Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 114 The new member, Storm Girl, appears!

"Did I really become a superhero that day?" Huey looked at his left arm and could vaguely see tiny pinpricks. He remembered that the first thing he did after waking up was to call Frankie and the others. I picked up the phone and asked them what happened that day?

French was full of praise for his performance that day, claiming that Huey impressed him, but Huey only felt endlessly unfamiliar with those experiences.

"It seems that the mysterious gentleman is right. After the effect of the medicine wears off, you will lose your memory."

Huey stretched his left hand towards the skylight, and the sunlight shone through his fingers and shone on his face, causing him to squint his eyes. Although that powerful feeling was fleeting, it was extremely unforgettable. "Life is not over." , the mission will continue.”

Although Billy's whereabouts are still unknown, Huey has not stopped acting. He plans to collect all clues about Compound No. 5 just like Billy did, and then make the crimes of the Walt Group public.

After washing up, Huey walked through the dark corridor and came to the den where they were hiding.

Some time ago, when they were wanted and had nowhere to go, fortunately, Frankie found a secret basement through his connections in the underworld. On weekdays, Frankie just went to his old job and did some arms deals. To be honest, Frankie , if Frankie hadn't made some money by modifying or repairing other people's firearms, all of them would have starved to death.

As for Kimiko and Breast Milk, the former works as a bodyguard for Frankie and lives a contented life. Perhaps for her, this kind of ordinary life is what she longs for.

As for breast milk, he was doing fine. Since he had served as a military doctor in the army before, he had some surgical experience and could help treat the wounds of gangsters who were shot.

Having said that, it seems that Huey is the only one who doesn't have the ability to touch the bottom of the box.

He wakes up every day and wanders around in the basement, seemingly doing nothing.

"Did I really save you?" Huey came to Frankie who was assembling the firearm and put his elbows on the table and asked.

Frankie glanced at him: "You have asked this question for the seventh time. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that you were the one who came to save us that night."

"Oh, it's a pity that I can't remember. I think the way I appeared on the stage must have been so handsome." Huey shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the basement with a smile. The magnificent building behind him was the Watt Building. .

That's right, the place where they live is at the foot of the Watt Building.

In fact, Frankie and the others didn't know that Huey still maintained secret contact with Starlight. They walked into a bus as agreed before, and then sat together. "That disposable phone, put the card inside Is it broken? After all, you also know that I am wanted by the CIA now, and it is said that they listen to the phone calls."

After hearing Starlight break the phone card, Huey was relieved, "By the way, can you get me a sample of that thing from Walt?"

"No, since President Edgar took office, he has been very strict in supervising that thing. Even I can't get close to the group's core laboratory, let alone get samples." Starlight shook her head and said softly.

"I heard that after Madeleine died, a man named Jervis took her place. How was he? Is there any possibility of instigating rebellion?" Huey pulled down the brim of his hat. Li La, and at the same time subconsciously observed the surroundings to prevent suspicious people from discovering him.

When Xia Shang was mentioned, Xingguang's expression suddenly turned cold. She suppressed her anger and said, "He is just a bastard. Compared with him, the people of the motherland are considered good people."

"Then it seems we can't count on him." Huey took out a piece of information, which he had tried every means to obtain. "It contains the information of an experimental researcher. Maybe you can get that thing from him. .”

While the two plotted to obtain Compound No. 5.

Edgar approved the request of the motherland and allowed Ashley to return to Walter Company.

Due to some special reasons, Xia Shang did not move into Madeleine's office. After all, he really couldn't stand the people from his motherland. He had to stand in front of Madeleine's office eight hundred times a day. Anyway, he could see it every time he passed by. The people of the motherland stared at the wooden door with sad eyes.

But this time, the motherland man walked in. He looked around and saw that some of the furniture inside had disappeared. In fact, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on Madeleine's commonly used desk.

The motherland then suppressed her grief, opened the refrigerator on the side and took out a milk bottle.

He unscrewed the cap of the bottle and greedily smelled the milk inside.

I saw him carefully sticking out his tongue, licking the human milk left by Madeline, and then drank it in big gulps.

At this moment, Ashley, who rushed to the Watt Building as soon as she received the notice, pushed open the office door.

Seeing Ashley barging in, the motherland man quickly turned his back and wiped the milk stains from the corners of his mouth.

"Ashley, it's great to see you back." Homelander pretended nothing happened and patrolled the office.

"Thank you. It looks like it needs to be renovated. There is dust everywhere. I feel like I have traveled to 2003." Ashley was very excited to be able to return to Walter this time, but she also understood that this is her motherland. The merit of people.

as she expressed her gratitude to her countrymen.

the other side.

In the president's office on the 87th floor, Edgar met with Xia Shang again.

"You handled the video about Madeleine very well. I called you here this time to solve the current problems of the Super Seven. The passing of the invisible man and the still comatose Locomotive suddenly made Seven The team has reduced its membership by two people." Edgar picked up a document and handed it to Xia Shang, "From the feedback from the market, it is not difficult to see that the Super Seven is in urgent need of fresh blood."

"That's right, Mr. Edgar, but Ashley should be responsible for the selection of superheroes. After all, she has just returned to Walter. I can't take away her task." Xia Shang, as the acting vice president, said A little more casual than before.

"You can come in."

Edgar raised the phone to his ear and said.

Soon, Storm Girl, wearing a black uniform, walked into the office and came to Edgar's side.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the new member of the Super Seven, Storm Girl."

"I'm Jervis, hello. I'm glad you can join the Super Seven." Xia Shang extended his right hand to Storm Girl.

However, Storm Girl directly mocked: "Sorry, I never shake hands with Asians because I can't guarantee whether your hands are clean."

Suddenly, a chill appeared on Xia Shang's face. He took his hand back and looked at Edgar: "It seems that this new member is not very polite. Let Ashley get in touch with him. I still have things to deal with, Ai Mr. Degas, I’m so sorry.”

After saying that, he turned around and left the president's office without looking back.

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