Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 121 You don’t even want to call me godfather

"You want me to be your child's godfather? Like Sirius in Harry Potter?"

The word "godfather" has multiple meanings in the United States. In addition to referring to a person with a unique status in a certain field, it can also be linked to a Christian priest. However, there is still a certain difference between the two. However, Americans now prefer to think of this word as Godfather will use it.

That is, "adopted father".

"That's right, as the vice president of Watt Group, you are qualified and capable to become Ryan's godfather. As long as you agree, I will let Ryan join Watt." Bejia's purpose of doing this is very simple, he wants Xia Shang to become Ryan's protective umbrella, she has a very vicious eye, and she can tell at a glance that Xia Shang has an unusual relationship with the people of the motherland.

At least the other party is not afraid of the people of the motherland.

"Okay, I promise you."

Outside the door, the face of the motherland was ashen. He turned around and held the door handle. He saw that the metal door handle was directly twisted and deformed under his terrifying force. After some hesitation, he finally restrained himself from pushing the door. desire.

Forget it, as long as Ryan can stay by his side, he will be his godfather. Anyway, Xia Shang is just an outsider, and he is Ryan's real father.

"Lian." At Bega's call, Ryan walked out of the room.

"This is Mr. Jervis."

Bega introduced him.

"Hello, Mr. Jervis," Ryan said nervously.

"From today on, Mr. Jervis is your adoptive father. Please call him Godfather." Bejia wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes quietly and gently patted the dirt off Ryan's body.

However, Ryan pursed his lips tightly and his eyes were full of resistance.

Seeing this, Bejia gently persuaded: "Mr. Jervis is a good man. Haven't you always wanted to visit the Watt headquarters? He is the vice president of the Watt Group, and he can take you to meet many superheroes. "

You know, before this time, the words superhero and Walter would never have appeared in Bejia's mouth.

These two words have always been taboo in the family.

"Are all superheroes the same as my father?" Ryan whispered.

Obviously, the actions of the motherland just now have cast a lingering shadow on the young mind of this poor child.

"How is it possible? They are all very nice people, and their super powers are also very interesting." Xia Shang said with a smile.

At present, Ryan has not awakened all his abilities, which means that he cannot analyze any abilities from the other party. However, Xia Shang is not in a hurry. He has not yet fully integrated the locomotive's superpowers. Besides, he can now provide There are many superpowers he can choose from, he just needs to be patient in cultivating Ryan.

Strive to make Ryan's potential exceed that of his motherland.

Because in a sense, as the only one in the black robe who may be a purely natural superhuman, Ryan is quite a bit like a child of destiny.

"Mr. Jervis."

Ryan still couldn't say the word godfather.

"Ryan!" Bega scolded sternly.

"It's okay, don't blame the child, he will get used to it gradually." Xia Shang stood up and came to Ryan, patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Let's go, I will take you to visit the Watt Building, and treat you by the way. Have a nice meal.”

Ryan did not move, but looked at his mother Bejia.

Bejia nodded, "Go early and come back early. I'll wait for you at home."

After the mother and son hugged, Xia Shang took Ryan out of the villa. In his radio induction, Xia Shang discovered the location of the motherland and suddenly moved from the door to the car.

Seeing Xia and Shang walking towards him, the motherland man raised a sunny smile and was about to embrace Ryan.

However, Ryan lowered his head to avoid his arms and hid behind Xia Shang.

"Well, we, father and son, still have a long time together."

Afterwards, Xia Shang drove to Manhattan and saw that the walls on both sides of the road in Manhattan were covered with posters of Storm, Queen Maeve and Starlight. The slogans on them were, Defenders of Women’s Rights, the Three Loveliest Ladies .

Today is the official opening day of the new hero promotion meeting. Xia Shang simply packed the three of them together for promotion.

Xia Shang pressed the car's radio button, and Xingguang's voice soon came from inside.

"Are you ready to meet the new member of the Super Seven? I believe you are very much looking forward to it. Our new member has traveled from Portland to Seattle. She has abilities beyond imagination. Please stay tuned."

At the same time, Ryan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked around curiously. This was a sight he had never seen before, and everything was very novel in his eyes.

The man from the motherland on the side couldn't bear it anymore. He had to find some topic to chat with his son: "Is this your first time in Manhattan? By the way, can you give me your mobile phone number? If someone bullies you, you You can call me anytime.”

I saw Ryan lying on the window and saying: "I don't have a mobile phone. Is this called Manhattan? There are so many people. This is the first time I have seen so many people."

"I can't believe you don't have a phone."

The motherland man immediately took out his mobile phone and handed it to Ryan without hesitation, "This is a gift for you."

"Thank you." A child is a child after all, not to mention that his father is a native of the motherland. The previous unhappiness has long been forgotten by him. Ryan took the phone and looked at it repeatedly, with a happy expression on his face.

"But I don't have anyone I can contact."

"You can call me, Ryan, I don't have many friends at your age." The native expressed his understanding, and he understood this well.

"Mom said loneliness can help people understand themselves better."

Ryan's words resonated with the people of his motherland. He looked at his son distressedly, "Your mother is right. Can I tell you a secret? In fact, my father has never played baseball with me on the lawn. , in fact, I don’t have a father or a mother at all.”

At this time, Xia Shang, who was driving, turned the steering wheel expressionlessly.

"Ryan, you'll soon learn that it's not easy to be better than everyone in the world, it almost isolates me from the world, and gods... shouldn't feel that... pain or loneliness, Ryan, we are gods , Son, we can do whatever we want, and no one can stop us. This feeling is very wonderful.

And you can now share this wonderful feeling with me. "

It has to be said that Bega is right not to want Ryan to have contact with the people of the motherland. This guy's brainwashing ability is not inferior to that of Storm Girl.

Unfortunately, Ryan has a mother, and the education he received since childhood prevented him from understanding what the people of his motherland said.

"We're here, Ryan, let's get out of the car." Xia Shang opened the car door and took Ryan towards the Water Building.

Today, the entrance to the Watt Building was crowded with superhero fans and a large number of news media reporters. As the Minister of Security, Blitz was maintaining order at the scene when he saw Xia Shang's car waiting at the entrance of Watt.

A team of security personnel was immediately sent to escort Xia Shang out of the car.

"Well done, Blitzcrank. It seems you have adapted to this job." Xia Shang smiled and nodded to Blitzcrank.

"Mr. Jervis, this is what I should do."

Although the relationship between the two is good in private, this is a public place after all, Blitz said with a serious face, and then he helped Xia Shang stop the reporters who were pouring in.

When Ryan experienced this scene for the first time, he inevitably showed a nervous and frightened look. At this time, the motherland man took Ryan's hand and pulled him to his side. He raised his head and showed his standard smile and said: "Don't Nervousness, it’s not a big deal, you should learn to enjoy it.”

At the same time, Xia Shang stopped and nodded to a blond reporter in the crowd. Blitz immediately understood what he meant and brought the blond reporter to Xia Shang.

The blonde reporter was a standard white beauty. She looked at Xia Shang in disbelief, "Is it me? Is it me?"

She couldn't believe she was chosen.

"Yes, that's you, beautiful lady. Sometimes luck always favors good-looking people like you and me." Xia Shang's words made the reporters and fans present burst into laughter.

"Sorry..." After the blond reporter calmed down, he put the microphone in front of his lips: "I'm honored, Mr. Jervis. I heard that you became the vice president of Walter step by step from a security guard. May I ask this? Are the rumors true?"

Xia Shang took the microphone handed to him and said, "Yes, as you can see, in Walter, as long as you are capable, talented, and work hard enough, you will get amazing rewards. I have always believed that , even a small person will have his highlight moments."

In an instant, Xia Shang's speech won him warm applause.

"So Walter is looking forward to your resume. What are you waiting for? Act quickly." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Mr. Jervis, although your speech is wonderful, there has been a lot of negative comments about Walter recently on the Internet. The introduction of superheroes into the military system has made people worry about whether your power is too much. It’s huge and has reached a level that no one can supervise. What do you want to say about this?”

The blond reporter was indeed a professional reporter, and he asked such a tricky and sensitive question right from the start.

"Vice President."

Blitz walked to Xia Shang's side, with a fierce glint in his eyes.

Xia Shang shook his head imperceptibly, and then replied with a smile: "I know that many people are very concerned and worried about this issue, but what I want to say is that the foundation for our survival at Walter is inseparable. With the support and trust of the public, I believe that it is not just the Ministry of Defense that can supervise Vought.

There are tens of millions of people, you can also supervise Walter, and you also have this great power! "

In the room on the top floor of the Watt Building, Edgar, wearing a suit, was sitting in front of the TV. When he heard Xia Shang's speech, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he raised his hand to take a sip of coffee.

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