"But..." The blonde reporter knew very well that Xia Shang was changing the concept. Just when she was about to continue asking, she was frightened by Xia Shang's eyes. That indifferent gaze was like looking at a corpse.

The blond reporter shivered all over, and suddenly felt a chill spreading throughout his body from his fingertips.

"But what? Do you have any objections to my speech?" Xia Shang smiled and said calmly.

"No, no, your speech is very good. Let's move on to the next question." The blonde reporter pretended to be calm. Her hand holding up her hair trembled slightly, which proved that she was not calm now. "Excuse me, why can Storm Girl replace The Invisible Man’s position, becoming a member of the Super Seven.”

Xia Shang looked around and said with a smile: "Because she is good enough. Of course, her charming appearance is also indispensable, and she is also a minority. This fully reflects the inclusiveness of our Wolter. He is an opponent of racial discrimination, but also an advocate and defender of feminism.”

"Okay, Mr. Jervis, I have a third question."

The blond reporter adjusted the recorder on his collar and said, "As we all know, Locomotive has disappeared from people's sight for a long time. Where has Locomotive gone? His fans miss him very much."

This question was obviously a hot topic on the Internet. The surrounding media reporters immediately braced themselves and looked forward to Xia Shang's answer.

Xia Shang coughed twice and said mysteriously: "I think he will appear in front of you soon, so be prepared to welcome this surprise."

The blond reporter wanted to continue asking, but saw Xia Shang handing the microphone in his hand to a native of the country beside him.

"You must also be curious about who this child standing next to the motherland is. Next, let the motherland introduce it to you."

After the native took the microphone, fans screamed loudly before he could say anything.

"People of the motherland! People of the motherland! People of the motherland!"

Seeing this, the native of the country naturally smiled like sunshine. He opened his arms towards the fans and enjoyed the honor and praise.

After the screams subsided, the motherland signaled everyone to be quiet. He picked up the microphone, put his arm around Ryan's shoulders, and said with great pride: "Maverick Lane, the son of the motherland, the future superhero! I will share my glory with him without any hesitation!"

In an instant, thunderous applause sounded loudly and lasted for a long time.

"Lian! Ryan!" the natives shouted softly.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd burst out with amazing shouts, "Ryan! Ryan!"

Countless fans raised their arms and swayed, their expressions were quite excited. For a moment, Ryan became the focus of the audience, click! Click... Countless flash lights lit up, as if the biggest highlight of the day was not Storm Girl, but Ryan, who made his debut.

"Oh, baby, can you rely on the people of the motherland?" A reporter holding a camera said to Ryan.

Ryan stood there at a loss, his eyes full of panic, and he nervously grabbed the hem of the motherland's clothes.

"Ryan, don't be nervous, relax."

The Chinese people cooperated with reporters and Lane in various poses. The reporters at the scene had never seen such "obedient" Chinese people. In shock, they pressed the shutter frantically. They raced against time, not wanting to miss this rare opportunity.

On the other side, Huey, who was watching the live broadcast, immediately called Billy.

At this time, Billy has found Mallory.

Mallory had just attended Susan's funeral when the two of them met in the underground parking garage.

"It's hard to imagine that you killed Susan and still dared to come to me." Mallory closed the newly opened car door and walked outside.

"Where are you going?"

Billy called out to Mallory, but Mallory really didn't want to see Billy who would only cause trouble. "There are about twenty federal agents in the church next door. I think they haven't left yet. I'm going to report you now." , you murderer."

"Please, do you even think I did it? Even with Huey's walnut-sized brain, you can figure out that this is a frame-up, and it was Walt who put the shit on my head." Billy said angrily.

Seeing Mallory insisting on leaving, Billy can only say that he knows who killed Susan.

This trick worked really well. Mallory stopped and turned to look at Billy, "Who is it?"

But due to the aftermath of the explosion, Billy lost his memory of that night, "Listen, strictly speaking, I don't know who it is, but I have clues about him. He smuggled to Star Jersey with someone. It is related to the super terrorist, and as long as we can find that super terrorist, we can find him."

At this moment, Billy's cell phone rang.

"Sorry." Billy picked up the phone and saw that it was Huey, and a trace of impatience flashed across his face.

He gritted his teeth and said in a hurry: "Hey, I'm busy now. If you call me and just want to discuss whether to eat pizza or pasta tonight, then I will definitely put the muzzle of my gun into you. In the ass.”

"At today's promotion meeting for Walter's new hero, the motherland man showed up with his son."

"Ryan? Oh Shet, what does he want to do?" Billy quickly hung up the phone, then clicked on a social software, and sure enough he saw a native of his country who was constantly showing off his son.

To be honest, he now has the urge to run in front of the people of the motherland and snatch them away. Fortunately, his remaining sense tells him that unless he wants to die young, go ahead.

The best outcome is to be regarded as a terrorist and then die under the laser eyes of the motherland.

"Billy?" Mallory on the side noticed that Billy's mood was not right, so he frowned and asked.

"It's okay, let's discuss how to find the super terrorist. As long as we find him, we will know who killed Susan, and we can also get Walter's criminal evidence." Billy clenched the phone hard, trying to get through the pain Divert yourself.

the other side.

Xia Shang came to the interview room. At this time, Xingguang and Storm Girl were being interviewed. Both the media and the manuscripts in Xingguang's hands were provided by Xia Shang.

"Storm, I'm glad you can join the Super Seven. You must be as happy as I am." The host in a suit said.

"Hello, Mr. Jervis."

Ashley, who was in charge of supervision, bowed her head and greeted Xia Shang respectfully after seeing Xia Shang come in.

"Well, how's the progress going?"

Xia Shang's eyes fell on Xingguang and Fengfeng. Except for Xingguang, Fengfeng's sitting posture was extremely casual. When faced with the host's words, she even said that she was not very happy.

"I don't feel anything. I don't think it's something that would make me happy."

Looking at Xia Shang beside her, her expression became increasingly ugly. Ashley stood in the interview room and didn't even dare to breathe.

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