Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 128 What is oppression? This is!

To Frankie's great relief, Kimiko spread her arms and stood in front of him.

Damn it! Billy and Huey on the side had almost broken back molars.

At this moment, the sound of goods falling to the ground not far away instantly attracted everyone's attention. Under their gaze, the originally stacked steel shelves were lifted one by one by invisible forces. They seemed to be fixed on A steel wall formed in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a gap opened in the center of the steel wall.

Xia Shang's figure slowly emerged from it, and the invisible tentacles behind him pushed him out of the steel wall.

With Xia Shang's appearance, everything around him seemed to fall into extreme silence. Apart from the slightly rapid breathing of a few people, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of goods rolling down.

"Impossible! This is an illusion! It's an illusion!" Kenji Miyazaki collapsed, his voice trembling slightly.

As if in response to him, the steel wall behind Xia Shang collapsed. Since being strengthened by gluttony, his strength has reached about ten tons. Although it cannot be compared with the people of the motherland, for Miyazaki Kenji who has no body, For an ordinary enhanced superhuman, it is an astronomical figure, like a chasm, burying his hope and fighting spirit!

"End it." Xia Shang said expressionlessly.

In the next second, Miyazaki Kenji's hands were pierced by invisible tentacles. The irresistible impact pinned his entire body to the wall. Under the violent impact, he passed out directly.

Kenji Miyazaki's head hung to the side, blood seeping from the wound on his palm.

"His appearance... I seem to have seen it somewhere." Huey couldn't help but say.

"Nonsense, everyone has seen it."

Billy patted Huey on the shoulder angrily: "Go pick up my gun."

At this time, Xia Shang landed on his toes and retracted his tentacles. [The fusion of telepathy is in progress, the current progress is 2%]

"Here you go, don't forget what I told you."

"I will do it even if you don't tell me."

The conditions reached between him and Xia Shang.

It has nothing to do with Huey at all. As for selling Huey as a guinea pig, it's just Billy teasing Huey. This guy's venomous tongue is not a day or two, but what Billy didn't expect was, Huey, the silly boy, seemed to take it seriously.

"Tomorrow, I hope to see that the media across the United States are reporting on Compound 5. Don't let me down."

Xia Shang turned and walked towards the duty room. As he walked, he controlled the tentacles to chop up the surviving surveillance cameras. When he came to the duty room, Xia Shang pressed his hand on the computer. In an instant, the entire computer collapsed under his hands. Become a pile of useless debris.


The next day.

Billy asked Mallory to pick up people at sea, and he got a yacht from his "friend".

"Do you really want me to sit on this thing?" Huey looked confused.

"You can also stay here. If you are discovered by passers-by, don't cry and come to us for help."

Billy came to the cockpit neatly, and as he stepped on the accelerator, the yacht slowly left the shore.

"Damn bastard."

Huey took French's outstretched right hand and then stepped onto the deck of the yacht.

Half an hour later, Huey felt his stomach was churning, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Are you okay?" Breastmilk came to his side and asked concernedly.


Before Huey finished speaking, he felt nauseous. He hurriedly leaned on the railing and vomited against the blue sea. Only when all he vomited was acid water, he breathed the fresh air with relief.

At the same time, Billy in the cockpit had dialed Mallory's phone.

"Is the target safe? Has anyone found him?" Mallory asked on the other end of the phone.

"The yacht is currently five kilometers away from the coast. Do you think it is safe?"

Billy faced the sea and his mood became happy.

As for whether the mouse would be tortured by the CIA, he didn't care or care. If Xia Shang hadn't been too mysterious, he would have wanted to join the CIA to catch the powerful superhuman and wrap him in cement. Which corner should I throw it into?

It's a pity that he can't fall out with Xia Shang yet. Being a native of the motherland is enough trouble, and he can't stand a more mysterious guy.

"Don't forget you have the ability to screw up anything." Mallory never thought he would come true.

"Listen, I just want my wife back."

Billy reminded Mallory.

Mallory said that she had not forgotten that as long as the CIA people picked up the super terrorist, she would tell Billy the location of Bega, and the others would be able to reunite with their families.

At this time, Mallory, who was in the CIA, picked up a hero poster from the 1970s and said, "By the way, have you ever heard of a superhuman called Liberty?"

Billy had never heard of that name at all, not while they were chatting.

In the room where the mouse was kept, Kimiko was chatting with the mouse. Now the mouse's hands were tied and bandaged, and he couldn't mobilize his telekinesis at all.

Kimiko chatted through the sign language they had created. She wanted to persuade her brother to let go of her hatred. The two of them left the United States together and lived the ordinary life they had before.

Yamazaki Kenji, who was deeply brainwashed, tried to get Kimiko to help him untie the rope: "The Americans will torture me. You must let me go. I promise that I will not attack anyone or retaliate against them."

Kimiko was dumb but not stupid. She knew very well that her brother was just cheating on him. She had no choice but to shake her head and leave the room.

As soon as she left, Frankie slipped into the cabin with a can of drink and potato chips. In order to communicate with Kimiko, he asked the mouse to teach him the sign language between the two, even though Frankie's expression was extremely sincere. , but was decisively rejected by the mouse.

Compared with Billy, Frankie can be regarded as a pure love god of war.

"No way?" Frankie then left the cabin frustrated.

Unexpectedly, he forgot to take away the can with the drink.

This is your chance! The mouse immediately realized that this was a rare opportunity. As long as he wore a hole in the bandage, he could stretch out a finger. With just this finger, he could control the telekinesis to tear open the can, and then use the fragments of the can to cut the rope and bandage.

During his efforts, a police helicopter landed over the yacht.

"Is it the CIA?" Silly Huey thought that the CIA would come to pick him up.

"Shet, that's an NYPD plane!"

Breastmilk hurriedly pulled Huey to the cab, "What's going on? Why did the New York police discover us?"

Soon, the broadcast from the helicopter told him the answer.

"Please stop the yachts below immediately. The owner has reported the case to our police. You are illegally occupying other people's property!"

"Fake Squid! Billy, didn't you say you borrowed this boat from your friend?"

When faced with the question about breast milk, Billy said shamelessly: "He is my friend, but I am not sure whether I am his friend."

To be honest, breast milk wanted to reach out and strangle the bastard in front of her to death.

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