Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 125 We have to get rid of Ryan, we can’t let Walter

Chapter 125 We have to get rid of Ryan, we can’t let Walter cultivate another freak!

Although Xingguang was sure that Locomotive did not dare to tell the truth, she was eager to get away at the moment. If the people of the motherland noticed the abnormal situation here, everything would be over.

"Okay, money is not a problem, I just hope you don't stand in front of me." Relying on Walter's monthly salary, plus additional income such as dividends, Starlight can barely scrape together six million US dollars. As for the remaining money, only Can apply for a loan from a bank.

"I'm warning you not to play tricks." The locomotive threw the cosmetic bag in his hand to Starlight and turned sideways to let her leave.

Before leaving, Starlight glared at Locomotive and looked at her hurried away figure. A trace of bitterness flashed across Locomotive's face. In fact, his situation was not difficult. In order to maintain his ability, he had to continue injecting No. 5 compound. And he also has to help the people of the motherland handle some dirty work. In addition, his life is now under the control of others.

After he woke up, a mysterious man came to him. The man's appearance was very ordinary, and he had no impression of it. The mysterious man assigned him some tasks. If he couldn't complete them, his heart would burst and die. .

The locomotive didn't believe it at all at first. It wasn't until a tentacle grew out of his chest that he panicked.

"Death is not difficult, but survival is very difficult," the locomotive said with emotion.

On the other side, Maeve appeared in front of Xia Shang holding a little girl.

The girl was the only survivor of Flight 37, Hana Lara, and Xia Shang sensed special radio waves in her body that are unique to superhuman beings.

"Fifty-seven minutes, you're late." Xia Shang raised his watch and looked at the time on it and said.

"Sorry, Mr. Jervis, the doctor just informed me urgently that Lala's symptoms have significantly worsened, so I had to rush over." Regarding the crash of Flight 37, Maeve knew that she was also responsible. Out of guilt, she adopted Hana Lara lost her parents.

"She is a survivor of Flight 37?"

According to Xia Shang's guess, the little girl in front of him might have been injected with compound No. 5 since she was a child, just like Xingguang, but she didn't know it. Edgar and Madeleine never told him about this matter.

He didn't pay attention to it himself. He estimated that he should be able to find information related to Lala from Walter's database.

"What's so serious about this disease? She shouldn't be brought here today."

"Severe dependence and some other mental illnesses."

Maeve showed compassion on her face, and she touched the little girl's hair tenderly, but the little girl hugged her right arm tightly, as if she was extremely alert to everything around her.

"This will not happen next time. In order to avoid causing unnecessary public opinion, you and she will not appear in front of the media for the time being. Let's take her upstairs for a casual stroll."

Since Maeve didn't deliberately provoke her, there was no need for Xia Shang to hold on to her, as that would make him look very lackadaisical.

After Xia Shang finished dealing with various reporters, he returned to his office, turned on his computer, entered a seven-digit password, and after passing face verification and fingerprint verification, he logged into Walter's backend, and Information about the girl was found.

The above information records Hana Lala's information in detail from birth to the present, including Hana Lala's superpowers.

"Physically enhanced, with no obvious abilities or side effects, the similarity to Maeve's abilities is as high as 90%."

After Xia Shang read through all the information, he was basically certain that Hana Lara was a smaller version of Queen Maeve. No wonder she could support rescue operations in the deep sea. It turned out to be due to her strengthened body.

If he had other superpowers, he would have been killed by an explosion or drowned in seawater.

While Xia Shang was checking the information.

Maeve unexpectedly met the people from her motherland, who were taking Ryan around to see his great achievements.

"One day, your portrait will also be hung on it, and then it will be admired by thousands of people."

The motherland man stood in front of the portrait with his hands behind his back, motivating his son Ryan.

Suddenly, he turned to look at the elevator entrance in the corridor. When he saw Lala next to Maeve, his expression changed drastically. He said coldly: "Maeve, what do you mean? You also want to disappear from the world like an invisible man." disappear?"

Regarding Flight 37, the people of the motherland have no good memories. If Madeleine hadn't warned him many times before his death, he would have killed and silenced him long ago.

"I'm atonement... She lost her memory. She lost a lot of memory under the heavy blow."

After experiencing the flight crash, Maeve's mentality gradually changed. At the same time, it also allowed her to see the true face of the people of her motherland.

"You'd better not try to lie to me." The heat of the flight had long since passed, and Maeve wouldn't bring it up again unless she was crazy.

If Ryan hadn't been taken into consideration, the people of the motherland would have stepped forward to warn Maeve.

"Aren't you a team member? Father, why did you threaten her?" Ryan asked confused.

"Because I am the captain, and when I see a team member making a mistake, I must make her realize her mistake."

The smile of the motherland seemed so hypocritical to Maeve. She didn't want to get too entangled with the motherland and was about to leave with Lala. However, Lala suddenly let go of her hand and rushed towards the motherland.

Maeve looked anxious and wanted to stop her, but when she saw Lala burst out with astonishing speed, she raised her fist and was about to hit the people of her motherland.

"Lian." The motherland man pushed Ryan out calmly.

He would not bully a little girl in front of his ex-girlfriend.

But what he didn't expect was that Ryan was pushed down by Lala. Ryan's unbearable performance made the smiling motherland lose his smile instantly. He couldn't help but snorted, "Stand up, Ryan, Let her see what you are capable of."

"She's so strong." Ryan stood up from the ground, but had no intention of fighting back.

At this time, Maeve stopped the girl in time and took her away, "Let's go."

"Ryan, you disappoint me."

After the motherland man finished speaking, he turned and left alone. His eyes contained not only anger, but also indelible loss. As the most powerful superhero in the world, he could not tolerate that his son was a waste without fighting spirit.


In the basement just a few hundred meters away from the Watt Building, Billy brought two pieces of good news to everyone.

"Mallory has helped us get the address of the human trafficker. As long as we find him, we can follow the clues and finally dig out his online. In addition, we have another task."

Billy took out his phone with a solemn tone, and then pulled up Ryan's picture.

"This is the son of the Motherland, Maverick Lane. He is probably also a superhuman. Otherwise, the Motherland would not be able to value him so much. We must either keep him away from Walter and the Motherland, or get rid of Lane directly. We cannot let him Walt has trained another freak!”

Nowadays, one person from the motherland is giving them a huge headache. If another one appears, it will be over. They might as well just raise their hands and surrender.

It was precisely because of this concern that when Billy saw Ryan appearing next to people from his homeland, he felt the desire to rob them.

He will never allow a second native of the motherland to appear!

"Hey man, are you drunk? You want us to go to Walter to rob someone, and under the eyes of the motherland?" Breastmilk said it was difficult to understand. He spread his hands and patted Frankie on the shoulder: " All I know is that this bastard is unreliable, so let’s pack up and run away.”

"Okay, let's put this aside for now and talk about it later."

In fact, Billy wanted to kidnap Ryan and then force the people of his country to reveal Bega's address.

He never forgot Bejia's eyes that were filled with pain and surprise. He believed that Bejia still loved him deeply. It was only because of the threat from her motherland that she hid and pretended to be missing.

"However, we can't leave Ryan alone. At least we must sow discord between Ryan and the people of the motherland and make father and son enemies." Billy said, and couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile on his lips.

"This is the Billy we know, calm and mean."

Breastmilk smiled.

"It's more reliable than the previous plan. I don't object, but what are we going to do?" Frankie asked while lowering his head to inspect the firearms on the table.

"It's very simple. Write the evidence of the motherland's crimes on paper, and then let Starlight find an opportunity to hand it over to Ryan. We can add a little more fuel to the fire." Thinking of seeing the Ryan father and son turning against each other, Billy couldn't suppress the smile on his face. meaning.

However, at this moment, Huey asked abruptly: "Does the people of the motherland have any evidence of crime?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole place fell silent.

What evidence do the people of the motherland have? Breast milk frowned because the crime rate in the United States plummeted because the people of the motherland cracked down on criminals? Or, under the package of Walter, he is willing to help fans and carry out some charity activities.

Or, in order to protect the safety of the masses, go overseas to destroy the hideouts of terrorist organizations?

Shet! For a while, I really didn’t know what was wrong with the people of my motherland.

It is not without reason that the people of the motherland have such huge popularity now. At least he packages it very well. Even if he is extremely evil in his heart, no one can accuse the people of the motherland without substantive evidence.

"He raped Bejia, don't forget." Seeing everyone's silence, Billy couldn't bear it anymore.

"Do you have evidence?"

Huey's words directly let Billy break through the defense. How to prove this? Do you need him to question Bejia personally? To be honest, he didn't dare because he was afraid of hearing from Bejia what he didn't want to hear. answer.

If Xia Shang was present, he would definitely pat him on the shoulder and comfort him: "Batman has been looking for you for a long time. Come back to Gotham quickly."

"Farke! Get me a piece of paper."

Billy bit open the cap of the pen with his mouth, and then wrote down the criminal evidence of his motherland one by one on the paper.

Huey and the others came to him curiously, wanting to see what he could write.

"The real culprit behind the creation of super terrorists, who manipulated Walt to inject No. 5 compound into babies, the architect of the No. 37 air crash, and the hypocritical butcher who committed many murders, personally cultivated a large number of criminals, rapists, and murderers in the New York underground. Criminals, careerists trying to control the U.S. military...the real trigger of Station 2..."

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