Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 120 Why is there an extra godson?

"It's time for you to know."

I saw the motherland stretching out his hands to hold Ryan's shoulders, and then, the motherland took Ryan soaring into the sky.

"Ryan!" Seeing this, Bejia ran to the lawn in panic, waved his arms and shouted toward the sky: "Let him down quickly."

"Don't be nervous, Ryan is not an ordinary person."

Xia Shang tried to get Bejia to regain her composure, but unfortunately failed. Bejia mistakenly thought that the people of the motherland wanted to take away Ryan, so at this time, she completely lost her mind. She just wanted her son to return to her.

The scene turned to Ryan. After experiencing the initial fear, his mood slowly calmed down, "It's amazing."

"How do you feel? Only by flying to a high place can you overlook everything. This is an experience that Beijia cannot give you." The native of the motherland said thoughtfully.

"The buildings on the ground have become so small." Ryan gradually became obsessed with the thrill of flying, and this was a new perspective he had never experienced before.

"You can do it if you think about it."

After the motherland flew around with Ryan, he finally landed on the roof of Bega's villa. He was not so mad that he dropped Ryan thousands of miles high in the sky. He just wanted to stimulate his son's superpowers, not kill him.

"Try it." The native looked down and saw that the roof was only five or six meters above the ground, not to mention that there was a layer of lawn on the ground.

However, this height was quite challenging for Ryan. He just glanced down, and then said directly: "No, I can't do it, I will be thrown to death."

"You are my son. You are born to fly. Do as I say. You just need to take a deep breath and step forward, and your body will fly automatically." To be honest, that is, to my own son, I don’t have such good patience with other people from my motherland.

"No, I will fall down directly, and then..."

Seeing that his son was so cowardly, an unknown fire ignited in the hearts of the people of the motherland. With a cold face, he pushed Ryan off the roof, ignoring Bejia's shouts, "Lian! Open your eyes."

"Ah!!" As Ryan screamed, he fell straight onto the lawn, showing no sign of awakening his ability.

"Ryan, my God." Bega flew to Ryan and held him in her arms.

Seeing this scene, the motherland people flew to Xia Shang's side with some disappointment, "Sorry, I really didn't expect... It seems that Ryan can't participate in your plan for the time being."

"It's okay. I can understand it. He will awaken his super powers. It's just a matter of time."

After a while, Ryan woke up from his coma. Bejia suppressed the anger in her heart and prepared to help Ryan into the room to rest.

"Wait." The motherland man walked up to her and grabbed her wrist with force. Because the motherland man failed to control his strength, Bejia felt that his bones were about to be crushed. Seeing the look on her mother's face, Painful expression.

Ryan actually pushed the motherland man away.

"I don't allow you to touch her!" Ryan's eyes glowed red, angrily warning the people of the motherland.

The motherland man was lying on the ground and saw the red light in his son's eyes. Not only was he not angry, but he laughed at Xia Shang and said: "Jervis, did you see that my son can actually push me down, haha Ha ha."

"Mr. Jervis, I want to talk to you."

Bejia ignored the extremely excited natives on the ground and took Ryan into the villa.

"You go do your math homework first, and I want to chat with this uncle for a while." After hearing this, Ryan looked at Xia Shang warily, and raised his fist to block his mother, "You are not allowed to bully mother, otherwise I'll teach you a lesson."

How could Xia Shang take the threat from such a little brat to heart? He just smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, go ahead." After sending Ryan away, Bejia took a bottle of mineral water for Xia Shang from the refrigerator nearby. "Sorry, I apologize for Ryan's rude behavior."

"It's okay, he's a great kid." After Xia Shang took the mineral water, he sat on the sofa opposite Bejia, waiting for Bejia to start the conversation.

"You're right. Ryan can easily lose control. You saw it just now. His strength is much greater than that of ordinary people. If this continues, I can't believe what will happen?" Bejia's inner defenses were completely shattered at this time. Defeated, she covered her face and said with a cry.

To put it bluntly, she was still frightened by the case cited by Xia Shang. Care will lead to chaos. This sentence is not just rhetoric.

At the same time, the motherland man put his hands behind his back and leaned against the door pretending to be calm. His ears were trembling slightly.

"Ms. Bejia, I am here this time to solve this problem. If you are willing, I can take Ryan to Walter and let the professionals teach him how to correctly control his abilities.

In addition, I also plan to form a small team of seven. The ages of these seven children should not be very different. I will let the masses jointly supervise their behavior and establish correct three views for them. This is actually laying the foundation for Walter’s next college plans. "

Edgar did not know about the college plan mentioned by Xia Shang. Currently, this plan only exists in Xia Shang's mind and has not been announced to the outside world.

"College plan?" Bejia asked puzzledly.

"The college plan, the full name is No. 5 Superhuman Normative Guidance Vocational and Technical College, or No. 5 College for short. The purpose of its existence is to correctly guide and teach those superhuman young people how to use their superpowers, and, in the absence of complete You cannot graduate until you master your own abilities." Xia Shang then added.

"Except for some subjects related to superpowers, everything else is exactly the same as in ordinary colleges and universities. There are also subjects such as mathematics and music."

After listening to Xia Shang's explanation, Bejia's eyes gradually brightened, "The plan is very good, when will Walter implement this plan?"

Xia Shang shook his head, "Actually, this plan has another advantage. It can prevent superhumans from being discriminated against in ordinary schools. After all, the number of superhumans is too rare compared to ordinary people. There is data to prove that 27% of superhumans are Superhumans were discriminated against by ordinary people when they were studying, and they regarded them as heretics, monsters, etc."

"Fortunately, under our propaganda at Walt, superhumans have gradually been dubbed superheroes, so there are not many voices against superhumans."

"As for when Walter will be able to implement this plan, I think it may take some time."

“Why not do it sooner?”

When Bega heard the 27% data, she felt uneasy. She didn't want Ryan to be called a monster in the future.

"Because of the lack of experiments, I wanted to find a group of young superhumans first to verify whether my idea was correct." Xia Shang explained with a smile.

"I see." Bejia finally understood what Xia Shang's purpose was in coming to Ryan.

After some hesitation, in order to prevent Ryan from becoming a murderer, she finally nodded and said: "I agree, but I have three requirements. First, Ryan cannot be allowed to leave me. If I want to see him, I can see him at any time."

"no problem."

"Second, we cannot let people from our motherland teach Ryan."

Beijia's second request made Xia Shang frown. After a few seconds, he said, "I'll try my best. I hope you can understand us."

Xia Shang's hidden meaning is that the people of the motherland are too powerful and Walter can't control him at all.

"I understand." If Xia Shang agreed too readily, Beijia was worried that the other party was perfunctory. Soon, she made her third request, "Third, you promise me to accept Ryan as your godson." .”

How to make the other party take care of Ryan with all his heart. The third requirement is the solution that Beijia thought of. I have to say that she is very smart, even Xia Shang did not think of it.

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