Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 119 Ms. Bejia, you are like a brain now

Chapter 119 Ms. Bejia, you are like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

Bejia was completely resistant to the arrival of the two people.

"I signed him up for piano lessons and music classes, and he is going to take classes now." She took Maverick Lane's hand and prepared to take him away.

"He's just a kid, don't put so much pressure on him, not to mention you're wasting his talent."

The motherland man stood in front of Bejia, reached out and touched Ryan's head, and said with a smile: "Would you rather play a hearty baseball game with us, or would you rather go to that useless hobby class?"

"I..." Ryan looked at his mother Bejia tangledly. As a child, he was obviously more inclined to the former.

"What's going on? Men should have their own courage. If everything is decided by the mother, it will only make others look down on you." Seeing his son's timid appearance, the people of the motherland were obviously not happy. He felt that Bejia was in Ryan The status in his mind is much higher than that of his own father.

"Let's go, don't keep the teacher waiting."

Bejia took Ryan and was about to leave. Now she just wanted to pursue an ordinary life and didn't want people from her motherland to disturb them.

"Let your children make their own decisions."

Bejia's actions have angered the people of the motherland. The people of the motherland put away the smile on their faces and said in a deep voice.

"Do you remember what you promised me?" Had Bejia not begged him in tears to let Billy go, otherwise he would not have let Billy go. In exchange, he had the right to stay with his son.

Seeing that the atmosphere was gradually deadlocked, Xia Shang stood up. He smiled and extended his right hand to Bejia: "Nice to meet you, Ms. Bejia. I am Jervis, Vice President of Walter. I want to come and see you." Ryan, that’s why Mr. Motherland brought me here.”

"Hello, Mr. Jervis." Bejia squeezed out a smile and shook hands with Xia Shang.

"Okay, let's play baseball." The native patted Ryan on the back, but Ryan had no intention of following him.

At this time, Bega bent down and said to Ryan: "I'll give you a day off today, but you need to make up for your classes tomorrow. Go take out the baseball bat."

After getting Bega's consent, Ryan ran towards the house excitedly.

Seeing Ryan disappear from sight, Bejia's smile disappeared instantly. She turned to look at the two of them: "I just hope that Ryan can become an ordinary child and live an ordinary life. I don't want him to have any contact with Walter. The people of the motherland can stay, Mr. Jervis, please leave my home."

It has to be said that as a mother, Bejia is extremely sensitive to Ryan's affairs. She knows that Xia Shang must have his purpose in coming here this time.

Xia Shang shook his head silently. Ever since the people of his motherland knew that Ryan was his son, Ryan was destined to be unable to live the ordinary life he had before.

"Bejia, I warn you, I am Ryan's father, and I am qualified to change his life." Bejia drove Xia Shang away, making the people of the motherland feel very embarrassed. He put his hands behind his back and continued: "He is a native of the motherland. My son is not an ordinary person, he was born to inherit my glory and become the superhero in the United States second only to me."

"If you still train him as an ordinary person, I will consider taking him away from you."

Facing the threat from her motherland, Bejia gritted her teeth and did not dare to speak. She knew that her motherland could do anything. Then she looked at Xia Shang, her eyes full of begging.

"My motherland, can I talk to this lady?" Xia Shang said.

When the motherland man saw Ryan running toward him with two baseball bats in his hands, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Whatever."

Later, the two stood under the shade of a big tree and watched the game between father and son not far away.

Bejia's expression was always very solemn.

"Ryan is a good boy, but he can't change the fact that he is a superhuman." Xia Shang put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

"So Walt wants to snatch him away from me and use him as your profit tool, Walt."

Bejia's words hit the nail on the head, and she turned to glare at Xia Shang.

Feeling the other party's selective and devouring gaze, Xia Shang still said calmly: "Your current life is all an illusion. You have to admit it. The appearance of the motherland only broke your illusion in advance. , I imagine that you can still live an ordinary life like you do now."

"Do you know? Ms. Bega, you are like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand now, but when the strong wind passes by, your head will be exposed to the air."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Bejia's face was extremely ugly after being hit in a sore spot.

"I want to say that escaping is not the solution to the problem. Maybe Ryan can't awaken his superpower now, but when he grows up a little, he will find that he is completely different from ordinary people.

Think about it, if Ryan was bullied on campus, would he be unable to control his superpowers and shoot a laser to kill all his classmates, or would his goddess be robbed by some yellow-haired gangster? Go, will he go berserk because of this? Of course, there are many such cases.

In our database of Walter, there are countless tragic cases like this. Ms. Bega, I think you are not willing to let your son become a murderer. "

As Xia Shang finished speaking, Beijia frowned and was obviously deep in thought.

The issues raised by Xia Shang had always worried her, but she had forced herself to ignore them in the past. She was betting that Ryan would never awaken his superpower.

But is this possible? Bejia asked herself, how could she not notice that after spending such a long time with Ryan, the signs of Ryan's ability awakening became more and more obvious as he grew older. Even during a family event, Ryan's eyes flashed with the same... The same red light as the people of the motherland.

at the same time.

A native of China who was playing baseball with his son discovered that Ryan couldn't catch any of the balls he threw.

"Okay, Ryan, use your superpowers." People from the motherland thought that Ryan didn't use his superpowers on purpose.

Unexpectedly, Ryan shook his head blankly: "What do you mean?"

There was no other way, so the people of the motherland had no choice but to demonstrate to their son. He turned around and threw the baseball into the sky. Driven by the terrifying force, the baseball broke through the sound barrier at an extremely fast speed and disappeared into the blue sky in an instant. In the sky.

Ryan opened his mouth slightly in shock. When his father looked at him, he subconsciously said, "I can't do it."

"You can definitely do it! You are my son." The native voice was firm. He came to Ryan and asked, "Didn't anyone tell you about your super power?"

"I don't know." Not many people knew that Ryan was a superhuman, including Bejia. The people of the motherland immediately understood that Bejia did not tell his son about his superpowers.

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