Chapter 126 Extreme speed! Fusion 100%!

Seeing that Billy's writing was getting more and more outrageous, Huey hurriedly stopped him and said, "Forget it, are you sure that the outbreak at the second station has something to do with the people of the motherland? He seems not to have been born yet."

"It doesn't matter." Billy put down the pen and showed a satisfied expression. While checking line by line for any errors, he explained to Huey: "It is precisely because the performance of superhumans during the second station was so amazing, so Walter Only then will we strive to create superheroes. Do you know what Walt’s goal was at that time?”

Huey shook his head.

"Cultivation of the most perfect superhuman, a superhero that belongs exclusively to Walter, is the reason why the Motherland was born. He is the original sin, a product that should never have appeared."

Billy turned his head and slapped the paper onto Huey's chest, "Remember to revise it before giving it to Starlight so that Starlight can hand over the evidence to Ryan."

"Then how much do I have to change..." Huey said helplessly.

"You can learn from the speeches of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are professionals. You just need to copy them."

Huey ignored Billy's teasing, folded the paper and stuffed it into his pocket, "Where's the second good news? Didn't you say you brought two good news? And you only said one."

"The second good news is that I have contacted the mysterious gentleman, and he is willing to help solve the first matter." Billy came to the water dispenser and poured himself a glass of water.

Although he got the address of the smuggler from Mallory, there was no guarantee that the other party did not have super terrorists. Just relying on a Kimiko was still a bit unreliable. In order to increase the success rate, Billy had to use all available resources.

"What if he leaks the secret? We will all be wiped out." Frankie was worried.

"No, I have promised the other party to let Huey be his guinea pig, and he will provide more No. 6 compound to Huey in the future."

In Billy's opinion, the possibility of Xia Shang leaking secrets is very small, almost infinitely close to zero. Billy is not stupid, but rather very smart. He knows very well that the relationship between him and Xia Shang is to use each other, unless one day, To that mysterious man, they would be kicked away if they lost their use value.

In the adult world, only interests are the most reliable.

"Wang Defa?" Huey looked confused. Billy sold him without his consent? It looks like it was sold for a good price.

"Get ready for action at night."

Billy patted Huey on the shoulder and went back to his room to rest.


at the same time.

In a villa in the suburbs of New York.

Xia Shang was leaning on the sofa, relying on the small extended tentacles to absorb the No. 5 compound in the tube. He saw several rows of No. 5 compound placed on the coffee table in Xia Shang's living room, and with the last tube of blue liquid Bottoming out, the fusion progress on the panel finally stopped at 100%.

It took nearly two months for the locomotive's superpowers to finally integrate with him.

I saw that in the next second, his figure disappeared from the sofa.

It seemed that everything around him seemed to be moving very slowly to Xia Shang. This feeling was strange, like sitting on a high-speed train, and the scenery outside the window receded at an alarming speed.

He picked up the apples on the table and threw them out. While the apples were still flying, he leisurely came to the refrigerator, opened it and took out a bottle of yogurt. Before he could open it, his figure disappeared again, and when Xia Shang appeared again When he emerged, he had caught the apple thrown earlier.

"Unfortunately, it's not fast enough."

A flash of cold light flashed, and the apple in Xia Shang's hand was cut into countless pieces, and then flowed out from his fingers like liquid.

"One thousand six hundred kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to 1.3 times the speed of sound. However, this is not my limit." Like a ghost, Xia Shang suddenly appeared in front of the high-speed detector in the basement and had already completed it. Detection, through the continuous slow playback of a high-speed camera, his afterimage can be seen clearly.

Just like Xia Shang said, this was not his limit. In an instant, a sound similar to an engine starting gradually sounded in his chest, bang bang bang! ! ! Because the sound came from Xia Shang's chest, it was particularly dull, and as red light seeped out of his body, Xia Shang's legs also began to change.

boom! After leaving two traces on the hard ground, Xia Shang's figure disappeared instantly. When he appeared again, he had already smashed the basement wall.

However, he did not stop there, but came outside. His speed was much faster than before and more difficult to control.

On the road, a smoking driver was holding his cigarette out of the window, ready to knock off the ashes. Unexpectedly, a strong wind blew by, and the cigarette in his hand was broken. "Shet, what the hell is this?" ?”

The frightened driver quickly took his hand back and glanced at the dashboard. 70 kilometers per hour. Is there anything wrong? He was already speeding, but there was someone driving faster than him. Why were he in such a hurry? Are you ready to meet Jesus?

The driver didn't see clearly what passed by just now, but he must have had something pass by him.

"What the hell." The driver threw the cigarette holder out of the window, and skillfully lit another cigarette to calm down his shock. After taking a deep breath, he subconsciously stretched his hand out the window.

"It's a bit windy today." The driver seemed to feel another gust of wind blowing by his hand. He squinted his eyes, raised his hand and put the cigarette holder into his mouth, but when he took a puff, nothing came out.

He looked down and saw a generous gift crab! Isn't this the cigarette butt he threw out just now?

After experiencing two strange incidents, the white driver was frightened. At this time, it seemed that what he held between his fingers was not a cigarette butt, but a piece of red-hot charcoal.

"Church, church, yes, church, I have to go and pray." The driver shook his hand and dropped the cigarette butt between his legs, but he didn't pay attention and kept mumbling.

On the other side, Xia Shang felt that his heart had reached its limit.

If you could see through his skin, you would find that Xia Shang's heart was like a beating piece of magma. The magma even spread to the surrounding blood vessels. If Xia Shang's skin was not strong enough, it would have become like tree bark at this time. cracked.

Return to the basement at extreme speed.

Captured by a high-speed camera, his speed was actually 1.5 times the speed of sound, which is an extremely exaggerated speed.

For example, even if someone shoots at Xia Shang, Xia Shang can clearly see the flight trajectory of the bullet, and even intercept the bullet while it is flying. One can imagine how terrifying Xia Shang's current speed is.

It's a pity that his heart's endurance is effective, and this extreme state can only last for three minutes at most.

"Huh..." Xia Shang breathed out a breath of hot air, and after a flash of afterimages, he had a bottle of ice water in his hand.

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