Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 118 People of the motherland who hope their children will become successful

"Ma'am, I have something else to ask you..." breast milk knew it might not be appropriate to ask now, but he had lost contact with his family for a long time.

"Information about your family?" Susan chose to skip this topic. It was not important at the moment. "How about this? Let's see if the clues are reliable first."

Later, Huey told Susan everything about the smuggling ship.

"You mean, there are super terrorists who smuggled themselves into the United States through a private dock?" Susan instantly realized that something was wrong. They had already passed and signed Walt's military bill, and there was no need for Walt to cause trouble for himself.

Reminiscing about Madeleine's confused look in the interrogation room during her lifetime, Susan was basically certain that Madeleine had absolutely no idea of ​​the existence of super terrorists.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Susan's whole head exploded like a watermelon.

Mother's Milk, Frankie, and Huey were frightened out of their wits. Mother's Milk quickly took out her gun, looked around, and roared loudly: "Quick, get out of here."

"A generous gift crab! A generous gift crab!" Huey said repeatedly in horror.

Soon, several people got into the car, and then breast milk stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and drove the car to escape in a hurry.

"What's going on?" Huey gasped in shock.

"The devil knows, oh Shet." Breast milk passed through the rearview mirror and did not notice Walter's pursuers.

Franky rubbed his face and forced himself to calm down, "Fuck, that's the deputy director of the CIA! Walter is simply crazy. They actually planted explosives in Susan's head. It looks like this This explosive is very special and may have been detonated through a certain keyword."

As a weapons expert, Frankie found it hard to imagine that any explosive could be implanted in Susan's body without her knowledge and be so powerful.

After several people returned to the basement, Anne called Huey. She had already found the person in the information according to the information Huey gave her, "The person in the information is called Gecko. I used to work in Isil." I met him at Qi’s charity event.

Because his superpower is like a gecko, he has super regenerative ability, hence the name Gecko. He has two jobs, one is to serve as a test subject for Walter's laboratory, and the other is to satisfy some sadistic people. wealthy people to earn a small amount of extra money.

I have already taken those torture videos and used them to threaten the gecko. Speaking of which, that bastard Jervis taught me this, but that is not important. What is important is that he has agreed to help us steal Compound No. 5. "

"Listen Starlight, we need to stop all actions for the time being. Walt is in danger. We must be more careful." Huey hung up the phone after saying that. The fear in his heart still hasn't dissipated, and the shadow of Susan's headshot has not dissipated. , constantly shrouding him, like a nightmare that he couldn't get rid of.

On the other end of the phone, Starlight looked at the hung up phone in disbelief. She didn't understand what happened to cause Huey to undergo such a huge change.

"Oh my god..." Just when Huey was confused, the guard in the basement was thrown down from the stairs.

Like frightened birds, Frankie and the others immediately picked up their guns and aimed them at the entrance to the basement.

As the footsteps got louder and louder, an unexpected figure appeared in front of them. It was Billy carrying his luggage. He put down his luggage and spread his arms towards everyone, "Hey, what are you guys waiting for?"

Seeing Billy suddenly appear in front of him, Huey couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Asshole, how did you find us?" Frankie punched Billy in the chest.

"Because I got a call from you."

Billy pulled him over and patted him on the back, "Nice to see you again, man."

Then a few people started chatting, and Frankie and the others were more concerned about where Billy had been during this time, and whether Madeleine was the one who did it.

“I can’t remember clearly, but I can guarantee that Madeleine was already dead when I pressed the detonation button.

In addition, I also saw Bega and her child, but I didn't understand that when I woke up again, I was in the underground parking lot of a restaurant. "Billy took out the paper in his arms and said, "This contains the key information about that place. I wrote down everything I could remember. "

"Wait, have you forgotten that this guy abandoned us and refused to save us, and now he is pretending that nothing happened?" Although Huey was very happy to see Billy back, he still had a hard time trusting this man who had once A guy who leaves his comrades alone.

"Sorry, I'm sorry for this. I thought you geniuses would come up with solutions, but it turns out that you did a good job, but at present, only I can solve your troubles. This is the purpose of Frankie calling me here. .”

Billy said in a deep voice.

"I am the leader of this team."

His words silenced Huey. Seeing this, Billy continued: "Frankie told me about your matters on the phone. To be honest, I admire your injection." Compound No. 5 rescued his companions, but the most critical issue now is that we have to speed up the resolution of the wanted order."

"Friendly reminder, it's Compound No. 6." Huey said.

Billy shrugged: "Whatever, it sounds like the same thing anyway."

"How are you going to solve it?" Mother Milk asked.

"Mallory, with her background, can easily track down clues about the stowaways."

At the critical moment, Billy found that his old boss was still effective.

The next day.

Xia Shang found the motherland with his speech.

"This is the speech for tomorrow's new hero conference. You can read it in advance."

"Okay, I understand." The motherland man motioned to Xia Shang to put it aside.

"I heard that your son's name is Maverick Lane. It's a good name. Is he also a superhuman? When will he visit Walter and let him see the great deeds of the motherland." Xia Shang handed over the speech. After throwing it on the table aside, he said with a smile.

"Of course, he is my son, and naturally he is also a superhuman." The man from the motherland couldn't help but raise his lips. He learned from the doctor that his son might be the first pure natural superhuman, and he felt extremely happy about this. pride.

"Let me tell you a secret. My son is a true superhuman. He has nothing to do with Compound No. 5." Although it is a secret, the tone of the motherland is quite proud.

Xia Shang showed a thoughtful expression, "As expected of being your son, this is simply a miracle. I think Walter can start a new project, a superhero training plan. Then we can select a group of young people. For superhuman beings, allowing the public to accompany and witness their growth, I believe there will be a huge market for this."

The people of the motherland were curious about Xia Shang's words: "What do you mean?"

Xia Shang smiled and said: "It's just like the current Super Seven, but you can think of it as a pocket version. If your son is good enough, I believe he will be welcomed by many people and even help you increase your popularity. This is A pretty good selling point, but only if your son is as good as you."

"He will." The motherland said with certainty.

However, since he has never seen his son use superpowers, the motherland is still a little guilty. However, for the sake of his own face, he cannot admit that his son will be weaker than other superhumans, and he will not allow this to happen.

"Jervis, I often say that you are a genius. Now I have to believe this. Let's go. I will take you to meet Maverick. He will definitely surprise you." The motherland man smiled. He patted Xia Shang's shoulder with interest.

The two immediately walked out of the Watt Building, and Xia Shang drove his pickup truck towards the villa where Bejia lived.

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