Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 117 Sorry, I’m just targeting you

"Raifli, don't forget to cover that area with zinc sheets." Xia Shang pointed to the window.

"Okay, Mr. Jervis."

Later, Xia Shang returned to the office. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ashley who was waiting anxiously, and beside her stood Storm Girl, who looked calm but was actually furious.

"What qualifications do you have to block my Walter account? Even Edgar wouldn't dare to do that!" Just now, Storm Girl was planning to use Walter's account to promote her arrival, but during the live broadcast, she received A reminder for using the account illegally, and then her live broadcast room was blocked.

So she found Ashley and learned from Ashley that only Xia Shang and Edgar had this authority in Walter.

Needless to say, she also knew that it was the yellow-skinned monkey who was responsible.

"I will decide your publicity plan, what? Do you have any opinions?" Xia Shang came to the coffee machine calmly and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"You are looking for death!"

Storm Girl was so angry that she walked up to Xia Shang. She saw electric light flashing beside her and a strong wind constantly beating the glass of Xia Shang's office. She thought that when she participated in the second station, she had never experienced such great humiliation. Thinking of how a low-quality yellow-skinned monkey dared to provoke me.

Seeing that the atmosphere was becoming increasingly tense, Ashley, who was sweating profusely, hurriedly stood up and tried to mediate the relationship between the two.

"Mr. Jervis, Ms. Storm, this matter must be caused by a malfunction in our Walter backstage. This has happened before..." Before Ashley could finish her words, she was interrupted by Xia Shang coldly.

"It's not a malfunction." Xia Shang put down the coffee in his hand, looked at Storm Girl indifferently and said, "Sorry, I'm just targeting you."

Now his radio wave induction is enough to cover the entire Watt Building, which means that as long as he is in the Watt Building, he can control the movements of all superheroes, including the people of the motherland.

"Hahaha, Jervis, don't bully me. It's normal for people to just come to Walter and not understand Walter's rules." Sure enough, in the next second, the motherland man appeared at the door of Xia Shang's office and opened the door. Came in.

Since Storm Girl came to the Super Seven without his consent, she was equivalent to being a relationship installed by Edgar, and Storm Girl never visited him from beginning to end. This was simply a challenge to his majesty as captain.

Therefore, he felt very good when he saw that the relationship between the two was so bad.

"Hey, fellow motherland, you are my grandma's idol."

Hearing Storm Girl's compliment, the people of the motherland thought she was giving in to him, so they said to Xia Shang: "This new member looks pretty good. Sometimes it is also a virtue to tolerate other people's mistakes."

Xia Shang smiled. It was hard to imagine that the seemingly young storm girl in front of him was actually over seventy years old.

"No way. If you count from the Second Station, your grandma would be close to two hundred years old if she could live to this day." Xia Shang's level is enough to check the real information of Storm Girl.

Of course, people from the motherland are also eligible.

"You have investigated me." A woman is most taboo about others talking about her age, and Storm Girl is no exception. Storm Girl's face became extremely ugly, and her eyes were full of murderous intent when she looked at Xia Shang.

"You are a free woman." The motherland man suddenly smiled, and he understood that he had been fooled.

Free Girl was Storm Girl's former name, and Edgar just changed her name.

"I didn't expect that someone would still remember me." Storm Girl lifted her hair from her temples and suddenly said with a smile: "Jervis, don't forget, I can affect Walter's stock price. If Walter's stock price is affected due to my reasons, If the stock price drops, those shareholders of Watt will definitely let you get out."

"Then you give it a try. By the way, I have a good relationship with those shareholders. This may not necessarily affect me." The good relationship Xia Shang said naturally refers to the black information in his hands. In addition, , if those shareholders are disobedient, Xia Shang does not mind transferring their equity to others.

Don't doubt that Xia Shang, who has the ability to control blood, can do this easily.

So the tricks that worked for Madeleine may not work for him.

Seeing that Xia Shang was confident, Storm Girl's eyes narrowed slightly. Why was this guy in front of her like a hedgehog? She couldn't make a move. Forget it, her plan couldn't be ruined because of Xia Shang. She currently needs Walter just as much as Walter needs him. she.

"Okay, I apologize. It was my fault before. I hope you can forgive me." Storm Girl stretched out her left hand while planning how to make Xia Shang die "accidentally".

"Now that you have apologized, can I still forgive a beautiful lady?" Xia Shang shook hands with her in a gentlemanly manner and reached a superficial reconciliation.

If he hadn't analyzed the opponent's abilities, he guaranteed that Storm Girl wouldn't survive the next day.

"Welcome to Walter."

In this way, two guys with their own evil intentions temporarily signed an armistice agreement.

Seeing this, Ashley on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you interested in chatting with me?" There was a subtle change in the way the motherland looked at Storm Girl.

"Sorry, I have something else to do."

Storm Girl decisively rejected the motherland man, leaving him standing there in embarrassment.


the other side.

Huey thought of the extremely mysterious Mr. Mysterious. "Listen, I suddenly thought of a good candidate. Do you remember that Mr. Mysterious? Maybe he can help us."

"Why would he help us?" Breast milk shattered Huey's fantasy without hesitation, and added: "I have to remind you that since he can provide compound No. 6, it means that he has a constant relationship with Walter. Relationships, don’t forget the lessons Metzmer taught us.”

"Then who else can help us besides him?"

Several people looked at each other, and suddenly they said in unison: "Susan."

Huey and the others thought of Susan, the deputy director of the CIA. After all, the other party owed them a favor for Compound No. 5. If Susan had not promised to protect their personal safety, Billy would not have handed over the evidence in his hands. to each other.

Soon, they asked Susan to meet at the entrance of an abandoned factory.

The abandoned factory is located on the top of a mountain. Frankie is looking down with a telescope: "There is only one car, and she should be the only one."

Unexpectedly, at the same time, a black car was following Susan far behind.

"I heard that you have new evidence." Susan got out of the car and rubbed her temples. It could be seen that she was much more haggard than before. "Do you think Madeleine was killed by Billy? ?"

"Although he is a bastard, but... I don't know, after all, he was blinded by revenge." Mother Milk hesitated to speak, and finally shook her head: "I just hope he didn't do this."

There will be another chapter later. I have something to do today, so the update is a little late.

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