the United States also need to pay a high commission to hire Walt's superheroes.

Obviously, the negotiation ended with a great victory for Walter.

Although U.S. Secretary of Defense Stan Leonard was very humiliated, he had no choice but to hold back his anger and sign a contract with Vought.

When the last letter of his name falls, it means that the era of Walter has officially begun!

After the meeting.

Xia Shang was left alone by Edgar. Edgar took out his mobile phone, clicked on a video, and pushed it in front of Xia Shang.

The video comes from surveillance at Madeleine's home.

It records the entire incident, including but not limited to the scene of the motherland shooting Madeleine.

"The people of our motherland are our important assets at Walter, and they are the most perfect product so far. I think you should know how to do it?" Edgar looked at Xia Shang with a stern look. He took off his glasses expressionlessly and waited. Following Xia Shang's answer.

After watching the entire video, Xia Shang smiled and said: "With our Walter technology, we can completely delete the scenes of the people from the motherland, and then use video synthesis technology to create a new video."

"Yes, I will leave this matter to you. The U.S. town government will cooperate with us to conduct a nationwide search for the terrorists and accomplices in the video."


After the contract was signed, the Walter Group immediately sent Black to Huliya. Black did not disappoint Edgar. Faced with the attack of the terrorist Nayoubo, the "Burn in the Truth!" exploded, and he just Only half of his chest was burned.

Then, he took the head of Nayoubo and walked out of the sea of ​​fire.

The amazing performance of the superhero not only did not make Defense Secretary Stan Leonard happy, but made him look even more ugly.

A few days later.

A video of Billy kidnapping Madeleine and pressing the detonation button instantly spread throughout the Internet. Xia Shang was extremely successful in drawing everyone's anger to Billy and other terrorists.

And naturally caused panic among the masses.

For a time, the slogan "Let superheroes protect the United States" dominated the headlines of major news media.

Then Xia Shang struck while the iron was hot and announced the funerals of Madeleine and the Invisible Man.

The superheroes who attended the funeral included Motherland, Starlight, Deep Sea and Queen Maeve. At the funeral, Motherland delivered a touching speech, "First of all, please allow me to observe ten seconds of silence for the passing of my two colleagues..."

"They all died due to terrorist attacks, but their sacrifices were valuable. It was because of their sacrifices that the military program was passed, but this does not mean that there will not be more sacrifices... Maybe next time One could be any one of our seven.

So please tell my son Maverick that I love him. "

Under the stage, Xia Shang was sitting in the front row, watching this scene with a smile.

The motherland man continued: "By the way, my son once told me, father, you must find those super terrorists... In fact, they should be described as super villains. He told me, you must find them." Search them out, people of the motherland, you must stop them from continuing to do evil, you are a great hero."

"Here, I want to promise Maverick that I will work hard for you, for the United States...for the two friends who passed away..." The motherland held his heart, and then put his hand on the center of the stage. On the golden coffin, he said in a choked tone.

He raised his head slightly, as if to prevent himself from crying. He seemed to be suppressing great sadness, "Finally, I want to make the slogan of superheroes protecting the United States a reality."

This acting was really impeccable. Xia Shang couldn't help but applaud the performance of the people of the motherland. When his applause rang out, the applause was like thunder and lasted for a long time. Everyone showed excited and excited expressions. They were impressed by the motherland. I was deeply moved by his speech.

"Your speech was great, and everyone applauded for you." When the people from his motherland sat next to him, Xia Shang turned sideways and smiled.

"Thank you." The motherland man enjoyed everything, and a bright smile like the sun appeared on his face.

Next up was Starlight. At this time, Starlight had already embarked on a sexy route. When she appeared on the stage in her new uniform, she immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

Starlight picked up the microphone and began to sing a song specially created for Super Seven.

"Jervis, do you remember Ashley?" the native said, looking at the stars on the stage.

Xia Shang smiled, "How could I forget my former boss?"

"I heard that you were promoted to Acting Vice President of Walter. You must have a lot of work on your hands."

How could Xia Shang not understand the hidden meaning in the words of his motherland? It seems that he also realized that Edgar's power in the company is too huge now, and he also wants to train his own subordinates.

"I am going to propose to Mr. Edgar that Ashley should return to Walter Company." The people from the motherland smiled and applauded Starlight.

"I have no objection. I can let her be my assistant to the vice president. It just so happens that the invisible man is currently dead in the line of duty and the locomotive is unconscious. I can let her preside over the selection work. She should be very experienced in this area."

How could Xia Shang give up his position as the head of the public relations department because of the words of his motherland?

"It seems that her destiny is to be the assistant to the vice president. She was before and is now." The motherland did not force it. He didn't care much about this kind of thing, as long as there was someone who could drive him.

After Starlight's performance ended, the applause she received was no less than that of her motherland. When she looked at the audience who were screaming for her in surprise, she didn't know that Queen Maeve in the lounge was looking at Starlight on the TV screen. , shaking her head silently, she looked at the stars as if she saw her former self.

"Starlight, deep sea! Starlight, deep sea!"

As soon as Shen Hai appeared on the scene, some CP fans immediately screamed.

Shen Hai held the microphone, a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Xia Shang in the audience nodded to him, and he gradually regained his composure: "Everyone, although I don't want to admit it, this beautiful lady does not belong to me, of course. , I will not feel sad because I am ready to contribute everything I have to the cause of environmental protection."

His speech was also excellent and received a burst of applause.

But then Queen Maeve appeared, and her popularity dropped significantly. Although she also chose to sing, her effect was obviously not as good as Starlight.

at the same time.

Huey was huddled in a small and dilapidated room, and there was a loud noise above his head. The sexy starlight was now bright red and purple, and he could only huddle in the dirty basement, looking at less than twelve inches in front of his eyes. TV screen.

This thing is simply a product of the last century. The figures in the starlight inside are blurry and there is no signal from time to time.

"Alas..." Huey sighed deeply. He had no choice but to find a better place to stay than this. Walt and the CIA were searching for him everywhere like mad dogs.

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