Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 115 You shouldn’t offend him, he is in charge of the company now

Chapter 115 You shouldn’t offend him, he is now in charge of the public relations department

"The yellow-skinned monkey has quite a temper."

Seeing Xia Shang turn and leave, Storm Girl said disdainfully.

"You shouldn't offend him. He is now in charge of the public relations department." Edgar's face was gloomy. He had long known that Storm Girl had serious racial discrimination, but he did not expect that Storm Girl would mock Xia Shang regardless of the occasion, " You should know how to restrain yourself, he is Walter’s vice president and also my assistant.”

"Okay, it's my fault, but it's still hard for me to imagine that you would let an uncivilized monkey into the Vought Company."

As an Aryan, Storm Girl is deeply influenced by the Second Station Demon King, so as long as she is not an Aryan, she has a discriminatory attitude towards them.

"Don't forget, you are now a superhero under Walt. I can let you in, and I can let you get out of Walt at any time." Edgar can't even tolerate the people of his motherland, let alone Storm Girl.

"Really? It's a pity that Walter needs me now." Storm Girl smiled disapprovingly.


On the other side, Xia Shang returned to his office with a cold face. He was not really angry, but more pretending.

In his opinion, letting Storm join the Super Seven was definitely the result of Edgar's careful consideration. Due to the sudden death of Madeleine, the people of the motherland will become difficult to control. In addition, the people of the motherland strongly recommended Ai Xi. Leigh returned to Walter, obviously wanting to have more power.

Even Xia Shang could see the intentions of the people of the motherland, let alone Walter's president Edgar.

Therefore, the role of Storm Girl is to check and balance the people of the motherland.

In addition, Edgar should have a deeper calculation. Due to the emergence of those super criminals, the public is extremely eager for national security. At this time, the only thing they can rely on is the superheroes under the Vought Company. them.

If Xia Shang guessed correctly, Walt's next development policy is to continuously strengthen fans' dependence on superheroes.

This binds Vought to the United States and forms an entire community of interests.

"Then how can we deepen the masses' dependence on Walter..." The corners of Xia Shang's mouth slowly raised, he turned on the computer and looked at the huge anti-swastika on the screen, "Of course it is brainwashed, simple fans, I'm afraid It is no longer enough to satisfy Edgar, what he wants is a solid believer."

Bang bang bang... Suddenly there was a slight knock on the door.

"Please come in." Xia Shang said after closing the web page.

"Mr. Jervis, I'm here to visit you. I'm very happy to be your assistant." Ashley, whom we haven't seen for a long time, is still the same as before and likes to hold the folder against her chest.

She was still a little embarrassed to see her former subordinate now her current boss.

Xia Shang naturally stood up and shook hands with her, "I'm glad to see you back in the company. How is your work now? Are you still getting used to it? If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

"Thank you Mr. Jervis for your concern. I feel everything is fine. After going out this time, I found that Walter is more suitable for me." Ashley's attitude was obviously much more respectful. She had no choice but to stay under the roof. She had to bow her head. After all, Xia Shang was her direct leader. If she didn't know what was right, it would only make her life more and more difficult.

As a veteran in the workplace, Ashley would understand this simple truth.

"Is there anything wrong with you coming to see me this time?" Xia Shang asked.

After hearing this, Ashley quickly handed the document in her hand to Xia Shang: "I heard that Walter is planning to select a new superhero. I happen to have a hero here who is very suitable. He should be an excellent candidate to replace the Invisible Man."

"Blind spot, proficient in physical skills, good at medium and long-range weapon projection, although blind, but has super hearing, looks good, in your opinion, what is his selling point?" After reading the document in his hand, Xia Shang raised his He looked towards Ashley.

Ashley said without hesitation: "He is disabled and he is tenacious. Americans are looking forward to such a superhero."

"That's right, take me over and have a look."

Later, the two came to the training venue of Blind Spot, and the people from the motherland happened to be there.

"The culture now is about tolerance, they want some special superheroes, and I think if we can find a minority or a minority woman, then we will be invincible," Ashley told the two.

To put it bluntly, it is political correctness.

"It's amazing to still be able to move freely despite losing your vision." The native said with his hands behind his back, looking at the blind spot training.

At this time, after the training, Blind Spot heard the admiration of the motherland, so he walked up to the motherland excitedly, "Oh, Mr. Motherland, I am very honored..."

"Wait a minute, you actually knew it was me?" The motherland man showed an exaggerated smile: "That's amazing."

"With super ears, you don't need..." Before Blind Spot could finish his words, Xia Shang interrupted: "You don't need anything, don't you need help from others? Oh, young man, I really hope Walter can help you. .”

This guy has good super hearing, and Xia Shang doesn't want his ability to be ruined by his motherland.

"Mr. Jervis, it is not polite to interrupt others at will." A hint of gloom flashed in the eyes of the motherland, but then, he smiled and said to the blind spot: "What don't you need?"

The blind spot at this time reflected that what he just said was not very appropriate, "As this gentleman said, if you have super ears, you don't need help from others."

"Hahaha." The smile on the face of the motherland became even brighter. He stretched out his hand to hold the shoulder of the blind spot: "Your ability is amazing, and you, my friend, you are the real hero."

“It’s not because of your job, it’s because of what you overcame.”

"Thank you, your praise means a lot to me." Blind Spot was extremely excited. You know, he is a loyal fan of the motherland.


The motherland's fingers were clasped tightly, and with Blind Spot wailing, he threw him aside, "However, your strength is too weak and you are not qualified to join the seven-man group."

The man from the motherland changed his face very quickly. He turned around, looked at the two of them and said coldly: "From now on, all matters related to me will be decided by me, my sales strategy will be approved by me, and the key points of my speech will be decided by me. I'll write it, you two, don't try to be clever with me, especially you, Mr. Jervis.

You'd better put away those eyes in your body and stop looking around, otherwise Edgar won't be able to protect you, I'm telling you. "

Ashley on the side was too frightened to speak. It was obvious that the people of the motherland wanted to treat them as their own puppets. From now on, everything in the group could only be decided by him.

"Really? I think you are not qualified to tell me this. Just now, Mr. Edgar, just approved a superhero named Storm to join the Super Seven. It seems that this matter was done without your consent. ." Xia Shang was not false at all. He came to the people of his motherland and looked into each other's eyes.

I saw the motherland's eyes glowing red, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Very good, let me see what your ability is?"

"What do you think?" At the same time, Xia Shang's pupils turned blue.

Unexpectedly, the motherland people suddenly laughed and patted Xia Shang's arms, "Oh, old man, I was just joking with you. Without your publicity, I really don't know what I would do?"

"Your Excellency has always been the captain of the seven-man team in my mind, and I think you will be in the future too." Xia Shang also had the same sunny smile on his face as the people of his motherland.

"Of course, our cooperation will continue."

The native nodded and walked out of the training room with a smile. When he walked out of the training room, his expression returned to calmness, but there was hidden anger. He knew that his real obstacle was Edgar, not Xia Shang.

He walked into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the eighty-seventh floor.

Watching his leaving back, Xia Shang glanced at the blind spot on the side with an indifferent expression: "Take him down for treatment and let him and Shockwave become reserve members. After all, Walter not only has the Super Seven, but other heroes can also be trained. one time."

"Okay." Ashley, who had just come back to her senses, nodded quickly.

In fact, the so-called reserve team is the ability library that Xia Shang has prepared for himself. The current top speed of the locomotive, driven by the No. 5 compound, has reached 51%. Xia Shang has tested it. Compared with before, his speed is at least Improved by more than four times.

At the same time, the people from the motherland have arrived at Edgar's office.

At this time, a female congressman was being interviewed on the TV screen in the office.

"I'm also worried about terrorists, but that doesn't mean Walt can use our fears to control us."

Edgar's eyes always fell on the female congressman's face, and it seemed that the two knew each other.

"Good morning, my motherland. I'm surprised to see you at this time." Edgar greeted the motherland.

"Don't be surprised, let's talk about the storm girl."

The people of the motherland did not talk too much and directly brought the topic to Storm Girl.

"What? You want your opinion to be asked before recruiting Storm?"

"Why not? All the members have been approved by me before." The people of the motherland thought that Edgar was challenging his authority. "Don't forget, I am the captain of the Super Seven."

"I respect your status as captain." Edgar smiled.

The motherland man suppressed his anger and looked at Edgar: "I don't feel your respect for me. You know, even Madeleine doesn't dare to play this trick with me."

Under the constant questioning of the people of the motherland, Edgar gradually put away his smile. He took off his glasses and came to the people of the motherland and told him that the people from the Food and Drug Administration already knew about Compound No. 5, unless the people of the motherland were willing to lose their current situation. Everything, otherwise don't talk nonsense to him.

"Whether I ask you to stand in front of the Golden Globe Awards ceremony or let you run around in a cape, I don't need to ask for your opinion." Edgar raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling the pressure he felt , enough to make the people of the motherland afraid to talk to him.

Thanks to book friend Assassin Zhou Mingrui for the 500 starting coins, and to book friend Blue Star for the 500 starting coins. Thank you for your support!

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