Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 123 It’s good that you have ideas, but I pay more attention to results

"Cut the part just now and reshoot it."

"Okay, Mr. Jervis." The staff member responsible for shooting the video made an OK gesture to the host after adjusting the camera.

The male host nodded slightly to show his understanding, "Ladies, can we do it again?"

"No problem." Starlight kept a normal smile, while Storm Girl beside her reluctantly adjusted her sitting posture, "I have no objection."

"Where's Maeve? Why didn't I see her?" Xia Shang glanced around and found that Maeve was not in the interview room. According to the schedule, today should be an interview meeting for Starlight, Storm and Maeve.

Ashley on the side whispered: "Maeve took a phone call and left. We can't contact her at the moment."

"Keep calling her, and if she doesn't answer, send her a text message. Tell her that if I don't see her in half an hour, tell her to never come again. Be prepared to break the contract. Look at her." How much wealth can we afford to compensate?"

Xia Shang had a cold face. It seemed that in Maeve's mind, he was not as intimidating as Madeline. At least until Madeline died, Queen Maeve would never dare to do this.

"Mr. Jervis, won't you think about it again?" Queen Maeve is Walter's old hero. She is very popular and prestigious in the company. Ashley is worried that Maeve will really choose to break the contract in anger. .

Xia Shang said nothing, turned and left the interview room.

Breach of contract? The premise is that Maeve has the courage. Don't forget, he still has the black box of Flight 37 in his hand. Unless Maeve wants to be ruined, she has to come to him obediently and admit her mistake.

Xia Shang's actions were like knocking on a mountain and shaking a tiger, directly shocking Xingguang and Fengfeng who were present. They looked shocked and couldn't believe that Xia Shang would do things so well.

"Let's talk about the next topic." The male host on the side saw that the atmosphere was not right and quickly changed the topic.

"How about we talk about men? Starlight, I heard that you rejected Shenhai's pursuit. Are you single now, or do you have a wife?"

Faced with the host's question, Xingguang said decisively: "Single, absolutely single."

"Okay, I believe netizens will respect your choice, what about Ms. Storm?"

"Same as her." Feng Feng originally wanted to cross her legs, but when she thought of Xia Shang's warning just now, she couldn't help but put her right leg down.

Seeing that the interview was progressing so smoothly, which was completely opposite to what it was before Xia Shang came, Ashley couldn't help but sigh at Xia Shang's clever methods. At least she didn't dare to beat the two of them so blatantly.

"What do you think about the recent focus of public opinion, the topic of women's rights?" the host asked.

The first person to speak was Xingguang. She smiled slightly: "I think this is inevitable. With the development of the times, women have gradually awakened their consciousness. When facing injustice and discrimination, they no longer swallow their voices, but stand bravely. Come out and speak out, they represent women in the new century and should be respected and recognized."

"Pfft!" Storm, who was sitting next to Starlight, couldn't help laughing. As an Aryan who believed in nationalism, she only thought this thing was funny and ridiculous, but she quickly put away her laughter.

"Don't get me wrong, I just thought of something ridiculous. As for my point of view, it is completely consistent with Starlight."

As time went by, the interview came to an end. During the process, Xingguang picked up her phone from time to time to check if there was any latest news. Although she looked calm on the outside, she was actually very anxious inside because Gecko had promised her that she would hand over Compound No. 5 within today. into her hands.

At this moment, the host continued to ask: "Starlight, your team member Locomotive has been out of public view for a long time. Walter's explanation is that Locomotive has recently carried out a secret mission abroad, and you are worried about him." ?"

Starlight, who knew the truth of the matter, knew that this was just Walter's perfunctory words, but she had to pretend to be concerned: "Of course, I pray for him every night. There are such brave heroes fighting for the United States. This is the luck of the American people, and it also represents Walter’s determination to protect the safety of the American people!”

"Then what if I tell you that he is right behind you?" The host just finished speaking.

The long-awaited locomotive rushed out of a side room. He put on his standard moves in front of the media and smiled at everyone: "Hey, the locomotive is here! How are you guys doing lately?"

The sudden appearance of the locomotive made Xingguang freeze on the spot. When she came to her senses, she pretended to be happy and stepped forward to hug him.

After the two separated, Locomotive greeted Storm Girl beside him: "Storm, it's an honor to meet you. I'm your super fan."

"Me too." While the two were chatting with each other.

Starlight finds Ashley and asks her why the locomotive suddenly appeared.

"This is a surprise specially prepared for you by Mr. Jervis. After all, everyone knows that Locomotive is your best partner." Ashley had a smile on her face, but she soon noticed that Starlight seemed unhappy, " Why do you feel that you are not very happy?"

"No way, I'm just a little surprised." Starlight forced a smile. In fact, both she and Locomotive knew what happened that night.

She betrayed Walter in order to help Huey, and Locomotive was in a coma after being injected with a large amount of No. 5 compound. Since Edgar did not want the No. 5 compound to be exposed, it was impossible for Locomotive to talk about it in front of the media, and when the motherland When people find him.

He just said that he was a step late. By the time he arrived, several people had already escaped from the underground prison.

the other side.

Xia Shang came to President Walter's office.

At the same time, the motherland and Ryan were also there. After they saw Xia Shang come in, the motherland left the room with Ryan.

"Sit." Edgar asked Xia Shang to sit down with no expression on his face.

After Xia Shang sat down, he said: "I have read the plan you submitted. I have no objection to the plan to form a small seven-man team. However, this project has never been tried by Walter, and there are still certain limitations. It’s risky, I hope you can treat it with caution.”

"You must also know that my style of doing things is more conservative, but I understand that the 21st century is the century of young people. It is good that you have ideas, but I pay more attention to results. If your plan does not achieve what I want, If it doesn't work, I will stop immediately, I hope you can understand."


Xia Shang handed the documents prepared in advance to Edgar.

"According to market research, I found that many people are very much looking forward to witnessing the growth of superheroes. This is a huge and brand-new market. This can increase fans' stickiness to Walt and is very conducive to Walt's development. If, I mean If, the updated iteration of compound No. 5 is stabilized.

It can be sold as a common drug. At that time, Ryan and the others will be the perfect candidates to promote Compound No. 5. "

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