Then, Xia Shang threw the ice water upwards and manipulated the tentacles to completely disintegrate it. When countless water droplets fell, Xia Shang raised his hands and gently tapped each drop of water with his fingertips.

At this moment, he was like a symphony conductor, calm and elegant.

It was as if everything around him became extremely slow in his eyes, and the trajectory of every drop of water was under Xia Shang's control.

It seemed that gravity disappeared silently in front of Xia Shang...

As time passed, another pair of arms emerged from Xia Shang's back. When twenty fingers played music at the same time, the only thing that greeted the drop of water was the fate of being smashed into pieces.


As night falls, Huey has shortened the evidence of the motherland's crimes to two or three, such as secretly using compound No. 5 to create super terrorists.

Because they have evidence in their hands. Although it is only the confession of the girl in Mozhao, it is enough to explain some problems.

Of course, they cannot and cannot produce more substantial evidence. After all, the risk of this matter is not small. If the evidence is obtained by the motherland and handed over to Walter, their previous work will be in vain.

So Huey chose to mix truth and falsehood. He didn't expect Ryan to suddenly turn against the people of the motherland. This was completely unrealistic. After all, the people of the motherland were also Ryan's biological fathers.

All they have to do is plant a seed of doubt in Ryan's heart, and rely on this seed to subtly change the image of the motherland in Ryan's mind.

If they could do this, Huey and the others would be satisfied.

"Why hasn't that guy come yet?" The guy Frankie was referring to was naturally Xia Shang.

Billy looked at the time on his phone and said, "Wait another half hour and we'll set off."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a steady sound of footsteps at the top of the stairs. Then, Xia Shang, wearing a black coat, appeared in front of them. Xia Shang still said in Yuji's face: "Nine fifty-nine. ,Just right."

"Let's go." Billy picked up the pistol on the table and threw it to Xia Shang, then picked up a modified submachine gun and stuffed it into his arms.

In the car, Huey tried to talk to Xia Shang several times, but found that Xia Shang ignored him at all. He had no choice but to look out the car window.

After driving for about an hour, Billy finally stopped in a remote urban area and found a children's toy supermarket according to the address.

"Everyone, be careful." Billy waved his hand and motioned for everyone to get out of the car.

He himself took out the submachine gun in his arms and carefully led the way into the toy supermarket. Most of the toys in the supermarket were related to Walt, and they were basically co-branded toys and peripherals of some superheroes.

Xia Shang even saw the signboard of the motherland.

Maybe it was because it was late at night, but there wasn't a single customer in the supermarket, and there was no cashier. It seemed like it wasn't open for business.

As they gradually went deeper, there was a sudden strange noise from Kimiko's side.

As Xia Shang and others arrived, in the duty room, Kimiko had already twisted off the security guard's head. Seeing this scene, Frankie and Huey were stunned. Frankie couldn't believe that Kimiko would mess up. Kill innocent people.

He hurriedly walked to the body and used the muzzle of his gun to remove the clothes covering the tattoo on the security guard's chest, only to see a symbol of two snakes entwining the sun, "Shine of Light? That extremist terrorist organization."

No wonder Kimiko was so excited when she saw the other person that she even cruelly broke the other person's neck.

You know, it was this organization that killed Kimiko's parents, kidnapped her and her brother, and destroyed an originally happy family.

Then, Kimiko climbed up to a high position along the iron frame in the duty room. Her eyes quickly locked on a man wearing a peaked cap. The man looked sneaky and seemed to have just arrived in the supermarket. After the two looked at each other, The next second, Kimiko rushed out.

The man was Kimiko's brother Mouse, and he hugged Kimiko tightly in disbelief.

"So that's what my brother meant." Frankie said softly.

Xia Shang stood behind Kimiko, watching the two reminiscing about old times, while using his analytical ability. Miyazaki Kenji, the mouse, was not weak in ability, but his body was too fragile, and he did not have this flaw at all.

"Wait a minute." Huey suddenly realized that Billy didn't know about this, so he quickly found Billy who was about to shoot and said, "Don't shoot, that's Kimiko's brother."

Billy doesn't care whether the mouse is Kimiko's brother or not, he just wants to take the mouse back for business.

The plan agreed upon by Billy and Mallory was to either find clues to the smuggler's home, or to capture a super terrorist and hand him over to the CIA, because the CIA was worried that super terrorists smuggled into the United States would carry out terrorist attacks.

As long as the mouse is handed over to Mallory, Mallory promises to help Billy investigate the location where Bega is imprisoned.

Just as Billy pulled the trigger, Huey rushed out and threw him to the ground.

As a result, the anesthetic bullet fired shattered the glass next to the mouse.

Seeing the glass being shattered, the irritated mouse pushed with both hands, and an invisible wave of telekinesis instantly knocked Frankie and the others away. Boom! As they flew out, the shelves behind them collapsed together, and a large amount of goods almost buried them.

But it's not over yet.

The mouse stretched out his hands, controlled the shelves on both sides, and rushed towards Billy and the others.

boom! The overlapping steel shelves were twisted and deformed, and the goods were scattered all over the floor. Fortunately, Billy and the others reacted in time and avoided the oncoming shelves.

The extremely angry mouse still didn't give up. He raised his hands towards the ceiling. The steel frame hanging from the ceiling suddenly made an unbearable creaking sound. The steel cable connecting the steel frame to the ceiling was distorted and deformed visibly, just at the moment it was about to fall off. , a huge force kicked him away.

[Talent Skill: Telekinesis]

[Fusion conditions: Resist Miyazaki Kenji’s attack for ten seconds and extract 200 ml of the opponent’s blood]

[After fusion, the player's brain will be strengthened to generate telekinesis. Players can control telekinesis with both hands. In addition, telekinesis cannot be taken back once it is released. The more telekinesis that is controlled, the harder it is to control it. Friendly reminder , Angry emotions can speed up the generation of mind power. 】

Very amazing super power!

Apart from the fact that they can only be controlled with their arms, there are almost no flaws, and Xia Shang remembers that there are several people in black robes who also have telepathic superpowers. If they can be integrated with each other, they will definitely be close to perfection!

"Yeah!!" Kimiko on the side saw her brother stand up and stretched out her hands to Xia Shang. She couldn't speak and could only tell Xia Shang to avoid him with her eyes.

Xia Shang did not dodge, but resisted the wave of telepathy released by the mouse, approaching him step by step. His black hair fell backwards, and under the impact of telepathy, everything around Xia Shang flew away. , even as the telepathy gradually strengthened, the tiles under his feet were lifted piece by piece.

Every step Xia Shang took left a dent on the ground! The two rows of clearly visible footprints were simply shocking.

The clothes on his body were rustling.

Finally Xia Shang stopped. He stood still, but his figure was retreating! Stab! The black coat was gradually torn, and the cracks on it spread rapidly, but Xia Shang's face showed no signs of being blown. This scene stunned Billy and the others who were hiding in the scrapped shelves and peeking through the gaps.

"Hou Li Crab! What kind of monster is he!" Huey opened his mouth unconsciously, completely immersed in shock.

"Fortunately, I called him over..."

Billy said thankfully.

"Why do I feel like he is stronger than before?"

Kimiko's brother's superpowers were simply abnormal, but what Huey didn't expect was that Xia Shang was even more abnormal than the abnormal. He could actually persist with that kind of power for so long. The power he possessed was unimaginable!

Time passed by minute by minute, accompanied by the roar of the mouse! Far more violent telepathy than before, it hit Xia Shang hard and sent him flying.

Boom! Xia Shang was smashed into the concrete wall.

"Ah!!" The mouse raised his arms again, pulling down the steel frame on the ceiling. For a moment, the ground shook, and countless steel frames tilted down, instantly burying Xia Shang.

Seeing that there was no movement from Xia Shang's side, the mouse stopped attacking. He bent over, put his hands on his knees, and gasped for air. It was finally over. The guy just now was definitely the most difficult person he had ever seen. There is no other opponent that can be beaten.


The sudden outbreak of fighting made Kimiko feel uneasy. In order to protect her brother without hurting Frankie and the others, Kimiko had no choice but to hold the hand of her brother Mouse and prepare to take him out of the toy supermarket.

Unexpectedly, the mouse broke away from her hands and walked towards Billy and the others.

"Yes." Kimiko grabbed the mouse's hand again. Her face was full of guilt. She once promised her brother that she would protect him. Now that Compound No. 5 was successful on her, her brother had to do the same experiment. That kind of She still dares not think about the pain.

"Let go, I want to see if they are dead." The mouse's expression was cold.

In a daze, Kimiko saw the expression on his face that only those extremists have. The mouse's heart has been filled with hatred. He wants to kill everyone who threatens him. He wants revenge! He wants to take revenge on everyone!

"Sister, have you forgotten? The village we grew up in was destroyed by a group of Americans. Those eyes that could shoot lasers slaughtered everything without restraint. I can't forget that day! I want revenge! I want the Americans to personally Feel my pain.”

The mouse roared angrily. He threw Kimiko's hand away, and then made a tearing motion in the direction of Billy and the others.

I saw that the scrapped shelves in front of Billy, Frankie and Huey were separated from the middle and crashed to both sides under the control of the mouse!

"Oh Shet!" Billy looked quite ugly.

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